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皮肉たっぷりの筆者のTimothy Bancroft-Hincheyの説明は、最後に付した。
Shock and awe
11/04/2004 17:15
The American people have decided to vote for four more years of the Bush regime. Only 1,460 days to go.
Incredible as it may seem, the people of the United States of America - or rather, just over half, have decided to go for broke: four more years of a Bush regime which has chalked up a 200 billion dollar bill to pay for its disaster in Iraq, four more years of a Bush regime which has been responsible for mass murder on a scale unseen since the Vietnam War, for breaking the UN Charter and the Geneva Convention and for divorcing the international community.
Yet the citizens of the United States of America, through a free and democratic process, have given their collective nod to more of the same, if indeed the process was fair.
In so doing, the citizens of the USA have taken upon themselves a collective responsibility for the consequences of what they have done. Four years ago, it could have been argued that nobody knew that the Bush regime would stand for lies, blackmail, forgery, murder, skullduggery, insulting the international community, launching a murderous act of butchery, slaughtering innocent civilians in their tens of thousands, dropping cluster bombs in civilian areas. Mudering women. Murdering kids.
Four years on, after the whole and horrific truth as to what the Bush regime was responsible for, nobody can claim that they were misled or that they did not know what they were voting for. Therefore, collectively, the people of the United States of America, or just over half of them, in voting for Bush have condoned his act of mass murder in Iraq, have condoned the shocking acts of torture in Abu Ghraib and elsewhere, have condoned the existence of the concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay, have condoned the deployment of military hardware against civilians, have condoned the acts of butchery in which US military personnel blasted the limbs of three-year-old boys and girls, have condoned the war crimes, have condoned the targeting of civilian structures with military hardware and have given the nod to the super-rich clique of corporate elitists which gravitate around the White House becoming richer and fatter by the minute as they dictate Washington's policy.
Four years on, the people of America have just bought, and put on, a collective cloak of responsibility which they will have to wear for four long years, and for which they will be held fully accountable by the rest of mankind.
Four years on, the citizens of America have voted for isolation, have voted against the collective wishes of the rest of humanity, which looks on in horror and disbelief at the results of an election in which George Bush would have received less than a third of the votes in 99% of the other members of the international community.
Four years on, the people who voted the Bush regime back into power have no excuses. They voted for lies, for mass murder, they voted for a person and a regime which turned its back on the rest of the world.
There are 300 million US citizens. There are six billion people in the international community. If the people of America have voted for a divorce, so be it. The rest of the world can get along fine. The tragedy is that just under half of the population, the good, clear-thinking Americans who saw through the Bush farce for what it is, will have to pay the consequences of the political blindness demonstrated by the other half. The result of November 2nd is a country divided between those who have any idea as to what they are doing and those who are apparently so easily fooled, an America divided between those who wanted to marry the international community and those who wished to divorce it.
The international community will never again allow the Bush regime to commit any further acts of butchery, therefore the influence of this election on world affairs is relative. The question is, whether the rest of the world will have anything to do with Washington now that the people have stubbornly given Bush a mandate.
The people of America have voted for more of the same. They made the bed they will lie in for the next 1,460 days.
PRAVDA.Ru: editorial staff
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey was born on 21st July, 1958 and has been involved in journalism for 40 years, since he was 16. He joined PRAVDA.Ru in 2000 shortly after the on-line version in Russian was launched and saw the launch of the English version, before becoming Director and Chief Editor of the Portuguese version in September, 2002.
"I consider the word 'nationality' as simply a label which reflects the document which in turn registers the accident called a birthplace. This can determine whether you have access to a computer when you are five years old, or if you ever have access to one at all.
In many places it is not taken for granted that you even have a supply of drinking water or that your life expectancy is longer than five years of age.
For this reason I think it is important for us all to play our small part in making the world a better place, by trying to create scenarios which give people the opportunity to have the means to help themselves.
Part of this is providing people with information, to not let them fall into the quagmire of carrot-and-stick control by the invisible barons who control the business and the mass media corporations and PRAVDA.Ru, as a independent journal, is free to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth".
The Portuguese version of PRAVDA.Ru provides several social programmes, channeling used computers to communities in developing countries, providing a free consulting service for immigrants from Africa and South America and together with the other versions of PRAVDA.Ru, we perform a role as consultants, helping companies to invest in the Russian Federation and helping Russian firms to invest in the Portuguese-speaking world (Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal and Sao Tome and Principe).
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey is based at PRAVDA.Ru and divides his work between journalism (writing and editing) and consulting. He collaborates with a number of other publications, namely travel guides in Africa and Brazil, and several magazines in Angola, Mozambique, Sao Tome, Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau. He is based in Portugal and Brazil.
"My oldest son's four grandparents were born in four countries, in three continents. On his mother's side, his grandfather was born in Portugal and his grandmother in Angola, she being the daughter of an Arab man and an Angolan woman. On my side, my father was born in India, his father was born in Ireland and my mother was born in England.
My oldest son is an example of a citizen of the world and I consider that everyone has that right. So let us all remember that we live as citizens of the world and as brothers around a common lake, which is the sea. Instead of dropping bombs on each other, how about holding out our hands in friendship?
Tears taste of salt, wherever they may fall. Let's all try to put a smile in the eyes and not only on the lips of the children of the world, giving them an equal opportunity"