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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/10/11
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 9 October 2004 through Monday, 11 October 2004
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 12.10.2004 [04:55 ] (128 reads)
Monday, 11 October 2004.
Fighting in Hit-Hadithah area of western Iraq.
Fierce fighting raged on Monday afternoon in the area between Hit and al-Hadithah in western Iraq. The local Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that the battles began around noon and were still under way when he filed his report posted at 5:51pm local time (4:51pm Mecca time).
Fighting also raged in Hit, 200km west of Baghdad, in the ash-Shati’ area.
Resistance blows up three Apache helicopters over Hit.
Resistance fighters firing two C5K rockets shot down a US Apache helicopter in Hit in ar-Ramadi province at 2:20pm Monday according to the local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam. The two rockets scored direct hits on the aircraft over the tomb of ash-Shaykh ‘Ali al-Hiti in the city. Wreckage from the craft was scattered over a wide area.
Resistance forces in Hit shot down two more American Apache helicopters over the city later on Monday afternoon. At 4:35pm the Resistance brought down the first of the two and the second was shot down only ten minutes later with a C5K rocket in the area of the tomb of ‘Ali al-Hiti in the city. A total of eight US crewmen died in the downings.
US bombs mosque in Hit.
US aircraft bombed a mosque in Hit, 170km west of Baghdad, on the pretext that Resistance fighters were taking cover inside. In the course of the fierce fighting in the area that had been raging for an hour, the US ground troops called in air support.
Resistance forces shoot down US drone in Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces shot down a pilotless American reconnaissance aircraft in the Baghdad district of al-Karakh at 2:30pm Monday with a 7.62mm sniper rifle. The plane itself, according to the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent is small, about 75-80cm long, and one meter wide. It is equipped with three cameras in its nose.
Four US troops killed in morning ambush near Ba‘qubah.
At 7:25am Monday morning, Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a joint US-Iraqi puppet column of five Humvees and four Nissan pickups. The Resistance fired RPG7 and C5K rockets as well as BKC automatic weapons, destroying the four Iraqi puppet vehicles and on Humvee. Another Humvee was disabled. Four US troops and 13 Iraqi puppet “national guardsmen” were killed in the assault that took place in Bahraz near Ba‘qubah.
Roadside bombs destroy half of US convoy near Ba‘qubah.
At about 10am Monday morning, an Iraqi Resistance bomb of Austrian explosive, weighing 250kg, exploded under a US military patrol in the Khan Bani Sa‘d area of Ba‘qubah, destroying half of the US vehicles in the column that included three Bradley armored vehicles.
Twenty-one Americans killed in massive car bombing south of Mosul at noon Monday.
South of Mosul at about 12:30pm Monday a Daiwoo car carrying between 1.5 and 2 tons of explosives slammed into a US patrol made up of five armored vehicles, six Humvees, and two small troop transport vehicles, each of the latter carrying four US soldiers. The car bombing destroyed three armored vehicles, three Humvees and one troop carrier. A Humvee and an armored vehicle were disabled in the attack. More that 21 American troops were killed in addition to numerous wounded.
Resistance bombing in ad-Durah kills five American troops.
Five US troops were killed when three high-explosive Iraqi Resistance bombs blew up under a US column of three armored vehicles and five Humvees in the Abu Tashir area of ad-Durah, southern Baghdad. The bombs were probably of Austrian explosives. They destroyed one Humvee and disabled an armored vehicle.
Four US troops killed in Resistance bombing in Baghdad Monday morning.
Four US troops were killed when Resistance bombs exploded under a column of three Humvees on the highway near the Qanat al-Jaysh Army Canal area of Baghdad at 9am. One Humvee was destroyed, killing the four men who were aboard it.
Three Americans killed in convoy attack near Bayji.
Resistance forces attacked a US column of four fuel tankers escorted by three armored vehicles at 10:50am, firing RPG7s at them. Two fuel tankers were destroyed and three US troops killed in the attack that took place in the Talul al-Baj area of Bayji.
Three Iraqi civilians killed in US barrage of farming area.
At about 7pm Monday night US forces shelled the farms in the ad-Durah area on the southern outskirts of Baghdad, killing three Iraqi civilians, according to Mafkarat al-Islam.
SARS appears in Kurdish-chauvinist controlled as-Sulaymaniyah.
The local correspondent of the Egyptian Middle East News Agency (MENA) reported Monday that three women in the Kurdish chauvinist-controlled town of as-Sulaymaniyah had died of SARS. Another woman being treated in a local hospital is believed to the the fourth case in the area. Local doctors, according to the MENA correspondent, leaked the news of the appearance of the disease in the city controlled by Kurdish collaborator Jalal Talibani. They demanded that surgical masks be distributed in all medical centers of as-Sulyamaniyah. A medical source in the city reported that the local puppet government had formed a committee under the Kurdish chauvinist party’s so-called “health minister” Muhammad Khashta to investigate the case of the woman afflicted with the disease.
Jaysh al-Mahdi militiamen sell their weapons to the Americans.
Jaysh al-Mahdi militiamen loyal to Shi‘i religious leader Muqtada as-Sadr reportedly gathered in long lines on Monday afternoon to sell their weapons to US troops in keeping with a plan agreed to between as-Sadr and the US occupation authorities. Mafkarat al-Islam reported that pickup trucks loaded with heavy weapons were observed being delivered to the Americans.
The only violence was a fist fight that broke out among Jaysh al-Mahdi members in the line. The huge crowds had prevented some of the drivers of armament-laden trucks from getting their money. US forces reportedly now patrol Madinat as-Sadr in peace.
Resistance attacks across Iraq on Monday.
Resistance forces attacked a joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol in the area of Hur al-Basha near at-Taji, 40km north of Baghdad at 8am Monday. The column, made up of three Bradley armored vehicles and two Humvees escorted by three Nissan pickup trucks of the puppet forces, came under Resistance 82mm mortar fire, setting one Humvee and one pickup ablaze.
Three US troops and nine Iraqi puppet “national guardsmen were killed at about 10am Monday when Iraqi Resistance fighters firing rocket-propelled grenades, RPG7s, and sniper rifles attacked a joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol in the at-Tus power station area near Kirkuk. The patrol, made up of two Mitsubishi vehicles belonging to the Iraqi puppet forces and four US Humvees, lost two Mitsubishis and one Humvee destroyed.
Resistance bombs exploded under a US military patrol at 11am Monday in the al-Faris district near at-Taji, 40km north of Baghdad. One Humvee was destroyed.
Resistance bombs, probably of powerful Austrian explosive, blew up under a US column of five armored vehicles in the al-Huwayjah area west of Kirkuk at 11am Monday. One armored vehicle was disabled. Then the Resistance pounded the US column with C5K rockets, destroying two more armored vehicles.
Resistance forces fired 82mm mortar rounds at a command post of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” under the at-Taji Bridge over the Tigris River at 2:10pm Monday. Two puppet guardsmen were killed.
Resistance forces fired a C5K rocket at a C-130 airplane in the Baghdad area at 3pm Monday afternoon, striking it in the rear and setting it ablaze. The C-130 made a forced landing at Saddam International Airport.
Four US troops were killed when Resistance bombs blew up under their patrol of five Humvees and two Bradley armored vehicles south of al-Khalidiyah. One Humvee was destroyed and another car disabled.
Four Iraqi puppet policemen were killed when the Resistance attacked their patrol near the al-Ghazaliyah area of Baghdad. The patrol, made up of three Land Cruisers was attacked by Resistance fighters firing BKCs. Two of the vehicles fled, but the third was struck and the four puppet policemen, including one believed to have been a lieutenant, were killed aboard it.
Resistance forces firing C5K rockets attacked a column of collaborationist Shi‘i chauvinist Badr Brigade gunmen in several Humvees and Patrol Safaris in the ad-Durah area of southern Baghdad at about 5pm. The first rocket missed, but the second hit home, disabling a Humvee and a Patrol Safari and killing the gunmen.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb blew up under a joint US military police-Iraqi puppet police patrol in the al-Mansur section of Baghdad, destroying one Land Cruiser belonging to the puppet police and disabling one US MP Humvee.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded as a US column was passing along the highway in the ar-Ridwaniyah area southwest of Baghdad at about 7pm Monday night. One Humvee was destroyed in the attack.
Resistance forces firing rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons attacked a US patrol made up of four Bradley armored vehicles and two Humvees on Monday evening on the road linking the Baghdad areas of ash-Shu‘lah and al-Ghazaliyah. One Humvee was destroyed and one armored vehicle disabled.
Resistance forces firing rocket-propelled grenades attacked a US military column near the Ibn Taymiyah mosque on the road to Saddam International Airport, destroying a Humvee and an armored Ford vehicle.
Bombardments across Iraq on Monday.
At 8:20am Monday Resistance forces attacked the military academy in ar-Rustamiyah in Baghdad with a Tariq rocket.
At 9am the Resistance attacked the US airstrip in Ba‘qubah with three Katyusha rockets.
Resistnce fighters attacked the US airbase at al-Muthanna in Baghdad with seven 82mm mortar rounds fired from Hayfa Street at 10am, sending smoke into the sky over the camp.
The US base in the Balad area that serves to supply US troops attacking the Resistance in Samarra’, came under a Resistance rocket attack at 11am. Eight Katyusha rockets were fired into the base. The powerful attack sent clouds of smoke rising into the air. Three US Apaches took off to prowl the skies as well.
Resistance forces attacked the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace in Baghdad, what the Americans have dubbed the “green zone” at 12 noon with two Katyusha rockets.
At 12:30pm Resistance forces fired six 120mm mortar rounds into the US base in Kirkuk.
At 1pm Monday, Resistance forces struck the US base in Mosul with a violent barrage of 24 Katyusha rockets.
At 3pm Monday afternoon Resistance forces attacked the puppet police academy and the puppet so-called interior ministry in Baghdad with Katyusha rockets.
At about 4pm the Resistance attacked the US airstrip in Ba‘qubah with three Katyusha rockets.
At about 4pm the Resistance fired twelve 120mm mortar rounds and seven 82mm mortar rounds at a joint US-Iraqi puppet “national guard” facility near Palestine Street in Baghdad.
At 4:30pm the US central command in Saddam International Airport was struck by five Katyusha rockets sending clouds of smoke into the sky. Two US Black Hawk helicopters took off afterwards.
From about 8am until 5pm Monday the al-Makhazin storage containers area of al-Yusufiyah was struck by six 120mm mortar rounds, four Grad rockets, and twenty 82mm mortar rounds.
Resistance forces attacked the US base at the Diyala Airport in Ba‘qubah with rockets that reportedly had chemical warheads at 5pm Monday afternoon. An unusual thick white cloud of smoke rose after the blast, giving rise to the idea that it must have had a chemical warhead. US forces closed off all approaches to the airport and seven or eight Black Hawk Red Cross helicopters could be observed ferrying the dead or wounded out of the target zone. Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent reported that the area remained closed when he filed his report posted at 10:15pm local time (9:15pm Mecca time).
At 5:25pm Monday Resistance forces attacked the military academy in ar-Rustamiyah in Baghdad with two Katyusha rockets.
At 5:45pm Monday, Resistance forces pounded the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad with four Katyusha rockets, sending up clouds of smoke.
At about 6pm Monday Resistance forces attacked the hangars for US F-16s and military helicopters in the an-Naba‘i base in northern Iraq with a Tariq rocket. A cloud of thick black smoke could be seen rising over the camp, indicating that some aircraft were hit directly. Four US Apache helicopters took to the skies after the attack.
At about 6:30pm Monday the Resistance shelled the Peace Palace in central Baghdad with three mortar rounds.
At about 6:30 the Resistance struck the al-Muthanna airbase in Baghdad with a barrage of three Katyusha rockets, and then about 10 minutes later hit the base with four more Katyusha rockets.
Resistance forces attacked the joint US-Iraqi puppet camp in at-Taji, 40km north of Baghdad, at about 7pm Monday night with two Tariq rockets.
At about 7:30pm three Grad rockets slammed into Saddam International Airport.
Resistance forces fired a violent barrage of about 14 Katyusha rockets at the US camp in the touristic Island of Baghdad in ar-Rashidiyah at 7:20pm Monday evening.
At about 8pm Monday evening, the Iraqi Resistance bombarded the US camp in the Hunters’ Club near the Electrical Generating Station in the southern Baghdad section of ad-Durah with five Katyusha rockets, sending up thick clouds of smoke and panicking the US troops. Three Black Hawk helicopters landed to take the dead and wounded out of the camp. About 250 US troops are stationed in the base.
Several guards at the US embassy inside the so-called “green zone” were killed when the Resistance fired rockets into the compound at about 8:30pm local time.
Resistance forces pounded the special forces area in the so-called “green zone” with two Grad rockets at about 8:45pm Monday night. The special forces area lies inside the Qasr as-Sujud Palace. One of the rockets landed near the area, the other right in ti, sending up thick clouds of smoke.
At about 9pm the Resistance pounded the US base in as-Suqur, south of Baghdad with two Katyusha rockets.
At about 10pm the Resistance in the al-Bu‘ithah area fired seven Katyusha rockets at the ad-Durah refinery
Six US troops were killed at about 11pm Monday night when Iraqi Resistance forces attacked their patrol in the al-Bu‘ithah area of ad-Durah, southern Baghdad. The US patrol of four Humvees and a Bradley armored vehicle ran over Iraqi Resistance bombs and then were attacked by Resistance fighters who twice fired RPG7s. One Humvee was destroyed and another disabled.