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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/10/21
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 21 October 2004 and Friday, 22 October 2004
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 23.10.2004
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Thursday, 21 October 2004.
Al-Fallujah and ar-Ramadi Province.
At least 35 civilians killed as US unleashes violent barrage on al-Fallujah at sunset Thursday.
At sunset on Thursday, just as devout Muslims were breaking their day-long fast in al-Fallujah, US forces unleashed a savage bombardment of various parts of the city. In a dispatch posted at 7:30pm local time Thursday night (6:30pm Mecca time) the al-Fallujah correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the barrage, still under way, had so far taken the lives of 35 local people.
Some 15 shells struck the city - mortar rounds and tank shells - right at sunset as observant Muslims were sitting down to their first drink of water and bite of food after a day of fasting. The neighborhood of ash-Shuhada’ and the industrial zone both on the southern end of the city, were targets of the attack.
Resistance crushes US attempt to storm ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood of al-Fallujah Thursday night as American bombardment continues.
In a dispatch posted at 11:50pm Thursday night local time (10:50pm Mecca time) the al-Fallujah correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a US aggressor force with three armored vehicles in the lead had attempted to storm into the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood of Baghdad. The Resistance stood up to the attackers, however, blocking their advance and cutting the van off from the rest of the force. Resistance fighters then attacked the cut-off leading part of the column and destroyed it entirely, killing all the 12 Americans who were aboard the vehicles.
At the time of writing, the correspondent reported that the southern parts of al-Fallujah were under a fierce American bombardment, with the area of an-Na‘imi, the industrial zone, and the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood being the targets of US guns. In addition massive C130 airplanes were taking part in the American assault, strafing the city with heavy machine guns.
Five Iraqi civilians reported killed in 11:30pm Thursday night bombing.
In a report posted at 12:30am Friday morning local time (11:30pm Thursday night Mecca time) the al-Fallujah correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam wrote that in the latest US bombardment of the southern parts of the city at about 11:30pm local time 12 houses destroyed. Ten people had been injured and five others killed.
Major dust storms force a halt to US bombardment of al-Fallujah after midnight local time Friday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 11:55pm Mecca time (12:55am Friday morning local time) the al-Fallujah correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that powerful dust storms swept over the city as US forces were busy bombarding it late Thursday night. The weather forced US aircraft to call off their attacks and reconnaissance, and that forced an end to the American assault.
Resistance rockets US command post east of al-Fallujah Thursday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired five Katyusha rockets at a US command post east of al-Fallujah on Thursday afternoon. Four of the rockets hit the post directly. The fifth missed, according to the local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam.
Resistance rockets US command post near al-Fallujah.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a US command post at 1:45pm Thursday afternoon near al-Fallujah. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Resistance fired two rockets from the an-Na‘imiyah area at the US outpost.
US bombards ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood of al-Fallujah early Thursday.
US forces bombarded the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood of al-Fallujah early Thursday. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Fallujah reported that three shells struck the neighborhood, sparking clashes between Resistance forces and the US invaders that lasted about five minutes.
Two US troops killed in attack in ar-Ramadi Thursday morning.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing rocket-propelled grenades attacked a US truck at about 9am in ar-Ramadi, killing two US troops who were aboard the vehicle.
Resistance bombards US camp, clashes with American forces near Syrian border.
Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US base at the Customs area of the city of al-Qa’im on the Iraqi-Syrian frontier with 120mm mortar rounds. A fierce battle erupted after the bombardment between US troops and Resistance fighters
US invaders capture young man, two young women; Resistance demands their release by 6pm.
At dawn on Thursday US forces arrested two young women and one yong man in the Bu Khalifah area of al-Karmah. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that three US Apache helicopters hovered in the sky at about 2:30am local time, landed on one of the local houses, and arrested Mustafa Khalaf, 24 years old; the wife of his brother Wasin Shakir, 25; and his sister Sa‘iyah Khalaf, 22.
The correspondent reported that during the raid on their house, the American troops tore up a copy of the Qur’an that was in the possession of their captives - ripping out the pages from the Opening Surah to Surat Hud (the 11th Surah).
The US troops took their young captives to an unknown destination.
In a dispatch posted at 5:10pm Thursday local time (4:10pm Mecca time) the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that at 1 o’clock the Resistance issued a warning to the US occupation forces to release the three young people within five hours, i.e., before 6pm local time.
Resistance strikes US base in al-Karmah with mortar bombardment Thursday night.
In a dispatch posted at 7:10pm Mecca time (8:10pm local time) the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Resistance forces had bombarded the US base in al-Karmah with 120mm mortar rounds.
Four US troops killed in Thursday night bomb attack in Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces in the as-Sayyidiyah area of Baghdad detonated a powerful bomb on the road leading to the al-Mahmudiyah at 10pm Thursday night as a US column was passing, blowing a Bradley armored vehicle into three pieces, and killing four US troops.
Resistance raid kills 15 puppet troops Thursday night.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked the headquarters of the puppet so-called Iraqi “national guard” in the ar-Risalah neighborhood of Baghdad at 8:50pm Thursday night, first shelling it with Type 60 mortars, forcing the puppet forces quickly to evacuate the building. Waiting for them outside were three Resistance detachments armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles and hand grenades. The attackers set two Nissan pickup trucks ablaze and killed 15 “national guardsmen.” Three Resistance fighters were killed in the attack.
The puppet forces captured and are keeping the bodies of the Resistance fighters, refusing to turn them over to their relatives, according to a dispatch posted by the local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam at 1:55am local time Friday morning; (12:55am Mecca time).
Two US troops killed in attack in al-I‘lam district of Baghdad.
At 11pm Thursday night Iraqi Resistance forces in the al-I‘lam district of Baghdad disabled a Bradley armored vehicle, killing two US troops. Local residents saw American troops pack the corpses in body bags. Two other American troops were seriously wounded in the attack, burned over large portions of their bodies.
Resistance sharp shooter downs US spy balloon over al-Muthanna airbase.
Iraqi Resistance fighters blew up one of the most vital pieces of spy equipment being used by the US aggressors, a balloon that floated above the US airbase in al-Muthanna in Baghdad. The balloon was equipped with numerous cameras used to detect incoming rockets or mortar shells aimed at the US base from as far as 20km away. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a Resistance sharpshooter blew up the balloon with a sniper rifle with incendiary bullets. The explosion of the balloon released a fire ball over the US base.
Three spies gunned down by Resistance in ad-Durah.
At about 4pm Thursday afternoon three spies for the US occupation were killed when Resistance fighters opened fire on their 1995 Daewoo car with Kalashnikov assault rifles in the ad-Durah area on the southern outskirts of Baghdad.
Resistance bomb in ad-Durah kills three US troops Thursday evening.
At about 6pm Thursday evening three US troops were killed in the ‘Arab Jabbur area of ad-Durah when a Resistance bomb exploded under their Humvee.
Four American soldiers killed in bombing in ar-Ridwaniyah.
A high-explosive Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in ar-Ridwaniyah Thursday, destroying one Bradley armored vehicle, according to the local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam. The attack occurred at about 8:30am and left four US troops dead.
Three American troops killed in az-Za‘faraniyah Thursday morning.
At about 9:45am Thursday morning Iraqi Resistance forces destroyed a Humvee in the az-Za‘faraniyah area, killing three US troops aboard it.
Six US Marines killed in early morning bombing in at-Tarimiyah.
At 7:35am Thursday morning an Iraqi Resistance bomb planted in a road in at-Tarimiyah north of Baghdad exploded under a US military column. The blast totally destroyed a Humvee and killed six Marines who were aboard it.
Ten Americans killed in Thursday morning Resistance attacks in Baghdad area.
At 8am Thursday morning a high explosive Iraqi Resistance bomb blew up under a US military truck loaded with provisions in the Abu Ghurayb area, killing two US troops.
At 8:15am Thursday, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US personnel carrier destroying the vehicle and killing four American troops who were aboard it.
At 9am two US troops were killed when an Iraqi Resistance bomb went off under their Humvee in the al-Ghazaliyah area.
At 10am Thursday, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the ad-Dujayl area north of Baghdad, totally destroying a truck loaded with spare parts and killing two US troops.
Twelve American invaders killed in Thursday morning attacks in the at-Taji area, just north of Baghdad.
At about 7:15am Iraqi Resistance forces destroyed a US Humvee and killed three American troops according to the local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam.
At about 9:15am, an Iraqi Resistance bomb in the town of al-Mushahadah destroyed a GMC vehicle believed to belong to the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Three soldiers in the vehicle died in the blast that totally destroyed the vehicle.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing rocket-propelled grenades and BKC automatic weapons destroyed a Humvee and a US military truck loaded with provisions, killing six US troops in the area between Hur al-Basha and the at-Tarimiyah junction.
Five US troops killed in afternoon ambush in al-Ghazaliyah.
At 3pm Thursday afternoon, Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 and C5K rockets destroyed a truck loaded with provisions and a US military Humvee in the al-Ghazaliyah area of Baghdad. Five US troops were killed in the attack. One Resistance fighter also died.
Three suspected US intelligence officers killed in Thursday afternoon ambush.
At 5pm Thursday afternoon Iraqi Resistance forces in the al-Hurriyah district of Baghdad fired a C5K rocket and destroyed an American Jeep Cherokee. Three persons aboard, believed to be American intelligence officers, were killed.
Three suspected US intelligence officers killed in Abu Ghurayb ambush.
At 5:45pm Thursday afternoon, Resistance fighters in the Abu Ghurayb area fired an RPG7 rocket at a GMC vehicle belonging to US intelligence, setting it ablaze and killing three persons aboard it.
Three US troops killed Thursday evening in Resistance bombing.
At about 5:45pm Thursday afternoon, a high-yield Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded, destroying a Humvee and killing its three occupants, according to the local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam, in a dispatch posted at 2:26am Friday morning, Mecca time.
Resistance assault on US forces Thursday night in al-Mansur, Baghdad.
At 9:30pm Thursday night Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a US column in al-Mansur with light arms and Kalashnikov assault rifles, killing an undetermined number of US troops.
Four Badr Brigade members killed in Thursday afternoon ambush.
At 2:30pm Thursday afternoon Iraqi Resistance forces throwing grenades and firing Kalashnikov assault rifles attacked a white Nissan vehicle belonging to the puppet police. Four members of the Badr Brigades were killed, one of them a captain, according to a dispatch posted at 2:26am Friday morning Mecca time by the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam.
The Badr Brigades are the armed wing of the Shi‘i chauvinist so-called “Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq” (SCIRI) that invaded Iraq together with US troops in spring 2003.
Four Badr Brigade gunmen shot dead in al-Karakh.
At about 6:30pm Thursday evening, Iraqi Resistance forces lobbed hand grenades and fired automatic weapons at a white Land Cruiser belonging to the Badr Brigades as it traveled through the al-Karakh district of Baghdad. The attack destroyed the car completely and left four Badr Brigade gunmen dead.
Resistance blunts US attempt to storm Hayfa Street early Thursday.
US forces backed by Iraqi puppet troops attempted to storm into Hayfa Street in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district at about 8:45am Thursday morning. The local Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that Resistance forces counter attacked, however, disabling one Bradley armored vehicle.
Two American troops killed in ambush on highway early Thursday.
At 7:45am Thursday morning Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a US patrol on the highway linking as-Sayyidiyah with al-Mahmudiyah, disabling a Humvee and killing two US troops.
At least four administrative employees of US base shot dead in their work bus.
Reuters reported employees of the US base at Saddam International Airport as saying that a busload of 25 administrative employees of the US-run facility was attacked by Resistance fighters in Baghdad. An employee was quoted as saying that at least four of the administrative staff members were killed and others injured. The bus was riddled with bullet holes and the windows were smashed in the Resistance attack.
Reuters commented that the Resistance frequently targets buses carrying employees of the US occupation in their effort to crack down on collaboration with the aggressor forces.
Al-Latifiyah - al-Yusufiyah.
Five US troops killed in bombing in al-Latifiyah.
At 9am Thursday morning, a very heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US military column in the al-Latifiyah area south of Baghdad, blowing up a US armored vehicle and killing five American soldiers aboard it.
Resistance downs US drone plane over al-Yusufiyah.
An Iraqi Resistance fighter firing a sniper rifle shot down an unmanned US reconnaissance airplane over the city of al-Yusufiyah at about 3pm Thursday afternoon.
Resistance assassination attempt on puppet “prime minister” ‘Allawi.
US appointed Iraqi puppet “prime minister” Iyyad ‘Allawi was the target of an assassination attempt on Thursday while on a visit to the northern Iraqi city of Mosul. During his stay in the city, and while he was inside the local US base, the Iraqi Resistance fired five mortar shells into the facility just as ‘Allawi was about to leave. Moments after the bombardment, flame and smoke could be seen rising from the helicopters carrying the puppet “leader” and his accompanying delegation.
Although no information was available on the extent of casualties as a result of the bombardment, ‘Allawi survived and tried to make light of the attack, saying that since his visit to Mosul had been publicly announced, he was “surprised” that the attempt came towards the end rather than at the beginning of his trip.
Such an admission, however, betrays the puppet “prime minister’s” realization that his popularity is so abysmally low that he can expect attempts on his life anytime it is known that he will be venturing out beyond the relative security of his American protectors in the “green zone.”
Bombardments throughout Iraq on Thursday.
At 7:30am Thursday morning, Resistance forces fired two powerful Tariq rockets at the US “al-Bakr” Base in the Balad area.
At 8:35am Thursday the US “as-Suqur” base was hit by three Resistance Grad rockets.
Saddam International Airport was struck by three powerful Tariq rockets at about 9am Thursday morning. Three large explosions followed the attack.
Resistance forces at 10am Thursday morning fired nine 82mm Katyusha rockets at the puppet office of the Iraqi chiefs of staff in al-‘Amiriyah in Baghdad.
At 5:35pm Thursday evening Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the compound around the Republican Palace in Baghdad, the area dubbed “the green zone” by the American invaders who use it as the headquarters of their occupation of Iraq.
At about 6:15pm Thursday night, Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight Katyusha rockets into the “green zone.”
At about 8:30pm Thursday night Iraqi Resistance forces fired four 120mm mortar rounds into the US base in al-‘Amiriyah, formerly the headquarters of the Iraqi staff
At about 8:30pm Thursday night, Iraqi Resistance forces struck the as-Suqur base south of Baghdad with six Katyusha rockets.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired six 82mm mortar rounds at the US airbase at al-Muthanna in Baghdad at 8:45pm Thursday night. Workers inside the base told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that nine US troops died in the bombardment.
A story under the title “Ten US troops were killed in clashes with the Resistance in ar-Ramadi Wednesday afternoon” appeared in the Iraqi Resistance Report for Wednesday 20 October 2004. It was based on a dispatch from the Mafkarat al-Islam website. On Thursday, Mafkarat al-Islam published a correction on that story. The website said that while the basic substance of the story was true, the incident in which 10 US troops were killed took place in the city of Ba‘qubah. Ar-Ramadi witnessed only various clashes between the Resistance and the US invaders on Wednesday.
Mafkarat al-Islam printed a corrected version of the story as follows:
At about 3:15pm Wednesday afternoon fighting broke out in the area of 1920 Revolution Street in ar-Ramadi. Iraqi Resistance forces fired BKC automatic weapons in the fighting.
Elsewhere in Iraq, US forces suffered heavy losses in the Ba‘qubah area in fierce clashes in which Resistance fighters used SBG9 and C5K rockets at the US troops, destroying one Bradley armored vehicle and two Humvees and killing 10 US troops.
The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that eight innocent Iraqi civilians perished, one of them a woman, when US troops opened fire indiscriminately in the course of the battle.