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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/11/17
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 17 November 2004
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 18.11.2004 [06:02 ]
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Wednesday, 17 November 2004.
Resistance fighting in southern part of al-Fallujah as US bombs city.
In a dispatch posted at 11:25pm Mecca time, the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that two hours before he wrote this report violent clashes had broken out between US Marines and the Iraqi Resistance in the southern half of al-Fallujah, the part of the city still entirely controlled by the Resistance, US claims to the contrary.
The intensity of the battles have been escalating on both sides along the outskirts of the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood and in the southern part of the industrial zone and the al-Jubayl neighborhood where it is less intense but still very fierce in the west but less fierce in the east as one approaches the industrial zone.
US forces withdrew from their ground attack and carried on the fight with an air bombardment of the southern part of the city. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the city reported that the US forces are using cluster bombs and napalm in their bombing, in particular in their attacks on the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood. The US bombers, that come in from outside of Iraq, were still engaged in bombing at the time the correspondent wrote his report.
Meanwhile US forces strengthened their presence in the south, doubling its presence in the south of the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood. US columns have been driving from the northeast of al-Fallujah towards the US forces concentrated in the south.
The Resistance is still holding its own, however, and repelled the US attempt to advance on the south of al-Fallujah. Resistance forces fired more than 35 rockets, thought to be Grads, at the US forces concentrated northwest of al-Fallujah and at the US concentrations to the south. The rockets were fired from the al-‘Amiriyah and al-Karmah areas. Resistance forces responded to the US bombardment with a rocket barrage of their own from the heart of the southern half of al-Fallujah, firing 82mm and 60mm mortar rounds as well as Katyusha missiles.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-‘Amiriyah reported that more than 18 US vehicles were on fire there at the time of writing, but he has not been able to obtain further details, other than to say that the vehicles appear to be medium-sized or large armored vehicles.
Iraqi Resistance forces in al-‘Amiriyah shelled the British forces at point 102 in the al-Musayyib area to the south of al-‘Amiriyah with 82mm and 60mm mortar rounds.
Iraqi Resistance forces in al-Fallujah completely control the south of the city while there is a US presence in the northern half of the city. Those troops, however behave warily and their presence is unstable since the Resistance has been carrying out numerous sharp shooter and booby trap attacks, killing 27 American troops today, Wednesday. More than 35 Resistance attacks by groups of individual fighters were carried out on Wednesday against the US forces there.
Mafkarat al-Islam commented that it does not know exactly what the current strategy of the Iraqi Resistance in the city is at this time. It appears however that the Resistance will not open street warfare on a large scaled but only on a narrow scale lest there be a repeat of what happened in the north of the city when the Resistance succeeded in destroying a large number of American vehicles in the streets, but allowed the US to deploy snipers along the main roads. They were able to change the balance of the combat by severely inhibiting the movement of the Resistance fighters.
Resistance group strikes US supply convoy.
Iraqi Resistance forces belonging to the Salafi Movement of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq attacked a US column in the al-Karmah area north of al-Fallujah at around noon on Wednesday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and an armored personnel carrier with seven US troops aboard, as well as a Humvee and a military fuel tanker. The attack left 12 American troops dead according to an announcement by the Movement. The attack was one of the many attacks launched by the Resistance at the American supply lines leading to al-Fallujah.
Resistance destroys US column on its way to join battle in al-Fallujah.
Iraqi Resistance forces destroyed a group of US vehicles Wednesday morning as they were on their way from al-Karmah to al-Fallujah. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the area reported that the Resistance destroyed a Bradley armored vehicle, a Humvee and a fuel tank truck belonging to the US forces in addition to destroying an armored personnel carrier.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that there was heavy loss of life among the US forces accompanying the vehicles, but he was unable to ascertain the exact numbers of dead and wounded, as US aircraft arrived on the scene.
Resistance shoots down two helicopters near al-Fallujah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing BKC automatic weapons shot down an American Apache helicopter at dawn on Wednesday in the area of al-‘Amiriyah south of al-Fallujah as it was hovering at a low altitude to take part in the American military operations underway in the south of al-Fallujah.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired a C5K rocket and struck a big Chinook helicopter as it hovered over the Saddamiyat ath-Tharthar area southwest of as-Saqlawiyah, setting it ablaze along with all aboard the craft at 2:45pm Wednesday. The helicopter was carrying a load of US troops wounded in al-Fallujah.
Resistance forces shelled the US forces headquarters east of as-Saqlawiyah on Wednesday with about nine 120mm mortar rounds.
Fighting in al-Fallujah on Wednesday.
In a dispatch posted at 7:15pm Wednesday evening Mecca time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that violent fighting took place Wednesday morning in the southern neighborhoods of ash-Shuhada’, an-Nazal, and al-Jubayl, and the industrial zone. After that the US bombarded the southern part of al-Fallujah for several hours, but this had stopped at the time of reporting.
Iraqi Reistance forces in al-Fallujah still control the southern half of the city, the part located south of the main road. US forces had made some progress in northern al-Fallujah and have a presence there. But their presence is not firm and they are subject to a large number of small-scale ambushes by small bands of three to six Resistance fighters.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the city spoke by telephone with his editors at about 5pm Wednesday. He said that more than 35 small ambushes have been carried out by the Resistance in the northern part of the city.
Moderate fighting was still underway on the edges of the al-Jawlan neighborhood. Five powerful rockets exploded in the midst of US troop concentrations in various parts of the city and the sound of the blasts could easily be heard. The correspondent said that the rockets, whatever they were, were not Tariq or Grad rockets.
Meanwhile the southern environs of al-Fallujah were bombarded by nine Grad rockets. Later, during the afternoon, the Resistance fired seven more Grad rockets into US forces in that area.
Washington Post quotes Resistance leader.
In its Wednesday, 17 November 2004, issue the American Washington Post newspaper carried remarks of Shaykh ‘Abdallah al-Janabi the Chairman of the Consultative Council of the Mujahideen of al-Fallujah, an 18-member council of religious leaders, tribal chiefs and Baath Party members.
Speaking in an undamaged house in the an-Nazal neighborhood of al-Fallujah on Monday, al-Janabi was protected by several bodyguards and wore an explosive vest, the wires that would detonate it dangling a few inches apart. A bodyguard said the religious leader preferred martyrdom to “dying on his bed like a camel,” according to the American newspaper’s report.
The Washington Post quoted al-Janabi as saying: “The Americans have opened the gates of hell, the Battle of al-Fallujah is the beginning of other battles.” He noted that, “We still have our strength, our force and ammunition, and the battle is long, very long. And we will turn Iraq into one big Fallujah.”
“It is only the beginning, from a military point of view,” said al-Janabi. “We have succeeded in drawing them into the quagmire of al-Fallujah, into the alleys and small pathways. They have fallen into the trap of explosive charges, land mines and, now, the defenders’ short supply lines inside the neighborhoods.”
“The cause will not die if the individuals die,” al-Janabi said. “It will survive until the last Iraqi holy warrior dies or runs out of bullets.” He added, “If the military leaders agree on another area where we will inflict more losses on them, then we will.”
Al-Janabi mocked the statement of Qasim Dawud, a senior Iraqi puppet official who on Saturday told reporters that al-Janabi and another Resistance, ‘Umar Hadid, were “cowards” who had fled the city before the offensive. The Washington Post described Hadid as a ranking figure in the group now known as al-Qa‘idah in Iraq, which it said is headed by the Jordanian militant Abu Mus‘ab az-Zarqawi, whom the US government frequently blamed for virtually all the Resistance activity in the country.
“I am here,” al-Janabi said. “You can see me. And if you wait for a while, you can see ‘Umar Hadid. He is still in the city,” he said according to the Washington Post report.
Resistance group in al-Fallujah pledges to execute American prisoners.
In a dispatch posted at 6:50pm Mecca time Wednesday Mafkarat al-Islam posted a communiqu issued by the command of the Army of Muhammad in which the organization pledged to kill what it called the “pharaohs of Iraq” of the likes of US installed puppet prime-minister Iyyad ‘Allawi, Qasim Dawud, Salah an-Naqib, and Hazim ash-Sha‘lan and pledging also to kill American prisoners.
The Army of Muhammad pledged in its communiqu to pursue the US military everywhere in Iraq and to take their operations into the heart of Baghdad after al-Fallujah, a battle that had pulled off masks that had not been expected.
The communiqu said that al-Fallujah was the first real battle in Iraq and that the number of fighters was growing - where there had been ten there were now a hundred, where there were a hundred there are now a thousand.
The communiqu said that the organization would be publicly slitting the throats of the American troops it holds captive.
Earlier the Army of Muhammad organization had issued statements quoted by satellite TV networks, saying that it had captured a number of US prisoners. Mafkarat al-Islam has also reported that the Resistance in al-Fallujah is holding a number of US and British prisoners. A film of 36 American prisoners was turned over to al-Jazeera and al-‘Arabiyah satellite TV companies, but they refused to broadcast it. The US has so far refused to acknowledge that the Resistance in al-Fallujah holds Americans prisoner.
Report on Wednesday in al-Fallujah from albasrah.net.
A report published on the albasrah.net website reported on Wednesday that grueling battles were continuing in the north and south of al-Fallujah. US bombing of the city was concentrated on the south and on the northern edges of al-Fallujah. American AC-130 airplanes were taking part in the bombing. On the ground American sappers were blowing up houses that they claimed were used as weapons storehouses.
Quds Press was quoted as reporting fighting on the edges of the al-Jawlan neighborhood in the north of the city, which the Resistance totally recaptured on 15 November, contrary to American claims. US forces meanwhile were trying to break open a path for their tanks so thy can storm the city through the ash-Shuhada’ and al-Jubayl neighborhoods.
The sources say that the battles now under way in al-Fallujah are the fiercest ever seen.
Americans use chemical weapons in al-Fallujah.
In a dispatch posted at 6:40pm Mecca time, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that US troops got residents of the as-Saqlawiyah area on Monday and Tuesday to collect bodies of civilians killed on the outskirts of the al-Jawlan neighborhood in al-Fallujah’s northwest and to take them to as-Saqlawiyah for burial. The US troops insisted on going along with the as-Saqlawiyah residents from the moment they left their town and all along the route as they loaded and transported the bodies back for interment in as-Saqlawiyah. US troops also searched all the residents who were to go to transport the bodies, for fear lest any one of them have cameras with which to record the crimes of the American troops.
The correspondent reported that the as-Saqlawiyah residents transported 20 bodies on Monday, among them two women and two children. On Tuesday they transported 14 bodies. The correspondent noted that all those who had died were killed by some sort of chemical gas since their bodies were bloated, as if inflated from all sides, and yellow but without odor - except for a few that the witness said gave off a pleasant smell as is expected of the bodies of martyrs.
The as-Saqlawiyah residents to took part in the hauling of the bodies asked the Americans to be allowed to go into the al-Jawlan neighborhood but the American commander said through an Iraqi translator that although they were in complete control of the area where they then were on the outskirts of al-Jawlan, that was not the case inside, and the Americans could not let the residents go into the neighborhood un-escorted, but the Americans dared not go into the neighborhood with them either.
On Wednesday a group of as-Saqlawiyah residents went on another trip to collect the bodies of those killed by chemical weapons on the northern side of al-Fallujah. A woman refugee who was coming from the western side of the al-Jawlan neighborhood said that she saw the US troops putting bodies in black bags and throwing them in the Euphrates River but she was unable to see whose bodies they were.
The Iraqi Resistance inflicted heavy losses on the US forces in al-Fallujah prompting the Americans to employ chemical weapons for the first time since the fall of Baghdad. The US forces used chemical weapons in the al-Jawlan, ash-Shuhada’, and al-Jubayl neighborhoods. The last time they used chemical weapons was last night in al-Jubayl neighborhood.
Mafkarat al-Islam stated that it hesitated to publish these reports, which it could have begun doing two days ago, for fear that they might provoke the Americans to prohibit efforts to clear away the bodies of the martyrs for burial, leaving them instead to become food for dogs, other predators, and vermin. The editorial board believed, however, that the issue of publishing this report had good and bad sides. The bad side of publishing the story being that it might halt the efforts to bury the martyrs. But the good side was that it would show up the enormity of US barbarism in al-Fallujah, and that, in turn could be “buried” if the story were never published. Therefore Mafkarat al-Islam’s editorial board decided to publish the story so that it could be recorded and so that history could bear witness to the crimes of the American forces.
Doctor charges US used chemical weapons in al-Fallujah.
An Iraqi doctor accused the US forces in al-Fallujah of using chemical weapons against the city. Speaking on the radio program Panorama FM at midday Wednesday, the doctor said that he had examined two bodies of Iraqis killed by the Americans using internationally prohibited chemical weapons. Mafkarat al-Islam reported the doctor as saying that the bodies had no gunshot or shrapnel wounds, nor any sign of blunt force trauma.
Mafkarat al-Islam had earlier reported on the Americans’ use of chemical agents in al-Fallujah on 11 November, but at that time the extent of the damaged they caused was diminished by a rainstorm.
Resistance ambush in al-Karmah.
Iraqi Resistance mines exploded in the path of a US column heading from al-Karmah to al-Fallujah, destroying two Humvees, a fuel tank truck, and a troop carrier. After secondary explosions, the Americans started shooting indiscriminately around the area, preventing the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent from ascertaining the extent and nature of US casualties.
Buildings mined by the Resistance blow up with American troops inside.
Prior to their occupation by US aggressor troops, Iraqi Resistance forces picked out a number of buildings that were likely to be occupied by the Americans and hid bombs inside rooms. In one case 20 US troops walked into such a trap and the room was blown up with them inside. Not one of them came out unhurt.
In another case, seven US troops attacked a house in the al-Jawlan neighborhood where the Resistance had mined the water tank. According to the Consultative Council of the Mujahideen of al-Fallujah, the Resistance detonated the bomb as the Americans were nearby and killed all of them.
Iraqi prisoner eyewitness tells of treatment meted out to Resistance fighters in American captivity.
An eyewitness who was just released from one of the US prisons in Iraq told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent on Wednesday how the Americans find out which of their prisoners is a member of the Iraqi Resistance. He also drew attention to the role played by Iraqi translators serving the occupation troops.
The eyewitness told Mafkarat al-Islam that the US occupation troops rub a handkerchief soaked in some chemical on the palm of a detainee. If the palm of the detainee’s hand festers, that is a proof that he has been using fire arms, which is presumed to mean that he has been fighting the Americans. The American jailers then execute him or transfer him somewhere else.
The witness said that the Iraqi translators working for the Americans chat with the prisoners and find out who are fraternal Arab fighters and point them out to the Americans. The witness said that the translators are even more brutal than the occupation troops themselves.
He told of a case where a boy of fifteen was being interrogated by a translator. When the boy made a mistake and said his age was thirteen, the translator pulled a knife and stabbed him in the right side and cursed him for intentionally lying.
The witness said that the occupation troops are setting up numerous prisons in al-Fallujah. They use schools and private houses that they have occupied for that purpose. He added that the occupation troops now hold more than a thousand prisoners who are youths, children, and also some women.
Resistance attack in al-‘Amiriyah destroys four Humvees.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets and BKC automatic weapons destroyed four US Humvees when they attacked a US patrol made up of five Humvees in the al-‘Amiriyah area south of Baghdad at about 6:45pm Wednesday. The fifth Humvee fled, leaving the rest of the soldiers to their fate. Eleven US troops who were on the Humvees were killed in the attack.
Seven US troops killed in Wednesday night Resistance attack.
At least seven US troops were killed when the Iraqi Resistance fighters firing rocket-propelled grenades, C5Ks, and BKC automatic weapons attacked a US patrol in the al-Jihad neighborhood of southern Baghdad at about 8:45pm Wednesday, destroying two Humvees and a US military truck loaded with provisions.
Resistance pounds US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad Wednesday night.
Iraqi Resistance forces mounted an intensive bombardment of the US as-Suqur base sending columns of smoke into the sky over the facility south of Baghdad at about 10pm Wednesday night. At the time the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent filed his report (posted at 11:50pm Mecca time) the rockets were still blasting into the US base. More than 25 Grad and large and small Katyusha rockets were fired into the American base, setting fires that were visible outside.
Bomb attack in Qanat al-Jaysh area.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under a US military patrol on the highway as it passes through the Qanat al-Jaysh area of Baghdad at 12 noon Wednesday, totally disabling a Humvee and killing two US troops and wounding a third.
US soldier killed in truck ambush Wednesday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under a US military truck loaded with supplies for the occupation troops on the highway as it passes through the al-Bayya‘ area of Baghdad at 5:30pm Wednesday. The attack destroyed the truck and killed one US soldier.
Afternoon Resistance attacks around Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG8 and RPG7 rockets and BKC automatic weapons attacked a civilian truck serving the US troops in ar-Rashidiyah at about 9 o’clock local time, killing three aboard the vehicle.
In at-Taji Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked and destroyed two civilian trucks supplying the US forces. Three persons of unknown identity were killed aboard the trucks.
At 1:30pm Wednesday, Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the headquarters of the puppet municipal council in Baghdad with two rockets, killing three and wounding two.
Attacks in ad-Durah and other locations south of Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG8 and RPG7 rockets attacked a US patrol in the Hur Rajab area of the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah, destroying an Abrams tank and killing four US troops aboard it. After the attack, that took place at 4pm Wednesday, US forces arrested a number of youths on suspicion that they might have been involved in Resistance activity.
In ‘Arab Jabbur in ad-Durah, an Iraqi Resistance bomb disabled a US Humvee, killing one US soldier and wounding another.
At 7am Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG8 and RPG7 rockets attacked a joint US-Iraqi puppet “national guard” patrol, killing three US troops and five puppet “national guardsmen.”
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded destroying two Humvees and killing seven US troops in as-Suwayrah south of Baghdad.
Resistance attacks against puppet forces in Baghdad area.
Iraqi Resistance forces hurled hand grenades at a Land Cruiser belonging to the Badr Brigade collaborationist organization on Sahat at=Tala’i‘ in the al-Karakh district of Baghdad, killing four Badr Brigade gunmen at 11am Wednesday.
At 12 noon Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a puppet police patrol in Nissan patrol cars in Salman Bak with a bomb that left three puppet policemen dead and one wounded.
At 12:30pm Iraqi Resistance forces captured a high ranking spy working for the US occupation in the ‘Allawi al-Hillah area when he was in a public bath house outside the market. They led him away to an unknown destination.
Iraqi Resistance forces threw hand grenades at a white Kia bus on Sahat at-Tala’i‘ Vanguards’ Square in the al-Karakh district at 4:15pm Wednesday, killing six guards and wounding two. The Resistance forces seized the weapons of those inside.
At 5:30pm Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 rockets attacked a white 2004 Nissan Sunny belonging to the Badr Brigades collaborators in the Hur al-Basha area, killing three gunmen.
Resistance attack in as-Sayyidiyah.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked and destroyed a US Humvee as it traveled along the highway in as-Sayyidiyah at 11:30am Wednesday. Resistance fighters fired a Grad missile at it and totally destroyed the vehicle, killing the three US troops aboard and wounding a fourth.
Resistance bomb attack kills intelligence officer Wednesday night.
On Airport Road near the al-‘Amiriyah neighborhood, Iraqi Resistance forces detonated a roadside bomb, damaging a GMC command car and killing one of the US intelligence officers aboard it at 6pm Wednesday evening.
Resistance car bomb kills five US troops in al-‘Amil district of Baghdad.
At 7:30am Wednesday an Iraqi Resistance car bomb drove into US troops on Airport Road in the al-‘Amil section of Baghdad, destroying one Humvee, damaging a second, and destroying a GMC vehicle belonging to American Intelligence. Five US troops and two intelligence agents were killed in the attack.
Resitance attack on Airport Road at noon.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a US column on Airport Road at 12 noon Wednesday, destroying a fuel tank truck and disabling another. A Humvee was also destroyed in the attack and a second Humvee damaged. A white Land Cruiser belonging to the Iraqi puppet intelligence service was damaged and collided with a bridge killing all aboard.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the area reported that the attack left five US troops dead and several wounded. Four Iraqi passers by were hurt in the attack. US forces immediately began evacuating their casualties from the place before photographers could arrive. As a result the photographers only saw the burning tank truck and the wreckage of the car belonging to Iraqi puppet intelligence.
Resistance harries US forces in Abu Ghurayb area.
Iraqi Resistance forces destroyed two Humvees and two US military supply trucks loaded with provisions for the US army on the highway in Abu Ghurayb at 8:30am Wednesday. The Resistance fighters first detonated two bombs and then attacked the column with RPG7 rockets. Six US troops were killed in the attack.
Iraqi Resistance forces ambushed a US patrol in the az-Zaydan village area of Abu Ghurayb at about 3:30pm Wednesday afternoon. First they detonated three bombs and then attacked firing RPG7 rockets, destroying two US armored vehicles and badly disabling a Humvee. Five US troops were killed in the attack.
One US soldier was killed when a US military truck loaded with provisions for the American troops was destroyed in an attack by Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets. The attack took place on the Old Road in Abu Ghurayb at 4:30pm Wednesday.
Powerful Resistance attack near at-Tarimiyah.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in the path of a US column north of ar-Tarimiyah as it was trying to make its way from at-Tarimiyah to Mosul. Resistance fighters firing C5K and SPG9 rockets and BKC automatic weapons then attacked the US forces, destroying four Bradley armored vehicles and two Humvees and killing more than 16 US troops according to the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent. Five Iraqi Resistance fighters were martyred in the engagement.
Afternoon Resistance attack in Duwaylibah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Bradley armored vehicle in Duwaylibah, killing four US troops. Three Iraqi Resistance fighters were also martyred in the attack that took place Wednesday afternoon.
Three US troops killed in morning attack in ar-Ridwaniyah.
At about 8am an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a Bradley armored vehicle in the al-Fattuh area of ar-Ridwaniyah, destroying the vehicle and killing three US troops aboard it. Two other US troops received first-degree burns.
Resistance bombing of US patrol on al-Janibayn Bridge.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under a US military patrol on the al-Janibayn Bridge in the al-Janibayn area west of al-Latifiyah at 4pm Wednesday. The attack left five US troops dead and a sixth wounded in addition to destroying two Humvees.
Morning attack leaves five US troops dead.
At about 8:30am Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked a US patrol in al-Latifiyah destroying two Humvees and killing five US troops and wounding three others.
Bomb attack in al-Latifiyah.
At about 11:30am Wednesday two Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in the ash-Shahid ‘Abdallah area of al-Latifiyah destroying a US armored vehicle and a troop carrier, killing six US troops and wounding one other American soldier.
Elsewhere in Iraq.
Iraqi Resistance forces captured 31 members of the Iraqi puppet police as they were returning from a round of training in the neighboring Arab region of Jordan. The American Associated Press (AP) reported a puppet police spokesman in Karbala’ as saying that the puppet policemen were captured on Sunday in ar-Rutbah, near the Jordanian frontier. The puppet policemen were spending the night in a hotel on their way back from Jordan.
The AP said that about 20 Resistance fighters stormed the hotel and covered the heads and tied the hands of the puppet policemen and then took them to an unknown destination.
A puppet police spokesman said that most of the men were from Diyala Province, northeast of Baghdad.
Bombardments throughout Iraq on Wednesday.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad at 6am with seven 120mm mortar rounds.
The Iraqi Resistance struck the joint US-Iraqi puppet “national guard” base in at-Taji north of Baghdad at 9am with three Katyusha rockets.
The Iraqi Resistance fired two Grad rockets into the US al-Bakr military base in the Balad area north of Baghdad at 10am Wednesday.
The Iraqi Resistance struck the British al-Mahawil Base north of al-Hillah in southern Iraq with four Katyusha rockets at 9:30am Wednesday.
At 12:30pm Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US base in Saddam International Airport with two Katyusha rockets.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked the US troops occupying the former Iraqi Meat Company in ‘Uwayrij south of Baghdad with two Katyusha rockets at about 4pm Wednesday.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad at 5pm with five Katyusha rockets.
At 6:30pm Iraqi Resistance forces fired six 120mm mortar rounds into the US al-Muthanna airbase in Baghdad.