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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/11/08 その他の地域
Sixteen US Marines killed in Sunday-Monday combat in al-Qa’im.
In a dispatch posted at 12:30pm local time Monday (11:30am Mecca time) the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Qa’im on the Syrian border reported that fighting had been raging there since Sunday evening. US Abrams tanks had been destroyed and more than 16 US Marines had been killed.
Four US Marines killed in bombing in al-Mahmudiyah.
Heavy Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under US forces, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing four US Marines Monday at 10am in al-Mahmudiyah, south of Baghdad.
Resistance sets four Humvees, Abrams tank ablaze, killing 12 suspected CIA agents.
Twelve Americans believed to be agents of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) were killed in Baghdad Monday, when Iraqi Resistance forces fired rockets setting their four Humvees and an Abrams tank ablaze.
Three US troops, four puppet soldiers killed in ad-Durah.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets ambushed a joint US-Iraqi puppet “national guard” patrol in ad-Durah on the southern outskirts of Baghdad at 10am Monday, destroying a Nissan pickup truck belonging to the puppet forces and a US Humvee. Three American soldiers and four puppet troops were killed in the attack.
Two US troops killed in at-Taji attack.
Two US troops were killed, and two others injured ミ one of them severely ミ when an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the Hur al-Basha area of at-Taji north of Baghdad at about 2pm Monday, destroying a Humvee.
Thirty US troops killed before they could get to al-Fallujah.
At least 30 US troops were killed at about 1pm Monday afternoon when Resistance forces fired more than eight RPG7 rockets at US troop carriers loaded with American troops in the ad-Duwaylibah area of ar-Ridwaniyah, southwest of Baghdad. The transports were on their way to the battle in al-Fallujah. The Resistance then opened fire with BKC automatic weapons. In all two transport vehicles were destroyed and all those aboard them ミ about 30 American soldiers ミ were killed.
Two American troops killed in Resistance attack in as-Sayyidiyah.
Two US troops were killed when Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under a Humvee on the highway in as-Sayyidiyah in Baghdad at 7:45pm Monday night, destroying the vehicle.
Two US troops killed in bombing in as-Sayyidiyah.
At 9pm Monday night an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on the highway in as-Sayyidiyah, disabling a US Bradley armored vehicle and killing two US troops.
US APC blown up Monday evening in Abu Ghurayb.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a US armored personnel carrier (APC) on the highway in Abu Gurayb as it headed towards al-Fallujah west of Baghdad at about 7pm Monday night. The attack totally destroyed the APC, in which it is believed nine US troops were riding.
Surviving American troops then opened fire indiscriminately at Iraqi civilians in the area of the blast killing nine of them.
Car bombing at sunset targets puppet “national guard” station.
Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked the headquarters of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” in al-‘Amil neighborhood of Baghdad with a car bomb at 6:45pm Monday night, leaving a large number of dead and wounded.
Seven US troops killed in ad-Durah.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under two US vehicles near the Assyrians’ Market in ad-Durah on the southern outskirts of Baghdad at sunset Monday. Resistance fighters then opened fire on the American patrol with rocket-propelled grenades, killing seven American soldiers.
Two American troops killed in Salman Bak bombing.
Two US troops were killed when an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in Salman Bak, southesast of Baghdad at about 1:15pm Monday afternoon, disabling a Bradley armored vehicle.
Resistance kidnaps Pakistani collaborator in Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces kidnapped at gunpoint a Pakistani collaborating with the US occupation forces in the al-Mansur ar-Rafi neighborhood of Baghdad at 3pm Monday afternoon.
Six US CIA agents believed killed in Baghdad ambush.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked two vehicles believed to belong to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the al-Khadra’ neighborhood of Baghdad at 5pm Monday evening. Resistance fighters detonated bombs and then attacked with RPG7s, destroying the two cars and killing six suspected CIA agents.
Seven US troops killed in afternoon ambush in Baghdad.
Seven US troops were killed when Iraqi Resistance forces attacked their two Bradley armored vehicles and one Humvee as they proceeded through the al-I‘lam neighborhood of Baghdad at 4:30pm Monday afternoon.
Three American soldiers killed in ambush on Hayfa Street.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a US Bradley armored vehicle on Hayfa Street in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district with RPG7 rockets at 2pm Monday, killing three US troops.
Four US troops killed in afternoon ambush in ar-Ridwaniyah.
At 3:30pm Monday afternoon Iraqi Resistance forces fired RPG7 rockets at a US Bradley armored vehicle in the ar-Ridwaniyah of Baghdad, killing four US troops.
Three US troops killed in afternoon ambush in at-Taji.
Iraqi Resistance forces ambushed an American convoy in the at-Taji area north of Baghdad at 4pm. Resistance fighters fired RPG7 rockets, destroying two trucks and killing three US troops.
Three US troops in afternoon ambush in Abu Ghurayb.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired C5K rockets at a US Bradley armored vehicle in the Kharnabat area of Abu Ghurayb at 2:30pm Monday afternoon, killing three US troops.
Three US intelligence officers die in ambush.
Three US intelligence officers died when Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under their GMC command vehicle in Baghdad at 12:30pm Monday afternoon.
Five US troops die in Abu Ghurayb ambush Monday afternoon. Americans gun down four civilians in “quick revenge.”
Iraqi Resistance forces ambushed a US patrol on the old road in the Abu Ghurayb area at about 1:45pm Monday afternoon. The attack began when Resistance bombs exploded under the American unit, and then Resistance fighters opened fire with RPG7 rockets, killing five US troops. The American soldiers responded to the attack by firing indiscriminately at Iraqi civilians, killing four passers by in what has come to be known as “quick revenge.”
Six US troops killed in ambush in Abu Ghurayb area.
Six US troops were killed when American troops fell into an Iraqi Resistance ambush near the village of az-Zaydan in the Abu Ghurayb area. At about 11:30am Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under the American patrol and then Resistance fighters opened fire on the Americans with SPG9 rockets, destroying a small armored vehicle and a Humvee.
Four US troops killed, two wounded in al-Mushahada, in at-Taji.
At about 9:30am Monday Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a US convoy in the al-Mushahadah area north of at-Taji, firing RPG7 rockets and destroying a US military truck and killing four American soldiers and wounding two others seriously.
Puppet official in ‘Allawi’s party kidnapped.
An official in the Political Bureau of the so-called “National Accord” party led by US-installed puppet “prime minister” Iyyad ‘Allawi was kidnapped at about 11am Monday in the al-Bayya‘ district of Baghdad.
Six US troops killed as they head towards al-Fallujah Monday night.
Six US troops were killed when Iraqi Resistance forces attacked their military patrol in the Abu Ghurayb area as it headed along the highway towards al-Fallujah. Resistance fighters fired RPG7 rockets, destroying two US military trucks and one Humvee at about 9pm Monday night.
For the first time since US invasion: Resistance blasts Americans in Saddam International Airport with powerful Sumud missile.
Iraqi Resistance forces on Monday struck the US base set up in Saddam International Airport with a powerful Sumud missile. The Sumud is one of the most substantial missiles that was in the Iraqi military arsenal before the US invasion in 2003. Today’s strike on Saddam international Airport marked the first time the Sumud was used in combat since the US invasion. The Sumud was used during the American-led 30-nation aggression against Iraq in 1990-1991.
Resistance destroys 13 American fuel tankers in large-scale assault. At least 26 Americans said killed in raid.
A detachment of 60 Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a convoy of US military fuel tank trucks north of the at-Taji area (located north of Baghdad), killing at least 26 US troops and destroying the cabs of 13 tank trucks in the American convoy.
The Resistance fighters began their attack on the convoy by striking the first two vehicles in the column forcing the rest of the vehicles to halt. Then Resistance forces poured RPG7 rockets on the other tank trucks.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent explained that the Resistance fighters aimed for the heads of the trucks, taking advantage of their cargoes of flammable fuel.
Afterwards, local Iraqis drew off the fuel from the trucks that remained undamaged.
Attacking US tankers is an almost daily occurrence for the Iraqi Resistance as they strive to deprive the American occupation bases of spare parts and fuel, limiting their mobility.
Three troops killed in morning in southern Baghdad neighborhood.
Three US troops were killed when an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on Airport Road in the al-Furat neighborhood of southern Baghdad at about 11am Monday morning, destroying a Humvee.
Eleven American soldiers killed in as-Suwayrah ambush Monday morning.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under a US patrol in the as-Suwayrah area at about 11am Monday morning. The Resistance attack began when they detonated bombs in the path of the Americans and then attacked with C4K rockets, destroying two Bradley armored vehicles and a Humvee and killing 11 US troops. Three Iraqi Resistance fighters were also martyred in the battle.
Four US troops killed in morning ambush in as-Suwayrah.
Iraqi Resistance forces killed four US troops when a Resistance bomb exploded under their Humvee vehicle in front of the Tabuq Factory in the as-Suwayrah area south of Baghdad Monday morning.
Six US Marines, nine Iraqi puppet troops killed in battle in al-Latifiyah.
Fifteen US Marines and puppet “Iraqi national guardsmen” were killed in battles in al-Latifiyah on Monday. The Resistance bombs exploded under a joint US-Iraqi puppet force trying to get into the area. Resistance fighters then opened fire with RPG7 rockets, destroying two Humvees and killing six Marines in them. Nine puppet troops were killed in the battle as well. Resistance fire set a Nissan pickup truck belonging to the puppet forces ablaze.
Resistance captures 10 British soldiers in al-Latifiyah.
Iraqi Resistance forces detonated bombs under a British patrol consisting of several vehicles including a personnel carrier in the al-Latifiyah area south of Baghdad. They then opened fire on the patrol with RPG7 and SPG9 rockets, killing a number of British troops and taking 10 more prisoner.
Two British soldiers, Somali interpreter killed in Resistance attack.
Two British soldiers were killed along with their Somali interpreter in an Iraqi Resistance ambush in al-Basrah. An Iraqi Resistance land mine exploded on the road to the at-Tanaw‘amah Bridge, destroying their Land Rover.
Bombardments throughout Iraq on Monday.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Grad rockets into the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace compound in Baghdad, known to the occupation troops as the “green zone” at about 6:30am Monday.
At 7:30am Monday Iraqi Resistance forces fired four 120mm mortar rounds into the British base in al-Mahmudiyah, south of Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad at about 8:30am Monday morning.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base at about 3pm Monday afternoon.
At about 8pm Monday night, Iraqi Resistance forces fired 15 rockets into the US as-Suqur base, extending a special “welcome” to British troops transferred there from the south of the country.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired four more Grad rockets at 9pm Monday evening into the so-called “green zone.”
Iraqi Resistance forces fired six Katyusha rockets into the US al-Muthanna airbase in Baghdad, sending smoke rising into the sky over the facility.
Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US troops encamped in what formerly was the Iraqi Meat company in the al-‘Uwayrij area south of Baghdad, with 10 Grad rockets setting off powerful explosions in the surrounding area.
At 6pm Monday evening, Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the ash-Shu‘aybi Refinery in al-Basrah with a Grad rocket, setting it ablaze.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired thirteen 82mm mortar rounds into the US base formerly known as al-Bakr in the Balad area at about 2am Monday.