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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/11/25
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 25 November 2004
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 26.11.2004 [19:23]
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Generally calm Thursday in al-Fallujah punctuated by a few Resistance thrusts and bombardments.
Except for a few hours when Resistance forces launched lightning strickes and rocket and mortar attacks, the city of al-Fallujah passed an entirely calm Thursday. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the city reported that US troops made no advances in the city Thursday. The Resistance, in fact, for the first time carried out two lightning raids on US troops.
The first raid took place in the south of the city, while the second took place north of the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood in the direction of the main road. After carrying out their attack, the Resistance raiders fell back to their original positions in order to avoid US airstrikes against them.
US forces bombarded areas in the south and northwest of the city, but the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondents noted that Thursday’s bombardment was nothing like that of five days ago, being much less intense and somewhat listless. The Resistance attacks on US supply lines appear to be yielding fruit now, as the amount of ammunition available to US forces now seems to be less than ample, something that is reminiscent of what happened during the first siege of al-Fallujah in April 2004 where Resistance attacks on the US supply lines cut off American forces’ supply of ammunition and was one of the factors compelling the US to agree to pull back.
At sunset Thursday, Resistance forces broke the day’s calm by bombarding concentrations of US forces in the northern area opposite the al-Jawlan neighborhood with six large Katyusha rockets.
At 9pm Thursday night the Resistance began shelling US forces to the north and south with mortar rounds which the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent outside the city reckoned to be 82mm shells.
Fierce fighting in alFallujah on Wednesday.
Fierce fighting raged in al-Fallujah on Wednesday according to the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondents. Resistance forces bombarded US troop concentrations in the north and south of the city, in particular in the northwest near the al-Jawlan neighborhood andin the as-Sakani neighborhood with eight Grad and Katyusha rockets in addition to mortar rounds.
US forces broke through into the city from the southern neighborhood of al-Jubayl, passing by the al-Firdaws Mosque and then into the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood, until they reached the main road in the city. But the Resistance stood up to them and pushed them back towards the south, making them go back to the positions they originally held before their breakthrough.
Resistance forces also pushed US troops that were in the head of the eastern triangle in the industrual zone out of there and into the at-Tabuq workshop in the east of the zone.
Fierce fighting raged on Wednesday in the southern neighborhoods and the northern ones - in al-Jawlan, and in al-‘Askari to the east and in the center in al-Wahdah. The fighting was violent in all those areas, but less intense in al-‘Askari where there were Resistance fighters fighting on after the fall of the area under the Americans. It was unclear whether these Resistance units were trapped or had managed to sneak into the US-controlled sector.
US forces were unable to advance into the al-Jawlan and al-Wahdah areas. More than 400 Resistance fighters broke through US forces and reached the al-Jawlan neighborhood in fact.
Fighters throughout the city noted how rear lines of the US forces moved with great slowness for the seventh straight day. This sluggishness was perhaps one of the reasons for American exhaustion.
US aircraft meanwhile on Wednesday continued bombing the neighborhoods of al-Wahdah, al-Jubayl, al-Jaghifi, and al-‘Askari with container bombs containing cluster bombs.
Difficulty in communication with correspondents is the cause of the delay in conveying this information and other materials from Iraq, Mafkarat al-Islam says, and it apologises for this.
Resistance wipes out puppet division in al-Fallujah fighting.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent inside al-Fallujah has learned that Resistance fighters totally wiped out the 4th Division, one of the puppet “national guard” divisions that have fought with the US forces against the people of al-Fallujah. The division numbered more than 600 men.
Sources told Mafkarat al-Islam that the US put the division at the head of an attacking group but provided the Iraqi puppet troops much less protection than that afforded the American soldiers. This left them exposed to fire from the Resistance, which is better equipped and trained. In a matter of days, the Resistance had wiped out the division. It is thought that this fact might be one of the reasons for the recent criminal attacks and brutality exhibited by the puppet forces against the women and children of al-Fallujah.
Three puppet divisions were employed by the US in the battle against al-Fallujah: among them the 4th, the 8th Divisions. The puppet “national guard” are made up largely of members of the collaborationist Shi‘i chauvinist Badr Brigades and other pro-American groups, whose participation carries with it the threat of sectarian conflict - something that has prompted more responsible Shi‘i religious leaders like Muqtada as-Sadr to say that it is religiously prohibited for Shi‘i Muslims to take part in the US onslaught in al-Fallujah.
Thursday-night fighting in al-‘Amiriyah.
At 7pm Thursday Iraqi Resistnace fighters firing RPG7 rockets and BKC automatic weapons clashed with US forces in the al-‘Amiriyah area of Baghdad, destroying two Bradley armored vehicles and disabling a third, and destroying one Humvee. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that 12 US troops were killed by Resistance fire during the clash. Two Resistance fighters were also killed in the fighting.
Afterwards US forces opened fire indiscriminately on civilians in the area, killing four and wounding two others.
Three US intelligence officers killed on Airport Road Thursday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on Airport Road in the south of Baghdad between the neighborhoods of al-‘Amiriyah and al-Jihad at about 3:30pm Thursday, destroying a GMC vehicle and killing three US intelligence officers.
Resistance ambush in al-A‘zamiyah.
At about 4pm Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 rockets attacked a US patrol in the al-A‘zamiyah neighborhood of Baghdad, destroying a small armored vehicle and killing seven US troops and seriously wounding three more.
Resistance bomb attack in Baghdad Thursday afternoon.
At 4:30pm, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the tunnel at the al-Bab ash-Sharqi (Eastern Gate) area in central Baghdad, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing five US troops.
Evening attack in al-Ghazaliyah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 rockets ambushed a US patrol in al-Ghazaliyah at 5:30pm around sunset Thursday, disabling a Bradley armored vehicle and killing two US troops.
Morning attack in as-Suwayrah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US patrol in the as-Suwayrah area south of Baghdad at 9:30am Thursday morning, destroying a US Humvee and killing two US soldiers.
Resistance bombing in al-Ishaqi.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded Thursday afternoon in the city of al-Ishaqi north of Baghdad, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing four US troops.
Car bomb on al-Jumhuriyah Street Thursday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded on al-Jumhuriyah Street in Baghdad at about 4:45pm Thursday next to a US column, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and a Humvee and disabling a second Bradley. Seven US troops were killed and four other Americans seriously wounded in the attack according to the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent, who added that six Iraqi citizens were also killed and three others wounded.
Secretary of puppet minister assassinated in drive by Resistance assault.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing Kalashnikov assault rifles from passing cars assassinated the secretary of the puppet so-called “Iraqi minister of petroleum” on Palestine Street in front of the gate of the “ministry” in Baghdad at 7:40 Thursday.
Resistance attack in ad-Duwaylibah south of Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a US patrol in ad-Duwaylibah at about 2:15pm Thursday. The attack began when Resistance fighters detonated a bomb and then they attacked with RPG7 rockets, killing six US troops and seriously wounding two more.
Thirteen puppet troops killed in afternoon ambush in al-‘Amiriyah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 rockets attacked a puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” patrol on al-‘Amal ash-Sha‘bi Street in al-‘Amiriyah in southern Baghdad at about 3pm Thursday, destroying a Nissan pickup and killing 13 puppet guards.
Morning bomb attack on US patrol in Abu Ghurayb.
Iraqi Resistance fighters detonated a bomb under a US patrol on the highway in the Abu Ghurayb area at 9am Thursday, destroying a Humvee and killing three US troops.
Bomb disables truck in at-Taji.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US military truck loaded with supplies for US occupation forces in the al-Mushahadah area of at-Taji, north of Baghdad at 10:30 local time, disabling the truck and wounding two US troops seriously.
Badr Brigade collaborator gunmen killed in ar-Ridwaniyah.
At about 2pm Thursday, Iraqi Resistance forces opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles on two Badr Brigade collaborationist gunmen in the al-Fattuh area of ar-Ridwaniyah west of Baghdad, killing them instantly.
Six Turkish drivers killed in Resistance attacks as they served US occupation forces.
At 8:15am Thursday, Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a convoy on the highway in Abu Ghurayb, destroying two civilian trucks loaded with supplies for US occupation forces. Four Turkish truck drivers were killed.
At 2:30pm Thursday an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the Hur al-Basha area of at-Taji under a Turkish truck that was carrying fuel to US occupation troops. The blast destroyed the tank truck and killed two Turkish drivers.
Clashes erupted on the highway near the Muhammad al-Qasim Bridge in central Baghdad early Thursday. In a report posted at 1:07am Friday morning Mecca time, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent wrote that at 5am Thursday morning, the clashes took place in Baghdad and resulted in the destruction of a pickup truck belonging to the puppet “national guard” and three other vehicles belonging to the puppet forces. In addition a small troop transport was destroyed, as were three busses carrying troops, two of them Hyundais, and one Mitsubishi. Fifty-five puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards” were killed in the attack. Nine Resistance fighters also died in the fighting that lasted until 7:30am Thursday. Resistance fighters fired C5K and RPG7 rockets and BKC automatic weapons in the battle.
Resistance bombing in ad-Durah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US patrol in the Hur Rajab area of ad-Durah on the southern outskirts of Baghdad at 10 o’clock local time Thursday, destroying a Humvee and killing four US troops according to the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent’s report posted at 1:07am Friday morning Mecca time.
Puppet “Iraqi ministry of health” orders Baghdad hospitals not to admit wounded patients from al-Fallujah.
The patriotic Iraqi website albasrah.net reported Thursday that the puppet so-called “Iraqi health ministry had issued instructions in the last two days to hospitals in Baghdad not to accept wounded persons from al-Fallujah for what it called “security reasons.”
Sources inside the puppet “health ministry” and in several Baghdad hospitals told albasrah.net that such instructions had been sent to all hospitals in the last two days. The sources reported that a number of Baghdad hospitals were complying with these instructions and refusing to admit wounded patients from al-Fallujah, thus putting their lives at risk.
An ambulance driver who drives seriously injured patients to Baghdad when the medical facilities in al-Fallujah feel they cannot handle the cases said that he had brought patients around to several hospitals in Baghdad but had been unable to find one that would agree to admit the patients. As a result one of them died.
Sources in the “health ministry” said that the notices not to accept al-Fallujah patients were issued under the category of “security notices” but the only conclusion that can be drawn from them is that Baghdad hospitals are being ordered to give up their humanitarian role and mission for the benefit of the political and party authorities.
Albasrah.net notes that since the US invasion, the puppet “ministry of health” has been controlled by administrative cadres selected from among the leaders of the Shi‘i chauvinist and collaborationist parties known as the Da‘wah and Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, whose forces entered Iraq together with the US troops when they invaded the country in spring 2003. Leaders of these parties were given seats in the US-installed puppet government in occupied Baghdad.
Massive explosion in “green zone” shakes Baghdad.
Thick clouds of black smoke rose over the headquarters of the US occupation in Iraq in the area of Baghdad’s Republican Palace - dubbed the “green zone” by the US invaders - Thursday morning after a massive explosion that rocked the Iraqi capital. Reuters reported the blast and smoke but initially gave no more details.
Al-Mahmudiyah, as-Sayyidiyah, al-Latifiyah.
Bomb attack targets Marine transport in al-Latifiyah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters detonated a heavy bomb in the path of an American troop transport on Thursday at 8:35 local time in al-Latifiyah, killing 13 US Marines according to Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent in a dispatch posted at 1:07am Friday morning Mecca time.
Resistance bombs south of Baghdad on Thursday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in al-Mahmudiyah south of Baghdad at about 4pm Thursday, destroying a Humvee. Then at about 4:30pm another bomb exploded destroying another Humvee. Seven US troops were killed.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in as-Sayyidiyah at about 5pm Thursday evening disabling a Bradley armored vehicle and killing one US soldier. US forces and puppet “national guards” have surrounded the cities of al-Mahmudiyah, al-Latifiyah, and as-Sayyidiyah for three days.
Tikrit - Salah ad-Din Province.
Afternoon bomb attack leaves two US troops dead in Tikrit.
At 2:30pm Thursday Iraq Resistance forces detonated a bomb in the path of a US patrol at the city gates near al-Qaws in Tikrit, destroying a Humvee and killing two US troops and wounding a third.
Northern Iraq.
Blast rips through oil pipeline.
An official in one of the US-dominated Iraqi oil companies disclosed that an explosion ripped through one of the oil pipelines linking the oilfields north of Kirkuk with the oil refinery in Bayji Thursday morning. The blast occurred in the Fatihah area, 113km southwest of Kirkuk, 290km north of Baghdad. No information was provided on the effect the explosion is having on local oil output. The puppet official told the American Associated Press (AP) that it will take five days to repair the damage from the attack, however.
Bombardments around Iraq on Thursday.
At 6:30am Thursday Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US prison camp at Abu Ghurayb with four 82mm mortar rounds.
At 7am Thursday Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards” in at-Taji with eleven 82mm mortar rounds.
At 7:15am Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace area - known to the invaders as the “green zone” - in Baghdad with three Katyusha rockets.
At 9:30am Thursday Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the headquarters of the puppet so-called “ministry of the interior” on Palestine Street in Baghdad with four Katyusha rockets causing heavy damage to the building.
At 11:30am Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace area - known to the invaders as the “green zone.”
At 1pm Thursday Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded Saddam International Airport with four Grad rockets, setting off huge explosions.
At about 3pm Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace area - known to the invaders as the “green zone” - in Baghdad with five Grad rockets. This barrage struck a US ammunition dump and secondary explosions continued until 9pm Thursday night. Fire was still burning in the compound until the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent submitted his report, posted at 11:30pm Mecca time (12:30am Friday local time).
At 4:30pm Thursday Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad with three Katyusha rockets and six 82mm mortar rounds.
At 6pm Thursday Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the British base at al-Mahawil north of al-Hillah with seven 82mm mortar rounds.
At 6:30pm Thursday Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad with four 82mm mortar rounds.
At 9pm Thursday Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US base in the former Iraqi Meat company in the al-‘Uwayrij area south of Baghdad with six 82mm mortar rounds.
At about 10:30 Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US-occupied military staff headquarters in al-‘Amiriyah in Baghdad with six 120mm mortar rounds.