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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/12/19
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 19 December 2004
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 20.12.2004 [07:04 ]
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Sunday, 19 December 2004.
US bombing and bombardment continues into the night.
Iraqi Resistance forces struck American troops in the north of al-Fallujah with a rocket barrages on Sunday night, according to a Mafkarat al-Islam dispatch posted at 12:15am Monday morning, Mecca time.
US forces in the area where the train station formerly stood were hit again, this tim by about four Grad rockets at exactly 5pm Sunday evening.
Resistance fighters also burned down what remained of the US al-Haykal camp east of as-Saqlawiyah (northwest of al-Fallujah) that had been attacked by the Resistance on several occasions.
Resistance forces killed a US sniper who was atop one of the houses near the gardens of the al-Bu ‘Irrin in the area of al-Azraqiyah village west of al-Fallujah. Eyewitnesses said the Resistance attackers took the American’s weapons before retiring.
Meanwhile the US continued its bombing of the southern half of al-Fallujah. Aircraft, artillery and mortars pounded the part of the city where the Resistance is in control. The bombardment and bombing began at about 8:35pm Sunday night and was still under bombing and bombardment when he submitted his report at precisely 10:30pm local time. For their part, Resistance forces also kept up their shelling of US positions in response.
Savage US bombing of al-Fallujah elicits response from Resistance outside the city.
US forces mounted a bombardment of al-Fallujah described by a Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in a dispatch posted at 4:35pm Sunday Mecca time, as the “most violent of its kind.” The attack lasted nearly four straight hours. Eyewitnesses said the attack began at 10am Sunday local time and lasted until about 2pm.
US forces dropped 16 container bombs full of cluster bombs in the course of the bombardment that centered on the neighborhoods of al-Jubayl and ash-Shuhada’. In particular certain locations and centers were targeted. One street alone took seven container bomb hits releasing hundreds of their anti-personnel cluster bombs.
Five Resistance fighters were killed in the bombing and 13 others wounded. Resistance fighters in the city did not fire in response to the Americans, in order to prevent their targeting their positions.
Resistance fighters surrounding the city, however, did respond to the US attack with barrages of their own on the Americans who are besieging the city and encamped in the northern half of al-Fallujah. The Resistance outside al-Fallujah unleashed 74 Grad and Tariq rockets at the invader troops, as well as an unspecified number of 120mm mortar rounds.
The Resistance bombardment lasted from about 1pm until a little after 2pm and was focused on American troops thickly concentrated near the ruins of the train station and at the intersection with the ash-Shukr Bridge. US forces concentrated in the sheep market area were also targeted.
The city presented the image of two blackened areas ミ one in the south, the other in the north ミ as clouds of thick, black smoke rise over the northern areas, testifying to direct Resistance hits on US military vehicles.
The Resistance attack was launched from the areas of al-Azraqiyah village, as-Saqlawiyah, al-Halabisah, al-‘Amiriyah, al-Karmah, and ‘Amiriyat al-Bu ‘Ithah. US aircraft prowled the skies in an attempt to pinpoint the sources of the fire but in vain.
A US column headed towards ‘Amiriyat al-Bu ‘Ithah was hit by three Resistance bombs that exploded and left the wreckage of one Abrams tank and two Humvees behind. Thirteen US Marines were killed in those bomb attacks.
Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that the US aircraft that flew over the area outside the city were F-16s and F-18s and there were about 15 of them. There was also a very large number of reconnaissance helicopters involved in the search for the sources of Resistance mortar and rocket fire.
Resistance downs huge Chinook helicopter near al-Fallujah. Fifty Americans said killed, 11 more captured.
Fifty US troops were killed and 11 more captured when Resistance forces shot down a huge American Chinook helicopter over the an-Nu‘aymiyah area southeast of al-Fallujah Sunday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported in a dispatch posted at 4:44pm Mecca time Sunday.
The Resistance targeted the helicopter as it bore away dozens of American troops, some of them wounded in the al-Fallujah fighting. The Chinook was on its way from al-Habbaniyah airbase to Baghdad when Resistance fighters fired a SAM7 rocket at it, bringing it crashing down in the village of Zawbi‘ in the an-Nu‘aymiyah area. Parts of the craft were scattered over a large area when it hit the ground at 7am local time Sunday.
Eyewitnesses said that 50 Americans aboard the craft were killed and 11 others wounded in varying degrees, since all of their bodies had been thrown through the air. The Resistance took nine of the wounded prisoner on the scene of the crash. Two other Americans fled and disappeared into the reeds and brush in an area where there was a project to freshen salty earth. But the Resistance fighters chased them down and captured them too.
US troops gun down schoolgirl defending her honor.
Students immediately knew something was very wrong when they showed up for class at the al-Bu Faraj Association of Girls’ Secondary Schools north of ar-Ramadi early Sunday (In Iraq, an Islamic country, schools have Friday off. Transator’s note.) Students in the fourth class of secondary school found their teachers in tears and noticed that the chair usually occupied by their classmate, Bushra, was empty. “Where is Bushra Khalid?” they all were asking.
It wasn’t five minutes before the girls were all in tears along with their teachers.
Eyewitnesses told the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam that at 5:45am Sunday morning American troops stormed into Bushra’s home looking for her brother whom the US accuses of being a member of the Resistance. The brother was not home, but as American troops ransacked their living quarters, Bushra noticed one of the soldiers staring at her and smiling.
Bushra’s mother said the girl shuddered as she was convulsed with fear. The Americans intended to take her with them as a prisoner. Panicked, she ran out into the street where one of the soldiers shot and killed her.
The family began mourning right in that area. They raised white flags in commemoration of their daughter who died fighting for her honor. It is customary only to raise white flags over a martyr.
The Resistance responded quickly to this American outrage. After only 45 minutes they launched seventeen 120mm mortar rounds at the US checkpoint set up at the entrance to the American al-Warrar base in ar-Ramadi, killing at least 11 American invaders before the eyes and ears of the local people.
Iraqi Resistance forces, meanwhile, killed an American contractor profiteer in ar-Ramadi. They hung his body on one of the old buildings in the city that belongs to the Security Directorate in the city. The body was still hanging there at 3:10pm Sunday when the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent filed his report, the Americans having been unable to get near it.
Resistance raid on Abu Ghurayb nets prisoners for exchange.
Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in Baghdad as saying that the Squadrons of Hayzun, a Resistance organization, had mounted a large-scale attack on the Abu Ghurayb prison camp in response to the Letter of Fatimah that was smuggled out of the facility and published in Mafkarat al-Islam Saturday.
According to the statement by the Commander of the Squadrons of Hayzun, delivered in the Mosque of Ibn Taymiyah in Baghdad, 94 Resistance fighters took part in the attack on Abu Ghurayb which was launched from the south and west of the facility under the cover of rockets and mortars fire mounted by the Squadrons of Khalid ibn al-Walid Resistance organization that took part in the attack. According to the statement that was issued after nighttime prayers on Saturday, the Resistance fighters launched their assault at 4pm Saturday and over the course of two hours were able to break through the first and second fences and destroyed part of the main wall of the prison.
The Resistance attackers killed six US troops and took 10 others prisoner, including seven American women soldiers. The statement stressed that these are not mercenaries.
The statement quoted what it called its “intelligence sources” inside the prison as saying that their attack inflicted dozens of casualties in the American ranks inside the prison, because, it said, the rockets and mortar rounds struck their targets with precise accuracy.
The statement of the Squadrons of Hayzun said that 27 Resistance fighters died as martyrs during their attack, among them some of the “Arab brothers.” The statement attributed this relatively high death toll among the Resistance fighters to the fact that the US forces took cover inside the prison while the Resistance fighters were attacking out in the open.
The Squadrons of Hayzun demanded that the Americans release the Iraqi female prisoners in Abu Ghurayb ミ who number about 33 ミ in return for the release of the American women prisoners they hold. The statement warned that if the occupation forces failed to respond to their demand, the bodies of the Americans “would soon be consumed by the earth.” It noted, “we win in either case.”
The statement noted that the Resistance refrained from attacking the prison itself because of the pressure brought to bear by the families of prisoners. But it stressed that the prison has become a target for the Resistance, particularly after the letter of the woman prisoner Fatimah.
The Resistance has frequently said that it has precise information about the lay-out of Abu Ghurayb prison, a fact that explains why prisoners have not been harmed in any of the many Resistance rocket attacks on the facility.
Informed sources said that the aim of Saturday’s attack was to capture American women, not to liberate the Iraqi women prisoners, since the number of attackers was far too small in relation to the size of the American contingent located in the massive Abu Ghurayb prison camp compound.
The attack by the Squadrons of Hayzun was the second attack on Abu Ghurayb Saturday. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitness accounts of a violent attack by 100 Resistance fighters that forced the US troops to take cover inside their barracks inside the prison. Witnesses said that the Resistance attack came a half hour after Fatimah’s Letter sent shock waves throughout the area. It is expected that that letter will continue to have reverberations throughout all of Iraq.
Resistance shoots down Chinook helicopter near at-Taji Sunday.
In a dispatch posted at 11:40pm Mecca time Sunday night, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that on a day which surely must be among the worst experienced by the US forces in Iraq, 36 Americans were killed in a Resistance ambush in at-Taji, north of Baghdad.
The Resistance ambushed the US forces in the ad-Dulu‘iyah area near at-Taji at about 1pm Sunday, destroying one Bradley armored vehicle and one Humvee and killing 20 US troops on foot. Eyewitnesses reported that a Chinook helicopter then arrived to evacuate the dead and wounded but the Resistance fired a C5K rocket at the huge helicopter, bringing it crashing to the ground. The witnesses said they counted about 36 bodies at the scene of the crash.
Another Chinook was also shot down on Sunday morning in the an-Nu‘aymiyah area southeast of al-Fallujah killing 50 American soldiers and facilitating the capture of 11 Americans by the Resistance. (See story in “al-Fallujah” section of this report.)
Resistance forces shoot down US Black Hawk on Saturday night.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired a C5K rocket at a US Black Hawk helicopter near the military academy in central Baghdad at about 10:30pm Saturday night. The Black Hawk crashed to earth near the military academy in ar-Rustamiyah. Eyewitnesses said that the helicopter was totally demolished and all parts of it were on fire.
Resistance bombings on Sunday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the al-Bu ‘Ithah area of the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah at 1pm Sunday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing four US soldiers.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on Airport Road in the al-‘Amiriyah neighborhood southwest of Baghdad at about 10:30am Sunday killing three US troops.
Iraqi Resistance fighters threw hand grenades at US troops on foot at Sahat at-Tala’i‘ Vanguards’ Square on Hayfa Street in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district at about 3pm Sunday, killing four American soldiers.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the gardens section of the Baghdad neighborhood of ar-Rashidiyah on Sunday, killing two US soldiers. Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that one of them was an officer.
Sunday afternoon Resistance attacks north of Baghdad.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Bradley armored vehicle and a Humvee. in the al-Bu Hishmah area of at-Taji, north of Baghdad at 1pm Sunday. Resistance fighters then opened fire with RPG7 rockets. The vehicles were both destroyed and seven US troops were killed.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the al-Ishaqi area north of Baghdad at about 5:30pm Sunday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing three US soldiers and wounding two more.
Sunday Resistance attacks.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked US troops on the highway in Abu Ghurayb at 8:30am Sunday, destroying two civilian trucks belonging to the occupation forces and killing three US troops aboard them.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on the highway in the area between al-Ghazaliyah and Abu Ghurayb at 10:30am Sunday, destroying a Humvee and killing two US troops and wounding three others.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the as-Suwayrah area south of Baghdad at 7am Sunday, destroying a Humvee and killing three US troops aboard.
Just after sunrise Sunday, Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with RPG7 rockets attacked a column believed to belong to US intelligence as it traveled along Airport Road near the al-‘Amil neighborhood in Baghdad, destroying two GMC vehicles and killing five Americans and wounding one more.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on Airport Road near the al-Jihad neighborhood as a US Humvee passed by at about 2pm Sunday, destroying the Humvee and killing three US troops aboard it.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the Karaghul area south of Abu Ghurayb at 4pm Sunday, destroying a Baradley armored vehicle and disabling another, and killing three US troops and seriously wounding five more.
Resistance attacks in ar-Ridwaniyah Sunday.
At 9:30am Sunday Iraqi Resistance forces opened fire with RPG7 rockets and detonated bombs under US troops in the al-Qatta‘ part of the ar-Ridwaniyah area, killing seven US troops.
At 12 noon Sunday, Iraqi Resistance fighters fired RPG7 rockets at US troops in the al-Qatta‘ part of the ar-Ridwaniyah area, killing three US occupation troops.
Engagements with the Americans in ad-Duwaylibah on Saturday.
At 4:30pm Saturday Iraqi Resistance forces in the ad-Duwaylibah area detonated bombs and then fired RPG7 rockets at US military trucks, destroying two trucks that were carrying US troops. The attack left 20 American soldiers dead and eight other US troops seriously wounded.
At 5:30pm Saturday, after the two troop trucks were destroyed, American forces stormed into the al-Mutajalli Mosque. Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the US troops desecrated the mosque, tore up copies of the Qur’an and then set the building on fire, totally burning it. The Americans arrested 15 worshippers.
These developments were not reported in Mafkarat al-Islam on Saturday due to a breakdown in communications with that area.
US shells Ibn Taymiyah mosque in Baghdad.
At 11:30am Sunday, US occupation troops fired four mortar rounds at the Ibn Taymiyah Mosque near Saddam International Airport, killing four people and wounding four more.
Resistance attacks on puppet forces on Hayfa Street in al-Karakh district.
At about 7:30am Sunday morning, Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a white car being driven by members of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” on Hayfa Street in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district. Four puppet guards were killed in the attack, witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with BKC machine guns and hand grenades attacked a joint US-puppet police and puppet “national guard” patrol on Hayfa Street in al-Karakh. Four puppet policemen were killed and more than 10 others wounded. Two puppet national guards were killed and seven others wounded.
Two stooges killed in Abu Ghurayb.
Iraqi Resistance forces armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles attacked tow persons on as-Zaytun Street in Abu Ghurayb at about 4pm Sunday afternoon. Both persons were killed. One of them was a member of the collaborator Badr Brigades, the other was an agent working for the US occupation forces.
Resistance captures 10 Iraqis working for US security company.
Iraqi Resistance fighters belonging to three organizations announced that they had captured 10 Iraqis who work for an American security company. The Resistance fighters threatened to kill the 10 hostages if the American company does not halt its operations in occupied Iraq. The message came in a video picked up by the American Associated Press (AP) and parts of which were broadcast by al-Jazeera satellite TV. The tape did not mention when the men were captured, but mentioned that they live in Baghdad. One appeared to be wounded. Officials in the American company said they were “investigating.”
Resistance executes members of so-called Iraqi “election commission.”
Three members of the puppet so-called “high commission for elections were killed on Sunday when Resistance fighters opened fire on their cars in the Sahat at-Tala’i‘ Vanguards’ Square ミ Hayfa Street area in central Baghdad’s al-Karakh district.
Al-‘Arabiyah satellite TV reported a spokesman for the so-called “commission,” Farid Ayyar, as saying that the Resistance fighters in two cars attacked the commissioners in their cars on Hayfa Street. Witnesses said the Resistance fighters were carrying Kalashnikov assault rifles and handguns. They blocked the street and checked out the faces of those in the cars before opening fire and killing them. No American or puppet forces showed up during the attack.
Attacks in al-Latifiyah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters opened fire with RPG7 and C5K rockets at US troops in al-Latifiyah at 9:30am Sunday, destroying a Humvee and one Bradley armored vehicle and disabling another Bradley. Six US soldiers were killed and four others seriously wounded.
Iraqi Resistance forces destroyed a Bradley armored vehicle and a personnel carrier in the al-Janabayn area of al-Latifiyah at 2pm Sunday, killing at least nine troops and seriously wounding two more.
Iraqi Resistance forces armed with RPG7 rockets attacked and destroyed two trucks and a US armored vehicle in the as-Sayyid ‘Abdallah area west of al-Latifiyah at 4:30pm Sunday, killing six US troops and seriously wounding three more.
Diyala Province.
Resistance attack in Diyala.
Iraqi Resistance forces armed with RPG7 rockets attacked US troops on the Old Road in the Diyala area at 3pm Sunday, destroying a fuel tanker and a Humvee, and killing seven US troops. Some witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Resistance took one US officer and one soldier prisoner in the engagement. One Resistance fighter was martyred in the attack.
Tikrit - Salah ad-Din Province.
Bomb attack in Tirkit.
Iraqi Resistance forces bombs exploded and destroyed three US military trucks loaded with supplies on the bridge at the entrance to the city of Tikrit at 12:15pm Sunday. Local witnesses said they heard five bomb blasts. The attack killed four US troops and wounded two more.
Karbala’ ミ an-Najaf.
Suspicious bombing in an-Najaf.
News media reported that a bomb exploded at a bus stop on Banat al-Hasan Street at the south end of the tomb of the Imam ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib in an-Najaf. Al-Jazeera satellite TV reported that medical and puppet security sources reported that a car bomb exploded in the street, killing 30 and wounding more than 65 others.
The bombing followed closely another reported car bomb attack at a bus stop in Karbala’ that left 14 dead and wounded dozens (see story below).
As is known, the Iraqi Resistance is trying to preserve and defend the unity and sovereignty of all the people of Iraq, regardless of ethnicity or religious identification.
There have been frequent calls from western imperialist quarters, however, for the partition of Iraq along sectarian and ethnic lines. (See, for example Leslie H. Gelb’s article “Three-State Solution” in The New York Times, 25 November 2003; Peter Galbraith “How to get out of Iraq” in the New York Review of Books, 13 May 2004, and “Iraq: the bungled transition” in the New York Review of Books, 23 September 2004. P. Galbraith is former US ambassador to Iraq and son of John K Galbraith. Peter Galbraith has written on the partition of Iraq in The Washington Post, The New York Times, and Wall Street Journal; Jack Cannon “The Three State Solution” in Slice magazine, 21 May 2004; and Liam Anderson and Gareth Stansfield’s book The Future of Iraq, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.). To that end there have been repeated attempts by the US occupation forces, their stooge regime, and pro-American clerics to stir up sectarian hostility, most recently in sectarian religious propaganda used to incite members of the Shi‘i community to join the puppet forces and serve in the US assault on al-Fallujah.
It is against the reality of this political backdrop that Sunday’s bombings near two Shi‘i shrines must be viewed.
Suspicious bombing in Karbala’.
A car bomb exploded at a bus stop in the southern Iraqi city of Karbala’ at about 1am Sunday, wounding at least 22 persons and destroying 10 minibuses, according to the local puppet police. No further information on the bombing was immediately available. The attack was about 200 meters from the tomb of the Imam al-‘Abbas.
Iraqi Resistance bombardments around Iraq.
At 10:30pm Saturday night, Iraqi Resistance forces fired seven 120mm mortar rounds into Saddam International Airport.
At about 7:30am Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five Katyusha rockets into the military academy in ar-Rustamiyah in Baghdad which the Americans have taken over as a base.
At about 7:45am Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the puppet police academy in the ar-Rusafah area of Baghdad near the an-Nahdah Garage north of the Eastern Gate. Thick smoke rose into the sky over the area after the attack.
At about 8:15am Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.
At about 8:15am Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Grad rockets into the US al-Bakr base in Balad north of Baghdad.
At about 8:15am Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four 82mm mortar rounds into the Palace of Congresses Convention Center in central Baghdad.
At about 10:15am Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the building of the puppet so-called “Iraqi interior ministry” on Palestine street in Baghdad, sending thick white smoke, indicating damage to structures, into the sky.
At about 12:45pm Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired seven 82mm mortar rounds into the US camp in the former Iraqi Meat Company in ‘Uwayrij, south of Baghdad.
At about 1:15pm Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 120mm mortar rounds into the US base in at-Taji, north of Baghdad.
At about 2:30pm Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the British al-Mahawil base south of Baghdad.
At 3pm Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into Saddam International Airport.
At 5:30pm Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.
At 6:30pm Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Grad rockets into Saddam International Airport.