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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/12/15
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 15 December 2004
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 16.12.2004 [05:46 ]
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Wednesday, 15 December 2004.
US seeks face-saving solution to get out of al-Fallujah after crushing defeat.
US occupation forces issued strong warnings to members of their puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” and the puppet police, demanding that they get ready to enter al-Fallujah. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported eyewitnesses as saying that puppet Iraqi security forces had refused to respond to US requests, forcing them to send an emissary to Sabir al-Jannabi the former commander of the al-Fallujah local police.
Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent reported that the emissary carried with him an appeal to al-Jannabi from the US forces that he agree to take on the role of chief of the police in al-Fallujah once again.
For his part, al-Jannabi replied in a message to the US occupation forces, saying, “I will not put my hand in hands of people stained with the blood of the people of al-Fallujah.” Mafkarat al-Islam reports that this is probably the reason why US forces continue detaining Mahmud al-Fallahi, claiming him to be the chief of police in al-Fallujah, despite the fact that there are no police forces in al-Fallujah, nor any police station, and despite the fact that al-Fallahi is currently a prisoner being held in an unknown location in al-Fallujah.
Sabir al-Jannabi’s role as chief of police in al-Fallujah developed on the basis of the peace agreement concluded between al-Fallujah and the US military in April 2004. According to the terms of that accord, the Americans extracted themselves from the city by “appointing” a police force to take over the city in their stead. That police force, however, unlike those that the occupation forces imposed elsewhere in the country, was to be made up entirely of local residents of al-Fallujah. In ensuing months, the US military made it clear that they felt that the police in al-Fallujah were cooperating with the Resistance ミ as was to be expected of a force recruited locally in the defiant city. The Americans finally tore up their peace agreement with the city when in November they decided to launch their current offensive on al-Fallujah.
Spokesman for al-Fallujah Resistance discusses latest events Wednesday night.
In a dispatch posed at 11:20pm Mecca time Wednesday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Shaykh Abu As‘ad ad-Dulaymi, the official spokesman of the Resistance in al-Fallujah said that the city at 8:30pm local time Wednesday night was being shelled and was shelling the US attackers. US warplanes and mortars were bombarding the city and Resistance fighters in the city were shelling US forces.
Shaykh ad-Dulaymi said that the Resistance had greatly benefited from the hour during which the Americans had stopped fighting in order to retrieve their wounded. This occurred after the Resistance had refused to respond to the American plea for a truce. Resistance fighters used light weapons, Kalashnikov assault rifles, BKC machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades and continued to attack the US troops who broke apart and fled.
When asked about the number of US troops killed on Wednesday, Shaykh Abu As‘ad ad-Dulaymi replied by saying that at least 500 had died and that 63 Resistance fighters had fallen as martyrs. Ad-Dulaymi said that the number of US vehicles destroyed exceeded 100, including tanks and armored vehicles, and he added: “suffice it to say that after the tremendous losses today, a massive column of US tanks entered the city, and according to our military intelligence there were almost 400 tanks in that column that entered from the east.”
Regarding the course of battle in the al-Jawlan neighborhood, ad-Dulaymi replied, “I don’t know anything. We were busy with the big battle that I suspect the Americans won’t ever forget.
Massive US attack on al-Fallujah thrown back in humiliating defeat. Dust storms blind US aircraft. Puppet troops flee after 15 minutes of battle. Resistance launches attacks under cover of weather. Ninety US tanks, armored vehicles aflame.
In a new development on the al-Fallujah battlefield, US forces attempted to attack and destroy the center of the Resistance in the south of the city, but were repulsed by the Resistance fighters. Mafkarat al-Islam reported on the situation in a dispatch posted at 7:20pm Wednesday night, Mecca time.
Shaykh Abu As‘ad ad-Dulaymi, official spokesman for the city’s Resistance, said that more than 400 US tanks and 200 armored vehicles took part in the attack along with about 4,000 US troops, in addition to puppet “national guards,” in what was the biggest massing of US forces in the battle for the city so far. No attack on such a scale had been mounted either in this offensive nor in the first siege of al-Fallujah in spring 2004. Ad-Dulaymi said that the Americans apparently wanted to make today the last day of the Resistance in al-Fallujah.
US forces began to mass at 8am, local time, causing the Resistance fighters to move out of the al-‘Askari and al-Wahdah neighborhoods and into the southern part of the city where they could help defend the main center of the Resistance in the an-Nazal neighborhood.
Shaykh ad-Dulaymi said that the American attack began at 10:30am. After fifteen minutes during which the battle intensified, the puppet “national guard” fled from the battle field, and then from the whole battle zone, leaving the US forces alone to fight the Resistance.
The first sign that the Americans were beginning to falter came at about 12 noon when US occupation troops also began to flee from the battlefield, abandoning their weapons. The gradual collapse of the US lines continued until the victory of the Resistance forces at 3:15pm when the US troops began their withdrawal from the battle field towards the east and to the Nuwwab ad-Dubbat, al-Mu‘allimin, and the Jami‘ al-Aqsa areas at the northern extremities of al-Fallujah adjacent to the railroad tracks.
US forces used loudspeakers to call for a one-hour truce with the Resistance in order to remove their wounded from the no-man’s-land between the two sides. The Americans addressed the Resistance saying “If you are real fighters, then display chivalry.” The Resistance responded with hand-held microphones from a mosque, reading out a statement written by Shaykh Abu As‘ad ad-Dulaymi in which he said that God had commanded them “not to have faith in the Christians, Jews, and infidels among you.” He said, “you speak of chivalry now after you have suffered the pain and humiliation of punishment. So taste what you have been promised.” The Resistance read its statement four times although the Americans made their appeal dozens of times over.
US warplanes took part in the attacks on the city at the beginning, but then they bombed a group of US troops by mistake, due to poor visibility, and after that the aircraft were withdrawn. That took place after 1:30pm.
Shaykh ad-Dulaymi said that it was impossible at that time to give an accurate count of US losses, but that 90 clouds of thick black smoke mixed with flame were rising into the sky ミ signs of destroyed US vehicles, most of them Abrams tanks and Bradley armored vehicles. He said that the Resistance pursued the retreating Americans, and that there were indications that some Americans had been taken prisoner, considering that the retreating Americans had fled along many various routes.
Shaykh Abu As‘ad ad-Dulaymi praised the mercy of God for the fact that as the Americans gathered for battle at 8am the skies were clear, but then the winds began to pick up and intensify until by 9am there was a yellow dust storm blowing, reducing visibility to less than 10 meters. This allowed the Resistance fighters to take cover from the aircraft and tanks and to move about with ease. This was in contrast to the way that the aggressor troops responded to the dust storm, which totally paralyzed them.
The American defeat today, Wednesday, is the biggest American defeat ever at the city of al-Fallujah since the start of the US aggression against it. It is evident that the Resistance has learned the lessons of earlier attacks very well. It should be remembered, however, that today was a stormy day, a factor that worked to the great advantage of the Resistance, as prevented the Americans from using their aircraft and distracted the American troops on the ground, while facilitating surprise guerrilla attacks by Resistance fighters sowing great confusion in the ranks of the Americans.
US compiling detailed records on all al-Fallujah refugees stranded outside the city.
US forces have begun dealing with refugees from the city of al-Fallujah in the as-Saqlawiyah area in a new way, according to Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent. Eyewitnesses told the correspondent that American forces are now getting finger prints of the head of every family from al-Fallujah. In addition they are recording the structure of their eyes and are compiling a list of all the citizens of the city. A questionnaire with 13 sections is being filled out for each citizen of al-Fallujah, including information such as full name, nicknames, occupation, religion, and so forth.
Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent that one Iraqi refugee from al-Fallujah approached an American officer and spoke to him through an interpreter. He told the American, “you promised that we could return to the city on the 15th of December. Well, now the date has come and nothing has happened.” The American officer replied by saying, “I expect you will be staying here for several months more, because the fighting has begun again, and it’s fiercer than it was before.”
American forces driven out of base near al-Hadithah leaving mass grave behind.
Iraqi Resistance attacks on a US camp located west of the city of al-Hadithah escalated to the point that American forces were compelled to evacuate the base, according to Mafkarat al-Islam.
The base, which formerly was an artillery combat school is located on the outskirts of the ash-Shurtah neighborhood of the city. US forces took it over three months ago as a base. Ever since the US began its offensive against al-Fallujah, the al-Hadithah base has been a target for violent Iraqi Resistance attacks that grew so intense that the Americans finally decided to leave. Even as they were withdrawing to the al-Qaadisiyah base, 15km north of al-Hadithah, the Americans came under Resistance attack three times.
After the American departure, an Iraqi shepherd and another individual entered the base where they found a fresh mass shallow grave. The shepherd’s dog dug up one of the bodies. After the first body was uncovered, the other bodies were dug up, making a total of 82 corpses in all. Each had been buried in a black bag. Some of the bodies were those of Nepalese, according to their identity tags and the little images of Buddha that they wore on their chests. There were other bodies of Indians, three Egyptians, and two Lebanese. All the dead had been buried recently as the corpses had not yet decomposed.
The identities of the Egyptians and Lebanese were determined on the basis of papers found in their clothing. They were dressed in American uniforms, unlike the Nepalese and the Indians who appear to have been cleaning workers or cooks or something of that nature.
More than 120 Iraqi Resistance attacks daily.
According to western sources, Mafkarat al-Islam reports, more than 120 Iraqi Resistance attacks target US troops in occupied Iraq every day
Resistance ambush in Muhammad al-Qasim area.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a joint US-puppet “national guard” patrol on the highway in the Muhammad al-Qasim area near Baghdad at 8am Wednesday, destroying a US Humvee, a Nissan pickup belonging to the puppet forces, and a third vehicle. Three US troops and five puppet “national guards” were killed. Two puppet soldiers were injured.
Four US troops reported killed in al-Ishaqi.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 rockets attacked two US trucks in the al-Ishaqi area near Baghdad at 11am Wednesday, killing four US troops and wounding a fifth.
Iraqi Resistance destroys three GMC cars, disables fourth in ambush on Airport Road.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by a US command column on Airport Road between the neighborhoods of al-Jihad and al-Furat just after noon on Wednesday. Three GMC cars were destroyed and a fourth disabled. The attack killed five Americans and seriously wounded six others.
Fighting on Hayfa Street.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a joint US-puppet “national guard” patrol in the area of Hayfa Street and Sahat at-Tala’i‘ Vanguards’ Square in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district at 1pm Wednesday, killing four American soldiers and wounding seven others severely. Eleven puppet troops were killed or severely wounded. Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Resistance fighters were firing Kalashnikov assault rifles and hurling hand grenades in the attack.
Resistance attacks in ar-Ridwaniyah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters detonated a bomb under a Humvee in the al-Qatta‘ area of ar-Ridwaniyah at 11:15am Wednesday, killing four US troops.
In the same al-Qatta‘ area of ar-Ridwaniyah, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under another Humvee at about 3pm Wednesday, killing three US soldiers.
Resistance bombing in az-Za‘faraniyah.
At about 10am Wednesday, a small Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the az-Za‘faraniyah area south of Baghdad, destroying a Humvee and killing three US troops aboard it.
Resistance ambushes US supply trucks in Salman Bak.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked two civilian trucks supplying US troops in the Salman Bak area at about 9:30am Wednesday morning. The trucks were destroyed and two US troops were killed.
Resistance group video shows attack in at-Taji.
The Islamic Front for the Iraqi Resistance ミ Salah ad-Din al-Ayyubi Brigades announced via a video tape played by al-Jazeera satellite TV on Wednesday that it had detonated several high-yield bombs under US military vehicles on the main street in the city of at-Taji, north of Baghdad. The video showed a bomb blowing up a US vehicle.
The Salah ad-Din al-Ayyubi brigades also announced that it had attacked a US vehicle on a dirt road leading to the US occupation base in at-Taji.
Resistance bomb takes out US tank in al-Mushahadah, Americans kill civilian in retaliation.
A very heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under US forces in the al-Mushahadah area on Wednesday, destroying an Abrams tank and killing five US troops. American soldiers then opened fire around the area indiscriminately, killing one Iraqi passerby and wounding three others in varying degrees.
Resistance attacks US supply trucks in al-Ghazaliyah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 rockets attacked two civilian trucks on the highway in al-Ghazaliyah at 2pm Wednesday, killing two US occupation soldiers.
Resistance attacks on US forces around Baghdad Wednesday afternoon.
At about 3:30pm Wednesday, Iraqi Resistance fighters blew up two Humvees killing two US troops in the al-Krahul area near Baghdad.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded and shredded a US Humvee in the al-Buhishshah area at about 3:30pm Wednesday afternoon, killing one US soldier and wounding two others.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked US troops on a dirt road in the al-Makaskib area at 5:30pm Wednesday evening. Witnesses told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that four American soldiers were killed in the attack.
Badr Brigade collaborators killed in Baghdad area attacks.
Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that Iraqi Resistance forces killed nine Badr Brigade collaborator gunmen in two separate attacks in Abu Ghurayb on Wednesday.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing Kalashnikov assault rifles killed two Badr Brigade collaborator gunmen in the al-Jihad neighborhood of Baghdad Wednesday afternoon.
Resistance assassinates puppet official in Baghdad.
A Baghdad correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that eyewitnesses had described how the Iraqi Resistance attacked the motorcade of a puppet official in the occupation regime. The Resistance fighters opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles on the motorcade as it drove through the al-Karradat Maryam district of Baghdad at about 1:30pm Wendesday afternoon, killing the official and two people accompanying him.
Resistance kills 15 puppet policemen in attack in al-Mahmudiyah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing Kalashnikov assault rifles and hurling hand grenades attacked a column of Iraqi puppet police in al-Mahmudiyah, south of Baghdad at about 10:15am Wednesday, killing 15 puppet policemen and wounding nine others.
Puppet “interior ministry” official abducted.
Iraqi Resistance fighters stormed the home of an official in the puppet so-called “Iraqi interior ministry and abducted him. A source in the puppet police reported that Brigadier General Fadil Sukran, the director of an agency in the puppet so-called “ministry” was abducted at 8am Baghdad time Wednesday. The source told Agence France Presse (AFP) that men dressed as “national guards” came to Sukran’s house in at-Taji, 15km north of Baghdad and kidnapped him.
Three US troops killed in Bomb attack in ad-Durah.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the Hur al-Basha area of the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah Wednesday afternoon, destroying a Humvee and killing three US troops aboard it.
Resistance bomb attack in ad-Durah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the al-Bu ‘Ithah area of the south Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah at about 1:30pm Wednesday, destroying a Humvee and killing two US soldiers and wounding a third.
Three puppet police die in Resistance attack in ad-Durah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles on puppet policemen in the south Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah at about 2:30pm on Wednesday, killing three puppet police.
US aircraft downed over ad-Durah.
Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that at about 4:30pm Wednesday afternoon, Iraqi Resistance fighters shot down a US aircraft in the Hur Rajab area of ad-Durah on the southern outskirts of Baghdad.
Attacks on puppet troops.
At about 8:30am Wednesday Iraqi Resistance fighters opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles on two officers in the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” in Salman Bakk south of Baghdad. The two officers were killed in the attack as were three of their aides.
At about 2:30pm Wednesday, Iraqi Resistance forces opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles, killing a major in the puppet “national guards” in al-Ghazaliyah south of Baghdad.
At about 4pm Wednesday, Iraqi Resistance forces opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles, killing three puppet “national guards” in the al-Mushahadah area north of at-Taji.
Al-Latifiyah ミ al-Yusufiyah ミ al-Iskandariyah.
Wednesday Resistance attacks in al-Latifiyah.
At about 8:30am Wednesday, a heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under an Abrams tank in al-Latifiyah, destroying the vehicle and killing two US troops and wounding two other American soldiers.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a Bradley armored vehicle in al-Latifiyah at 2:30pm Wednesday, killing three US soldiers and wounding a fourth.
Several Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in al-Jannabiyin, west of al-Latifiyah, at about 3:30pm Wednesday, destroying an armored personnel carrier (APC) and killing six US troops who were aboard it.
Resistance shoots down Apache helicopter.
Iraqi Resistance fighters on Wednesday fired a C5K rocket at a US Apache helicopter over al-Latifiyah causing it to burst into flames, killing all aboard, according to Mafkarat al-Islam.
Deadly bomb attack on US Marines in al-Iskandariyah.
At 11:15am Wednesday, Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in the al-Iskandariyah area, destroying two Humvees and killing six US Marines.
Puppet soldiers killed in ambush.
At 5pm Wednesday evening, Iraqi Resistance fighters opened fire with BKC machine guns, killing three puppet “national guards in the al-Qasr al-Awsat area in al-Yusufiyah.
Ba ‘qubah.
Video shows Resistance attack on US base in al-Miqdadiyah.
The 1920 Revolution Brigades, the armed wing of the Iraqi Islamic Patriotic Resistance has claimed responsibility for a Katyusha rocket attack on the joint US-puppet “national guard” base in al-Miqdadiyah, north of Ba‘qubah. The announcement came in a video of the attack broadcast by al-Jazeera satellite TV. The film shows two Resistance fighters preparing the launcher and indicates the time of the attack. The video also depicts the US reaction to the attack, as American forces strike the area with numerous mortar shells.
Attacks on puppet troops in al-Khalis.
Iraqi Resistance fighters opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles on puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards” in al-Khalis, north of Ba ‘qubah, at about 8am Wednesday morning. Three high-ranking officers in the puppet force were killed.
At about 10:30am Wednesday, Iraqi Resistance fighters opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles, killing Major Salman Muhammad al-‘Iraqi of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard.”
Deadly Resistance bomb attack destroys Humvee, Bradley on Tikrit bridge.
At 10:30am Wednesday, a heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb destroyed a US Humvee and a Bradley armored vehicle on one of the bridges in Tikrit, killing five US soldiers and wounding two other American troops.
Female engineer abducted.
In a dispatch posted at 1:40am Thursday morning Mecca time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a woman engineer was abducted in Tikrit at about 3pm on Wednesday by armed men. The circumstances of the incident were not clear.
Resistance destroys US patrol boat.
In a dispatch posted at 11:50pm Wednesday night, Mecca time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that three Iraqi Resistance fighters ambushed a US patrol boat from the main Mosul bridge as the boat passed near it at about 5 o’clock. The Resistance fighters destroyed the boat and killed its eight-man American crew.
Three spies liquidated near Mosul.
Iraqi Resistance fighters killed three lackeys of the US occupation in an agricultural area south of Mosul on Wednesday, eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam. The three had been taking information about the Iraqi Resistance to the US occupation troops.
Southern Iraq.
Commander of collaborationist Badr Brigades in al-Kut assassinated.
At 10am Wednesday ‘Abd al-Amir Hamzah, the commander of the collaborationist Badr Brigades in the southern Iraqi city of al-Kut was assassinated along with 12 of his aides as they headed towards Baghdad.
Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that a detachment of Iraqi Resistance fighters ambushed ‘Abd al-Amir Hamzah and his motorcade at about 10am, destroying three cars, including the Land Cruiser in which Hamzah was riding.
‘Abd al-Amir Hamzah made a name for himself when he delivered a sermon in a Shi‘i mosque in al-Kut in which he tried to stir up a Shi‘i sectarian religious war against the Sunnis by demanding: “we have to make war on the Bakr-ists, the ‘Umar-ists, the ‘Uthman-ists, and the Umayyads,” referring to the names of the early leaders of Sunni Islam more than 1300 years ago.
Three Polish soldiers killed in helicopter crash near Karbala’.
The Polish military admitted on Wednesday that three Polish aggressor soldiers were killed when their helicopter crashed in Iraq. A Polish spokesman said that the aircraft crashed due to a malfunction in its engine and that it went down about 8km from Karbala’. He said that four other Polish soldiers were wounded in the crash.
Bombardments around Iraq on Wednesday.
At 9am Wednesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Grad rockets into the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad ミ known to the invaders as “the green zone.”
At about 9am Wednesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Grad rockets into the US al-Bakr base.
At about 9:30am Wednesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired six 82mm mortar rounds into the US headquarters in at-Taji, north of Baghdad.
At about 9:30am Wednesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.
At about 10:30am Wednesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five Katyusha rockets into the US base in Tikrit.
At about 11:30am Wednesday, Iraqi Resistance forces used a C5K to strike the US al-Bakr base.
At about 12:30pm Wednesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight 120mm mortar rounds into the US al-Bakr base.
At about 2pam Wednesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired 82mm mortar rounds into the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad ミ known to the invaders as “the green zone.”
At about 3:15pm Wednesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.
At about 3pm Iraqi Wednesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Katyusha rockets into the US base in Tikrit.
At about 4pm Wednesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired seven 82mm mortar rounds into the US headquarters in al-A‘zamiyah in Baghdad.
At 4:15pm Wednesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four mortar rounds into a US camp in al-‘Amiriyah in Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight mortar rounds into the British base in al-Mahawil on Wednesday.