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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/12/06
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 6 December 2004
By: on: 07.12.2004 [08:05 ]
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
US orders Iraqi Red Crescent out of al-Fallujah.
US forces ordered the Iraqi Red Crescent of the city of al-Fallujah, and giving the humanitarian organization a deadline to quit the city by the end of Monday. The Red Crescent.
The Red Crescent had been set up in the ash-Shurtah neighborhood, but American forces had for some time been making it impossible for the organization to do its work. US troops put Red Crescent team members under virtual arrest, requiring them to get permission from the US military authorities even to clean out their quarters and throw out their trash ミ something that involved the making of three cell phone calls to obtain the necessary permission. If they failed to get permission for even such mundane operations, US snipers would shoot them dead as soon as they stepped out of their temporary residences.
Two water purification units came into al-Fallujah on Monday after the US military gave permission to the puppet so-called “Iraqi water ministry” to bring the two units into the eastern part of the city.
Moderate fighting in parts of al-Fallujah on Monday.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Fallujah reported on Monday night that moderate fighting broke out near the neighborhoods of ash-Shuhada’ and al-Jubayl in the south of the city. US aircraft took part in the fighting, but only weakly, in contrast to the way they participated in battles in previous days. The Americans also used fewer military vehicles in Monday’s combat than on previous occasions too. Not surprisingly, the US forces were unable to make any headway against the Iraqi Resistance fighters.
Five explosions shook the ash-Shurtah and al-Wahdah neighborhoods of al-Fallujah on Monday and clouds of thick, black smoke rose over the stricken areas. It appears that the blasts and smoke came from a Resistance attack in which SPG9 or RPG7 rockets were used, leaving several American military vehicles ablaze. Smoke continued to billow into the sky from the burning vehicles for a whole hour.
Intermittent gunfire was also heard throughout the city during the day, apparently the result of lightning Resistance ambushes on US troops.
Bombardments by Resistance forces around al-Fallujah on Monday.
Resistance forces on Monday fired some 21 missiles of various types at US concentrations in and around al-Fallujah. The bombardments began at about 8am Monday and continued intermittently until 6:30pm.
At 8:30am Monday, Iraqi Resistance fighters northeast of al-Fallujah ミ apparently the area around al-Karmah ミ fired five Grad rockets.
At 12 noon Monday, Iraqi Resistance fighters fired five more Grad rockets from the area of the River. Two Grad rockets were also fired at 2pm and three more at 5pm Monday. All these last attacks targeted US troop concentrations in the agricultural area and the environs of the railroad station, in addition to the US forces concentrated around the as-Sakani neighborhood.
Mortar rounds were launched from the areas west and south of al-Fallujah, but the precise number of the shells launched in those barrages is not known.
Al-Qa’im and western Iraq.
Fighting in al-Qa’im.
Iraqi Resistance sharpshooters opened fire on a US patrol in the market area of central al-Qa’im on the border with Syria on Monday, sparking a battle between the Resistance and US invader troops. There was no word on the extent of casualties.
Resistance rocket attack targets US base in al-Qa’im.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Katyusha rockets into the US camp in the Customs area of al-Qa’im at about 6pm Monday night.
Battle rages in Hadithah for three hours Monday afternoon.
Fierce fighting erupted early Monday between Iraqi Resistance forces and US Marines on the highway near the Hadithah area of western Iraq. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the area reported that the battles lasted three hours, beginning at 12:15pm and petering out after 3:30pm Monday afternoon. Two US Humvees were destroyed in the course of the fighting, killing 11 US Marines who were aboard them.
US sweeps up mentally retarded persons in its latest wave of arrests in Hadithah.
US forces arrested more than 30 Iraqi civilians in the Hadithah area west of Baghdad on Monday. Mafkarat al-Islam reported that among the prisoners are two local people who are known to be mentally retarded. Mafkarat al-Islam observed that this demonstrated how confused US forces were, since they were unable to distinguish between adults and children and between the mentally sound and people with mental disabilities.
US carries out mass arrests in al-‘Ubaydi.
US forces carried out a wave of arrests in the al-‘Ubaydi area near the city of al-Qa’im on the Syrian border on Monday, according to Mafkarat al-Islam.
Hit ミar-Ramadi Province.
Resistance strikes US base in Hit, shoots down unmanned spy plane.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing BKC machine guns shot down an unmanned US reconnaissance plane west of the city of Hit. The aircraft crashed into a field 3km west of the city.
Resistance forces also pounded the US base in Hit with six 120mm mortar rounds.
Resistance ambushes Monday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a truck loaded with supplies for US occupation forces in al-Ishaqi north of Baghdad at 4:30pm Monday, killing one US soldier.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a Humvee in az-Za‘faraniyah at 4:30pm Monday afternoon, killing two US troops.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 rockets swooped down on a US Humvee on the highway in al-Ghazaliyah, destroying the vehicle and killing one US soldier and wounding two others.
Resistance attack on Airport Road leaves three US intelligence officers dead.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a US column on Airport Road between the al-‘Amir neighborhood and the al-Jihad neighborhoods of Baghdad at 9:30am Monday morning, killing three US intelligence officers and wounding two US soldiers.
Three US intelligence officers killed in bomb attack in al-Khadra’.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under an armored “civilian” Land Cruiser on the highway in the al-Khadra’ area west of Baghdad at 11am Monday, destroying the vehicle and killing three US intelligence officers who were aboard it.
Resistance bombings in ar-Ridwaniyah area.
At about 7:30pm Monday night, a heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded, destroying a Humvee and killing US troops.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Humvee on the road leading to ad-Duwaylibah in the ar-Ridwaniyah area southwest of Baghdad at 11:30am Monday, killing two US troops and wounding three other American soldiers.
Three US troops die in Resistance attack on puppet official’s motorcade.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing Kalashnikov assault rifles and hurling hand grenades, attacked the motorcade of the secretary to the US-appointed puppet so-called “Iraqi minister of the interior” at 10:30am Monday in Baghdad’s al-Iskan area near the al-Mansur neighborhood, killing three US troops and wounding one other American soldier. Eyewitnesses reported that the Iraqi puppet official was also wounded.
Bomb attack west of Baghdad.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Humvee in the area east of al-Baghdadi, which is west of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, killing five US Marines on Monday.
Resistance attacks US, puppet house raiders in al-Karakh.
At about 2:45pm Monday afternoon, Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a joint group of US troops and puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards” who were carrying out raids and searches of homes in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district in the areas of Hayfa Street, al-Fahhamah, and Sahat at-Tala’i‘ Vanguards’ Square.
Resistance fighters fired C5K and RPG7 rockets and BKC machine guns and Kalashnikov automatic rifles and hurled hand grenades in the battle, destroying a US Bradley armored vehicle and disabling two other armored vehicles in addition to destroying a small truck carrying puppet troops.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that five US troops and at least eight puppet soldiers were killed and four others wounded. One Resistance fighter was martyred and three others were wounded by a US sniper a long distance away.
Mafkarat al-Islam reported that puppet “national guards” backed by US occupation troops on Monday arrested more than 200 Iraqi civilians. They also robbed the houses they raided of moveable property such as jewelry, money, gold and other valuable small objects.
Resistance attacks in Abu Ghurayb.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the ar-Risalah neighborhood of Abu Ghurayb at about 12 noon Monday, destroying a Humvee and killing four US troops.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on the Old Street in Abu Ghurayb’s ar-Risalah neighborhood Monday afternoon, destroying a Humvee and killing two US troops and wounding a third.
At about 2:30pm Monday afternoon Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under a US column on the highway in Abu Ghurayb, and then Resistance fighters followed up with a RPG7 rocket attack. Two civilian trucks were destroyed in the attack and two US troops were killed and one other American soldier was injured.
Iraqi Resistance fighters fired RPG7 rockets at a US military truck on the highway in Abu Ghurayb at 9am Monday morning, killing one US soldier and wounding another.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Abrams tank on the Old Street in the ar-Risalah area of Abu Ghurayb, destroying the tank and killing five US troops aboard.
Bomb attack Monday afternoon in Sadr al-Qanat.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the Sadr al-Qanat area of Baghdad disabling a Humvee and killing one US soldier and wounding three other American troops.
Resistance attacks in ad-Durah.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Bradley armored vehicle in the al-Bu ‘Ithah area of ad-Durah on the southern outskirts of Baghdad at 12:30pm Monday, killing five US troops.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the ‘Arab Jabbur area of ad-Durah at 3:30pm Monday, killing three US troops.
At about 5pm Monday evening, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the Hur Rajab area of ad-Durah, disabling an Abrams tank and killing one US soldier.
Attack in at-Talibiyah north of Baghdad Monday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the at-Talibiyah area north of Baghdad at 10:15am Monday, destroying a US military truck and disabling an Abrams tank. Two US troops were killed and one other was wounded in the attack.
Puppet forces and collaborators killed in operations around Baghdad.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in as-Suwayrah south of Baghdad at about 4:15pm Monday, destroying a Nissan pickup belonging to the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard,” killing seven and wounding two other members of the puppet guard.
At 2:30pm Monday, an Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter killed two puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards” in the ar-Risalah neighborhood in Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces assassinated four agents of the American occupation in the ash-Shawwakah area near the statue of ‘Adnan Khayrallah on Sunday.
Eight puppet “national guards” killed in bomb attack.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on the road leading to al-Jazirah as-Siyahiyah the “Tourist Island” in ar-Rashidiyah at 1pm Monday, destroying a truck carrying Iraqi puppet troops and members of the puppet “national guard.” Eight puppet guards were killed and five others severely wounded in the attack.
Resistance bomb kills three Badr Brigade collaborator gunmen in al-Karakh.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked and destroyed a Land Cruiser belonging to the collaborationist Badr Brigades in the Barradah area of Baghdad’s al-Karakh district at 12 noon Monday, killing three Badr Brigade gunmen.
Al-Latifiyah ミ al-Iskandariyah.
Afternoon battle in al-Latifiyah.
At 2:15pm Monday clashes erupted in al-Latifiyah that left two Humvees destroyed and one Bradley armored vehicle disabled. Resistance fighters fired RPG7 rockets and BKC machine guns in the battle, killing seven US troops and wounding two others. One Resistance fighter was killed and five others wounded.
Attack in al-Latifiyah.
At 8:45am Monday, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in al-Latifiyah, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing four US troops.
Attack in al-Iskandariyah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded at 9:30am Monday in al-Iskandariyah, destroying a US Humvee and killing three US troops.
Southern Region.
With US-Zionist blessing: puppet chiefs from Middle Euphrates provinces meet in effort to split Iraq.
About 600 Shi‘i notables who represent puppet provincial councils in the five Middle Euphrates Provinces of an-Najaf, Karbala’, Babil, al-Qadisiyah, and al-Muthanna held a meeting in an-Najaf on Monday where they agreed to form a so-called “joint security committee,” as part of their preparations for forming a so-called “unified governing council of the Middle Euphrates provinces, and plan a regional council to stimulate the regional economy. The meeting opened with an appeal by the US-installed puppet “governor” of an-Najaf Province, ‘Adnan az-Zarfi, for a regional meeting of puppet “presidents” of the provincial capitals with an executive council made up of the puppet “governors” and provincial administrative “leaders.”
The move represents a serious step by the US invaders and their local surrogates towards the partition of Iraq along religious sectarian lines in order to facilitate US imperialist and Zionist control of the Arab region.
The conferees insisted that the sham elections planned by the US occupation go ahead as scheduled in the hopes that they will provide cover for their effort to further split Iraq under the approving eyes of the occupation.
Although the idea of splitting up Iraq has been circulating in Washington think tanks at least since last year, this was the first actual effort on the part of the puppet “leaders” to throw together some sort of foundation for a separatist entity.
Muqtada as-Sadr agrees to take part in January election farce with a united list of candidates backed by pro-American cleric ‘Ali as-Sistani.
A spokesman for Shi‘i religious leader Muqtada as-Sadr announced on Monday that the as-Sadr movement would be taking part in the sham elections set for January by the US occupation authorities, and that as-Sadr had agreed that his candidates be a part of the election list of pro-American clergyman ‘Ali as-Sistani.
The German Press Agency DPA reported that ‘Ali Sumaysim, Muqtada as-Sadr’s spokesman, announced that the as-Sadr movement had held negotiations with the Shi‘i religious authority ‘Ali as-Sistani and had agreed to run as a part of a united list supported by as-Sistani.
Earlier, after the latest US offensive on the defiant city of al-Fallujah, Muqtada as-Sadr had declared that he opposed and would boycott the January election farce. Monday’s announcement apparently represents a reversal of as-Sadr’s earlier public stance and cannot but cast doubt on as-Sadr’s general position regarding the occupation.
Bombardments around Iraq on Monday.
At about 7am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad ミ known to the US invaders as the “green zone.”
At about 8am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired ten 82mm mortar rounds into the British base in the al-Haswah area in southern Baghdad.
At 8:30am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.
At 8:30am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Grad rockets into the US al-Bakr base in Balad, north of Baghdad.
At about 9am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired six 82mm mortar rounds into the US base in the former headquarters of Iraqi Intelligence in Baghdad’s al-A‘zamiyah district.
At 9:30am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Grad rockets into the US base in Saddam International Airport, sending thick smoke rising into the area overhead.
At 10:30am Monday Iraqi Resistance forces fired four mortar rounds into the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad ミ known to the US invaders as the “green zone.”
At 10:30am Monday Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Katyusha rockets into the US airbase at al-Muthanna in Baghdad.
At 1:30pm Monday Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Katyusha rockets into the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad ミ known to the US invaders as the “green zone.”
At 2:30pm Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired a Grad rocket into the southern US base in the city of Tikrit.
At 3pm Monday Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad ミ known to the US invaders as the “green zone.”
At 3pm Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five Katyusha rockets into the US camp in the Arab Equestrian Club in Baghdad.
At 4:30pm Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 82mm mortar rounds into the US base in the former Iraq Meat Company in ‘Uwayrij south of Baghdad.
At 5:30pm Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 82mm mortar rounds into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.
At about 7pm Monday Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Grad rockets into the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad ミ known to the US invaders as the “green zone.”
At 8:30pm Monday Iraqi Resistance forces fired nine 82mm mortar rounds into the US airbase at al-Muthanna in Baghdad.
At about 9pm Monday Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Grad rockets into the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad ミ known to the US invaders as the “green zone.”