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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/12/13
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 13 December 2004 and Tuesday, 14 December 2004. Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Monday, 13 December 2004.
Al-Fallujah ミar-Ramadi ミ al-Khalidiyah.
Fighting for the third straight day in al-Fallujah.
For the third straight day, Iraqi Resistance forces battled US occupation troops in al-Fallujah in fierce fighting on Monday. The latest round of battles began on Sunday afternoon (12 December 2004), and lasted until after dawn on Monday. Resistance sources say that the Americans have begun to falter under the repeated blows of the Resistance attacks from various sides. American troops fell back outside the city in order to let US aircraft in to pound the city’s defenders. According to QudsPress, the Resistance in the city reported that 20 US troops were killed in the continuing fighting. Mafkarat al-Islam’s networks of reporters suggested that city-wide the American death toll was higher.
Fighting was concentrated in the al-‘Askari and al-Jawlan neighborhoods and in the industrial zone of al-Fallujah ミ areas that the US lost control of and then pounded with fierce bombing. American aircraft dropped napalm and massive container bombs, each one of which releases hundreds of anti-personnel cluster bombs.
US F-16s and F-18s bombed the al-Wahdah neighborhood in central al-Fallujah, demonstrating at least that the Resistance was telling the truth when it claimed to have driven the Americans out of that part of the city.
Fighting raged in the old city of al-Fallujah ミ located between the old and the new bridges in the western part of al-Fallujah. The Resistance began to gain the upper hand there around 12:30pm Monday after continuous fighting since Sunday night. Mafkarat al-Islam reported 35 Americans dead in combat there and 13 Iraqi Resistance fighters martyred. The website reported that fraternal Arab fighters were leading the combat in that area, using light, medium and heavy weapons, including Dimitrov anti-aircraft guns. The source described the fighting there as “decisive.”
Battle erupted in the al-Jumhuriyah neighborhood of Baghdad at about 8am Monday and raged until about 9:45am.
Fighting broke out in the al-Jawlan neighborhood, but was described as light. Battle was also reported going on at the edges of the industrial zone to the east.
Resistance sources told QudsPress that the US aggressors who had been in the village of al-Azraqiyah to the west of al-Fallujah, had evacuated the village, falling back to behind the railroad tracks, under intense Iraqi Resistance fire.
Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US forces began falling back from positions in the al-Wahdah neighborhood at around 10am Monday, with Resistance forces gaining the upper hand over the Americans by 12:30pm.
The Resistance is determined to wipe out American troops, and fresh US forces were reportedly being brought in from their base in al-Habbaniyah. A long US column of military vehicles, including 56 Abrams tanks of the US Marine type (different from the ordinary Army type) was observed heading towards al-Fallujah, along with Bradley armored vehicles. Fourteen US vehicles arrived in less than half an hour at one point ミ specifically, nine Abrams, and five Humvees.
Nevertheless, the situation looks grim for the Americans, and Resistance fighters shot down one Apache helicopter over the al-Wahdah neighborhood, forcing the US to pull all its helicopters out of the action.
Resistance forces pulled back from the al-‘Askari neighborhood into the adjacent industrial zone, Mafkarat al-Islam reported. The website quoted Resistance commander Abu Nada as saying, “our strategy is based on sending a message to the occupation troops, saying ‘when we want to, we will attack and kill you, and when we want to we will withdraw from the places into which we had moved.’ This is the way to destroy the occupation troops morale, to cause them to lose faith in themselves. Trying to hold on to one spot regardless of circumstances, on the other hand, might encourage the American army to try to storm and take it.”
Resistance forces were able to seize an American tank all in one piece and fully functional after the American troops who had been manning it fled. Resistance fighters then used the tank in the course of continuing combat. Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Resistance used the tank to open fire on American forces and believe that they must have killed 35 of them.
Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Resistance fighters were able to feign withdrawal from one area in the al-‘Askari neighborhood, luring American troops into a building that they had previously wired to explode. The American forces fell into the trap, which was created for them on the main street in the popular area.
Pursuing the “retreating” Resistance fighters, the US troops began searching homes for fighters and weapons caches. Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Resistance left a small quantity of arms in one house to attract them, planting half a ton of explosives in the building as well. When about 40 Americans gathered in the building to admire what they had found, the Resistance fighters detonated the explosives, bringing the roof of the structure down on the soldiers’ heads. Fire blazed from all sides of the building. Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an American general was among the dead.
Many of the 20 American troops that QudsPress reported killed in the latest round of combat in al-Fallujah perished in the area known as an-Nazizah where fighting broke out with the first hours of the day and continued for the rest of Monday.
There are reports, according to Qudspress, that about 15 US troops were killed when Resistance fighters rigged themselves with explosives, which they detonated after walking in among the American troops.
An American aircraft also reportedly dropped poisoned gas on the al-Jawlan neighborhood of al-Fallujah on Saturday-Sunday night in an apparent attempt to retake the area. Large numbers of Iraqi fighters’ bodies were then observed strewn around on the ground, dead but with no visible wounds.
According to QudsPress, substantial numbers of Iraqi Resistance fighters are also reported to have flooded into al-Fallujah to join the fight against the American invaders. They have taken advantage of a route newly opened by the Resistance that links the city with ar-Ramadi. Mafkarat al-Islam reported that fighters from the cities of Tikrit and Mosul have moved into the city to take part in the great war of attrition against the Americans there.
Resistance forces are reportedly attempting to encircle the US rear as they are engaged in attacking the city.
Car bomb in al-Fallujah, kills more than 10 US troops.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by a US military column near al-Fallujah Monday, killing more than 10 US troops, according to eyewitnesses who said that the car exploded by US vehicles on the main street leading to the an-Nu‘aymiyah area.
A local observer told QudsPress that the car exploded when it ran into a US Rio troop transport vehicle that was totally destroyed in the blast. American occupation soldiers then surrounded the scene of the attack, as flames leapt from the stricken vehicle. US helicopters showed up to evacuate the dead and wounded as American soldiers fired indiscriminately into crowds of local civilians.
Al-Fallujah has recently seen an upsurge in Resistance activity.
Resistance uleashes rocket barrage on US troops occupying mosque in al-Fallujah.
Iraqi Resistance forces mounted a fierce bombardment of US troop concentrations near the al-Hadrah al-Muhammadiyah Mosque at the northern edge of al-Fallujah on Monday. US troops occupied the mosque and used it as a headquarters for operations inside the city.
Sources told QudsPress that more than seven high-explosive Grad rockets struck the area. American bulldozers were called in and remained in the area of the strike for several hours, digging up rubble and extracting more than 20 bodies and dozens of injured US soldiers.
Resistance fighters attacked the mosque ミ the largest in al-Fallujah ミ after learning of US outrages there after the US capture of the facility on 11 December. American troops, who proclaimed the Iraqi Resistance to be “satanic” set up rooms in the mosque for sexual activities. Pages of the Qur’an were found strewn on the ground soiled by American troops’ desecration in a base manner. Bottles of alcohol were spilled and strewn about the area.
Fighting resumed in al-Fallujah after a period of relative calm. Resistance fighters launched ferocious attacks on American troops after which US aircraft fiercely bombed many neighborhoods of the city, in what resembled the heavy bombings that accompanied US attacks on the city two weeks ago.
US admits: Eight American aggressor troops killed in al-Anbar Province.
The US occupation command in Iraq admitted on Monday that eight US troops had been killed in the western province of al-Anbar. As usual, the invaders concealed all details concerning the time and place of these combat deaths. Al-Anbar Province is where the defiant cities of al-Fallujah and ar-Ramadi are located, as well as many other centers of Resistance to US aggression.
Iraqi Resistance forces ambushed a US force in al-Khalidiyah, west of al-Fallujah on Monday, killing five US troops according to eyewitnesses quoted by QudsPress.
American troops on Monday encircled and besieged the western districts of the city of ar-Ramadi, and then launched a campaign in which they stormed and ransacked houses of local residents.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded in the city of Hadithah, west of al-Anbar on Monday, wounding several US troops.
Iraqi Resistance forces blew up and totally destroyed the water transport complex that served the US base called ‘Ayn al-Asad in al-Hadithah.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded at a joint US-puppet “national guard” check point near the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace in Baghdad ミ known to the invaders as “the green zone.” Seven persons were killed and nine others wounded. All were waiting for access to their jobs as collaborators serving the US invader troops.
Four explosions shook the area of Saddam International Airport where the American invaders have one of their largest bases.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US military patrol in Abu Ghurayb, wounding several of the American troops.
An Iraqi Resistance mortar shell crashed into the al-Mansur Hotel in downtown Baghdad.
A mortar shell landed in a neighborhood in Baghdad’s al-Karradah district, causing material damage. No casualties were reported.
Al-Latifiyah ミ al-Yusufiyah ミ al-Iskandariyah.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” patrol in al-Iskandariyah, south of Baghdad, killing one puppet guard and wounding two other stooges.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US patrol in al-Latifiyah, south of Baghdad, wounding several of the Americans.
Iraqi Resistance forces blew up an oil pipeline near Bayji on Monday, setting the line ablaze. The Resistance regularly targets Iraq’s oil export infrastructure to prevent the occupation from stealing the country’s oil resources and selling them for their own profit.
Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded a school that has been designated as an “election center” for the farcical “election” theatrics to be staged by the US occupation and its stooge regime at the end of January 2005. No casualties resulted from the attack. The Iraqi Resistance has warned the public to stay strictly away from all facilities and organizations associated with the election farce, because all such places and groups are targets, inasmuch as their role is to help the occupation take on a cover of fake “legitimacy.”
Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked and killed an Iraqi collaborator serving the US military occupation forces as a translator. QudsPress reported that civilians were wounded in the engagement.
The Iraqi Resistance mounted a rocket attack on the British imperialist consulate in al-Basrah. The British made no report of casualties as a result.