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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/11/27
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 27 November 2004
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 28.11.2004 [08:21 ] (53 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Heavy fighting rages in ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood Saturday afternoon, then calm prevails over the entire city.
Heavy fighting broke out between the Iraqi Resistance and US Marine invaders in the southern environs of the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood in the east of al-Fallujah on Saturday afternoon.
In a dispatch posted at 10:50pm Saturday night Mecca time, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Fallujah reported that the fighting, which was heavy, lasted from afternoon until evening. US aircraft took part, but the battle did not go beyond the ash-Shuhada’ area.
Calm prevailed in the rest of the city, unbroken except for a few shots that could be heard coming from the ad-Dubbat neighborhood in the northeast of the city. That shooting lasted about 10 minutes and then subsided.
From sunset until 10pm local time when the correspondent’s report was filed, the entire city had been calm.
Calm prevails in northern and western al-Fallujah calm during the day and into Saturday night.
In a dispatch posted at 9:15pm Saturday night Mecca time, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that calm had prevailed over the northern and western parts of al-Fallujah since Saturday morning. During that period there had been no flyovers by US aircraft above the city, nor had any American bombardments of the city been observed.
US invaders continue retreating from al-Fallujah, held up only by constant Resistance attacks.
In a new development on the al-Fallujah front, members of the Iraqi Resistance have begun to flow towards the city from surrounding regions to take part in an effort to cleanse the city of American occupation troops currently present in the northern part of al-Fallujah.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the city reported in a dispatch posted at 1pm Saturday Mecca time that on Saturday the western part of al-Fallujah had fallen into the hands of the Resistance. Resistance forces were attacking the buildings atop which US snipers have been perched in the western part of the city and on the main thoroughfare ar-Ramadi Street that divides the northern half of al-Fallujah from the southern half.
The correspondent emphasized that the Resistance had extended its control over the main street in al-Fallujah and on the western parts of the city.
US troops, meanwhile are attempting to withdraw from eastern parts of al-Fallujah, but they are coming under repeated Resistance ambushes.
The correspondent reported that nevertheless, the US withdrawal from al-Fallujah was underway starting Friday and until 9:30am Saturday. At that point Resistance ambushes outside the city on the 15km-long road to al-Habbaniyah brought the US pullout to a halt. Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent in that area saw three destroyed American armored vehicles in that area, a testimony to successes scored by the Resistance at the expense of the retreating Americans. At the moment the only thing apparently holding up the US retreat from the city are the recurrent Iraqi Resistance attacks both inside and outside the city.
Since Friday the correspondent has also witnessed saw large US trucks evacuating the wreckage of destroyed US armored vehicles and Humvees, as the Americans seek to take away all evidence of their defeats inside the defiant city.
Meanwhile Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent reports fierce fighting took place late on Friday in the as-Saddah area southwest of the city. Resistance fighters inside al-Fallujah mounted a lightning attack on US columns that were passing the area on their way to the al-Habbaniyah Road west of the city. Violent fighting raged for three continuous hours with American warplanes taking part. US helicopters stayed out of the combat, however, and indeed they have not been used in that capacity for 13 days by the Americans as a result of successful Resistance shoot downs of US choppers. Now the US side only employs the large Chinook helicopters in its operations to transport troops and evacuate their casualties from battle zones.
As of 12:30pm Saturday, local time, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the area reported that groups of Resistance fighters were still pouring into al-Fallujah. The Resistance mounted an attack on US command posts along the road leading to ar-Ramadi, compelling US troops to pull out of those command posts. US troops also pulled out of command posts on the road to as-Saqlawiyah, and from the command posts on the al-‘Amiriyah road after those posts came under Resistance attack Saturday morning.
The correspondent also reported that occasional skirmishes had broken out and continued for nearly an hour south of the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood of al-Fallujah, but these were not particularly heavy.
After the American evacuation of their command posts on those above-mentioned roads, those routes have now become open again, and it is obvious that the groups that are coming into the city are Resistance fighters carrying weapons, and they are pouring in from the west.
On Saturday Iraqi Resistance forces cleared the new bridge that links al-Fallujah with al-Habbaniyah of all US presence. The Resistance had already cleared the bridge of Americans on Friday, but during the night other US forces came in and took up positions there in order to cover the retreat of US units from the city. But these too have been cleared away.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent notes that the American invader units that are leaving al-Fallujah are not being replaced by other military units. This indicates that this is a real retreat that comes as a result of relentless Resistance attacks inside and outside the city, and not simply some kind of a tactical withdrawal of the sort US forces did five days ago and previously from time to time.
Iraqi Resistance fires missile with unconventional warhead into US base near as-Saqlawiyah Saturday.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that at about 1pm Saturday the Resistance fired an unconventional rocket at the US-occupied ad-Dahhami Palace west of as-Saqlawiyah, producing a massive explosion after which a white colored gas arouse in the stricken area. US forces then were observed racing out of their camps. Afterwards, three Chinook helicopters showed up in the area to evacuate the dead and wounded. At the present time, the correspondent wrote in a dispatch posted at 9pm Mecca time Saturday night, the US camp is unoccupied.
Resistance bombardments around al-Fallujah Saturday.
Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US base on the Lake ath-Tharthar Road in the as-Saddah area with five Katyusha rockets on Saturday.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that Resistance forces bombarded the US base east of as-Saqlawiyah early Saturday morning with eight mortar rounds.
“Resistance controls more than half of al-Fallujah,” al-Kubaysi tells al-Jazeera.
In a telephone conversation with al-Jazeera satellite TV on Saturday, Shaykh ‘Abd as-Salam al-Kubaysi, the Chief of the Public Relations Department of the Board of Muslim ‘Ulama’ Scholars in Iraq said that “until now, more than half of al-Fallujah is in the hands of the al-Fallujah Resistance.”
Shaykh al-Kubaysi ridiculed US boasts about their “wiping out” Resistance in the city, telling al-Jazeera that the US now is in “difficult straits” in the city. “At the beginning they were attacking,” al-Kubaysi said, “but now they are on the defensive.” He said that the Americans are entrenched in al-Fallujah, “but cannot get out and onto any street or alley in more than half the city, whether that be in al-Jawlan, or ash-Shuhada’, or the industrial zone, or the an-Nazal neighborhood, or in many places.”
Resistance attack disables armored vehicle east of ar-Ramadi.
Al-Jazeera satellite TV reported Saturday that Iraqi Resistance forces in ar-Ramadi attacked a group of US forces east of the city and disabled an armored vehicle.
Two car bombs strike US forces in Baghdad.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded as a US military column was passing through the area between the al-‘Amiriyah and al-Jihad neighborhoods at about 1pm Saturday, destroying a GMC vehicle and killing six US troops, one of them believed to be a high-ranking officer.
At 2pm an Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by a US column coming from Saddam International Airport. The blast destroyed two US Humvees and a small military truck, killing nine US troops.
Resistance attack on Hayfa Street.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked US troops on Hayfa Street in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district at about 2pm Saturday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing one US soldier.
Resistance bombing in al-A‘zamiyah.
At about 2pm Saturday, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the al-A‘zamiyah neighborhood, destroying a Humvee and killing three US troops aboard it.
Blast in Qanat al-Jaysh area kills US soldier.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded at 1:45pm Saturday in the Qanat al-Jaysh area of Baghdad, as a civilian supply truck belonging to the US military was passing by. The blast disabled the truck and killed a US soldier.
Two American soldiers killed, two wounded in az-Za‘faraniyah attack.
Two US troops were killed and two others wounded when an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under their Humvee in az-Za‘faraniyah, south of Baghdad at exactly 3pm Saturday afternoon.
Resistance attacks in ash-Shurtah al-Khamisah area.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood of the ash-Shurtah al-Khamisah area of Baghdad, disabling an Abrams tank and killing two US troops.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked a US column on the road between the ash-Shurtah al-Khamisah area and the al-I‘lan neighborhood in Baghdad, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing three US soldiers.
Resistance attack in al-Khadra’ Saturday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded as a US armored vehicle was passing through the al-Khadra’ neighborhood of Baghdad at about 1pm Saturday, disabling the vehicle and killing two US troops.
Resistance ambush in as-Suwayrah late Saturday morning.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked US troops in the as-Suwayrah area south of Baghdad at about 11am Saturday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing three US troops.
Resistance bombings hit occupation troops in as-Sayyidiyah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on the highway in the city of as-Sayyidiyah south of Baghdad at about 12 noon Saturday, destroying a Humvee and killing four US troops aboard it.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the same area of as-Sayyidiyah south of Baghdad, disabling a Bradley armored vehicle and killing two US troops at about 5:30pm Saturday.
Four US troops killed in ar-Ridwaniyah ambush.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing SPG9 rockets attacked a US armored personnel carrier (APC) in the ar-Rashid area of ar-Ridwaniyah southwest of Baghdad on Saturday, killing four US troops.
Attacks north of Baghdad on Saturday inflict casualties on US forces.
At 10am Saturday, a heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under US forces in the al-Mushahadah area near at-Taji north of Baghdad, disabling an Abrams tank. At that point Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 rockets attacked the US tank, killing five American soldiers inside it.
At about 1:30pm Saturday, Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 rockets attacked a US column, destroying a military truck and killing two US troops.
A number of Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in a series in the al-Bu ‘Ishinah area at about 3:15pm Saturday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and a Humvee and killing six US troops.
Deadly ambushes in al-Ghazaliyah Saturday.
At 9:30am Saturday Iraqi Resistance fighters detonated a bomb and then opened fire with RPG7 rockets and BKC automatic weapons on a US column in the al-Ghazaliyah area, destroying two Bradley armored vehicles (the bomb blew up one, the attack got the second), one Humvee, and two military trucks. Eleven US troops were killed and four other American soldiers wounded in the ambush.
At 2:30pm Saturday, Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in the path of a US column, destroying a Humvee and a military truck. Then Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets and BKC automatic weapons attacked, destroying two military trucks and one Bradley armored vehicle and disabling a second Bradley. Eleven US troops were killed and four more wounded. Six Iraqi Resistance fighters were killed and four others wounded. In addition, two Iraqi civilians died and three others were hurt.
Resistance attacks US troops in Abu Ghurayb Saturday.
At 8:15am Saturday morning, Iraqi Resistance forces detonated a bomb that destroyed a Humvee on the old road in Abu Ghurayb, killing three US soldiers who were aboard it.
At about 9am four US troops were killed when a heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded west of Abu Ghurayb, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle.
At 5pm Saturday, Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 rockets and BKC automatic weapons attacked a US patrol in the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood of Abu Ghurayb destroying two US military trucks and killing three US troops and wounding four other American soldiers.
At 5pm an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded destroying a Humvee west of Abu Ghurayb and killing two US soldiers aboard it.
Member of collaborationist organization called the “Iraqi communist party” assassinated.
A spokesman for the so-called “Iraqi communist party,” which rode into Iraq together with US invader troops, announced that Munir Jabir, a member of that party was assassinated northeast of Baghdad. The spokesman indicated that “unknown persons” opened fire on Jabir as he returned to his home 55km away from Baghdad. The “general secretary” of the so-called “Iraqi communist party” was given a Shi‘i seat on the sectarian US puppet governing council of the occupied country after the American invasion, in recognition of his services to imperialism.
Iraqi “national alliance” member assassinated Thursday.
Sources announced on Saturday that an official of the so-called “Iraqi national alliance” who was also a former member of the Iraqi military was assassinated on Thursday two days after his return to Iraq. CNN reported the office of the puppet so-called “Iraqi ministry of justice” as saying that former colonel Nasif Jawwad al-Mas‘udi was shot to death on his way to his office in Baghdad. Al-Mas‘udi had returned to Iraq two days before his death from ‘Amman, Jordan, where he fled after taking part in the Iranian-led “uprising” against the Iraqi government in 1991, following the 30-nation aggression.
Pro-American Shi‘i clerics insist: the “election” show must go on as scheduled.
Pro-American Shi‘i clerical authorities, including ‘Ali as-Sistani, threatened on Saturday to issue a legal opinion (a fatwa) that would ban Shi‘i Iraqis from supporting Iyyad ‘Allawi’s government if it agrees to a postponement of the theatrical “elections” planned by the US-installed regime for January 2005. The Shi‘i clerical authorities condemned the calls heard from various quarters for a delay in the “elections,” which the clerics see as their way of acquiring a power base with a form of “international legitimacy” for themselves propped up by the bayonets of the US occupation.
Islam-on-line reported the Shi‘i clerical authorities as having agreed to support the US-installed government on condition that it would hold farcical elections that would add political power and “legitimacy” to the clerics’ religious positions. This, the Shi‘i clerical authorities know, is something that can only occur if the “elections” are held in conditions of foreign colonial occupation, where the occupation authorities are desperate to find any local figures willing to cooperate with such theatrics.
Seventeen political groups in the occupied Iraqi political arena have called for a six-month delay in the election farce on the grounds that the situation in the country is too “unstable” for a vote to be held in January. Fearing that their chance to secure political power might thereby slip away, the Shi‘i clerical authorities are adamant that the “show must go on” as scheduled.
It appears likely that the Shi‘i clerics will probably get their way, since earlier on Saturday al-Jazeera quoted the producer of the “Iraqi” election farce himself - US president George Bush - as saying that the “elections” must go ahead on schedule. Bush, for his part, is eager as quickly as possible to cover the deteriorating American occupation with some sort of pseudo-democratic fig leaf.
‘Allawi militia chief visits “Israel.”
On 22 November the commander of the militia run by US-appointed Iraqi “prime minister” Iyyad ‘Allawi and several of its officers arrived in “Israel.” Immediately after his arrival they were whisked off to a Zionist military camp, according to the Palestine Information Center website. The Center noted that a number of ‘Allawi’s gunmen were undergoing training at Zionist military training centers and that there are secret channels of communication between ‘Allawi and his friends among the officials in the Zionist leadership in occupied Palestine.
Al-Khalis - Diyala Province.
Resistance seizes control of al-Khalis.
Iraqi Resistance forces on Saturday morning seized control of the city of al-Khalis in the north of the country. Al-Jazeera satellite TV reported that the Resistance - or “gunmen” as they called them” - seized control of the city in Diyala Province on Saturday morning after fierce clashes with the puppet police installed their by the US occupation.
Iraqi sources said that the Resistance took over the entrances to the city and to the puppet police station and governorate building. A large US military force was reported under way towards the city in an attempt to re-occupy it.
Puppet general’s son abducted Saturday morning from Ba‘qubah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters kidnapped the son of a director of joint operations in Diyala Province on Sunday. Reuters reported that Zayd, the 17-year-old son of Major General Iyyad al-Bawi, the director of joint operations for the at-Tahrir neighborhood in central Ba‘qubah was abducted Saturday morning.
Al-Latifiyah - al-Yusufiyah.
At about 10:15am Saturday, an Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by a US military column in front of a joint check point manned by American troops and Iraqi puppet “national guard” forces. A US Humvee and one Bradley armored vehicle was destroyed and a second Bradley disabled. The puppet forces lost three Nissan pickups. Eight US troops were killed and an unknown number of other Americans wounded. Fifteen puppet “national guards” were killed and three civilian passersby were injured.
At 2pm Saturday an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the Imalhah area of al-Latifiyah, destroying a Humvee and killing two US troops and seriously wounding three others who were aboard.
At 3:30pm Saturday, Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 rockets attacked a US patrol in the as-Sayyid ‘Abadallah area west of al-Latifiyah, destroying a military truck loaded with electric equipment and killing two aboard it.
In al-Jallabiyin, west of al-Latifiyah, Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded at 5:45pm Saturday evening, destroying two Humvees and killing seven US troops.
Black Hawk downed by Resistance Strela missile near al-Yusufiyah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters shot down a US Black Hawk helicopter in the Qaraghul area west of al-Yusufiyah (which is south of Baghdad), killing all aboard. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that the helicopter was downed by a Strela missile.
Resistance bombardments around Iraq on Saturday.
At about 7am Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 82mm mortar rounds into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.
At 7:30am Saturday Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Katyusha rockets into the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone.”
At about 8am Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired nine 120mm mortar rounds into the US base in Saddam International Airport.
At about 8am Saturday Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the headquarters of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” in at-Taji north of Baghdad with four mortar rounds.
At 8:30am Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the British al-Mahawil base north of al-Hillah in southern Iraq with six Katyusha rockets.
At 11am Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Grad rockets into the US base in Saddam International Airport.
At 1pm Saturday Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US al-Bakr base in Balad, north of Baghdad, with 13 Katyusha rockets.
At about 1pm Saturday Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Grad rockets into the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone.”
At 2:30pm Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight 120mm mortar rounds into the US base in Saddam International Airport.
At 3pm Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US al-Muthanna airbase in Baghdad with five 82mm mortar rounds.
At 4pm Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the US base in Saddam International Airport.
At about 4pm Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired six Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.
At 4:30pm Saturday Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the building of the puppet so-called “Iraqi interior ministry” on Palestine Street in central Baghdad.
At 5pm Saturday Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone.”
At 6:30pm Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.
At about 6:30pm Saturday Iraqi Resistance forces fired seven mortar rounds into the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone.”
At about 9pm Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Grad rockets into the US base in Saddam International Airport.