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□週末の戦い,ファルージャでアメリカ兵40名が死亡 他
40 US Troops Reported Killed In Weekend Battles In Fallujah As Resistance Repels Aggressors
Nov 01, 2004
By Omar Al-Faris, JUS and Muhammad Abu Nasr, Free Arab Voice
The US continued its attacks on al-Fallujah Saturday. Striking areas in the east and southeast of the city, specifically the industrial zone and the ash-Shuhadaユ neighborhood, US aircraft dropped bombs and tanks on the ground fired cannon. American forces tried to break into the city from the south, but were repulsed by the Resistance, who drove them back across the highway.
Rain fell on the city at that time which the Mujahideen took as glad tidings as it lessened the harshness of the intense heat. Meanwhile, many Imams took it to minarets of several mosques and used loud speakers to send a strong and moving message to uplift the Mujahideenユs morale and encourage them to fight the occupiers.
Later, US forces took to the air again in another aerial bombardment. Some 15 to 20 homes in the ash-Shuhadaユ neighborhood were destroyed. Resistance forces responded with 120mm and 82mm mortar rounds and with SPG9s, rocket-propelled grenades and C5K rockets.
Fighting raged for some three hours during the day as US troops tried to storm the southern parts of the city. Resistance forces drove them back and also hit US supply lines with three Grad rockets. On the firing line, Resistance fighters fired 60mm and 82mm mortars, RPG7s, SPG9s, C5Ks, and BKCs and Resistance sharpshooters also took part. Three Abrams tanks, one armored personnel carrier, and four Humvees were destroyed. When US forces fled, they left behind seven mortars that were seized by the Resistance. In all, some 40 Americans were reportedly killed. The Americans tried to land snipers on rooftops in the city, but the Resistance managed to pick them off.
Resistance Downs F-16, Captures Pilot
In a report posted at 5:15pm Mecca time Sunday, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Fallujah reported that on Saturday evening, Iraqi Resistance fighters opened fire with a four-barreled Dimitrov anti-aircraft weapon on a US F-16 fighter bomber, striking it at its base and setting its tail ablaze. The plane crashed in pieces near an-Nuヤaymiyah south of al-Fallujah. The local Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that the pilot managed to bail out before the crash, and that local residents had reported that he had been captured. US ground troops launched a major search for the pilot but were unable to locate him.
Residents Of The City Leave In The Face Of US Genocide
US forces shelled the ash-Shuhadaユ and al-ヤAskari neighborhoods and the industrial zone of al-Fallujah prompting many local residents to leave the city. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the city reported that more than 120 residents had gathered in front of the Sharhabil ibn Hasanah School in the Abu Sudayrah village 8km north of the city. There they told the correspondent of their fears of continuous US bombings and shellings of residential neighborhoods, carried out on the groundless pretext that they are striking メterrorist hide outs.モ
US Renews Air Assualt Sunday Night
Frustrated by the dayユs events, US forces renewed their air assault on al-Fallujah Sunday evening, shelling the al-Jaghifi neighborhood in the north of the city and the al-ヤAskari neighborhood in its eastern parts. US aircraft, tanks, and mortars were blasting the city, as Resistance fighters returned fire in an engagement that was still under way when the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent posted his report at 11:40pm Sunday night local time (10:40pm Mecca time.)
Two F-16s bombed al-Fallujah late into Sunday night. One plane struck the al-Jaghifi neighborhood, the other hit the al-Muヤallimin neighborhood in the north of the city. The aerial campaign was coordinated with a ground offensive involving US tanks. Resistance fighters shouting Allahu Akbar! were firing back with 60mm, 82mm, 120mm mortars at the tanks. The battle is continuing as of press time.
New US Atrocity On The Road To Al-Fallujah
US forces opened fire on an Iraqi cabdriver by the name of Hashim Khalaf Ismaヤil al-Mashhadani in his taxi on Sunday night as he headed along the road to al-Fallujah.
As he was proceeding along the road, al-Mashhadani ran into a new US checkpoint in the ash-Shukr area north of al-Fallujah, a checkpoint that he did not know was there. Without looking, US troops opened fire on the taxi, striking al-Mashhadani directly. Despite his wounds the driver did not die immediately. American troops, however, left him to bleed to death, preventing local people from helping him until he died a half an hour after the shooting.
Al-Mashhadaniユs family including his wife, two sons, and two daughters, who were with him in the car at the time, survived the American attack. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that al-Mashhadani was a resident of ar-Ramadi where he was regularly employed by the Customs Department.