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(回答先: 01/12 23:10 英MI6が組織改革 イラク兵器情報の欠陥で 共同 投稿者 倉田佳典 日時 2005 年 1 月 14 日 21:32:29)
MI6 acts to curb rows over spying
'R' appointed to control intelligence
Richard Norton-Taylor
Wednesday January 12, 2005
The Guardian
MI6 has taken the unprecedented step of appointing a senior "quality control officer" to monitor the credibility and veracity of its secret intelligence, the Guardian can reveal.
The senior official, who will be known as "R" - standing for reporting officer - will be responsible for reviewing secret information provided by British spies and agents in the field, according to intelligence insiders.
MI6 has also appointed what they call a "non-executive director", a high-flier from the private sector with the task of trying to ensure our spies gather secret information as efficiently and effectively as possible.
The moves come in the wake of the fiasco of the government's dossier on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, and of sharp criticism in the subsequent Butler report of the way MI6 sources and intelligence were handled.
R will have equal status with MI6's four controllers, who divide regions of the world between them. He will be below only the chief of MI6, the assistant chief, and the agency's five directors.
He will be responsible for evaluating and assessing reports from MI6 officers in the field containing information obtained from foreign spies. The trouble in the past has been the failure adequately to separate those responsible for providing secret intelligence from those responsible for assessing it.
Intelligence sources say that R, whom they describe as an "independent quality control officer", will vet secret reports before they are sent round to MI6's customers - Downing Street, for example, the Treasury, or the Ministry of Defence.
The Butler committee questioned the credibility of the few agents MI6 had in Iraq, describing one of its "main sources" as "unreliable".
It disclosed how MI6 withdrew reports from its agents about Iraqi weapons, but only in July 2003, after the invasion.
Lord Butler added that the MI6 sources whose reports formed the basis of Tony Blair's claim that Iraqi forces could fire chemical or biological weapons within 45 minutes of an order to use them "must be open to serious doubt".
His report also concluded that warnings about the limitations of MI6 intelligence on Iraq were not made clear in the dossier, describing the failure as a "serious weakness".
John Scarlett, the new C - standing for Chief, as the head of MI6 is called - was at the time head of Whitehall's joint intelligence committee and accepted responsibility for the contents of the weapons dossier and the way it was drawn up.
But Lord Butler praised his abilities and said he should not withdraw from the MI6 post to which Mr Blair appointed him.
Intelligence insiders now admit MI6's Iraqi sources were "pushed beyond" the proper limits.
One official described a "collective hype" clouding judgments about Iraq's weapons programme.
They say lessons had been learned before the Butler committee drew up its report last summer.
R will be the "point of contact" Whitehall departments can complain to if information contained in MI6 reports turns out to be inaccurate, misleading, or simply wrong.
Intelligence sources place part of the blame on a lack of resources and of experienced spies. Two important MI6 directors have recently retired early to take up lucrative jobs in the City.
Other experienced intelligence officers have been asked to stay on as MI6 mounts a recruitment drive for young spies, ideally those from "different cultural backgrounds" and with a gift for languages. "We need languages like we never did before," said one insider.
Mr Scarlett, meanwhile, is said to have conducted a wide-ranging consultation exercise throughout MI6, and to be a frequent visitor to the agency's canteen. He has promised changes in the way the MI6 board of directors takes decisions and more emphasis on openness and informality between staff at the agency's headquarters at Vauxhall Cross beside the Thames in south London.
MI6 has had a reputation for a stuffy, hierarchical culture, and of arrogance.
There are signs of change, though one intelligence source said: "It will remain a secret intelligence service ultimately judged by its results not by its image."
The internal reforms imply criticism of Mr Scarlett's predecessor, Sir Richard Dearlove, now master of Pembroke College, Cambridge.
Now he is out of the way, Whitehall officials are privately criticising Sir Richard, rather than Mr Scarlett, over the failures of the Iraqi weapons dossier and the claims made in it.
MI6 has a total staff of about 2,500 and an annual budget of over £200m.