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Here the Israeli gun machines pass: Devastation in Jabalya Refugee Camp
In less than ten hours, a massive IDF incursion on the night of Thursday the 14th into dawn on Friday killed three civilians, left many more injured, destroyed completely or damaged into uselessness about 48 houses, and did serious damage to infrastructure. With that many houses uninhabitable, now hundreds of men, women, and children have become homeless. Rafah governorate has said about 300 citizens joined the thousands already homeless here in ten hours last night.
From the medical staff at Abu Youif Al Najjar Hospital in Rafah,I learned that Ismail Sawalha, a man of 70, Ali Sha'at, 25, and Ahmed Al Tahrawi, 21, were killed in the incursion. Hospital personnel said that the bodies of the two young men arrived at the hospital in burned fragments and initially, identification was difficult. It was only neighborhood eyewitnesses who later told the hospital that
the bodies of the two men were burned in the crater made by the Apache-fired missile.
Ahmed Al Sawalha, the 36-year-old son of Ismail, saw his 70-year-old father killed. "My father was sitting at the stair of our house when he was killed," he said. "There were no gunmen or fighters in the street. There was no need to shoot at him."
Also, I was told by eyewitnesses that Jihad Barhoom, 16 years old , was shot while standing outside his home a few hours before the full incursion started At least four people were badly injured, including an elderly lady, Khadra Shoman.
As usual, the Israeli army rolled into the three neighborhoods with tens of tanks and bulldozers, covered by two Apache helicopters and other surveillance planes.
Some of the early wire service stories have said 30 houses were reduced to rubble. I am getting the estimate of 48 houses from talking to eyewitnesses in the neighborhoods that suffered this incursion, namely, Yebna Camp, Al Shao'ut, and the Al Barahmah district. I tend to trust that number because only someone who actually lives in the area can walk around and know for sure whether a given
stretch of rubble had the day before been one, two, three, or more homes.
As usual, water, electric, and sewer lines suffered serious damage. Some of these had been repaired since May's "Operation Rainbow," and are now wrecked again. Also, as usual, streets have been torn up and fruit trees razed. Everywhere you walk in Rafah, you can see the damage caused by incursion after incursion. It is almost impossible to find any building that does not have its collection of
bullet and shell damage.
From Gaza City:
According to Haaretz, an Israeli newspaper, Sharon is "considering withdrawing"to the 'outskirts' over the weekend.
Khalil Samara, the mayor of Jabalya, said this about the announcement: "Sharon is committing his largest, bloodiest massacres under the guise of 'withdrawing' from the Palestinian camps."
This IDF operation, called "Days of Penitence" is the Israeli "response" to a Qassam rocket launched by Palestinian militants at the Israeli town of Sderot close to the Gaza/Israeli border. That attack late in September killed 2 Israeli children. "Response" seems the wrong word for what is now happening in all of Gaza. It is collective punishment, and illegal under international law.
10時間未満で、木曜日の夜の大規模なIDF侵入、第14は金曜日に夜明けへ3人の民間人を殺しました、去った、多くの、完全に破壊され、かつ、48軒の家に関する無用へ破損されて、もっと害された、またインフラストラクチュアに重大な損害を行いました。それで、多くの住居に適さない家、今、何百もの男性、女性および子供が家がな?ュなりました。Rafah governorateは、約300人の市民がthousandsalreadyに参加したと言いました、家がない、昨夜10時間でここに。
Rafahの中のAbu YouifアルNajjar病院の医療スタッフから、私は、イスマーイールSawalha、70の人、アリSha'at、25およびアフマッド・アルTahrawi(21)が侵入で死ぬことを知りました。病院人員は、燃やされた破片中の病院に2人の若者の身体が着き、最初に、識別が困難だった、と言いました。アパッチに発射されたミサイルによって作られた火口で2人の身体が燃やされたと病院にその後伝えたのは近隣目撃者だけでした。
アフマッド・アルSawalha(イスマーイールの36歳の息子)は、70歳の彼の父親が殺すことを理解しました。「彼が死んだ時、私の父親は私たちの家の段で座っていました」と彼が言いました。「通りでガンマンか戦士はいませんでした。彼をねらい撃つ必要はありませんでした。」さらに、私は、十分な侵入が少なくとも4人を始めた数時間前に、彼の家の外で立っている間に、16年来のジハードBarhoomが撃たれたと目撃者によって聞いていました、初老の女性(Khadra Shoman)を含めて重傷でした。