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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/11/15
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 15 November 2004. Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Monday, 15 November 2004.
Resistance fighters in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah shoot down two US helicopters.
In a dispatch posted at 9:20pm Monday Mecca time, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Fallujah reported that Resistance forces had shot down two US Apache helicopters over ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah in the last couple days.
The first of the two choppers was downed on Sunday, 14 November, the second was shot down around sunset today, Monday. The correspondent noted that the Resistance brought both down with C5K rockets.
Mafkarat al-Islam apologized for the delay in reporting the downings but noted that the the whole of al-Anbar province was ablaze and it was difficult to travel and to follow events closely.
‘Amiriyah al-Fallujah ミ a town to the south of al-Fallujah ミ appears to have acquired some special skill in shooting down American helicopters. Several days ago they brought down a helicopter that was carrying some 60 US troops.
Fighting rages for hours as Resistance attacks US positions northeast of al-Fallujah.
Iraqi Resistance forces in al-Fallujah attacked US troops located in the agricultural area northeast of the city in an attempt to break up their camp. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that the Iraqi Resistance struck the most important US position northeast of the agricultural area. Fighting spread to al-Jarmah northeast of the city and continued for more than four hours.
US columns have moved up to the area where fighting has been underway in the agricultural area and the area of the city cemetery. The battle zone has stretched over 35 to 40km.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired Grad rockets on the headquarters of the puppet so-called “national guard” in al-Jarmah, destroying an American force that was there.
US Apache and Black Hawk helicopters attacked northern al-Jarmah in an attempt to retrieve their dead and wounded.
Calm prevails in the city. US snipers on buildings along main roads. Resistance moves freely in neighborhoods.
In a dispatch posted at 4:17pm Mecca time Monday, the al-Fallujah correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a noticeable quiet has descended over al-Fallujah, broken only by intermittent fire by one of the American snipers scattered on rooftops in places in the city. The calm prevails both in the city center and on the outskirts.
US snipers are deployed on the main streets of the city in six or seven positions along ath-Tharthar Street, the main street leading to ar-Ramadi (ar-Ramadi Road), and buildings overlooking the Euphrates to the west of the city.
Dozens of US snipers deployed on the main thoroughfares prevent the people in their areas from moving about normally and obtaining drinking water and food, though the city’s residents move freely in the narrow side streets.
The grip of the snipers themselves has also loosened to the extent that people sometimes can even manage to sprint across the main streets.
Decomposing bodies still lie on some streets where the people cannot get to them to bury them. Some people have buried relatives in their homes for fear of risking snipers on the way to cemeteries.
The Iraqi Resistance has changed its positions within the city, distributing different districts to different militant organizations, allowing the groups to reinforce one another whenever fighting becomes fierce. The Resistance fighters move about easily within their own areas.
Resistance sharpshooters attempted to eliminate the American snipers by taking up positions on other high buildings to pick them off, but US Apache helicopters would unleash intense gunfire upon them whenever they made such attempts.
Nineteen Americans killed when Resistance blows up building over their heads.
Sources in the Consultative Council of the Mujahideen of al-Fallujah told Quds Press on Monday that Iraqi Resistance forces blew up a building in al-Fallujah as American forces were entering it on Monday morning, killing 19 US troops.
The building in the al-Bazarah neighborhood opposite the al-Wuthbah Secondary School in the city was blown up using a large amount of TNT as the US troops were entering it. The US forces brought in bulldozers to dig out the remains of their dead. Many US troops who were still outside the building when it exploded were wounded.
On Sunday the US military admitted that the Resistance in al-Fallujah had detonated a building killing three and wounding 13 other American troops. Resistance sources told Quds Press that the real number was 60 dead and 40 wounded in that blast. The building that blew up was the office of the Governor of al-Fallujah and more than 500kg of high explosive TNT was used to demolish that large structure over the Americans.
Al-Fallujah doctors issue appeal.
Al-Fallujah’s doctors issued an appeal for assistance on Monday, noting the extent of the criminal activity of the US forces that had no qualms about blowing up hospitals and clinics with patients and doctors inside.
The doctors denounced US-appointed puppet “prime minister” Iyyad ‘Allawi and his so-called “health minister” ‘Ala’ ad-Din al-‘Alwan. They noted that US forces attacked al-Fallujah General Hospital in the first hours of their attack and arrested doctors, nurses, and medical professionals. These people were beaten and humiliated on the grounds that they were “terrorists.”
The doctors in their statement said that the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” who accompanied the Americans, drove nurses out of the delivery room as an Iraqi woman was giving birth, leaving the baby still attached to the mother.
After that US troops bombarded the substituted hospitals that had been set up inside the city, “and the blood of doctors and that of patients mixed under the ruins.” After the bombardment, if they found anyone still alive in the rubble, they crushed him with their tanks.
The doctors’ statement noted that US snipers killed more than 17 Iraqi doctors who had rushed to respond to an earlier appeal for help from al-Fallujah’s medical personnel that went out over al-Jazeera satellite TV.
The doctors’s statement also pointed out that US forces prevented aid teams from getting into al-Fallujah, terrorizing and repressing the Iraqi Red Crescent teams and humanitarian and Islamic volunteers.
The doctors in al-Fallujah denounced the puppet so-called “health minister” saying that he had threatened to cut off the salarie, take away their licenses, and imprison them if any of them talked about the outrages committed by the US and puppet forces in al-Fallujah.
The doctors concluded their statement calling on all doctors to condemn these barbaric acts and to take the initiative to save all the people of al-Fallujah who can be saved. They also insisted on the need to expel those who cooperate with the occupation, including the so-called “minister of health,” from the Iraqi Federation of Physicians.
Resistance commander scoffs at claims US “controls” al-Fallujah.
Iraqi Resistance commander Abu Muhammad, who leads fighters in the north of al-Fallujah scoffed at pictures broadcast by some television companies showing US soldiers resting on beds in al-Fallujah. Abu Muhammad observed that the Resistance was still looking for where those beds were so they could set them afire.
Abu Muhammad said that the occupation forces were good at forging photos. He said that images of US troops strolling about streets of al-Fallujah looked like images from the storming of any Iraqi city. Although he had not himself seen the images, he said that those who had seen them maintained that no houses recognizable as being in al-Fallujah showed up in them. As to the claims that the US forces were in the city, Abu Muhammad said that they might have taken pictures on the day they did enter the city ミ 26 Ramadan/ 9 November, but since then the situation had totally changed. Abu Muhammad offered the explanation that some of the pictures could be of places of no strategic importance that the Americans occupied.
Abu Muhammad told Mafkarat al-Islam that unbiased observers had acknowledged that the city had never been in the hands of the US occupation and that the war in al-Fallujah was still on.
Iraqi Resistance forces battle US troops in Baghdad area Monday.
At 8:15am Iraqi Resitnace forces killed two US troops and wounded two others in an attack in the Abu Ghurayb area.
At 9:30am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked US troops on the highway in Abu Ghurayb, destroying a Humvee and a civilian truck hauling goods for the US occupation forces and killing one American soldier and the Asian truck driver.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing two RPG8 rockets destroyed a Bradley armored vehicle and killing all aboard it. US troops then cordoned off the area in Abu Ghurayb.
In al-Ishaqi north of Baghdad Iraqi Resistance forces firgin C5K and RPG7 rockets destroyed a Humvee and a Bradley armored vehicle, killing seven US troops. Three Resistance fighters were martyred, and four Iraqi citizens were wounded.
In Hur al-Basha in the at-Taji area north of Baghdad, Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets killed three US troops after destroying the Humvee in which they were riding.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets destroyed a Nissan pickup truck belonging to the puppet “national guard” troops in the al-Suwayrah area south of Baghdad, killing seven US troops and wounding two others.
At about 2:30pm Monday afternoon, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Bradley armored vehicle in Duwaylibiyah, killing the three troops who were aboard it.
The puppet so-called “Iraqi national guardsmen” near the gate of the US al-Muthanna airstrip were attacked by Resistance fighters hurling hand grenades on Monday. Six puppet troops were killed and two others wounded.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 rockets destroyed a US Humvee and killed three US troops aboard it at about 11:30am Monday.
At about 12:30pm Monday Iraqi Resistance forces clashed with US troops in the ar-Ridwaniyah area, killing two US troops and wounding two more after their Humvee was destroyed by a roadside bomb.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under an American Humvee in the az-Za‘faraniyah area, killing two US troops and wounding three more.
Iraqi Resistance forces threw two bombs at a Bradley armored vehicle in the ‘Arab Jabbur area of ad-Durah in Baghdad’s southern suburbs, killing four US troops aboard it.
Four US troops were killed in a Resistance attack in the al-Jallabin area when their Bradley armored vehicle was destroyed at about 10am Monday morning.
Iraqi Resistance fighters in Baghdad’s al-A‘zamiyah district, firing BKC automatic weapons and C5K and RPG7 rockets, destroyed two Humvees adnd three Nissan pickup trucks belonging to the puppet “national guard” and killed five US troops and 13 puppet soldiers in an attack on Monday. Three Resistance fighters were killed. Three civilians were killed in incident and nine others wounded.
On Airport road in the al-‘Amil district in Baghdad, Iraqi Resistance fighters hurled a bomb at a Humvee, disabling it and killing three US troops and wounding two others. The GMC command car in which they were riding was disabled in the attack that took place at about 9 o’clock local time.
In as-Sayyidiyah an Iraqi Resistance bomb destroyed a Bradley armored vehicle at about 11am, killing three US troops. Later at about 6pm clashes broke out in which a Humvee was disabled when Resistance fighters threw a bomb at it, killing one US soldier and wounding two more.
At about 10 o’clock a US military truck and a Humvee were destroyed between the ad-Dawli‘i neighborhood in the al-Hurriyah district and the al-‘Adl neighborhood, killing five US troops.
At 2:30pm an Iraqi Resistance bomb destroyed a civilian truck in the Madinat ash-Sha‘b area, killing the driver who was believed to be Asian.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb destroyed a US Humvee on the highway in as-Sayyidiyah, killing two US troops and wounding four other American soldiers.
Two Mafkarat al-Islam correspondents martyred in American bloodbath on Hayfa Street.
Iraqi Resistance forces battled US aggressor troops on Hayfa Street and Vanguards’ Square [Sahat at-Tala’i‘] in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district at 2:30pm Monday afternoon. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Resistance destroyed two Bradley armored vehicles and killed three US snipers as well as 11 other foot soldiers.
The Resistance also shot down two airplanes and destroyed two vehicles with BKC automatic rifles. They also disabled a Black Hawk Helicopter which began to emit smoke as it headed off for the al-Muthanna airstrip.
Altogether, US losses in the battle totaled 22. Three Resistance fighters were killed and three others wounded.
In reply to the attacks, American troops opened fire indiscriminately in the area, killing 15 individuals including two correspondents for Mafkarat al-Islam ミ Mahmud al-Jabburi, 25 years old; and Hasan Lamhadani, 33.
US gunfire cut down Hasan first, and then as Mahmud tried to rescue him, American sniper fire struck him in his neck, killing him instantly. The wounded Hasan tried to approach Mahmud’s body but American snipers opened fire again, blowing up his head.
The bodies of the 15 dead Iraqis, including the two correspondents of Mafkarat al-Islam lay in the street until sunset, as the American snipers prevented anyone from approaching them. Just about six weeks ago two other Mafkarat al-Islam correspondents were martyred in the same location.
Bahraz still in control of Iraqi Resistance.
Iraqi Resistance sources in Ba‘qubah denied that the town of Bahraz had fallen into the hands of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard,” saying rather that two headquarters of the “national guard” in Ba‘qubah had been destroyed recently.
Furthermore, Bahraz is not a strategic location that the Resistance is intent to keep under its control. The control of the Resistance in that area is merely a demonstration of the power of the Resistance and its ability to hold on to whatever towns and cities it wants to retain.
Bombardments across Iraq on Monday.
At 6am Monday morning Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight 82mm mortar rounds into the US al-Muthanna airbase in Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad at about 6:30am Monday. The Resistance then fired seven 82mm mortar rounds into the same camp.
At about 7am Monday morning, Iraqi Resistance forces fired Grad rockets into Saddam International Airport.
At about 8am the British base in al-Mahawil was struck by nine 82mm mortar rounds.
At 8:30am Monday morning, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Grad rockets into Saddam International Airport.
At 8:30am Monday morning Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight 82mm mortar rounds into the US al-Muthanna airbase in Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired six 82mm mortar rounds into the US base in the former Iraq Meat Company south of Baghdad.
At about 9am Monday morning Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Katyusha rockets into the US al-Muthanna airbase in Baghdad.
At 9am Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the puppet “national guard” forces in at-Taji north of Baghdad with six mortar rounds.
At 9am Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the US base in the north of Tikrit.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base at noon on Monday.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base around sunset Monday.
Iraqi Resistance forces on Monday struck the headquarters of US intelligence in Baghdad’s al-A‘zamiyah area with seven 82mm mortar rounds, followed by four Katyusha rockets.