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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/11/30
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 30 November 2004
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 01.12.2004 [07:20]
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Tuesday, 30 November 2004.
Tuesday’s fighting in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah.
In a dispatch posted at 12:50am local time Wednesday morning (11:50pm Tuesday night Mecca time) Mafkarat al-Islam reported from al-Fallujah that US forces attempted to carry out a “punishing” operation on ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah out of which Resistance forces have been operating to harass the rear lines of American troops attacking nearby al-Fallujah city.
The US operations were aimed also at covering the US withdrawal from the city that was accompanied by Resistance ambushes, many of them originating in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah and targeting US forces on the road out of al-Fallujah towards the US-occupied base in al-Habbaniyah.
In ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah on Tuesday, the fighting was varied. It lasted continuously from Monday evening and into the pre-dawn hours of Tuesday. It then flared up again at about 7am Tuesday and lasted until 10:15am. Calm then reigned until 3pm when skirmishes began to break out. US forces then started pulling out of some parts of ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah, but then they returned at about 5pm Tuesday evening and very fierce fighting erupted, in which the Resistance fired Tariq and Grad rockets as well as 60mm, 82mm, and 120mm mortar rounds and 68mm C5K rockets.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah saw six military vehicles ablaze in just one part of the town, but he was unable to ascertain whether they belonged to the US or British invader forces.
Then at 10:15pm Tuesday night, US forces again began to withdraw from ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah, heading back towards their al-Habbaniyah base. The correspondent noted, however, that the withdrawal of the Americans was unorganized, with different vehicles crossing each other’s paths as they pulled out along a number of paved and dirt roads.
US forces also stormed the ar-Rahman Mosque in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah, tearing up copies of the Qur’an and attacking worshippers. The puppet “national guard” raided apartments of citizens in the residential area, breaking down doors and stealing money and women’s gold jewelry at gunpoint, before leaving the area.
Tuesday in al-Fallujah.
Intermittent clashes broke out Monday night in the south of the city, but around dawn Tuesday moderate fighting developed and intensified in the northern extremity of al-Fallujah.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent on the south side of the city reported that intermittent battles broke out Monday night in the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood in the south of the city and in al-Jubayl in the southwest. These died down with the coming of dawn.
In the north of the city what the correspondent there called clashes of “moderate” intensity broke out but then intensified for about half an hour beginning at 7am Tuessday. Resistance fighters fired C5K, SPG9, and RPG7 rockets, and BKC machine guns and pounded US invader troops with about 33 mortar rounds of 82mm and 120mm caliber.
The correspondent, in a dispatch posted at 3:20pm local time Tuesday (2:20pm Mecca time), said that the fighting was still continuing intermittently at the time he filed his report. US aircraft were unable to get involved in the fighting, however, because the Resistance and American lines were too close together.
Meanwhile, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Azraqiyah village to the west of al-Fallujah reported that no US troops were present in the area between the as-Sakani neighborhood and the al-Jawlan neighborhood - a distance of about half a kilometer. A Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent inside al-Fallujah observed that there were no direct clashes between the US forces and the Resistance in the neighborhoods of al-Wahdah, al-Jumhuriyah, Old al-Fallujah, al-Muhandisin, and ad-Dubbat, and attributed this fact to a Resistance decision to use those areas as zones for hit-and-run attacks to wear down and divide up the American forces - a fact which, in turn, led the Americans not to station troops in those areas.
The correspondent reported that earlier US operations to pull units out of al-Fallujah had halted Monday night, probably due to the fighting that was going on in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah for which the Americans probably thought they might need the units in the city. They probably therefore resolved to keep them in al-Fallujah rather than withdraw them to al-Habbaniyah and then have to send them back into the combat zone in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah again.
A resident of al-Fallujah told Mafkarat al-Islam on Tuesday morning that he had been wounded and therefore was forced to turn himself over to the US troops in the northern extremity of the city. He said that on Sunday he had set off from the south of the city, by way of the main street that divides al-Fallujah in half. He said that the first check point patrol he encountered was in the al-Mu‘allimin neighborhood, and they were puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” troops.
US forces dominate the neighborhoods of al-Mu‘allimin and al-Jaghifi, while the center of the Resistance is in the southern part of the city which itself constitutes 55 percent of the area of al-Fallujah. In addition the Resistance controls the al-‘Askari neighborhood and about three-fourths of al-Jawlan.
US forces tightened their hold in the northwest part of the neighborhood of al-Jawlan, where Resistance fighters had been able to break through and into the city. US forces in al-Jawlan prevented a deputation of the residents of as-Saqlawiyah from entering the neighborhood to collect and bury bodies of people killed in the US bombardments. The Americans claimed that the situation inside the neighborhood was “insecure.”
Some units of the Red Crescent are present in the city - both its northern and southern halves - in order to provide relief food aid to the residents who have been suffering badly as a result of the US siege.
Mafkarat al-Islam apologized to its readers for not being able to cover the details of the battles in al-Fallujah more fully. This was due to the dangerous conditions prevailing in the city’s front line areas and to the difficulties in communication from within the city to editors on the outside. In addition, one of Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondents inside the city was wounded, putting more of the burden of coverage on correspondents outside in the surrounding areas around the city. Mafkarat al-Islam has correspondents to the northeast of al-Fallujah in al-Karmah, in as-Saqlawiyah to the northwest of the city, and in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah to the east.
New hospital opens in eastern al-Fallujah.
A new hospital in eastern al-Fallujah opened its doors on Tuesday - the Talib al-Jannabi Hospital. Four physicians have been able to come to work in the facility; a fifth was prevented from entering the area.
The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the four doctors now working at the new hospital are Dr. Rafi‘ al-‘Isawi, Dr. Talib al-Jannabi, Dr. Hamid al-Walimi, and a Dr. Basim. Dr. Suhayl Mahmud was not allowed into the area.
The Talib al-Jannabi Hospital is the first hospital to open after US forces destroyed al-Fallujah General Hospital in their offensive on the city.
The Iraqi Red Crescent, meanwhile, is continuing to provide first aid in the house of Shaykh Tal‘at al-‘Isawi in the ash-Shurtah neighborhood of the city, and also in the Mosque Center Markaz al-Jami‘ in the al-Hadrah area.
US uses Shi‘i chauvinists and fanatics to drive Iraq towards sectarian civil conflict in an attempt to reduce their own losses. Puppet “national guard” troops paste posters of pro-American cleric ‘Ali as-Sistani on mosques in the US-occupied parts of al-Fallujah.
Members of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” have been plastering pictures of pro-American Shi‘i cleric ‘Ali as-Sistani in the mihrab niches at the front of all mosques in the parts of al-Fallujah that the US invaders and their stooges have occupied. The American invaders have from the beginning sought to stir up and capitalize on sectarian strife in Iraq.
They began by establishing a confessionalist governing council to rule the country under American auspices. In addition, sectarian Shi‘i chauvinist Badr Brigade gunmen who invaded Iraq along with the US forces have been incorporated into the so-called “Iraqi national guard.” Sectarian hatred of the Sunni population has been instilled in the gunmen who frequently view the pro-American clerical body led by ‘Ali as-Sistani as their source of spiritual guidance. Military vehicles belonging to the “national guard” joined the American invaders and drove into al-Fallujah emblazoned with sectarian anti-Sunni religious slogans.
There have been frequent reports that the population of al-Fallujah is more afraid of murderous abuse at the hands of the sectarian fanatics than they are of the behavior of the American invaders themselves. Most recently the correspondents for Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Fallujah report that the “national guards” are given to urinating, defecating, and spitting on al-Fallujah’s Sunni mosques, and they have scrawled obscenities upon them as well. There has been a report that the “national guard” issued calls via loudspeakers for Shi‘i residents of al-Fallujah to report to a particular mosque from which they were trucked out of the city, in order to spare them whatever violence the invaders planned for their Sunni neighbors.
In contrast to such behavior, other religious leaders of the Shi‘i community in Iraq such as Muqtada as-Sadr, have condemned the US attacks on al-Fallujah and issued statements prohibiting Shi‘i Iraqis from serving the US in its assault on the people of the city.
Bomb on Airport road in al-Jihad neighborhood kills two US troops.
At about 10:30am Tuesday an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US military patrol on Airport Road in the al-Jihad neighborhood of Baghdad. One Bradley armored vehicle was destroyed and two US troops killed and three others wounded.
Two US troops wounded in tank bombing.
Iraqi Resistance forces detonated a bomb under a US Abrams tank on the highway in the al-Bayya‘ area of Baghdad at 3pm Tuesday, wounding two US troops.
Resistance car bombing early Tuesday afternoon kills US troops in Duwaylibah.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded next to a US military column in the Duwaylibah area southwest of Baghdad at about 1pm Tuesday, destroying two Bradley armored vehicles and killing nine US troops aboard them.
Resistance ambush kills five US troops on Airport Road Tuesday afternoon.
At 4:30pm Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces destroyed a US Humvee and a GMC car on Airport Road in the al-Furat neighborhood of Baghdad, killing five US troops and severely burning a sixth.
Three Badr Brigade collaborators assassinated by Resistance fighters in two attacks.
At about 1:30pm Tuesday afternoon, Iraqi Resistance fighters in the ash-Sha‘b district of Baghdad opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles on two Badr Brigade collaborator officials, killing them instantly.
At about 3pm Tuesday afternoon Iraqi Resistance fighters opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles on a Badr Brigade collaborator official in the al-Jam‘iyat area in the al-‘Amil neighborhood of southern Baghdad, killing him.
Seven US troops killed in car bombing on Airport Road.
An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove a car bomb into a US military column as it was marching along Airport Road near the al-‘Amil neighborhood of Baghdad at about 9am Tuesday. The blast destroyed a US Bradley armored vehicle and a GMC command car, killing seven US troops aboard it.
Bomb attack in ar-Ridwaniyah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Humvee in ar-Ridwaniyah Tuesday, killing four US troops.
Eight puppet “national guards” killed in ambush.
Iraqi Resistance forces destroyed a truck carrying puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards” on Airport Road in the al-‘Amil neighborhood in al-‘Amiriyah. Eight puppet guards were killed and six others severely injured.
Fighting on Hayfa Street.
Fierce clashes raged on Hayfa Street in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district on Tuesday afternoon. In the course of the fighting at about 3:30pm Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 and RPG8 rockets, disabled three Bradley armored vehicles and an Abrams tank. Three occupation troops were killed and two others wounded.
Resistance attack in al-Bayya‘ Tuesday evening.
At a bout 5:30pm Tuesday evening, Iraqi Resistance forces destroyed a Bradley armored vehicle near the petrol pump in the al-Bayya‘ neighborhood of Baghdad. One American soldier was killed.
Iraqi Resistance car bombing at 10am in al-Mushahadah.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded next to a US column in the al-Mushahadah area, 40km north of Baghdad, destroying two US military fuel tank trucks, and a Humvee. The blast, at 10am Tuesday, killed seven US troops.
Resistance attack Tuesday morning in al-Isahqi.
Iraqi Resistance forces in al-Ishaqi north of at-Taji detonated a bomb under a US Bradley armored vehicle at about 11am Tuesday, destroying the Bradley and killing three US troops and wounding two more.
Tuesday attacks in ad-Durah.
At about 3pm Tuesday Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in the al-Bu ‘Ithah area of ad-Durah in Baghdad’s southern suburbs, destroying a Humvee and a military fuel tank truck belonging to US occupation forces. The attack left four US troops dead and seriously wounded two other American soldiers.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in the ‘Arab Jabbur area of ad-Durah at 4pm Tuesday, destroying a Humvee and disabling a Bradley armored vehicle. Four US troops were killed and one other wounded.
At 4:30pm Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 rockets attacked US forces in the Hur Rajab area, destroying a Humvee and killing two US troops.
Resistance attack in al-Ghazaliyah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 rockets attacked a US patrol in the al-Ghazaliyah area at 2:30pm Tuesday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing three US troops and wounding a fourth.
Deadly Resistance ambush in ar-Ridwaniyah Tuesday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 rockets attacked a Humvee and a truck loaded with supplies for US troops in the ar-Ridwaniyah area at 2pm Tuesday, destroying the Humvee and the truck and killing six US troops.
Afternoon bombing in Qanat al-Jaysh.
At 4pm Tuesday, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded disabling a civilian truck and wounding an American soldier in Baghdad’s Qanat al-Jaysh area.
Agent of US occupation intelligence assassinated.
Iraqi Resistance fighters opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles on a lackey of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of Syrian origin in the al-Furat al-Awsat area of Baghdad at about 4:30pm Tuesday
Attacks in at-Taji.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing C5K rockets attacked US forces in the al-Mushahadah area of at-Taji north of Baghdad at 3:45pm Tuesday, destroying an American Abrams tank and killing four US troops.
Iraqi Resistance forces detonated explosives under a US patrol in the Hur al-Basha area of at-Taji north of Baghdad at 3:30pm Tuesday, attacking the Americans with RPG7 rockets. The ambush left two Humvees destroyed and and killed four US troops and wounded three more.
Iraqi Resistance forces detonated a bomb and damaged a US military truck in the at-Taji area north of Baghdad on Tuesday. The attack, which took place at 2:15pm killed one US soldier and wounded a second.
Early morning Resistance bomb attacks in Baghdad area.
At about 7:45am Tuesday, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on the highway in as-Sayyidiyah south of Baghdad, disabling a Bradley armored vehicle and killing one American soldier and wounding a second.
At 8:15am Tuesday, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded near the site of the former headquarters of the Iraqi chiefs of staff south of Baghdad, destroying a Humvee and killing three US soldiers.
At 8:30am an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the path of a US patrol in the al-Khadra’ neighborhood of central Baghdad, disabling a GMC vehicle and killing a person aboard it.
Three Marines killed in bombing in al-Mahmudiyah.
At about noon Tuesday, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Humvee in the al-Mahmudiyah area south of Baghdad, killing three US Marines.
Resistance attacks Tuesday in Abu Ghurayb area.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing C5K rockets attacked a US patrol in the az-Zaydan area of Abu Ghurayb at about 9am Tuesday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing four US troops and wounding a fifth.
At 9:30am Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance fighters detonated bombs under a US patrol on the highway in Abu Ghurayb, and then attacked with RPG7 rockets, destroying a Humvee and a civilian supply truck and killing five US troops.
At about 12:30pm Tuesday, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded west of Abu Ghurayb, destroying a Humvee and killing two US troops and wounding a third.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked US troops in the Kharnabat area of Abu Ghurayb, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and a truck loaded with supplies, killing one US soldier and wounding five others.
Al-Latifiyah - al-Yusufiyah.
Afternoon bomb attacks in al-Latifiyah.
At 5pm Tuesday evening, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US military patrol in the al-Jannabiyin area near al-Latifiyah, disabling an Abrams tank and wounding two US troops.
At about 5:15pm Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces detonated a bomb in the as-Sayyid ‘Abdallah area of al-Latifiyah, destroying a Humvee and killing three US troops and seriously wounding two others.
Resistance car bombing early Tuesday in al-Latifiyah.
An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove a car bomb into a US Marine command post in al-Latifiyah, 25km south of Baghdad at about 7:30am Tuesday, destroying one Bradley armored vehicle and disabling another. The blast also destroyed two Humvees, killing 12 US troops aboard them. Three others were wounded in the attack. Five Iraqi civilians were also hurt to varying degrees.
Collaborator agent assassinated.
At about 12 noon Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles on an agent of the US occupation in al-Latifiyah, killing him.
APC destroyed Tuesday morning.
At about 11:30am Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces detonated a bomb and opened fire with RPG7 rockets destroyed an American armored personnel carrier in the Anilha area in al-Latifiyah. Six US Marines were killed in the attack.
Three Badr Brigade gunmen abducted by Resistance fighters in al-Yusufiyah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters abducted three members of the collaborationist Badr Brigades in al-Yusufiyah south of Bagdad at about 3:30pm Tuesday afternoon, after shelling al-Qasr al-Awsat in the city.
Attacks on Monday.
Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a US military truck with RPG7 rockets in the 14 July area of ad-Dujayl at about 1:15pm Monday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing Kalashnikov assault rifles attacked a group of puppet “national guards” on Six Street in the al-Karakh district of Baghdad at about 10am Monday, killing one of them.
Heavy Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in the path of a US force in the Salman Bak area east of Baghdad Monday morning, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing four American troops.
Iraqi Resistance fighters detonated a bomb under a US Bradley armored vehicle in as-Sayyidiyah south of Baghdad at 9am Monday, disabling it and wounding two US troops.
Iraqi Resistance fighters detonated a bomb under a civilian truck loaded with supplies on a road in al-Mushahadah at about 8:30am Monday, destroying the truck and killing one US soldier.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded at a US checkpoint on Airport Road between the neighborhoods of al-Jihad and al-Furat in Baghdad, killing more than 25 US troops and destroying two Bradley armored vehicles and two Humvees and disabling a third according to the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent. Four US troops were wounded in the blast that took place at about 8:15 Monday morning.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 rockets attacked a US force in the al-Iskandariyah area of Baghdad at 12 noon Monday, destroying one US Bradley armored vehicle and disabling a second and seriously wounding two US troops.
An Iraqi bomb exploded on Airport Road near al-‘Amiriyah destroying a US Bradley armored vehicle and killing three US troops and wounding two more at about 11:15am Monday.
Iraqi Resistance forces detonated a bomb in the path of a US patrol in az-Za‘faraniyah, destroying a Humvee and killing four US troops at around 11:15am Monday.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired RPG7 rockets at a small US armored vehicle in Baghdad’s al-A‘zamiyah district, killing four US troops.
Resistance bombardments around Iraq on Tuesday.
At 7am Tuesday Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Katyusha rockets into the headquarters of the US occupation in Iraq in the Republican Palace area of Baghdad - known to the invaders as the “green zone.”
At 7:30am Tuesday Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Katyusha rockets into the US headquarters set up in the former headquarters of the Iraqi Intelligence service in Baghdad’s al-A‘zamiyah district.
At 1pm Tuesday Iraqi Resistance forces fired six 82mm mortar rounds into the joint US-Iraqi puppet “national guard” base in at-Taji, north of Baghdad.
At 1:30pm Tuesday Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the headquarters of the US occupation in Iraq in the Republican Palace area of Baghdad - known to the invaders as the “green zone.”
At about 3pm Tuesday Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Grad rockets into the headquarters of the US occupation in Iraq in the Republican Palace area of Baghdad - known to the invaders as the “green zone.”
At about 3pm Tuesday Iraqi Resistance forces fired five Katyusha rockets into the US base in the former Iraqi Meat Company in ‘Uwayrij south of Baghdad.
At 4pm Tuesday Iraqi Resistance forces fired nine 82mm mortar rounds into the US airbase in al-Muthanna in Baghdad.
At about 5pm Iraqi Resistance fighters fired five 68mm C5K rockets into the US al-Bakr base in Balad north of Baghdad.
At 6:15pm Iraqi Resistance forces fired three 120mm mortar rounds into Saddam International Airport.
At about 6:30pm Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 120mm mortar rounds into Saddam International Airport.