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□ラマダンの始まりとともに燃え広がるレジスタンスの攻撃 週末の戦果
Iraq Ablaze Over Weekend As Resistance Step Up Attacks During Ramadan
Oct 18, 2004
By Omar Al-Faris, JUS
Resistance fighters have stepped up their attacks against American occupation forces and collaborators since the beginning of Ramadan as many seek martyrdom in the cause of Allah during this Holy month.
According to Mafkarat al-Islam, who have both offices and reporters with resistance fighters inside Iraq issued a statement over the weekend saying that getting news out of Iraq is becoming increasingly difficult due to メunbearable harassment by occupiersモ. In fact, resistance fighters have stepped up their pressure on occupation forces and have launched more than 100 attacks per day since the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan.
Here are details of some of the weekend operations in brief:
Resistance Fighters In Fallujah Pledged To Fight Till They Are Martyred While Fasting
Resistance fighterユs fire power forced American occupiers to retreat about one kilometer from the expressway, north of Fallujah. Mafkarat al-Islamユs correspondent took this opportunity to slip into the city where he witnessed large number of resistance fighters put their hands together in a pledge to fight to the bitter end. Their goal is to be martyred during their fasting hours. Islam memo correspondent met one of the fighters who was issuing the following challenge to the American occupiers at the time: メIf the occupiers did not know what the heroes of Fallujah are made of by now, they and the rest of the world will, for sure, soon.モ After that everyone shouted メAllahu Akbarモ (God is Great).
High Casualties Reported In Ambush On Hait-Ramadi Road
On Saturday night, an American-Iraqi joint convoy was the target of a well executed ambush by resistance fighters. Mujahideen detonated four powerful explosive devices that sent the convoy into disarray as it was passing by. A unit of fifty resistance fighters then opened fire from all directions for about 30 minutes. The initial explosions destroyed 4 jeeps, 3 fuel storage tanks, 3 armored vehicles carrying trailers with 6 armored vehicles on board, and 2 Bradley Tanks. Two additional personnel carriers full of US collaborating Iraqi soldiers were also destroyed. A total of twenty five American solders and thirty four Iraqi collaborators were killed. Eight resistance fighters were martyred.
12 Americans Killed In A Car Bomb Near Al-Qaim
Also on Saturday night Resistance fighters detonated a car bomb on the main street in Al-Karbalah area as an American convoy was passing by around midnight, today. 12 American soldiers were reportedly killed in the attack and one jeep and one personnel carrier were also destroyed.
Resistance fighters also attacked an American check point in メSwaidモ area in Al-Shurtah neighborhood in Baghdad at 19:00 Saturday evening. 11 American soldiers were reportedly killed and two officers were killed in the attack. Two jeeps were also destroyed and a Bradley Tank was disabled.
Heavy Fighting In Al-Radwaniah, More Casualties Reported
On Sunday, fighting erupted between an American-Iraqi joint unit and resistance fighters in Rashid neighborhood in Al-Radwaniah, south west of the Iraqi capital at 9:00 in the morning. Resistance fighters detonated two road side bombs that destroyed a Bradley Tank. A third road side bomb was then detonated, disabling a jeep and an armored vehicle. Resistance fighters destroyed another armored vehicle but no one was on board. Six American soldiers and 4 Iraqi puppets were reportedly killed in the attack and thirteen other Iraqi collaborators were wounded. Three resistance fighters were martyred.
American Reconnaissance Plane Downed In Fallujah
Resistance fighters in Fallujah brought down an unmanned aircraft this after noon using their automatic weapons. Islam memo has reported earlier that resistance fighters downed an Apache helicopter, south of Baghdad, killing both pilots on board. Al-Arabyia Satellite Station confirmed the downing just a short while ago.
CIA operatives killed in road side bombs in Baghdad
3 CIA operatives on board a Land Cruiser vehicle were killed when their vehicle struck an explosive device in Al-Ialam area in Baghdad around 9:30 this morning. Three more Americans were killed on board a jeep when resistance fighters detonated another road side bomb as they were passing by. In the same time, a GMC vehicle traveling with three armored jeeps for security was attacked by a road side bomb that was followed by rocket attack.
Numerous Rocket Attacks On The Green Zone, Other American Bases
Resistance fighters continued to pound the Green Zone as well as many other American bases with rockets round the clock over the weekend. Resistance fighters employed Katyosha, Karad, and Tarik rockets as well as 120 mm mortar rounds. Black thick smoke could be seen rising above all targeted bases. No other details have yet been reported.