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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/11/18
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 18 November 2004
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 19.11.2004 [06:23 ]
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Thursday, 18 November 2004.
Fighting during the night, followed by Resistance bombardments of US positions on Thursday.
In a dispatch posted at 7:30pm Mecca time Thursday evening (8:30pm local time) the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Fallujah reported that Iraqi Resistance forces had bombarded the US headquarters in the governorate building in the al-Mu‘allimin neighborhood of al-Fallujah as well as concentrations of US troops in the as-Sakani neighborhood with 12 Grad and Katyusha rockets on Thursday.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that the US forces in the governorate building were struck by three Katyusha rockets and two Grad rockets, while four Grads and three Katyushas slammed into the American troop concentrations in the as-Sakani neighborhood.
The strike at the governorate building was the more accurate, according to the correspondent, who noted that the Resistnace had got the exact bearings of the building beforehand, anticipating that it would be one position they would want to occupy in the city.
Fighting broke out in al-Fallujah on Wednesday evening and continued until dawn Thursday when it quieted down. Then it began again in the south of the city sometime later.
Two Resistance car bombings kill US troops CIA agents.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded as a US patrol was stopped near the al-Yarmuk Center in the al-Yarmuk neighborhood of Baghdad at about 1pm Thursday, destroying two Humvees and disabling a third, and also disabling a Bradley armored vehicle and damaging four civilian cars. Eight US troops were killed as were two civilians and four other civilians were injured in the blast.
At 6pm Thursday evening, an Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded as a US military column was passing along on Airport Road between the neighborhoods of al-‘Amiriyah and al-Furat in southern Baghdad. The blast destroyed two GMC cars and a Humvee and killed five American intelligence agents and four US troops. Also destroyed was a white American-made Celebrity car in which two civilians were killed.
The Resistance has frequently warned Iraqi citizens against getting near US patrols because they are subject to ambush or car bombing. In these cases, the Resistance had posted warnings on local mosques along the road and on residential buildings.
Fierce daylong fighting rages in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district.
Violent armed clashes broke out at dawn on Thursday around Baghdad between the Iraqi Restance and US forces backed by their puppet troops.
The fighting erupted in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district at about 5am where it extended to the Vanguards’ Square Sahat at-Tala’i‘, al-Mushahadah and al-Fahhamah. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Americans together with their puppet “Iraqi national guard” forces tried to encircle the area, but the Resistance put up a fierce struggle.
The fighting raged until 1pm and left four Land Cruisers belonging to the puppet police and four Nissan pickups and a truck belonging to the puppet “national guards” destroyed.
At midday the Resistance was firing RPG7, C5K, and SPG9 rockets, hurling hand grenades and firing BKC automatic rifles and 60mm mortars. They had destroyed a Bradley armored vehicle and disabled three other armored vehicles. The Resistance shot down an unmanned spy plane, destroyed a Humvee, and disabled an armored vehicle belonging to the Americans.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that more than 18 American troops were killed in the course of the fighting. More than 27 puppet “national guardsmen” and 15 puppet police were also killed.
More than thirty Resistance fighters and Iraqi civilians were killed in the fighting, including nine children and three elderly persons as well as several women. In a dispatch posted at 5:37pm Mecca time (6:37pm local time) the correspondent reported that fighting in the area was still under way.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that three more US troops were killed in fighting that broke out at about 4:15 Thursday afternoon local time on Vanguards’ Square in the al-Karakh district of Baghdad. That clash left two Bradley armored vehicles disabled after the Resistance opened fire on them with RPG7 and SPG9 rockets.]
One lackey of the occupation was also killed and another wounded on Hayfa Street when Resistance fighters opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles at about 5:30 on the collaborators.
Four US troops killed in ambush in al-Mahmudiyah.
Four US troops were killed and two others wounded when an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US Humvee in al-Mahmudiyah south of Baghdad at about 10:30am Thursday. The blast killed four American soldiers and wounded tow more seriously. All that was left of the Humvee was an inverted burning skeleton, as the force of the blast flipped the vehicle over.
Resistance bomb in al-Janabiyin area destroys APC.
Five US troops were killed in the al-Janabiyin area of Baghdad, when an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded at about 3:30pm Thursday afternoon, destroying an armored personnel carrier.
Nine US troops killed in al-Ghazaliyah ambush.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked US forces on the highway in al-Ghazaliyah at about 9:30am Thursday morning, destroying two Humvees and a supply truck and disabling a Bradley armored vehicle. Nine US troops were killed and more than six wounded in the attack. Two Resistance fighters were martyred and seven others wounded.
Attacks in ad-Durah.
At about 4:30pm Thursday, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US patrol in the Hur Rajab area of ad-Durah in the southern suburbs of Baghdad, disabling a Bradley armored vehicle and killing one US soldier.
At 1:30pm Thursday an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US patrol in the al-Bu ‘Isa area of ad-Durah, destroying a Humvee and killing two and wounding two more US troops.
At 1pm Iraqi Resistance forces destroyed an armored vehicle with an RPG7 rocket, killing six US troops.
At 12 noon on Thursday, an Iraqi Resistance bomb disabled a US Humvee in the ‘Arab Jabbur area of ad-Durah, on the southern outskirts of Baghdad.
Fighting in Abu Ghurayb.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a US patrol in the Kharnabat area of Abu Ghurayb as it was on its way to al-Fallujah at 4:30pm Thursday afternoon. Resistance fighters opened fire with RPG7 rockets and BKC automatic weapons, destroying a Humvee and two US military trucks and killing six US soldiers.
At about 7:30am Thursday, fighting raged in the Shayhah area of Abu Ghurayb. Iraqi Resistance forces detonated bombs under the American troops and then opened fire with RPG7 rockets and BKC automatic weapons, leaving a reported 12 Marines dead. Two members of the Resistance were wounded, an eye witness saying that one of them died after being taken to the hospital.
Clashes in al-‘Amil neighborhood.
At 8:15am clashes broke out on Airport Road in the al-‘Amil neighborhood, leaving four US troops dead after their Humvee was destroyed by an RPG7 rocket. Two trucks were also destroyed in the attack.
Three US troops killed in ar-Ridwaniyah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb destroyed a Bradley armored vehicle in the ar-Rashid area of ar-Ridwaniyah at about 9am. Fighting was also reported and three US troops were killed.
Four puppet “national guards” killed in ambush in as-Suwayrah.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under a Nissan pickup carrying puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards” in the as-Suwayrah area south of Baghdad at 2:15pm Thursday. The pickup was destroyed and four puppet troops were killed and two others wounded.
Two US troops killed in afternoon bombing in al-Latifiyah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US patrol in al-Latifiyah at 3pm Thursday afternoon, totally destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing two US troops and wounding two others, one of them sereiously.
Balad - Salah ad-Din Province.
Midday fighting in Abu Dujayl area.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked US troops in the 14 July area of Abu Dujayl near Balad at about 12 noon local time on Thursday. Resistance fighters fired RPG7 and SPG9 rockets destroying a Humvee, a US military truck and a civilian truck loaded with supplies for the US troops. Seven American soldiers were also killed and two others wounded. The driver of the truck, a Turk collaborating with the US aggressors, was killed.
Convoy ambushed in the al-Bu Hishmah area near Balad.
At 10am Iraqi Resistance forces ambushed a US column in the al-Bu Hishmah area near Balad as it was on its way to the US al-Bakr military base. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that the Resistance fighters first detonated bombs under the convoy and then attacked it with RPG7 and SPG9 rockets and BKC automatic weapons. Two Bradley armored vehicles and a truck loaded with supplies for the US forces were destroyed. Nine US troops were killed. Six Iraqi Resistance fighters were also killed in a prolonged close combat engagement with the US troops.
Resistance attacks US patrol near at-Taji.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked a US patrol in the Hur al-Basha area of at-Taji north of Baghdad at 11:30am Thursday, destroying two US military trucks and killing four American soldiers.
Resistance ambush around sunset in al-Mushahada near at-Taji.
At 5:15 Thursday evening Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 and C5K rockets attacked US forces in the al-Mushahadah area near at-Taji north of Baghdad. Two armored vehicles were destroyed and eight US soldiers were killed and two Iraqi Resistance fighters were martyred in the attack.
Bombardments throughout Iraq on Thursday.
From 4am until 9am Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad, firing more than 20 missiles, including Katyusha rockets, and 82mm mortar shells.
Iraqi Resistance forces during the night and until 7am Thursday morning bombarded the US base in Saddam International Airport with more than 22 missiles, including Grad and Katyusha rockets and 120mm mortar rounds.
Iraqi Resistance forces shelled the Equestrian Club in the al-Furat neighborhood of Baghdad - now occupied as a base by the Americans - between 7am and 10am with seven Grad rockets, firing one rocket every so often.
Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad at about 5pm Thursday evening with four Katyusha rockets.
At 5:20pm Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 60mm mortar rounds into the headquarters of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” in the ar-Risalah neighborhood of Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance force fired C5K rockets into the US al-Bakr base in the city of Balad north of Baghdad, apparently striking a munitions storehouse or a fuel depot because fire was ignited by the attack and it continued to blaze for a long time.
At 6:15pm Iraqi Resistance forces struck the US base in Saddam International Airport with six 120mm mortar rounds.
At exactly 7pm Iraqi Resistance forces struck US troops in the former Iraqi Meat Company facility south of Baghdad with three Katyusha rockets.
At about 7:30 Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight 82mm mortar rounds into the US airbase in al-Muthanna in Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad at 9:15pm Thursday night with seven Katyusha rockets.
Turkish intelligence reports on expanding Zionist role in northern Iraq.
The Turkish daily newspaper Cumhuriyet published on Thursday a report stating that since the summer of 2003, the Zionist entity “Israel” has been buying land and buildings in northern Iraq to facilitate its drive to separate the northern region from the rest of the country.
The story, summarized in the Thursday issue of the United Arab Emirates newspaper al-Bayan, said that Cumhuriyet had obtained a report drawn up by high level Turkish intelligence officials reporting on the Zionist activity in northern Iraq - an area of vital interest south of the Turkish border that has long been embroiled in the ethnic tension inside Turkey because of the Kurdish population on both sides of the frontier.
Cumhriyet said that high-level Turkish security agencies had prepared a comprehensive report on “Israeli” activity on the ground in Iraq under the US occupation. The report stated that the Zionist entity had been pursuing an active and energetic policy since the summer of 2003 to buy buildings and land in Iraq. The Turkish report specifically had data on Tel Aviv’s purchase of 6,000 dunums of land in Kirkuk as well as 500 houses in the province of Mosul and 2,000 dunums and 30 buildings in Irbil.
The Turkish intelligence report stated that “Israel” was pursuing this effort by way of Turkish Jews in northern Iraq. The Zionist entity was also pushing this effort financially, encouraging Jewish businessmen and pushing to increase “Israeli” trade with occupied Iraq by way of Jordan.
The report stated that “Israel” is pursuing a policy that aims at eliminating any possibility of an Iraqi threat to the Zionist colonial state arising in the future. There are many aspects of this policy, one of them being to ensure the political and economic power of the northern region of Iraq so that it can run its affairs independently of Baghdad.
To this end “Israel” provides political support for the drive by Kurdish chauvinist collaborationist parties to take on a central role in the puppet regime in Baghdad. The Turkish report states that “Israel” believes that the isolation of the northern part of Iraq from the rest of the country and the formation in Baghdad of a Shi‘i administration with Iranian support would constitute a threat for the Zionist entity and its interests. With this in mind, the Zionist leadership is using the Kurdish chauvinists as a means to counter both Iran and Syria, in addition to their guarantee that an oil pipeline would be opened as quickly as possible running directly from northern Iraq to the city of Haifa in Zionist occupied Palestine. Getting this into operation soon would greatly enhance the economic power of the Zionist entity.
The Turkish intelligence report says that the Zionists did not in fact begin buying land and buildings in northern Iraq after the fall of Baghdad in 2003, but before, when the northern region was effectively under the control of the US through its Kurdish stooges. America seized control of northern Iraq after the 1991 war of aggression it led against Iraq. The Zionist effort to purchase land and buildings in the north, the report states, began as early as 1993.
The Turkish intelligence report states that this drive by “Israel” to secure its presence in northern Iraq is based on a text in the Torah concerned with making lands “holy” for Jews and is not aimed at provoking a confrontation with Turkey. At the same time, the Turks note, “Israel” does not want to see the Turkish army present in northern Iraq and is trying to counterbalance its policies in this region.
Rare hard-to-treat blood infection found in growing number of wounded US troops.
Reuters reported on Thursday that an unexpectedly high number of US soldiers injured in the Arab world and Afghanistan have been testing positive for a rare, hard-to-treat blood infection in military hospitals, according to US army doctors.
Reuters reported that a total of 102 soldiers were found to be infected with the bacteria Acinetobacter baumannii. The infections were reported to have occurred among soldiers at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germand and three other sites between 1 January 2002 and 31 August 2004.
According to Reuters Army investigators said that they did not know whether the soldiers contracted the infections on the battlefield, during medical treatment on the front line, or following evacuation to Walter Reed, Landstuhl or other military medical facilities.
But although it was not known where the soldiers contracted the infections, the report said that the recent surge in the affliction highlighted a need to improve infection control in military medical facilities.
Reuters reported that 85 of the bloodstream infections occurred among soldiers serving in Iraq, the area around Kuwait, and in Afghanistan, according to a US army report published on Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Reuters said that military hospitals typically see about one case of this disease per year.
According to the report, the A. baumannii is found in water and soil and is resistant to many types of antibiotics. It surfaces occasionally in hospitals, often spread among patients in intensive care units.