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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/12/20
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday 20 December 2004
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board,
the Free Arab Voice. (http://www.freearabvoice.org)
Monday, 20 December 2004.
Heavy US bombing as fighting rages in al-Fallujah.
In a dispatch posted at 11:30pm Monday night Mecca time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that ferocious battles raged Monday morning in al-Fallujah from about 1:30am until 9am. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that US aircraft took part in the fighting with heavy air raids from 5am until 9am on the neighborhoods of ash-Shuhada, al-Askari, al-Jubayl, and parts of al-Jawlan. Thirteen Resistance fighters were martyred in the fighting and nine others wounded.
The Consultative Council of the Mujahideen of al-Fallujah issued the following communiqu on Mondays fighting:
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Mercy-giving.
Communiqu Issued by the Consultative Council of the Mujahideen of al-Fallujah.
1.The battles of last night resulted in the martyrdom of a number of heroic fighters and the wounding of other fighters. May God have mercy on them.
2.The battles of yesterday and this morning resulted in the following:
First. One American Black Hawk helicopter was shot down in the al-Askari neighborhood.
Second. Nine various US vehicles such as tanks, armored vehicles, Humvees, were destroyed. One troop transport vehicle was destroyed. More than 46 American soldiers were killed according to the detachments coming from the al-Askari and al-Jawlan neighborhoods.
Our men withdrew safely from the al-Jawlan neighborhood.
Today rockets and mortar shells were fired from our rear lines at American troop concentrations in al-Fallujah.
In addition the Resistance outside al-Fallujah fired four 120mm mortar rounds at US troop concentrations around the railroad station at about 8:45pm Monday. US forces lit up the al-Jawlan neighborhood, firing seven incendiary shells in succession over the course of 35 minutes with five minutes between each shell.
At about 10:45pm Monday, the last US vehicle in a big American column passed through as-Saqlawiyah, having taken one hour to pass through as-Saqlawiyah on its way to al-Fallujah. The vehicles in the American column included tanks and armored vehicles and it proceeded under American air escort.
Resistance scores direct hit on US weapons storehouse inside al-Habbaniyah airbase west of al-Fallujah, touching off an orgy of explosions lasting two hours.
In a dispatch posted at 11:00pm Mecca time Monday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that massive explosions shook the US airbase in al-Habbaniyah west of al-Fallujah on Monday afternoon. Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the blasts followed a Resistance rocket attack on the base in which 13 powerful Tariq rockets crashed into the American facility at about 3pm Monday. The missiles hit the al-Hadbah airport which lies within the airbase, setting off numerous powerful secondary explosions. Then numerous explosions started going off in a series of blasts that lasted for two straight hours, after the Resistance rockets apparently succeeded in detonating a munitions storehouse on the airbase premises.
US Marine General in press conference for Arabic press only admits US difficulties in al-Fallujah after a month and a half of fighting.
US General Andrew Mill Brown, the commander of the First Brigade of the US Marines in Iraq, on Monday gave a press conference exclusively for journalists in the media of occupied Iraq and the Arabic satellite TV stations. The press conference was held in Baghdads Palace of Congresses (convention center).
The American general admitted that al-Fallujah might be an exception to the type of wards that the Americans have been waging and taking part in. He said that it would remain a lesson for us and a turning point for changing military academic study in the United States.
The General told the Arab journalists that the Resistance fighters rocket and bomb attacks held up the US militarys effort to take al-Fallujah and that the fighting groups understood and discovered the one thing that can have an effect on this battle, namely transportation and supply. They succeeded in that, the General admitted, because we used in the Battle of al-Fallujah weapons that the American army has not used since it entered Iraq until now. For example we used the Abrams M1 tank, which is a massive tank that weighs 70 tons and is equipped with a 155mm cannon. We fired thousands of laser-guided rockets and containers of cluster bombs. But these did not stop the Resistance despite the passage of a month and a half of fighting. At the beginning we didnt expect that they would hold out for one week.
Today, the American general went on, they are fighting our soldiers with methods that differ from the methods of warfare that we have encountered in all the parts of Iraq. They booby-trap buildings, cars, streets, and even booby-trap the bodies of their fighters lying in the street, so that they will explode with shrapnel planted inside belts. Naturally, this has an effect on the morale of the American soldier. After those examples, the generals assurance that the American invaders would nevertheless win sounded hollow indeed.
Iraqi puppet commander admits: Theres a blackout of news on the fighting going on in al-Fallujah.
A commander of the puppet so-called Iraqi national guard, Lieutenant Colonel Ahmad Ismail, who took part in the offensive on the city of al-Fallujah in service to his American masters, admitted on Monday that there is a news blackout on the battles going on between the Iraqi Resistance and the US occupation forces in al-Fallujah. The puppet commander, in an exclusive statement to Mafkarat al-Islam said in Abu Ghurayb that the residents of al-Fallujah will not be able to return to their homes because of the battles now going on there.
The puppet Lieutenant Colonel said, We must admit that. We cannot go on with the news blackout any longer. The statement was an official admission of the embargo on news about the huge battles that have raged in al-Fallujah in recent days, which have been covered consistently by Mafkarat al-Islam but largely ignored by the Arab and international media. The reason for their silence is that it is official US occupation policy.
Resistance pounds US positions around al-Fallujah during Sunday-Monday night.
In a dispatch posted at 8:55pm Monday night Mecca time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces had pounded US positions on the outskirts of al-Fallujah with more than 100 mortar rounds of various calibers during Sunday night and up until dawn on Monday.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that the Resistance struck a US check point on the highway north of al-Fallujah with more than fourteen 120mm and 82mm mortar rounds. The Resistance fired more than ninety-five 120mm mortar rounds on US troop concentrations outside the city during the night.
Resistance fighters outside al-Fallujah, meanwhile, struck US positions near the now demolished train station and in the residential area with four Grad rockets.
In other related news, Resistance fighters and US troops battled in the al-Fallahat area near al-Fallujah but there were no initial reports regarding the nature or extent of casualties as a result.
Their prayers didnt help them: Two Christian clergymen, one Jewish Rabbi killed in Resistance attack after being brought into al-Fallujah for services with terrified American troops.
Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that Iraqi Resistance fighters observed Christian clergymen and a Jewish Rabbi in al-Fallujah on Sunday. They had arrived to try to calm the fears of American soldiers as they face the constant threat of death at the hands of the relentless Resistance.
At about 7:30am Monday, the Iraqi Resistance swooped down on a convoy in the agricultural area 25km northeast of al-Fallujah in which a white, 2004 Range Rover was carrying the two Christian clergymen and the Rabbi. Their car was preceded in the procession by two Humvees, each with four American troops aboard.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported the witnesses as saying that the Resistance ambush destroyed the two Humvees and the Range Rover and left the eight troops as well as the three clergymen dead. They said that the Resistance fighters wrote a message which they hung around the neck of the dead Rabbi saying, your prayers wont help you today.
The witnesses said that the Rabbi was dressed in black and had a long beard. All three clergymen couldnt have been younger than 55. Their presence indicated that the occupation forces were trying to mobilize religious sentiment to shore up the crumbling morale of the American invader troops.
New American crime: US troops run over five-year old on his bike.
A US Humvee ran over a five-year old Iraqi child playing on his bicycle in the city of ar-Ramadi on Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported. Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Americans ran over the child on purpose.
American troops storm al-Anbar Medical College take med-students prisoner.
On Monday night US forces stormed into the College of Medicine in al-Anbar Province in Western Iraq and arrested several of the medical students. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported eyewitnesses as saying that the American troops burst into the college at about 6pm Monday and arrested a number of students in the fourth stage of medical school, accusing them of working for the Resistance.
When the US troops were returning to their base with their captives, Iraqi Resistance forces attacked them with RPG7 rockets and bombs, destroying a Humvee and killing three US troops as well as two of the captive medical students. A US armored vehicle with four American troops aboard was also destroyed.
Resistance sharpshooters take down two US snipers.
Iraqi Resistance sharp shooters shot two US snipers in the city of al-Qaim on Monday in separate attacks. In one case, an American sniper atop a building in the 7 Nisan district of al-Qaim happened to stand up and when he did so, a vigilant Iraqi Resistance sharp shooter opened fire, taking him down.
In a separate attack in the same city, an Iraqi Resistance sharp shooter picked off an American sniper posted in a guard tower outside the US base in the Customs area of al-Qaim, a city on the Iraqi-Syrian border.
Resistance fires Grad rockets at US checkpoint in al-Qaim.
Iraqi Resistance forces shelled a US checkpoint located behind the market area of al-Qaim with three Grad rockets. US forces responded by opening fire indiscriminately around the area.
Resistance attacks around Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked American troops in the al-Jihad neighborhood of Baghdad at about 6:45am Monday, destroying two Humvees and a Bradley armored vehicle and killing eight US troops and seriously wounding two more American soldiers.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on Airport Road in the Baghdad district of al-Amiriyah at 8:30am Monday, destroying a Humvee and killing three US troops.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under US forces in as-Suwayrah, south of Baghdad at about 10am Monday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing three US troops who were aboard it.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in al-Ishaqi north of Baghdad at 10:15am Monday, destroying an Abrams tank and killing two US troops and wounding a third.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on the highway in the as-Sayyidiyah area at 10:30am Monday, destroying a Humvee and killing two US troops.
Iraqi Resistance fighters hurled hand grenades at US troops on Sahat at-Talai [Vanguards Square] in the al-Mushahadah neighborhood of Baghdads al-Karakh district at 10:30am Monday, killing three US soldiers on foot and wounding seven other American infantrymen. The Americans were preparing to storm into houses in the area.
Iraqi Resistance fighters fired an RPG7 rocket a US military truck on the highway in the al-Ghazaliyah area, killing two US troops aboard it.
Iraqi Resistance forces planted a bomb under a US checkpoint in the at-Taji area, north of Baghdad. Witnesses in the area said that when the bomb exploded it destroyed a Humvee and killed seven US soldiers and seriously wounded nine others. The witnesses said that the bomb, which exploded at about 10:30am Monday morning, must have been planted during the night.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded and destroyed a US Humvee in Baghdad at 11:30am Monday, killing one US soldier and wounding two other American troops.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in ad-Duwaylibah at 12 noon Monday, disabling a US Bradley armored vehicle and killing one US soldier and wounding two other American troops.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in ar-Ridwaniyah at 12:30pm Monday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing three US troops and wounding two more.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a car thought to belong to American intelligence on the highway in the al-Hurriyah ad-Dawlii area at 2pm Monday, destroying the vehicle and killing two members of US intelligence.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with RPG7 rockets attacked and destroyed a US Humvee in the al-Jamiah [The University] neighborhood near the al-Mulla Huwaysh Mosque at 9:10 Monday. The attack left four US troops who were aboard the Humvee dead.
Three US soldiers were killed when Iraqi Resistance forces attacked their Humvee, Mafkarat al-Islam reported in a dispatch posted at 2:10am Tuesday morning Mecca time. Two Turks were killed when two Turkish civilian trucks were destroyed in the Resistance attack.
Resistance attacks in Abu Ghurayb.
Eyewitnesses reported that Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under American troops on the highway in Abu Ghurayb at about 9am Monday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing three US troops and wounding two more.
Iraqi Resistance forces detonated a bomb under US troops in the az-Zaydan village in the Abu Ghurayb area, destroying a Humvee and killing two US troops and wounding a third at about 10am Monday.
Heavy Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under a GMC command vehicle as it drove along the Old Road in Abu Ghurayb at about 1:30pm Monday, killing three persons believed to be American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agents.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a Humvee in the al-Karaghul area killing three US soldiers.
Heavy Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in two operations at about 4pm Monday afternoon, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing four US troops.
Collaborators killed in Resistance attacks in Baghdad.
Eyewitnesses reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles shot and killed two agents working for the US occupation in the Baghdad neighborhood of al-Ilam at about 1:30pm Monday.
Iraqi Resistance fighters opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles on a white Badr Brigade patrol car in Baghdads central al-Karradah district at about 5pm Monday evening. The attack left three collaborator Badr Brigade gunmen dead.
Attacks on puppet soldiers in Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles attacked a Mercedes bus that was carrying a number of puppet national guards on Hayfa Street in Baghdads al-Karakh district at about 2pm Monday, killing three of the puppet guards.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing Kalashnikov assault rifles attacked members of the puppet so-called rapid deployment forces in the al-Amil neighborhood at about 7:30pm Monday, killing four of the puppet troops.
Sixteen die as puppet police, puppet national guards battle each other by mistake.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a patrol of the puppet police near the fuel station in as-Sayyidiyah, south of Baghdad, at about 3pm Monday. The Resistance killed two puppet policemen, then withdrew from the area. At that moment a patrol of the puppet so-called Iraqi national guard was passing the area and came under fire from the puppet police as they continued to respond to the Resistance fighters after the latter had withdrawn from the area. The puppet national guards returned fire at the puppet police, thinking they must be Resistance fighters. An intense firefight erupted between the puppet police and puppet national guards, both sides thinking that the others were Resistance fighters in disguise.
The friendly fire battle left 13 puppet national guards dead and eight other puppet guards injured. A Nissan pickup belonging to the puppet guards was destroyed. Four puppet policemen were killed and two more wounded.
Three local citizens were killed and seven others wounded in the crossfire. Several civilian cars in the area were also destroyed.
Through lawyers, President Saddam Hussein warns against sham elections, calls for unity of the Iraqi people at this historically critical time.
According to the legal team whose members visited Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in prison, the President of Iraq urged his people not to be fooled by the American theatrics known as an election planned by the invaders for January 2005.
Ziyad Khasawinah, a spokesman for a legal defense team for Saddam Hussein, told a news conference in Amman, Jordan that the President exhorted the Iraqi people to unite together firmly. Khasawinah said that the President asked about the Iraqi people, about the simple citizens and how they were. He emphasized that it was absolutely necessary that the Iraqi people unite at this stage. Khasawinah said that President Saddam Hussein repeated verses from the Quran that express the concepts he wanted to convey to the Iraqi people, in particular the verse: And hold fast, everyone, to Gods rope, and do not separate.
In that context, Khasawinah said that the religious leaders of Iraq have a role of the utmost importance to play, which is to shoulder their responsibility at this critical moment in the history of Iraq.
Agence France Presse (AFP) reported that the Lebanese attorney Adnan Dannawi said that Saddam Hussein during his meeting spoke of the coming election farce and warned the Iraqi people not to be deceived by the step.
Hungarian troops leave Iraq, but Budapests pro-US leaders pledge to send troops back under NATO flag.
Hungarian invader forces completed their withdrawal from Iraq on Monday, according to a report carried by the Associated Press. The last Hungarian aggressor of the 300-man contingent left Iraq for Kuwait. An official spokesman of the Budapest regime stated that the Hungarian troops were now in Kuwait and would be returning to Hungary shortly.
The Hungarian Parliament refused to extend the tour of duty of Hungarian troops beyond the deadline of 31 December 2004. The ruling government of pro-American politicians tried to prolong the stay of the contingent by three months but met with the strong obstruction of the Parliament. The American satellite government in Budapest nevertheless pledged last week to send 150 Hungarian troops to Iraq in the middle of 2005 to provide security for the American occupation in the framework of the NATO alliance.
The Hungarians had been serving the American occupation in the southern city of al-Hillah. By official count, one Hungarian soldier was killed in Iraq when a Resistance bomb exploded under the convoy in which he was guarding in June.
Resistance attack in al-Latifiyah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Humvee in al-Latifiyah at 9:15am Monday, and Resistance fighters then attacked it firing RPG7 rockets, destroying the Humvee and killing seven US troops.
Iraqi Resistance fighters in the as-Sayyid Abdallah area at 12:15pm Monday detonated bombs in the path of two US Humvees and then attacked them with RPG7 rockets, killing five American soldiers and wounding three others US troops.
Tikrit Balad Salah ad-Din Province.
Carbombs, captures in Tikrit.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked US troops in Tikrit at about 2pm Monday, killing 16 American soldiers.
At 12 noon Monday US forces launched a campaign of raids and arrests using three Humvees and a tank on 40 Street in Tikrit. The Americans were searching for Major General Hammad Mahmud at-Tikriti, the Chief of Iraqi Intelligence. The Americans addressed him using loudspeakers, pleading with him to give himself up.
Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that an Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded byt the Ahbab al-Mustafa Restaurant in the center of the city setting two Humvees ablaze. Resistance fighters destroyed a third Humvee by firing RPG7 rockets at it. There was also an American tank stopped on 40 Street, but it failed to fire even one round even though it was not hit in the attacks. Apparently fear paralyzed the American tank men aboard. Resistance fighters climbed aboard the tank and captured six US occupation troops.
Spies for the Americans executed in Balad.
An Iraqi Resistance detachment executed two lackeys of the occupation in the city of Balad, north of Baghdad. Azad Karim and Zadah Ali, the two stooges of the US occupation, were of Kurdish ethnicity. They would inform US invader troops about Resistance fighters and persons imprisoned by the American aggressors.
The Resistance arrested the two and investigated their cases. Both confessed and were executed by Kalashnikov assault rifles at about 7pm Monday local time.
Puppet officer found executed in Balad.
Eyewitnesses reported that at about 8:30am Monday morning the body of an officer in the puppet so-called Iraqi national guard was found in the city of Balad, north of Baghdad. It appeared that he was shot to death with a Kalashnikov assault rifle.
New bombing in Karbala.
Al-Jazeera satellite TV reported Monday that a powerful explosion shook the as-Sadiyah area in the center of Karbala. No further details were immediately available.
The blast came on the heels of another bombing in Karbala as well as one in the other major Shii shrine city of an-Najaf that together reportedly killed 66 people and wounded 199.
As is known, the Iraqi Resistance is trying to preserve and defend the unity and sovereignty of all the people of Iraq, regardless of ethnicity or religious identification. The imprisoned President of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, has appealed to all Iraqis and their religious leaders to unite in the face of the invader.
But there have been frequent calls from western imperialist quarters, however, for the partition of Iraq along sectarian and ethnic lines. (See, for example Leslie H. Gelbs article Three-State Solution in The New York Times, 25 November 2003; Peter Galbraith How to get out of Iraq in the New York Review of Books, 13 May 2004, and Iraq: the bungled transition in the New York Review of Books, 23 September 2004. [P. Galbraith is former US ambassador to Iraq and son of John K Galbraith. Peter Galbraith has written on the partition of Iraq in The Washington Post, The New York Times, and Wall Street Journal]; Jack Cannon The Three State Solution in Slice magazine, 21 May 2004; and Liam Anderson and Gareth Stansfields book The Future of Iraq, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.). To that end there have been repeated attempts by the US occupation forces, their stooge regime, and pro-American clerics to stir up sectarian hostility, most recently in sectarian religious propaganda used to incite members of the Shii community to join the puppet forces and serve in the US assault on al-Fallujah.
It is against the reality of this political backdrop that the latest bombing in a Shii shrine city must be viewed.
Bombardments around Iraq on Monday.
At 1am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired an intensive barrage of five Katyusha rockets and fifteen 120mm mortar rouinds into Saddam International Airport.
At about 7am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four rounds into the puppet so-called Iraqi ministry of petroleum on Palestine Street in Baghdad, destroying five Nissan puppet police cars.
On Monday morning Iraqi Resistance forces fired seven Katyusha rockets into the al-Muthanna airbase in Baghdad.
At about 8am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four 82mm mortar rounds into the puppet so-called Iraqi ministry of petroleum on Palestine Street in Baghdad.
At about 9:30am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight 82mm mortar rounds into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.
At about 1pm Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Grad rockets into the military academy in ar-Rustamiyah where the US now has a base.
At about 2:30pm Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.
On Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 120mm mortar rounds into the US al-Bakr base in Balad, north of Baghdad.
At about 3:45pm Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired six 82mm mortar rounds into the al-Muthanna airbase in Baghdad.
At 4:15pm Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Katyusha rockets into the puppet so-called Iraqi interior ministry on Palestine Street in Baghdad.
At about 4:30pm Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired a Grad rocket into Saddam International Airport.
At 7pm Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Katyusha rockets into the al-Muthanna airbase in Baghdad.
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