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□IRがファルージャ市内に殺到 アメリカ軍は市内から撤退し,敗北の証拠を消し去る
US Troops Continue To Withdraw From Fallujah; Mujahideen Pour In
Nov 28, 2004
By Muhammad Abu Nasr, Free Arab Voice; Edited by JUS
Heavy fighting broke out between the Mujahideen and US Marine invaders in the southern environs of the ash-Shuhadaユ neighborhood in the east of Fallujah on Saturday afternoon.
In a dispatch posted at 10:50pm Saturday night Mecca time, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Fallujah reported that the fighting, which was heavy, lasted from afternoon until evening. US aircraft took part in the fight but the battle remained confined to the ash-Shuhadaユ area.
Calm prevailed in the rest of the city, except for a few shots that could be heard coming from the ad-Dubbat neighborhood in the northeast of the city. That shooting lasted about 10 minutes and then subsided. From sunset until 10pm local time when the correspondentユs report was filed, the entire city was calm.
Mujahideen Pour Into Fallujah
In a further new development, Mujahideen have begun to flow towards Fallujah from surrounding regions to take part in an effort to cleanse the city of American occupation troops currently still present in the northern part of Fallujah.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the city reported in a dispatch posted at 1pm Saturday Mecca time that on Saturday the western part of Fallujah had fallen into the hands of the Mujahideen Resistance forces were attacking the buildings atop which US snipers have been perched in the western part of the city and on the main thoroughfare ar-Ramadi Street that divides the north of Fallujah from the south.
The correspondent emphasized that the Mujahideen have extended theircontrol over the main street and through the western parts of the city.
US troops meanwhile are attempting to withdraw from eastern parts of Fallujah but are coming under repeated Resistance ambushes. Nevertheless, the US withdrawal from Fallujah was underway starting Friday and until 9:30am Saturday. At that point ambushes outside the city on the 15km-long road to al-Habbaniyah brought the US pullout to a halt. Mafkarat al-Islamユs correspondent in that area saw three destroyed American armored vehicles in that area, a testimony to hits scored by the Mujahideen at as the Americans were retreating. At the moment the only thing apparently holding up the US retreat from the city are the recurrent Mujahideen attacks both inside and outside the city.
Since Friday the correspondent has also witnessed saw large US trucks evacuating the wreckage of destroyed US armored vehicles and Humvees, as the Americans seek to take away all evidence of their defeats inside the defiant city.
Meanwhile Mafkarat al-Islamユs correspondent reports fierce fighting took place late on Friday in the as-Saddah area southwest of the city. Resistance fighters inside Fallujah mounted a lightning attack on US columns that were passing the area on their way to the al-Habbaniyah Road west of the city. Violent fighting raged for three continuous hours with American warplanes taking part. US helicopters stayed out of the combat, however, and indeed they have not been used in that capacity for 13 days as a result of successful Resistance shoot downs of US choppers. Now the US is only employing large Chinook helicopters to transport troops and evacuate casualties from battle zones.
As of 12:30pm Saturday, local time, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the area reported that Mujahideen groups were still pouring into Fallujah. Mounting an attack on US command posts along the road leading to ar-Ramadi, the attack compelled US troops to vacate these posts. US troops also pulled out of command posts on the road to as-Saqlawiyah, and from the command posts on the al-ヤAmiriyah road after these were hit Saturday morning.
After the American evacuation of their command posts, those routes are now open to the Mujahideen that are coming into the city with weapons and are pouring in from the west.
On Saturday Mujahideen forces cleared the new bridge that links Fallujah with al-Habbaniyah of all US presence. The Resistance had already cleared the bridge of Americans on Friday, but during the night other US forces came in and took up positions there in order to cover the retreat of US units from the city. But these too have been cleared away.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent notes that American units leaving Fallujah are not being replaced by other military units. This indicates that this is a real retreat that comes as a result of relentless Resistance attacks inside and outside the city, and not simply some kind of a tactical withdrawal of the sort US forces did five days ago and previously from time to time.
Mujahideen Fires Unconventional Warhead Into US Base
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that at about 1pm Saturday the Resistance fired an unconventional rocket at the US-occupied ad-Dahhami Palace west of as-Saqlawiyah, producing a massive explosion after which a white colored gas arouse in the stricken area. US forces then were observed racing out of their camps. Afterwards, three Chinook helicopters showed up in the area to evacuate the dead and wounded. At the present time, the correspondent wrote in a dispatch posted at 9pm Mecca time Saturday night, the US camp is unoccupied.
メResistance Controls More Than Half Of Fallujah,モ Al-Kubaysi Tells Al-Jazeera
In a telephone conversation with al-Jazeera satellite TV on Saturday, Shaykh ヤAbd as-Salam al-Kubaysi, the Chief of the Public Relations Department of the Board of Muslim ヤUlamaユ [Scholars] in Iraq said that メuntil now, more than half of Fallujah is in the hands of the Fallujah Resistance.モ
Shaykh al-Kubaysi ridiculed US boasts about their メwiping outモ Resistance in the city, telling al-Jazeera that the US now is in メdifficult straitsモ in the city. メAt the beginning they were attacking,モ al-Kubaysi said, メbut now they are on the defensive.モ He said that the Americans are entrenched in Fallujah, メbut cannot get out and onto any street or alley in more than half the city, whether that be in al-Jawlan, or ash-Shuhadaユ, or the industrial zone, or the an-Nazal neighborhood, or in many places.モ
Calm prevails in northern and western Fallujah
In a dispatch posted at 9:15pm Saturday night Mecca time, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that calm had prevailed over the northern and western parts of Fallujah since Saturday morning. During that period there had been no flyovers by US aircraft above the city, nor had any American bombardments of the city been observed.
Bombardments Around Fallujah Saturday
Mujahideen forces bombarded the US base on the Lake ath-Tharthar Road in the as-Saddah area with five Katyusha rockets on Saturday. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that Resistance forces bombarded the US base east of as-Saqlawiyah early Saturday morning with eight mortar rounds.