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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/12/17
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 17 December 2004
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 18.12.2004 [04:50 ]
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Friday, 17 December 2004.
Calm prevails as Americans try silly psychological warfare tricks.
In contrast to previous days, the situation in and around al-Fallujah on Friday was extremely peaceful, Mafkarat al-Islam reported in a dispatch posted at 11:55pm Friday night Mecca time.
All places in the city were calm. No firefights or aerial attacks were reported. At 11am local time Friday, the US forces released an appeal to the Resistance fighters in the southern half of al-Fallujah, broadcast via a large microphone which said: “To all the gunmen holed up in the south of the city, we advise you to give yourselves up. You will be treated well. We guarantee you will receive a just trial according to Iraqi law and with no bloodshed.”
Resistance fighters paid no attention to the American call, other than to respond with a declaration of their own, broadcast from the loudspeakers on some of the city’s mosques. The Resistance statement said: “Peace be upon whoever follows guidance. To the occupation forces, offspring of apes and pigs, we advise you to give yourselves up. We have not crossed the ocean. We have not murdered anyone, and we didn’t start this. Therefore, if you give yourselves up, your punishment will be death. And if you do not give yourselves up your punishment will also be death. You can take your appeal and stuff it in your pockets because we are not going to die the way the stooges died.”
Commenting on the American appeal, Abu As‘ad ad-Dulaymi said: “After God granted that the fighters repulse two violent attacks by the American forces ミ attacks that some military commanders said were of the strength of that launched against the capital Baghdad at the start of the war ミ and after we have broken our enemy in al-Fallujah, the American forces are now taking up this Zionist method to try to convince the fighters to surrender, after they despaired of getting them to surrender by force. This is the greatest proof that they have been broken militarily.”
In addition to issuing its silly appeal, the Americans gave the Resistance a period of three hours in which to “consider” their response to the “offer.” The Resistance response to that deadline was to fire thirty-two 60mm mortar rounds at the American troop concentrations north of al-Fallujah and northeast in the agricultural area. The Resistance also fired fifty-four 82mm and 120mm mortar rounds at US troop concentrations to the east of the city.
Also during that three-hour period, a young Syrian named Abu Musharraf as-Suri carried out a martyrdom guerrilla operation. He put on an explosive belt and headed towards the US forces raising a white rag in his hands. Three Marines met him at the restaurants in the al-Jumhuriyah neighborhood. When Abu Musharraf was two meters from the three Marines, he blew himself up, killing the Americans instantly.
Resistance seizes great quantities of US weapons after crushing Thursday’s US assault on al-Fallujah.
The official spokesman for the Iraqi Resistance in al-Fallujah, Shaykh Abu As‘ad ad-Dulaymi told Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Fallujah that the Resistance seized a very huge amount of US equipment abandoned by US forces after their attack on the city collapsed on Thursday.
Ad-Dulaymi told Mafkarat al-Islam that Resistance forces captured 181 light, medium, and heavy machineguns. Pumpaction weapons, considered among the most important in modern fighting were among the arms seized from the Americans.
The Resistance also took possession of 194 body shields, stripped from Americans killed in the fighting. Some of the body armor had been pierced through by the bullets of the Resistance fighters.
Also captured were 61 scopes, as well as compasses, spears and knives, as well as money found by the Resistance fighters in the pockets of the dead Americans.
Ad-Dulaymi said that the Resistance had seized 63 Abrams tanks and Bradely armored vehicles, as well as 50 other various vehicles, including Humvees and troop transports. The Resistance also shot down one US Black Hawk helicopter in an-Nu‘aymiyah, south of al-Fallujah.
As to the losses suffered by the Resistance, 21 Resistance fighters died as martyrs and 42 others were injured. Three Resistance rocket launchers, four 120mm mortars and one 82mm mortar were destroyed.
The al-Fallujah correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that local eyewitnesses said that one of the Resistance commanders said that Friday also was a “great day.” “Yesterday we were more concentrated,” he said, “and the number of dead Americans yesterday might be more than the number killed day before yesterday Wednesday, or if not then they were not much less.”
On an earlier occasion, Abu As‘ad ad-Dulaymi had said that 500 Americans had died in the fighting on Wednesday.
Resistance group of young war orphans attacks US forces in Abu Ghurayb.
Mafkarat al-Islam reported on the authority of eyewitnesses that a group of youths near the adh-Dhahab al-Abyad village in the area of Abu Ghurayb set fire to three fuel tankers and totally destroyed four Humvees, killing 18 US troops. When the youths left the scene of their attack, US aircraft pursued them and opened fire on them, killing 11 of the youths who ranged in age from 13 to 18 years.
Eyewitnesses said that the youngest of the fighters, Hudhayfah ad-Dulaymi, 13, was a student in middle school. He has now joined his father who was martyred two years ago.
The local people said that the youths had formed their own Resistance group to fight the occupation troops, calling themselves, The Squadrons of Orphans of Martyrs, because every one of them was the son of someone who had died fighting the occupation.
Other Resistance attacks in Abu Ghurayb Friday.
At about 9:30am Friday an Iraqi Resistance bomb attacked a US patrol in the Kharnabat area of Abu Ghurayb, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing three US troops and wounding one other.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in the al-Jannabiyin area of Abu Ghurayb at about 9:30am Friday, destroying a Humvee and disabling a Bradley armored vehicle. Four US troops were killed and two more wounded in the attack.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with RPG7 rockets attacked a US patrol on the highway in the ar-Risalah neighborhood of Abu Ghurayb at about 11:30am Friday, destroying a Humvee and a Bradley armored vehicle, and killing five US troops and wounding two more. After coming under attack, the US forces opened fire around the area indiscriminately, killing three civilians.
Resistance attacks in ar-Ridwaniyah Friday.
At 7:30am Friday an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US patrol in the al-Khattab area of ar-Ridwaniyah, destroying a Humvee and killing three US troops.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded at 2:30pm Friday under a US Humvee near the Vegetable oil plant in ar-Ridwaniyah, destroying the vehicle and killing four US troops.
Resistance bombings in ad-Durah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters detonated bombs under US forces in the Hur Rajab area at 11:30am Friday, destroying two Humvees and killing three US troops and wounding four more American soldiers.
At 11am Friday, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded and destroyed an Abrams tank in the ‘Arab Jabbur area of the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah, killing four US troops.
Iraqi Resistance attacks in at-Taji.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the Hur al-Basha area of at-Taji, north of Baghdad, killing two US troops at 12 noon Friday.
Iraqi Resistance forces detonated an anti-tank land mine under a US Abrams tank in the al-Mushahadah area of at-Taji, killing one US soldier and wounding others.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Humvee in the al-Bu Hayshimah area of at-Taji at about 1:30pm Friday, killing one US soldier and wounding others.
Heavy Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in the al-Mushahadah area of at-Taji at about 1:15pm Friday, destroying a Humvee and an Abrams tank and disabling another tank. Three US troops were killed and three others wounded in the attack.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle in at-Tarimiyah in at-Taji at 3:30pm Friday, killing four US troops.
Attack in Sadr al-Qanat.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded near the former United Nations headquarters in the Sadr al-Qanat area of Baghdad at about 11:30am Friday, destroying two military trucks and killing two Americans according to eyewitnesses.
Resistance bombing in ash-Sha‘b area.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the ash-Sha‘b area of Baghdad at about 11:30am Friday, killing two US troops and wounding a third.
Resistance ambush in al-Ghazaliyah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with RPG7 rockets attacked and destroyed a Humvee and a civilian truck belonging to the US occupation forces on the highway in al-Ghazaliyah at 2:30pm Friday, killing four US troops and wounding a fifth.
Resistance mounts deadly rocket attack in ad-Duwaylibah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with RPG7 rockets attacked and destroyed a US Bradley armored vehicle in the ad-Duwaylibah area at about 1:15pm Friday, killing 11 US troops and wounding eight more American soldiers.
Bomb attack in as-Suwayrah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the as-Suwayrah area south of Baghdad at 3:30pm Friday, destroying a Humvee and killing three US troops.
Fighting in al-Karakh district.
Clashes erupted in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district around the Sahat at-Tala’i‘ Vanguards’ Square and al-Fahhamah area at about 9:30am Friday between Resistance forces and US troops accompanied by puppet “national guards.” Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that one troop truck was destroyed and two Bradley armored vehicles were disabled in the fighting. Five US troops were killed and five more wounded. Eight puppet guards were killed and three more wounded. Resistance fighters fired RPG7 rockets and hand grenades in their fight with the invaders.
Resistance attacks on occupation patrols around Baghdad Friday.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a joint US-puppet “national guard” patrol in ar-Rashidiyah at about 9:15am Friday, destroying a US Humvee and a Nissan pickup belonging to the puppet forces. Three American troops and four puppet guards were killed and two guards were injured.
Iraqi Resistance forces ambushed a patrol on Airport Road in Baghdad’s al-‘Amil neighborhood at 2pm Friday, destroying a Humvee and killing two US troops aboard it.
At about 9pm Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces clashed with a US patrol in as-Sayyidiyah, south of Baghdad, destroying two Humvees, a Bradley armored vehicle, and a truck full of soldiers. Five US troops were killed and three more wounded in the battle in which three Resistance fighters were martyred.
Resistance attacks liquidate puppet officials, Badr Brigade collaborator gunmen.
At 10am Friday, Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles shot and killed two Badr Brigade collaborator gunmen in the Kharnabat area of Abu Ghurayb.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles shot and killed a Badr Brigade collaborator gunman on Abu Tayyarah Street in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah at about 1:30am Friday.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles assassinated a puppet government official on Hayfa Street in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district. Also killed were tow of his companions who were officers in the puppet forces. The attack took place at 8:30am Friday morning.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles shot and killed three puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards” at the ad-Darwish intersection in the as-Sayyidiyah area south of Baghdad at about 3:30pm Friday.
Resistance rockets hit Australian brigade headquarters.
The building housing a brigade of Australian aggressor troops in Baghdad came under rocket-propelled grenade attack on Friday. The Australian Broadcasting Company reported that the Australian Defence Ministry had reported that two rockets hit the building. One struck a part of the building where the Australian security brigade is located and the other fell 50 meters away, the Australian military mouthpiece claimed. The official position also is that no Australian troops were hurt or killed in the attack.
The Australian aggressor brigade is responsible for guarding Australian diplomats and officials working in occupied Iraq in service to the US imperialists.
Al-Latifiyah ミ al-Yusufiyah.
Friday attacks in al-Latifiyah.
At about 8:30am Friday, an Iraqi Resistance bomb was thrown at a US Bradley armored vehicle in al-Latifiyah, disabling the vehicle and killing one US soldier and wounding two more.
Iraqi Resistance forces in al-Latifiyah attacked and destroyed two Humvees at 2:30pm Friday.
Resistance bomb attacks in al-Yusufiyah.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under US and puppet troops in the area of al-Qasr al-Awsat in al-Yusufiyah, south of Baghdad at 2pm Friday, destroying two Bradley armored vehicles and two Nissan pickups. Eyewitnesses said that four US troops and nine puppet “national guards” were killed and three puppet guards seriously wounded in the attack.
Five Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under US forces in the Dahilah area of al-Yusufiyah at 3pm Friday, disabling a Humvee and destroying two Bradley armored vehicles and killing eight US soldiers and wounding two other American troops.
Resistance assassinates westerners in Mosul. Turkish regime claims they were embassy guards on their way from Turkey to Baghdad.
Eyewitnesses reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a car carrying at least three westerners in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul on Friday, killing them and their driver and cutting the head off of one of them.
The fighters attacked the white American sedan as it was going through western Mosul and set fire to it. A photographer for Reuters saw the bodies of the three westerners sprawled on the street near the burning car, one of them with his head cut off, according to the cameraman. The body of a fourth person, their driver, appeared to be an Arab was also sprawled on the ground near the burning hulk of the car.
Witnesses said that the fighters took one of the westerners hostage for a brief time, but when he tried to escape, he cut off his head. The westerners were reportedly all in their twenties or thirties. At the time Mafkarat al-Islam initially relayed the story, at 6:10pm Mecca time Friday, no comment had been issued by the US occupation forces and the identities of the westerners were still unknown.
Later in the evening Agence France Presse (AFP) reported the Turkish Foreign Ministry as announcing that a number of guards from the Turkish embassy in Iraq were killed in an armed attack near Mosul on Friday as they were on their way from Turkey to Baghdad. The Turkish Foreign Ministry announcement said that it had received information on the killings from the Turkish embassy in Baghdad. Although the AFP report made no mention of the number of Turkish guards supposedly killed in the armed attack, the Turkish television station CNN-T殲k said that the number of Turks killed in the attack was four.
Bombardments around Iraq on Friday.
At about 8:30am Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four 82mm mortar rounds into the US camp in at-Taji.
At about 8:30am Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired six 120mm mortar rounds into the US headquarters set up in the Military Academy in ar-Rustamiyah in Baghdad.
At about 10:30am Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.
At about 12 noon Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the US al-Bakr base in Balad, north of Baghdad.
At 1pm Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired seven 82mm mortar rounds into the US headquarters in al-A‘zamiyah in Baghdad.
At about 1:30pm Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight 82mm mortar rounds into the British base in al-Mahawil.
At 2:30pm Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four 82mm mortar rounds into the base of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards” in the ar-Risalah neighborhood of Baghdad.
At about 3pm Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone.”
At about 3pm Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the US headquarters set up in the Military Academy in ar-Rustamiyah in Baghdad.
At 3:30pm Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.