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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/11/20
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 20 September 2004
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 21.11.2004
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Saturday, 20 November 2004.
Fighting in al-Fallujah on Saturday.
In a dispatch posted at 9:30pm Saturday night Mecca time, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Fallujah reported that fighting between the Resistance and the US attackers raged on Saturday in the southern neighborhoods of ash-Shuhada’, al-Jubayl, and an-Nu‘aymiyah, and in the industrial zone. The Resistance is still holding its own, the correspondent wrote, and Saturday’s fighting was noteworthy for the fact that intermittent - lasting an hour, then stopping, then resuming and flaring up again and then stopping again for awhile, before starting again, and so on.
This situation has been a source of optimism for the Resistance.
The correspondent noted that the Resistance uses its weapons sparingly, firing four mortar rounds at four specific US vehicles, or one rocket shell for one vehicle - that is when the vehicles open fire from one direction. If the source of US fire is a concentration of tanks, the Resistance shoots intensively at the source of the incoming fire.
On Saturday, the Resistance used a large number of 60mm and 82mm mortar rounds, as well as C5K rockets. The Resistance thwarted a US attempt to break into the industrial zone, halting the American advance and pushing the US forces back to their former positions. The fighting in the other neighborhoods - ash-Shuhada’, al-Jubyal and an-Nu‘aymiyah - was a matter of exchanging gunfire. The US forces there made no attempt to advance.
Fierce fighting broke out in the al-‘Askari neighborhood in the eastern part of al-Fallujah, however, meaning that now the Resistance controls a little more than half of the city. This is what Shaykh ‘Abdallah al-Jannabi, the Chairman of the Consultative Council of the Mujahideen of al-Fallujah said when he told the press that the Resistance controls 60 percent of the city. A leader of one of the Resistance organizations in al-Jubayl said, “our ranks are holding up and holding together. We can see the effects of the prayers of the Muslims for us in these battles.”
This is in confirmation of the view that the fighting in al-Fallujah is an example of urban warfare in which the fortunes of the sides shift back and forth quickly. This is particularly true since the US force use weapons that are banned internationally, and which can change the course of battle at any moment, as took place in the north of the city. Since the Resistance there was holding its own, the US forces resorted to the use of internationally prohibited chemical weapons shifting the balance in their favor.
Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent outside al-Fallujah reported that the US vehicles ringing al-Fallujah on Saturday stayed firmly planted in their places - a very important point for the people of al-Fallujah, since the movement of the vehicles means that the US forces are embarking on some concerted effort to break into the city. When the vehicles stay put, however, it means that they will have a certain lull in the American efforts to drive on their city.
US forces withdrew 250 heavy vehicles from the concentration around the city during the last four days, sending them off in the direction of Mosul in the north of the country, where the Resistance has opened a new front of action against the occupation forces.
The people of Iraq hope that the Resistance will continue to defy the American aggressors for another week because that will mean, according to political observers, the collapse of American power.
Morning battle in al-Ghazaliyah spreads to as-Sakani neighborhood.
At about 9:30am fierce fighting broke out on the highway in the area of al-Ghazaliyah, southwest of Baghdad. Resistance fighters fired RPG7 and C5K rockets and BKC automatic weapons destroying two trucks and a US armored vehicle. Afterwards the fighting spread, reaching the as-Sakani neighborhood, where two US Humvees were destroyed along with a Nissan pickup truck belonging to the puppet “Iraqi national guard.” Eleven US troops and three puppet soldiers were killed. Three Resistance fighters were martyred and four others wounded.
Attack in ad-Dujayl.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked two trucks loaded with provisions for the US troops in the 14 July area of ad-Dujayl north of Baghdad. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent wrote that the attack that took place at about 11am Saturday left two trucks destroyed and killed three US troops aboard them.
Resistance keeps up heavy bombardments of US troop concentrations around al-Fallujah.
Iraqi Resistance forces continued their bombardments of US troop concentrations around al-Fallujah on Saturday.
First of all, on Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces blasted US troop concentrations south and north of the city. Resistance fighters in the “at-Taji Arm” fired more than 40 rockets, including 10 highly destructive Ababil missiles, and the rest powerful Tariq and Grad rockets. That bombardment continued into Saturday, when the “at-Taji Arm” fired more than 21 rockets, of which six were the powerful Ababil, and the rest Tariqs and Grads.
At 2pm Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight rockets and then fired another eight more shortly before sundown. All of those missiles were launched from al-‘Amiriyah.
US troop concentrations in the as-Sakani neighborhood west of al-Fallujah, in the al-Barradat Field between the old and the new bridges, at the command point located near the new bridge, as well as the US concentrations on the southern edges of the city were all targeted on Saturday.
This has been the third day in which the Resistance has mounted such a qualitatively new level of operations, in particular making use of the highly destructive Ababil rockets. On Friday, more than nine fires could be seen burning in US vehicles south of the city. These were not the same vehicles that were set ablaze during the US bombardment of the city during the morning and midday hours.
As-Saqlawiyah residents bury 103 civilian bodies from a small part of al-Fallujah as Americans tell them to leave the bodies of Resistance fighters for the dogs to eat.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Fallujah reported Saturday that the operation to collect and bury the bodies of victims killed by the US assault on al-Fallujah is still under way. The number of bodies buried as of yesterday, Friday, was 103, among them were a number of women and children.
The correspondent wrote in a dispatch posted Saturday at 8:25pm Mecca time, that the last batch of victims’ bodies consisted of 20 corpses, none of which showed signs of being struck by any sort of weapon or ammunition. Their clothing was also not torn or burned. The bodies, however, were blackened due to the Americans’ use of some internationally banned chemical weapons with which they bombarded the city.
It appears that US forces used two types of chemical gas, since the first batch of bodies were swollen and yellowed. The 103 bodies that have been buried so far were all picked up from a small part of the al-Jawlan neighborhood, an area comprising about 15 percent of the neighborhood.
US forces refuse to allow the residents of as-Saqlawiyah, who are actually picking up and loading the bodies, to retrieve the bodies of Iraqi Resistance fighters. The Americans tell the people to leave them where thy lie to be eaten by dogs and cats. This is in contrast to what they do with the bodies of civilians, which they permit to be loaded up and taken away for burial. About 22 bodies were seen that dogs and cats had been eating from - something that can easily be discerned from the way that flesh has been shredded away from faces, hands, forearms, and feet of those bodies. One such body was found with its legs totally eaten up, leaving only the bones.
The residents who took part in transporting and burying the bodies say that the treatment they received from the Americans was good, but that they were met with derision and jeering by the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards” who would laugh and smile and tell the residents, “pickup your dead! This is the destiny that awaits you!” The Americans only dealt with them by signaling them to go in, pick up the bodies, and then leave.
Fierce fighting continues in southern half of al-Fallujah as Resistance pledges to fight to the last drop of their blood.
Fierce fighting continued Saturday morning in the southern half of al-Fallujah according to the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the city. In a dispatch posted at 9:30am Saturday morning Mecca time, the correspondent wrote that the fierce fighting was still raging in the ash-Shuhada’ and al-Jubayl neighborhoods and in the industrial zone - all in the southern part of the city.
Seven unprecedented explosions rocked the area on Friday and at dawn Saturday, he reported. Four of the blasts shook the city Friday night. Three more explosions resounded Saturday at dawn. The correspondent wrote that he was unable to ascertain the cause of the blasts.
Informed sources thought it likely that the US occupation troops would use chemical weapons in the southern half of the city, after their failure to break through Resistance defenses using more conventional weaponry. The American invaders resorted to the use of chemical weapons in their attacks on the northern half of the city in recent days.
Meanwhile US troops have destroyed most of the private cars that they have found in al-Fallujah, out of fear that they might be used in martyrdom car bombing missions against their forces.
In other news, a member of the al-Fallujah Resistance organizations told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that the Resistance would continue fighting against the occupation to the last drop of their blood or at least until their ammunition was exausted.
Elsewhere in Iraq . . .
Iraq explodes in battle at 6:30am - “zero hour” - as Resistance launches new strategy of nation-wide coordination.
All parts of Iraq witnessed fighting against the US occupation on Saturday beginning early in the morning.
Half-past six am was zero hour for the Iraqi Resistance forces. At that time they launched attacks on US troops and fighting erupted all over the country. It flared particularly violently in Baghdad.
These battles marked the launch of a new Resistance strategy based on the coordination of actions between the Resistance groups in different parts of Iraq, and the unification of their efforts for the liberation of the country.
The developments in al-Fallujah are playing a major part in this new Resistance strategy. Since the beginning of the Battle of al-Fallujah, the Resistance organizations have striven to coordinate between themselves to reduce the pressure that the Americans can bring to bear on al-Fallujah. Several days ago Iraq witnessed an intifadah uprising whose aim was to break the American siege of the city. But the results of the uprising exceeded the Resistance organizations’ expectations, and they managed to seize control of several large cities and important centers throughout the country. These successes did not entail major losses on the part of the Americans and their stooges, however, as the occupation forces hunkered down in their bases and camps, refusing to come out, meaning that the Resistance control of the cities was merely apparent control.
The Resistance was not satisfied with apparent control, however, and resolved to draw the US troops into battle in order to inflict such casualties on them that they would not be able to forget. The Resistance cut back its attacks over the past four days. Indeed the last two days - Thursday and Friday - were marked by the lowest number of attacks launched by the Resistance in the last three months. This is merely an effort to arouse a false sense of security in the Americans, however, so that they come out of their hiding places. This is what happened and the Resistance was waiting for them at zero hour Saturday morning. As of the writing of this report (posted on Mafkarat al-Islam at 10pm Saturday Mecca time) fighting continues to rage in several parts of Iraq.
Fierce daylong fighting in al-‘Amiriyah district.
Violent battles raged in the al-‘Amiriyah area of Baghdad from 9:30am until sunset Saturday. US forces had suffered heavy losses in the fighting by noon. A Resistance car bomb destroyed two GMC command cars and two Humvees. Clashes in which Resistance fighters fired C5K and RPG7 rockets and BKC automatic weapons left two Bradley armored vehicles and a Humvee destroyed and disabled another armored vehicle. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that 22 US soldiers were killed in the fighting and that 15 Iraqi civilians also died when US troops opened fire indiscriminately around the area.
Fierce fighting in al-A‘zamiyah district.
At 6:30am Saturday Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 and C5K rockets and BKC automatic weapons attacked US troops and puppet “national guards” on the main road in the al-A‘zamiyah district of Baghdad, destroying two Nissan pickups belonging to the puppet forces, and three Humvees and two Bradley armored vehicles belonging to the US troops. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that 16 US troops and 9 puppet guardsmen were killed.
At 6:30am Saturday Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets, 60mm mortars, and BKC automatic weapons attacked a puppet police station in the al-A‘zamiyah district of Baghdad, destroying four Nissan patrol cars and killing 15 puppet police. Ten Iraqi Resistance fighters and civilians were killed and others wounded in the fighting.
At 3:20pm Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 rockets battled US troops, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and disabling another and killing a reported six US troops.
Kurdish Mossad agent abducted.
Iraqi Resistance forces wounded a Kurdish individual in one of his legs and then kidnapped him in the al-Bayya‘ district of Baghdad. The Kurd was working as an agent for the Zionist Mossad secret police, and was taken to an unknown destination.
Afternoon ambush in al-Ghazaliyah.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked two US trucks in the al-Ghazaliyah area west of Baghdad at about 3:30pm Saturday, destroying the vehicles and killing two US troops.
Bombing west of Baghdad kills US soldier.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the Suwayd area of the ash-Shurtah neighborhood west of Baghdad as a US Humvee was passing at exactly 12:30pm Saturday, killing a US soldier and wounding two others.
Airport Road bombing reportedly kills three US troops.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on Airport Road in Baghdad as a US Humvee was passing at about 3pm Saturday, killing three US soldiers and wounding two others.
Attacks in al-Qadisiyah kill collaborators, US troops.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a white Avalon car being driven by four persons who worked for the administration of the US-installed puppet “interim government.” The attack that took place at 2pm in the al-Qadisiyah district of Baghdad destroyed the car and killed the four collaborator officials, one of them a woman.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded as a US column of Humvees was passing along the highway bridge leading to the center of the city in al-Qadisiyah. The blast that took place at about 4pm destroyed two Humvees and killed five US troops and wounded four other American soldiers who were riding in the vehicles.
Attacks in Abu Ghurayb.
At 12:15am Iraqi Resistance forces destroyed three US military trucks in the ash-Shuhada’ area, destroyed a Bradley armored vehicle with an RPG7 rocket in al-Kharnabit, and detonated a bomb and then opened fire with an RPG7 rocket on US forces in the Khan Darri area, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle. The three attacks left nine US soldiers dead and six others wounded. One Resistance fighter was killed and four other Resistance fighters were wounded in the three attacks.
At 10:15am Iraqi Resistance forces struck a US Bradley armored vehicle with an SPG9 rocket in he ash-Shayhah disrict of Abu Ghurayb, destroying it and killing two US troops and wounding three other American soldiers.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked a US patrol on the highway in Abu Ghurayb at about 4pm Saturday, destroying a US Humvee and killing three US soldiers and wounding a fourth.
Ambush on Hayfa Street.
At 3pm Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets ambushed a US patrol on Hayfa Street in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district, destroying one Humvee, disabling a Bradley armored vehicle and killing a reported four US troops.
Attack in al-I‘lam area of Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces destroyed a pickup truck belonging to the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” in the al-I‘lam area of Baghdad, killing four soldiers aboard it at 5pm Saturday.
Resistance attack wounds Turkish truck driver.
At about 5pm Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a civilian truck bringing supplies to US forces in the at-Tarimiyah area north of Baghdad, wounding a Turkish driver.
Attacks in ad-Durah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the al-Bu’itha area of ad-Durah, disabling an American armored vehicle and killing a US machine gunner aboard it at 5pm Saturday.
Three collaborationist Badr Brigade gunmen were killed at about 4pm Saturday when Resistance fighters firing Kalashnikov assault rifles attacked their white Nissan Sunny car in the al-Mikanik area of ad-Durah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the ‘Arab Jabbur area of the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah, disabling a Bradley armored vehicle and killing one US soldier and wounding a second at about 9am Saturday.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 and C5K rockets clashed with US forces and their Iraqi puppet “national guards” in the Hur Rajab area, destroying a Humvee and an Abrams tank. Seven US troops and six puppet soldiers were reported killed by the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent, two of them by Resistance sharpshooters.
Bombing in as-Suwayrah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Humvee in as-Suwayrah Saturday, southwest of Baghdad, killing one US soldier and moderately wounding two other American troops.
Fighting in al-Janibayn.
At about 1:30pm Saturday fighting broke out in the al-Janibayn area near Baghdad, in which two Humvees were destroyed and three Bradley armored vehicles and a truck belonging to the puppet “national guard” were disabled. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that seven US troops and five puppet soldiers were killed in the fighting and two Resistance fighters martyred. More than six Resistance fighters were also wounded.
Attacks on Airport Road.
At 3:30pm Saturday Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked a US patrol on Airport Road near the al-Furat neighborhood, destroying a GMC command car and a Humvee and killing two US intelligence officers and two soldiers.
At 7pm Saturday Iraqi Resistance forces detonated a bomb destroying a US GMC on Airport Road in the area between the neighborhoods of al-‘Amiriyah and al-Jihad. The blast flipped the GMC over several times, killing two soldiers and seriously wounding a third.
Attack in as-Sayyidiyah.
At 7pm Saturday, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on the highway in as-Sayyidiyah south of Baghdad disabling a Humvee and killing one US soldier and wounding two others.
Resistance attacks in ar-Ridwaniyah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Humvee in ar-Ridwaniyah southwest of Baghdad, destroying the vehicle and killing three US troops at 5pm Saturday.
Iraqi Resistance forces detonated a bomb and then opened fire with RPG7 rockets on a US Bradley armored vehicle in the Middle Palace al-Qasr al-Awsat area of ar-Ridwaniyah at about 9am Saturday, destroying the Bradley and killing four US troops.
Ambushes in al-Mushahadah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Humvee in the al-Mushahadah area north of Baghdad, killing a reported three soldiers aboard it at about 5:30pm Saturday.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets and BKC automatic weapons attacked a US column in the al-Mushahadah area north of Baghdad at about 10:30am Saturday, destroying a Humvee and a truck loaded with provisions, and killing four US troops.
Resistance bomb attacks in Salman Bak.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US armored personnel carrier (APC) in the Salman Bak area, killing a reported four US soldiers aboard it at about 2pm Saturday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Abrams tank in the Salman Bak area, disabling the tank and killing one soldier aboard it at 2:30pm Saturday.
Resistance bomb destroys supply truck in al-Ishaqi.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a civilian truck loaded with supplies for the US occupation troops in the al-Ishaqi area between Balad and at-Taji north of Baghdad, destroying the truck and killing the driver who was believed to be Asian.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on a dirt road as a US patrol was passing in al-Latifiyah at about 4:30pm Saturday, destroying an Abrams tank and killing five US troops aboard it, according to the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent.
Resistance bombardments around the country Saturday.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Grad rockets into the US base in Saddam International Airport at 6am Saturday.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired six Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad at 7am Saturday.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Grad rockets into the US al-Bakr base in Balad north of Baghdad at about 8am Saturday.
At 8am Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight Katyusha rockets into the British base at al-Mahawil north of al-Hillah.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 82mm mortar rounds into the joint US-puppet “national guard” base in at-Taji north of Baghdad at about 8:30am Saturday.
At 10:30am Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired nine 82mm mortar rounds into the British base in al-Mahmudiyah south of Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired six 82mm mortar rounds into the US al-Muthanna airbase in Baghdad at about 12:30pm Saturday.
Iraqi Resistance forces shelled the US facility in the former headquarters of the Iraqi chiefs of staff in Baghdad with eight 120mm mortar rounds at about 1pm Saturday.
Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded American troops concentrated in the Abu Ghurayb prison at about 2:30pm Saturday with eight 82mm mortar rounds.
From 3pm to 3:15pm Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US troops in the former Iraq Meat Company in ‘Uwayrij south of Baghdad with four Katyusha rockets.
At 4pm Saturday, Iraqi Resistance fighters fired four Katyusha rockets and two Grad rockets into the US base in Saddam International Airport.
At about 4pm Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired six Katyusha rockets into the British base at al-Mahawil north of al-Hillah.
Iraqi Resistance forces shelled the US facility in the former headquarters of the Iraqi chiefs of staff in Baghdad with 15 Katyusha rockets at 4pm Saturday, evidently directly hitting an arsenal because smoke continued to rise over the facility until 8:30pm.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 120mm mortar rounds into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad at 5:30pm Saturday.
At 6pm Saturday, Iraqi Resistance fighters fired nine 120mm mortar rounds into the US base in Saddam International Airport.
At 6:30pm Saturday Iraqi Resistance fighters fired seven 60mm mortar rounds into the headquarters of the puppet “national guard” in the ar-Risalah neighborhood in Baghdad.
At about 7:15pm Saturday Iraqi Resistance fighters fired four Katyusha rockets into the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace area known to the invaders as the “green zone.”
At about 7:45pm Saturday Iraqi Resistance forces fired a Grad rocket into the US camp at the Equestrian Club in the al-Furat neighborhood of central Baghdad.