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oil-rich west African state(石油資源の豊かな西アフリカの国」という鍵言葉がないと、まるで意味がない。
以下、英文も含めて再録するが、特に重要な欠落は、SASの説明である。SASは、Special Air Serviceの頭文字で、「英国陸軍」の「特殊空挺部隊」のことである。
投稿者 ネオファイト 日時 2004 年 11 月 29 日 17:47:45:ihQQ4EJsQUa/w
Last Updated: Sunday, 28 November, 2004, 19:15 GMT
Coup plot 'silence' played down
*The Foreign Office is playing down reports it had full details of a coup plot in Equatorial Guinea two months before it was foiled.
Foreign Secretary Jack Straw was told of the plans in January, according to a report in The Observer newspaper.
But he did not share the reports with African authorities, apparently believing it added nothing to rumours already circulating in the media.
The Foreign Office said it "acted promptly" on "relevant information".
*"Highly detailed"
The coup was foiled in March when a team of mercenaries were arrested in Zimbabwe, as they prepared to pick up a consignment of weapons.
A number of people, including Briton Simon Mann, have been convicted and sentenced on weapons charges. Mann denies he was on his way to stage a coup.
In South Africa Sir Mark Thatcher, son of former British Prime Minister Margaret, is awaiting trial for allegedly helping to bankroll the coup - a charge he denies.
The Observer said Mr Straw and his junior minister for Africa, Chris Mullin, had been told of the coup plot on 30 January, but failed to warn the government of the small, oil-rich west African state.
It said two "highly detailed" reports had been sent, in December 2003 and January this year, from Johann Smith, a former commander in the South African Defence Forces, to two senior British intelligence officers.
It said the documents featured the names of many South African mercenaries who have since been sentenced for their role in the plot.
*Realistic timeline
The January report stated the coup would be attempted "in mid-March 2004".
The author of the report added: "Knowing the individuals as well as I do, this timeline is very realistic and will provide for ample time to plan, mobilise, equip and deploy the force."
The Foreign Office told the paper: "We do not comment on intelligence issues.
"But ministers and officials (in the ministry) acted promptly on receipt of relevant information."
In a written answer to a question from shadow foreign secretary Michael Ancram, Mr Straw claimed first reports of the coup had circulated in Spanish newspaper El Mundo in late January.
He said the Foreign Office did not share details of the reports because of regulations governing "confidential diplomatic exchanges".
Mr Straw added: "As we were not able to establish any definitive evidence which could add significantly to the reports which had already appeared in the media we took no further action with other African governments. But we did review and update our civil contingency plan."
*Hearing postponed
Proceedings against Sir Mark over allegations he helped finance a coup plot in Equatorial Guinea have been postponed until April next year.
Sir Mark, 51, had been expected to enter a plea in a South African court on Wednesday, but prosecutors wanted more time.
The businessman had his bail conditions extended, meaning he is confined to the Cape Town area for at least the next five months.
Equatorial Guinea, Africa's third biggest oil producer, says it intends to extradite him to face similar charges as 14 other suspected foreign mercenaries currently on trial there.
Last Updated: Friday, 26 November, 2004, 21:58 GMT
Coup plotters jailed in E Guinea
*Two leading figures in a plot to oust Equatorial Guinea's President Teodoro Obiang Nguema have been sentenced to lengthy jail terms by a court.
Plot leader Nick du Toit was jailed for 34 years, while opposition leader Severo Moto, who is in exile in Spain, was given 63 years in absentia.
Both men escaped the death penalty demanded by the prosecution.
Twelve other defendants were found guilty of a role in the plot in Sub-Saharan Africa's third oil producer.
The government of the tiny state, made up of islands and mainland jungle, denies widespread accusations of corruption and human rights abuses.
*Death plot
Prosecutors in the capital, Malabo, had argued the convicted men planned to kill President Nguema and install Moto.
Du Toit was convicted on charges including terrorism, crimes against the head of state and possession of guns and explosives.
The 48-year-old South African, a former special forces officer, had originally confessed to leading the advance party in the coup attempt in March.
He retracted his statement earlier this month, claiming he was tortured
While in custody, he told the BBC he had been involved in the plot but claimed he played only a minor role.
Four other South Africans were sentenced to 17 years in prison, while three were acquitted.
Six Armenians received jail terms of between 14 and 24 years, while two Equatorial Guineans were sentenced to 16 months in prison and three others were acquitted.
Eight members of Moto's self-proclaimed government in exile also received 52 years each.
British mercenary Simon Mann has already been convicted of trying to buy weapons illegally in Zimbabwe on his way to carry out the coup.
Lawyers for the South African defendants said they would appeal.
"We want to bring to light for the whole world to see all the irregularities that have marked this trial... the fact that the prisoners did not have free access to their lawyers and the torture that they endured in jail," lawyer Fabian Nsue Nguema told Reuters news agency.
Du Toit's family said they were too distraught to react to the verdicts.
"We are in shock and not sure yet exactly what is going on," his daughter, Marlise Bezuidenhout, told AFP.
The South African foreign ministry said it would continue to "ensure consular services and assistance are provided to the South African prisoners in Malabo".
Before the sentencing, South Africa said it would intervene should the death penalty be meted out to Du Toit. The death penalty is banned in South Africa.
*Thatcher sought
Correspondents say the court's decision not to impose the death penalty could help Equatorial Guinea achieve the extradition of the most prominent figure allegedly involved in the plot - Sir Mark Thatcher, the son of former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
Malabo Judge Onco Ncumu said Equatorial Guinea should pursue all those accused of involvement in the plot, including Sir Mark.
Du Toit said in his BBC interview he had met Sir Mark to discuss the sale of helicopters but there was no mention of any coup.
Earlier this week, a South African court postponed a hearing at which Sir Mark was due to have answered questions from Equatorial Guinea, which accuses him of helping to finance the plot.
The 51-year-old businessman said he felt like "a corpse" while proceedings continued. He denies any involvement in the plot.
Last Updated: Thursday, 25 November, 2004, 08:04 GMT
Mark Thatcher SA case postponed
*Proceedings against Sir Mark Thatcher over allegations he helped finance a coup plot in Equatorial Guinea have been postponed until 8 April.
The son of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had been expected to enter a plea in a South African court, but prosecutors wanted more time.
On Wednesday, the High Court there ruled he must also face questions from Equatorial Guinea investigators.
Sir Mark, 51, says he was feeling like "a corpse" while proceedings go on.
The businessman - who appeared in court for the two-minute hearing - had his bail conditions extended, meaning he is confined to the Cape Town area for at least the next five months
*Charges denied
Sir Mark, the son of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, has denied being involved in a plan to topple the government of Equatorial Guinea but is barred from leaving South Africa while investigations continue.
Sir Mark denies the charges.
He was arrested in August at his home in South Africa and released after a bail payment of £167,000 ($314,000) was made.
The businessman had sought to avoid questioning by investigators from Equatorial Guinea, saying the questions would infringe on his right to silence and would impact on his trial in South Africa as well as Equatorial Guinea should he later be extradited.
On Wednesday, Judge Deon van Zyl rejected this argument, saying South African Justice Minister Brigitte Mabandla was within her rights to seek Sir Mark's responses to the Equatorial Guinea questions.
*Extradition plan
"She was perfectly entitled to accept the existing scenario as an issue of foreign policy and co-operative relations between South Africa and Equatorial Guinea," Judge van Zyl said, adding that Sir Mark's rights would not be compromised.
"At no stage have such rights been violated or even threatened," he said.
Sir Mark's legal team are still deciding whether to appeal against the ruling.
Equatorial Guinea, Africa's third biggest oil producer, says it intends to extradite him to face similar charges as 14 other suspected foreign mercenaries currently on trial there.
In an interview with Vanity Fair magazine, Sir Mark said he felt like "a corpse" and that he was glad his father was not alive to see his arrest.
Sir Mark told the magazine: "I will never be able to do business again. Who will deal with me?"
He said there were 18,500 references to the case on the day he was arrested in August this year.
"Thank God my father is not alive to see this," he said in the January edition of the magazine, on sale from 3 December.
He was "furious" that he was confined to South Africa, and that his telephone calls and emails are monitored by the authorities there.
次へ 前へ
* スペイン、アスナール政権が赤道ギニアのクーデター計画を支援(BBC) ネオファイト 2004/11/29 21:45:19 (0)
* Revealed: how Britain was told full coup plan(The Observer) ネオファイト 2004/11/29 17:53:17 (1)
* ストローはどれくらい知っていて、そしていつそれを知ったのか(The Observer) ネオファイト 2004/11/29 22:28:44 (0)
Revealed: how Britain was told full coup plan(The Observer)
投稿者 ネオファイト 日時 2004 年 11 月 29 日 17:53:17:ihQQ4EJsQUa/w
(回答先: 英外務省は赤道ギニアのクーデター情報を放置(他、最近の関連報道をBBCより) 投稿者 ネオファイト 日時 2004 年 11 月 29 日 17:47:45)
Revealed: how Britain was told full coup plan
・ Straw failed to act on warning
・ Foreign Office kept silent over oil plot
Antony Barnett and Martin Bright
Sunday November 28, 2004
The Observer
Britain was given a full outline of an illegal coup plot in a vital oil-rich African state, including the dates, details of arms shipments and key players, several months before the putsch was launched, according to confidential documents obtained by The Observer.
But, despite Britain's clear obligations under international law, Jack Straw, who was personally told of the plans at the end of January, failed to warn the government of Equatorial Guinea.
The revelations about the coup, led by former SAS officer Simon Mann and allegedly funded in part by Sir Mark Thatcher, son of the former Prime Minister, will put increasing pressure on the Foreign Secretary to make a full statement in Parliament about exactly what the UK government knew of the putsch and when they knew it.
ストローはどれくらい知っていて、そしていつそれを知ったのか(The Observer)
投稿者 ネオファイト 日時 2004 年 11 月 29 日 22:28:44:ihQQ4EJsQUa/w
(回答先: Revealed: how Britain was told full coup plan(The Observer) 投稿者 ネオファイト 日時 2004 年 11 月 29 日 17:53:17)
How much did Straw know and when did he know it?
The Foreign Secretary has to explain why he apparently did nothing when London was told of the alleged coup plot in Equatorial Guinea
Antony Barnett, Martin Bright and Patrick Smith in Malabo
Sunday November 28, 2004
The Observer
Just before last Christmas, a cable was passed to British intelligence marked 'strictly confidential'. On its front page was a map of a tiny West African country, its name - Equitorial Guinea - in giant letters, its offshore island capital, Malabo, given similar emphasis.
The 11-page report on one of the most obscure nations on Earth and its neighbour, Sao Tom
英国陸軍 特殊空挺部隊SAS
Special Air Service
北アフリカ戦線、その後ヨーロッパ西部戦線に投入され特殊部隊の有効性を実証させた。 その後1960
(Counter Revolutionary Warfare対革命ゲリラ戦闘)の専門部隊を保有するに至る。1980年の駐英イラン
SAS本拠地イングランド西部ウェールズのヘリフォード市(Hereford City)のスターリングラインズ基地から
RAF基地クレデンヒルに移設第22SAS連隊(A・B・D・G・R、戦闘中隊)5個編成 隊員数600名前後
*C中隊はローデシア(Rhodesian SAS)で活躍し部隊名だけ存在する。
-作戦名『ニムロデ』 Operation "NIMROD" 1980年4月30日11:48am、組織化された6人の武装したアラブ人テロリストが英国ロンドン市内のイラン大使館を襲撃、 人質を盾にイラン南部のフジスタンの独立とイラン刑務所に収容されている91人の仲間の解放を要求。 交渉は難航を極め, 6日目, ついに人質が1人犠牲となり, 当時の首相マーガレット・サッチャーによりSAS突入の決定が下される。 突入の模様はテレビ中継もされ,、各国の注目を浴びたが、 人質19人中2名の死者をだしはたが、テロリスト達は射殺・逮捕され第22SAS連隊B中隊SPチームは成功を納めた。 このテロ達は当時イランと険悪だったイラクのサダム・フセインの差し金だったとか・・・
altmedka:Alternative Medium by KIMURA Aiji
電網速報『亜空間通信』(2001.09.01.創刊 2004.11.30.現在、902号発行済)