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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/12/12
Sunday, 12 December 2004.
Al-Fallujah ミ ar-Ramadi.
Violent fighting raged in al-Fallujah for the third straight day between Iraqi Resistance fighters and US aggressor troops in and around al-Fallujah.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded next to a US troop transport truck in the an-Nu‘aymiyah area south of al-Fallujah on Sunday, destroying the truck and killing several of the soldiers.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired a barrage of rockets into the US military base located west of ar-Ramadi.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a bus carrying puppet “national guards” in the city of Hit, west of ar-Ramadi, leaving 10 of them dead and two others wounded.
The US military admitted that a Marine who had been wounded on Saturday died of his wounds on Sunday. The US military, as usual, refused to provide any further details on the circumstances of the American’s death other than to say that he was wounded in combat in al-Anbar Province ミ where al-Fallujah and ar-Ramadi are located.
Hit ミ Hadithah.
Seven bodies of Africans working for the US occupation troops were found near the city of Hit.
US occupation troops have been distributing pathetic leaflets in the city of Haditha, west of ar-Ramadi, asking local residents to turn in Iraqi Resistance fighters to the invader forces.
Iraqi Resistance fighters bombarded the US camp near al-Qa’im on the Syrian border with mortar shells.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded with a violent blast under a US column in the area of Abu Ghurayb west of Baghdad.
Fierce fighting broke out Sunday morning on Hayfa Street in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district. The battles lasted for about two hours. Three loud explosions shook the area. Eyewitnesses reported that five US special forces troops were killed in the battle, which continued intermittently for a long time. US helicopters took part in the fighting and damage was inflicted on many buildings in the neighborhood.
Iraqi Resistance fighters assassinated two high-ranking officers in the in the puppet intelligence service in central Baghdad, the puppet so-called “Iraqi ministry of the interior” admitted. The collaborator officers were killed when Resistance fighters opened fire on their cars.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a convoy of supplies and equipment headed to the US occupation troops in as-Suwayrah, south of Baghdad on Sunday, destroying one of the supply trucks.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US patrol in al-Latifiyah, south of Baghdad, destroying one Humvee.
The body of an Iraqi puppet policeman was found outside his house in the city of Ba‘qubah after he had been kidnapped and liquidated by the Iraqi Resistance.
The puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” arrested five Iraqis in the town of Habhab near Ba‘qubah on charges that they were involved with armed Resistance activity against the US occupation forces and their Iraqi stooges.
US forces announced that they had arrested 50 Iraqis in the city of Bahraz on charges of being involved in Iraqi Resistance activities.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, followed by fierce fighting between the Resistance and US invaders. The American command claimed that eight of their aggressor troops were wounded in the fighting.
US military sources admitted that an American airplane dropped a half-ton bomb on targets in the city of Mosul. As usual, the American spokesmen claimed that the bomb that struck the third-largest city in Iraq was targeted on Resistance fighters.