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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/12/07
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 7 December 2004
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 08.12.2004 [06:40 ]
ranslated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Tuesday, 7 December 2004.
Resistance carries out 31 attacks in al-Fallujah on Tuesday and shoots down US helicopter loaded with troops.
In a dispatch posted at 11:05pm Mecca time Tuesday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported from al-Fallujah that on Tuesday the Iraqi Resistance carried out more than 15 guerrilla operations targeting US forces as they carried out raids and searches in the neighborhoods of al-Jaghifi, al-Mu‘allimin, ash-Shurtah, and al-Jawlan.
The biggest Resistance attack took place when the Resistance observed a US force trying to get to the old al-Fallujah bridge west of the city on the old al-Fallujah road. Resistance fighters from outside the city concentrated their forces in that area and fired a powerful Tariq rocket at the Americans, scoring a direct hit that sent thick black smoke billowing into the sky from 1pm until 2:30pm Tuesday afternoon. The operation is a testimony to the close coordination between the Resistance inside and outside al-Fallujah.
At 1pm Tuesday the Resistance fired more than 30 rockets at one time on concentrations of US forces in the residential area as-Sakaniyah, the train station, and the area opposite al-‘Askari neighborhood where the US had an old eastern command post.
Iraqi Resistance forces killed 31 members of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” when three Nissan pickups belonging to the puppet guards penetrated close to the al-Hadrah al-Muhammadiyah area on Forty Street. The collaborators were first captured and then executed by the sword as traitors. This operation demonstrated the ability of the Resistance to get in anywhere it wants in an area where the US forces supposedly are in total control inside al-Fallujah.
At dawn on Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance fire brought down a large US Chinook helicopter loaded with soldiers south of the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood.
Resistance attack, US sweeps in al-Fallujah.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on the main street in the al-Fallahiyah area, 5km west of al-Fallujah on the road to ar-Ramadi. The blast destroyed a Humvee and killed four US Marines.
US occupation troops carried out a wave of raids and inspections in the al-Bu Shajan area of as-Saqlawiyah by the wooden bridge. The invader troops found seven bags containing weapons, which they destroyed at about 7:30am local time.
From about 12:30am Tuesday morning until about 8am, US patrols were active in al-Fallujah, under the cover of US aircraft.
Resistance allows Iraqi companies brought in by Americans to clean streets and repair electric power in al-Fallujah.
US forces have brought in Iraqi companies to clean up the streets of the city from the mess left by the American offensive against the city. The US invaders have also allowed the Iraqi electric company back into the city to repair and restore electric power lines.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters have not obstructed these companies that have come into the city, because they desire to have the city better prepared to receive the returning families who were driven out of it by the American assault.
There are reports that the Americans intend to open the residential road west of al-Fallujah that links the city with the village of al-Azraqiyah to civilian traffic starting from the middle of December. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Azraqiyah reported that the US forces have divided the residential road into two lanes, one for pedestrians, the other for vehicles. These efforts reflect the desire of the US forces to end the battle in and around al-Fallujah that they have in fact lost. After weeks of US attacks the Resistance remains strong and in control of two-thirds of the city, while the US hold on the third where they do have a presence is tenuous.
Iraqi Resistance unleashes barrage of 25 mortar shells on market where puppet guards sell goods plundered from the people of al-Fallujah.
As has been reported earlier in the Iraqi Resistance Report, puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards” who joined US troops in attacking the people of al-Fallujah had opened a market in the “an-Nasr wa-s-salam” (al-Haswah) neighborhood in Baghdad to sell the truckloads of stolen goods they had plundered from the city’s residents. As the Resistance Report noted, furniture, cooking utensils, electric appliances, and all sorts of household goods have gone on sale as the thieves in uniforms supplied by the USA seek to profit from their treachery.
But on Tuesday the Iraqi Resistance reminded the criminals of the fate that awaits them when they fired a barrage of twenty-five 82mm and 120mm mortar rounds into the market.
In general Iraqis wonder at what role the so-called “national guard” are supposed to play, since their specialization seems to be killing and robbing civilians. Indeed Mafkarat al-Islam reports that southern Iraq is full of puppet “national guards” who function as highway robbers. No truck coming from Kuwait or al-Basrah can get into the rest of Iraq unless it pays “protection money” to the “national guards” who man the numerous checkpoints along the highways.
Resistance attacks south of Baghdad on Tuesday.
Iraqi Resistance forces detonated a bomb in the path of a US Abrams tank at 2:30pm Tuesday in Salman Bak, south of Baghdad, disabling the tank and wounding one US soldier.
In the ‘Arab Jabbur area of Baghdad’s southern suburb of ad-Durah, Iraqi Resistance forces detonated a bomb in the path of a US Humvee at 3:45pm Tuesday, inflicting serious damage on the vehicle and killing two US troops and wounding three other American soldiers.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Bradley armored vehicle in as-Sayyidiyah, south of Baghdad at 10:55am Tuesday. The blast disabled the vehicle and killed two US troops aboard it.
Resistance attacks in al-Mushahadah.
An Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter in the al-Mushahadah area shot down an unmanned US aircraft at 2:15pm Tuesday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired C5K rockets at a US Humvee in al-Mushahada, killing four US troops
Attacks in Abu Ghurayb.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked and destroyed a US truck on the highway in Abu Ghurayb where it passes the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood. The driver of the truck was killed.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked and destroyed a Humvee and disabled a Bradley armored vehicle on the old road in Abu Ghurayb Tuesday, killing four US troops and wounding two others.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked and destroyed a GMC command car and a Humvee by the US prison camp in Abu Ghurayb on Tuesday, killing six Americans, including two American intelligence officers. A seventh US soldier was also wounded.
Resistance attacks on collaborators.
At 7am Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces killed a collaborator with a sword in the al-Qita‘ area of ar-Ridwaniyah.
At 8:30am Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles, killing a collaborator in al-Ghazaliyah.
In the Third District of the al-‘Amil neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraqi Resistance fighters killed a Badr Brigade collaborator gunman of Egyptian citizenship. He had joined the pro-American group over a year ago, but was cut down at about 10:30am Tuesday by Kalashnikov automatic weapons fire.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing Kalashnikov assault rifles shot and killed three collaborators as they came out of the US as-Suqur base at 10:30am Tuesday.
Iraqi Resistance fighters in az-Za‘faraniyah killed two collaborators and three puppet “national guards” at 3:15pm Tuesday.
On Sahat at-Tala’i‘ in al-Karakh Iraqi Resistance forces destroyed a Nissan pickup belonging to puppet “national guards,” killing four of them and wounding three others.
Airport Road attack.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked and destroyed a GMC car on Airport Road in al-Furat neighborhood, killing two US intelligence officers.
Attack in al-Mushahadah.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked a US patrol in the al-Mushahadah area north of Baghdad at 10:15am Tuesday, destroying a GMC and disabling a Humvee, and killing six US troops.
Attacks in Baghdad area.
At 10:30am Tuesday Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked a US military truck on the highway in the Sadr al-Qanat area, killing one American soldier and wounding another.
Iraqi Resistnace fighters disabled a Humvee after opening fire on it with BKC machine guns on Airport Road in the an-Naft neighborhood at 3pm Tuesday, killing two US troops.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on Sahat at-Tala’i‘ Vanguards’ Square in Baghdad’s al-Karakh District at about 10am Tuesday, destroying a Humvee and killing three US troops aboard.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the ad-Duwaylibah area at about 2pm Tuesday, destroying a Humvee and killing four US Marines.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in as-Suwayrah at about 11:30am Tuesday, destroying a Humvee and killing two US troops and wounding two more.
Al-Latifiyah ミ al-Iskandariyah.
Bombing and ambushes in al-Latifiyah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in al-Latifiyah at about 12:15pm Tuesday, disabling a Bradley armored vehicle and killing two US troops.
At about 1:30pm Tuesday, a heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a Bradley armored vehicle in the al-Jannabiyin area and then Resistance fighters attacked with RPG7 rockets, destroying the Bradley and killing four US troops who were aboard it.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the al-Karaghul area west of al-Latifiyah at about 1:30pm Tuesday, disabling an Abrams tank and killing four US troops aboard it.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Humvee in al-Latifiyah at 8:30am Tuesday, destroying the Humvee and killing three US troops.
At 1pm Tuesday, in al-Qatta‘ district of al-Latifiyah, a heavy Resistance bomb destroyed a Humvee killing three US troops.
Late afternoon attack in al-Iskandariyah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded at about 4:30pm Tuesday, disabling a Bradley armored vehicle and killing one US soldier in al-Iskandariyah.
Western Iraq.
Resistnace battles US forces in Hadithah.
US forces attempted to arrest Iraqi Resistance fighters in the al-Mushahadah area of western Iraqi city of Hadithah on Tuesday but came under an Iraqi Resistance attack that destroyed five US Humvees, and left 18 US Marines dead ミ some of them inside the vehicles and some who were on foot beside them.
In a dispatch posted at 11:30pm Mecca time Tuesday night, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that intermittent fighting was still underway in the area.
Resistance attack targets US center in Hit.
Iraqi Resistance forces opened fire with C5K and SPG9 rockets at US forces behind the railroad tracks near the Hit area in western Iraq where US troops regularly park a large number of vehicles in tortuous, hilly area.
Tikrit attack.
In northern Tikrit Resistance fighters destroyed a Humvee and two US troops were killed and three others wounded at 9:30am Tuesday.
Resistance bombardments on Tuesday.
At 6:30am Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Katyusha rockets into the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad, known to the invaders as “the green zone.”
At 7am Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired seventeen 82mm mortar rounds into US base in the former headquarters of the Iraqi Intelligence Service in Baghdad’s al-A‘zamiyah district.
At about 9am Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired seven Katyusha rockets into the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad, known to the invaders as “the green zone.”
At about 10am Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired eleven 120mm mortar rounds into the US camp in Saddam International Airport.
At about 11:30am Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 120mm mortar rounds into the joint US-puppet “national guard” base in at-Taji north of Baghdad.
At 12 noon Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired nine 82mm mortar rounds into the British base in al-Mahawil, north of al-Hillah in southern Iraq.
At 12:30pm Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired Grad rockets into the southern US camp in the city of Tikrit.
At 1pm Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.
At 3:30pmTuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired six mortar rounds into the US camp in Saddam International Airport.
At about 4pm Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Grad rockets into the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad, known to the invaders as “the green zone.”
At 6:30pmTuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the US camp in Saddam International Airport.
At 6:30pm Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.
At 10pm Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five Grad rockets into the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad, known to the invaders as “the green zone.”