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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/10/10
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 9 October 2004 through Monday, 11 October 2004
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 12.10.2004 [04:55 ] (128 reads)
Sunday, 10 October 2004.
Car bomb virtually wipes out US check point on Syrian border early Sunday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb blew up near a US checkpoint near the city of al-Qa’im on the Syrian border at 6:30am Sunday morning, according to Mafkarat al-Islam. One Resistance fighter drove an old Toyota pick up truck loaded with animal fodder proceeding very slowly past the post.
The American checkpoint on the border consisted of four Marine Bradley armored vehicles, tents, other equipment, and observation cameras.
Witnesses reported that after going through the checkpoint the car backed up at great speed, slamming into the US outpost and blowing up, inflicting casualties in dead and wounded among the Americans.
Two Chinook helicopters and two Apache helicopters raced to the scene after the blast. The Chinooks carried away the damaged armored vehicles and the bodies of the dead and some of the wounded.
The checkpoint itself was totally destroyed. Because there was absolutely no movement in the area, local Bedouin shepherds came to have a look and took some of the weapons and some pictures, after which the US helicopters came on the scene.
US rockets, not Resistance car bomb, said responsible for Sunday’s deaths in front of puppet police academy in Baghdad.
Western media sources, basing their reports on a statement by an official in the puppet so-called Iraqi “petroleum ministry,” announced Sunday that an explosion that left 20 Iraqis dead was the result of a car bomb that detonated prematurely in the intersection across from the police academy in the Iraqi capital. ‘Asif Jihad, a spokesman for the puppet ministry claimed, “the bomb apparently exploded prematurely at an intersection in front of the academy. Most of the dead were passersby, including seven women.”
Later a statement taking credit for the bombing appeared on the internet attributed to the organization at-Tawhid wa-al-Jihad, believed led by Abu Mus‘ab az-Zarqawi who has been linked to Usamah bin Ladin’s al-Qa‘idah.
But contrary to both the western media and at-Tawhid wa-al-Jihad’s purported claims, eyewitnesses on the scene told Mafkarat al-Islam’s reporters in Baghdad that the incident was caused by rockets fired by an American helicopter. The witnesses told the correspondents that they saw the helicopter fire two rockets and said they had recovered parts of the missiles from the blast zones.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent noted that there were two blast craters in the area, one near the location were collaborators were lining up to join the Iraqi puppet police - a crater 1.5 meters long and 1 meter wide. The hole was steep on its southern end and tapered gradually up towards the other direction. The other crater was in the middle of the street. It was 2 meters long, 1 meter wide. It was very deep at one end but rose at the other, suggesting that the projectile turned as it struck.
The witnesses reported that the attack left 20 Iraqis dead and 10 others injured. The latter were takend ot al-Yarmuk and al-Kindi Hospitals in Baghdad.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam advanced the opinion that the Americans carried out the attack to try to push members of the Iraqi puppet police forces into a sense of greater support for the occupation regime. Many individuals join the puppet police purely as a source of income and are more sympathetic with the Resistance than with their own American bosses.
This is not the first incident of its kind. Mafkarat al-Islam noted that a few weeks ago a similar incident occurred at the puppet police station in al-Karakh in Baghdad. Western media attributed the blast to a Resistance car bomber, but local people told Mafkarat al-Islam that a US helicopter had been responsible. Later the British newspaper The Guardian picked up on the same eyewitness testimony, and it was further confirmed by Sunni Islamic leader Shaykh Muhammad ‘Abbas al-Kubaysi during a discussion on al-Jazeera.
Fighting on Hayfa Street in Baghdad.
US forces attempted to penetrate into the Hayfa Street area in Baghdad using 20 US military vehicles (eight Abrams tanks and 12 Bradley armored vehicles) in order to storm houses and capture young men. The US assault began at about 8am Sunday morning, but when the Resistance stood and fought, the American offensive petered out.
Violent clashes resumed, however, early in the afternoon, leaving four US troops dead. One Iraqi woman was also killed when she was coming home from the market. A US sniper shot her in the neck, killing her instantly.
The local correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported in a dispatch posted at 3:05pm local time (2:05pm Mecca time) that US snipers were at that moment widely deployed atop high buildings in the Hayfa Street area as two American Apache helicopters prowled the skies over the street.
Resistance car bomb in al-Fallujah kills six American troops.
An Iraqi Resistance Opel car bomb driven by a martyrdom attacker blew up on the highway near the Tuesday Market Suq ath-Thulatha’ district of the Zuyunah area of the ad-Dubbat neighborhood of al-Fallujah. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the blast occurred at 8:45am Sunday, and destroyed two US Humvees and killed six US troops. Four Iraqi puppet troops were also killed when their Nissan pickup was destroyed in the same attack. Later a US Black Hawk helicopter landed at the scene of the attack to pick up the dead and wounded. The Tuesday Market area has been a nearly deserted zone for some time.
Fierce battles resume in al-Latifiyah and al-Yusufiyah Sunday.
Heavy fighting resumed on Sunday in al-Latifiyah. In one engagement six US troops and six Resistance fighters were killed. The Resistance fighters were martyred when a US Black Hawk helicopter rocketed their car.
Eleven US Marines killed in al-Latifiyah.
Eleven Marines were killed when the Iraqi Resistance attacked a US column on the main public street in al-Latifiyah Sunday near the fuel station. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Resistance detonated bombs and then attacked with RPG7s, destroying three Humvees and killing the 11 Marines.
Between 22 and 25 Marines killed in al-Yusufiyah.
At least 22 US Marines were killed when the Resistance ambushed them in the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood in the al-Yusufiyah area. A US Marine patrol made up of three Bradley armored vehicles and a Humvee came under a fierce Resistance attack. The Iraqi fighters fired more than ten powerful Tariq rockets at the Americans, as US F-16 fighter bombers struck the agricultural area around the city, leaving five men, nine women and eight children between the ages of six and nine years old dead.
Local residents of al-Yusufiyah reported hearing more than 30 explosions of 120mm mortar rounds inside the puppet police station compound and telephone exchange in the city.
In the course of the fighting, several Iraqi Resistance cars were also destroyed and seven Resistance fighters martyred.
Nine trucks in convoy destroyed in al-Yusufiyah.
Resistance forces detonated bombs under a US convoy and then attacked the vehicles with rocket-propelled grenades, C5Ks, 120mm mortar rounds and 82mm mortar rounds at 7am Sunday. The attack destroyed nine civilian trucks carrying spare parts in the US military convoy destroyed. Nine truck drivers, believed to be foreigners, were killed.
Seven Marines killed in al-Latifiyah area Sunday evening.
In a dispatch posted at 9:50pm local time Sunday night (8:50pm Mecca time) the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that fighting in the al-Yusufiyah and al-Latifiyah area was still raging. More than 12 Tariq rockets were heard going off in al-Latifiyah. More than ten Grads and thirty 120mm mortar rounds were also heard there. The 795 caliber Dimitrov could also be heard, as were mortar rounds of 60mm, 82mm, and 120mm caliber. Seven US Marines were confirmed dead by the correspondent.
Eighteen US troops killed in car bombing in al-Yusufiyah.
An Iraqi Resistance guerrilla attack killed at least 18 American troops in addition to destroying two Bradley armored vehicles in al-Yusufiyah at 8:45pm Sunday evening. An Opel Stationwagon slammed into a group of US troops near the northern entrance to ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood of al-Yusufiyah. The US detachment was made up of four Bradley armored vehicles and 20 US footsoldiers.
Fifteen US troops killed in al-Latifiyah area.
Six Resistance fighters were killed in a clash with US forces near al-Latifiyah at 6pm local time Sunday evening. The Resistance, for its part, killed 15 American troops in the clash in the Jarf as-Sakhr area when they fired a heavy barrage of SPG9s and C5Ks all within three minutes.
Massive Ra‘d rockets fired at US troops in al-Yusufiyah area.
Resistance fighters used Ra‘d surface-to-surface rockets at 9pm Sunday in their fight against the US in al-Yusufiyah, producing huge explosions. The Ra‘d is six meters long and carries a Russian-made warhead. But the casing and internal working parts of both the rocket and the explosive are Iraqi-made, manufactured in the al-Yarmuk plant in the south of the country.
In addition to the Ra‘d, more than seventy 120mm mortar rounds were fired between 6 - 9:30pm
Jordanian Kung Fu champion killed while fighting in the Iraqi Resistance.
The Jordanian media reported on Sunday that Baha’ Ibrahim Muhammad Yahya, known as Abu al-Muthanna, a Jordanian Kung Fu champion, had been killed in Iraq after he had been there for four months fighting with the Resistance against the US occupation. Al-‘Arab al-Yawm reported that Baha’ Ibrahim’s family had received a telephone call with the news two days previous.
Resistance pushes US forces out of control of Hit.
Resistance forces on Sunday regained control of much of the city of Hit in western Iraq, expelling US forces and Iraqi puppet so-called “national guardsmen” in fierce fighting that began at 6am Sunday morning and was still raging when the local correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam filed his report, posted at 3:20pm local time (2:20pm Mecca time). At that time fighting was concentrated in the southern and western parts of the city.
Four US troops were killed and five others wounded when an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded at 8:30am between Hit and the US camp in the area. Two Humvees were destroyed in the ambush.
Three US intelligence officers killed.
Three US intelligence officers were killed in a Resistance attack on the highway between the US occupation headquarters (the so-called “green zone”) and Saddam International Airport. Several American black armored vehicles, two GMCs and two Fords, believed to belong to the CIA were ambushed by the Resistance at 1:45pm Sunday afternoon. The Resistance fighters fired armor-piercing KG3s at the vehicles, destroying one black Ford and killing the three men aboard it. A GMC was disabled when it collided with a wall.
Resistance attacks Kurdish gunmen guarding Mossad agents in northern Iraq.
Nine persons were killed at 3:55pm Sunday when Resistance forces ambushed a Kurdish chauvinist patrol of the Peshmergah forces following the collaborator al-Barzani in the ash-Shirtat area between Mosul and Kirkuk, an area dominated by the Sunni Arab al-‘Abid tribe. The Peshmergah men were guarding a GMC vehicle that is believed to have belonged to the Zionist Mossad. The Resistance detonated bombs and attacked with KBCs, destroying two Toyota pickups and killing six aboard them. Three other persons were killed aboard a Safari. One Kurdish chauvinist officer was taken captive by the Resistance, and a GMC was destroyed.
US sends troops into Madinat as-Sadr after agreement between Jaysh al-Mahdi and US invaders.
US forces penetrated into Madinat as-Sadr in Baghdad on Sunday afternoon, bringing in 12 tanks, eight Bradley armored vehicles, six Humvees and seven small armored vehicles. The US forces were driving about the area at the time that the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent filed his report posted at 6:26pm Sunday evening local time (5:26pm Mecca time). As a result of an agreement between the Jaysh al-Mahdi and the US aggressors, the American invaders have met with no attacks at the hands of the Jaysh al-Mahdi defenders of Madinat as-Sadr.
Fighting rages near Karbala’ before dawn Sunday.
US forces attempted to advance on Jarf as-Sakhr, 45km north of Karbala’ in Babil Province on Sunday but they then came under Resistance attack. Forty Iraqi Resistance bombs, probably of Austrian explosives, blew up under the US column, destroying three US Abrams tanks. The Resistance then attacked the US troops sparking a full-scale engagement in which SBG9s and D5K rockets were used. The battles that lasted from 1am until 5am left more than 15 US troops and eight Iraqi Resistance fighters dead. Six civilian cars belonging to the Resistance were also destroyed in the fighting when they were empty and parked by the side of the road.
Resistance forces shot down a US Chinook helicopter using a four-barreled Dimitrov when the craft was attempting to evacuate some burned vehicles from Jarf as-Sakhr.
Poles pull out of al-Hillah base.
Under farewell rocket fire from the Resistance, Polish aggressor troops completed their withdrawal from al-Hillah to ad-Diwaniyah. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported in a dispatch posted at 2:15am Monday morning local time (1:15am Monday morning Mecca time) that the Poles had completed 40 percent of their evacuation by that time.
The Resistance fired two powerful Tariq rockets at the Poles at 9am. Then at 8pm three more blasts shook the Polish base, one Tariq and two Grads.
One more US atrocity.
According to the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam, an Iraqi civilian Land Cruiser was proceeding along the highway leading to Baghdad southeast of al-Fallujah at 5:45pm Sunday evening when it had a collision with a US Humvee, killing one American soldier. The other Americans then got out of their Humvee, dragged the Iraqi civilian out of his car and choked him to death with their hands.
US aggressor troops destroy farmland.
American occupation troops have bulldozed Iraqi farm fields adjacent to the highways of several Iraqi cities. US troops have cut down date palms and other trees and destroyed citrus groves within 200-300 meters from the highways on Sunday in al-Latifiyah and al-Yusufiyah south of Baghdad, having done so on Saturday in the Hur Rajab and al-Bu‘ithah areas south of ad-Durah. The did the same thing earlier on the approaches to the city of al-Khalidiyah. The Americans apparently learned the practice from the Zionists in occupied Palestine who on similar pretexts of fighting the Resistance destroy the livelihood of local villagers.
The Samarra’ front.
Three US troops killed in ambush near Samarra’.
Resistance forces attacked a US patrol near Samarra’ on the Tikrit-Samarra’ highway at 1:30pm. Resistance fighters fired rocket-propelled grenades, destroying a Humvee, disabling a Bradley armored vehicle and killing three US troops.
Samarra’ itself, however, was quiet as of Sunday afternoon, its streets largely empty. Resistance bombardments generally only begin after nightfall.
Resistance ambush leaves 11 US troops dead near Samarra’.
Eleven American troops were killed on Sunday at about 7:45pm when Resistance fighters firing RPG7s and C5Ks destroyed a Bradley armored vehicle and two troop carriers loaded with four soldiers each and apparently explosive munitions in a convoy between ad-Dulu‘iyah and Samarra’. The vehicles continued to explode on their own for 15 minutes after the attack.
Samarra’ itself was in a state of uneasy calm with US snipers perched atop buildings in the city intent upon killing anyone who moved in the streets below. Resistance forces, for their part, have concentrated in the fields surrounding the city, from where they carry out raids behind the American lines.
Seven Iraqis have died martyrs including a woman and a small child. The Americans destroyed four private homes when F-16s rocketed them. Powerful explosions were heard in several parts of Samarra’ during the day.
Resistance attacks throughout Iraq on Sunday.
Resistance forces fired a C5K rocket at a US C131 airplane at 7:10am Sunday, striking it and setting it ablaze. The plane made a forced landing at the US base at Saddam International Airport.
Resistance forces attacked a US column near at-Taji, 40km north of Baghdad. The US column was made up of a Bradley armored vehicle and six Humvees and was attacked at 7:50am by Resistance fighters firing PRG7s and BKCs. One American was killed and three others wounded and one Bradley and two Humvees were disabled.
Two Resistance fighters were martyred at the southern entrance to Ba‘qubah Sunday morning when a bomb they were trying to plant exploded prematurely.
A US-puppet joint patrol of three Humvees and two Mitsubishi vehicles belonging to the puppet “national guard” ran over Resistance bombs at 12:15pm Sunday in Kirkuk, whereupon Resistance fighters attacked with rocket-propelled grenades destroying a Mitsubishi and disabling a Humvee. One US soldier and four puppet troops were killed and one US soldier and two Iraqi puppet “guardsmen” were wounded.
Seven US troops were killed and one armored personnel carrier disabled when Iraqi Resistance forces clashed with US troops near Balad at 2:30pm Sunday. Four Resistance fighters were martyred when their Opel car was hit by a rocket fired by a US helicopter.
Resistance forces attacked a convoy of Turkish civilian trucks employed by the US aggressors to bring supplies to the American forces at Talul al-Baj between Bayji and Mosul. Four US Humvees were escorting the convoy when the Resistance destroyed three trucks, killing the three Turkish drivers at 3:10pm Sunday. One US soldier was killed in the engagement when his Humvee was disabled.
A column of four Bradley armored vehicles was attacked by Resistance fighters firing SPG9 rockets in the Bahraz area near Ba‘qubah at about 4:30pm Sunday. One armored vehicle was disabled.
Iraqi sharpshooters ambushed a US column, killing two American soldiers at 4:30pm Sunday afternoon in the Balad area. The US column was made up of Bradley armored vehicles and Abrams tanks. The column passed an area where Iraqi sharpshooters were concealed. The Resistance sharpshooters picked off two Americans who were manning machine guns atop Bradley vehicles.
Resistance forces ambushed a US convoy in the area of al-Hadar near the northern city of Mosul. The convoy consisted of several fuel tankers escorted by two armored vehicles of the type use by the US Marines and four Humvees. Resistance fighters destroyed on tank truck with an RPG7, killing two US troops. Another tanker was disabled with a “bow” weapon firing incendiary steel jacketed bullets.
Two US troops were killed in a Resistance attack with C5K rockets that also destroyed a Humvee and disabled a troop carrier in a supply convoy south of Baghdad in the ad-Durah area near al-Bu‘ithah, near the ad-Durah refinery.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb, probably weighing 250kg, blew up under a US column of four tanks, disabling one at 5:20pm local time in at-Tarimiyah, 25km north of Baghdad.
Three US troops were killed and a Humvee destroyed when the Iraqi Resistance fired RPG7 rockets at a US patrol Sunday evening at 5:50pm near al-‘Amiriyah in Baghdad.
Eight US troops were killed when Resistance forces attacked a US supply convoy of trucks and four Humvees and a Bradley armored vehicle between az-Za‘faraniyah and the Diyala Bridge at 7pm Sunday. Eyewitnesses reported that seven or eight RPG7 rockets hit the US convoy. The Resistance also fired BKCs, destroying two Humvees and a troop transport, killing eight Americans.
At 8pm Sunday night fighting broke out on the highway in the Hur Rajab area near ad-Durah south of Baghdad. One Abrams tank was disabled.
At about 9pm Iraqi Resistance forces fired ten 82mm mortar rounds at a column of three Nissan pickups belonging to the puppet so-called “national guard” near the al-Miqdadiyah area. The Resistance then opened up with BKCs, killing six of the “national guardsmen” and capturing one officer in the force. The Resistance also seized the three Nissan pickup trucks.
Resistance fighters attacked a US C130 airplane at about 9:15pm Sunday night with a C5K rocket, setting one of its motors ablaze.
At 9:30pm Sunday night Resistance forces attacked a US column of four Humvees in the al-Ghazaliyah area west fo Baghdad with RPG7s, destroying two Humvees and setting a third on fire.
Four Iraqi puppet policemen were killed at 9:30pm Sunday in the al-Kazimiyah area of Baghdad near the building that formerly housed Iraq’s military intelligence service, but which now is occupied by US troops. The deaths came when an Iraqi Resistance bomb blew up two Land Cruisers belonging to the puppet “national guard.”
Four members of the Shi‘i chauvinist collaborationist Badr Brigades were killed when Resistance forces attacked their cars in the Hur Rajab area of ad-Durah area south of Baghdad at 10:45pm Sunday night. The Resistance attacked their Nissan Patrol cars with BKCs. In addition to killing the four collaborationist gunmen in one of the vehicles, the Resistance also captured three others who were in a second car.
Four US troops and three Iraqi puppet so-called “national guardsmen” were killed when the Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under their joint patrol at 11pm in Baghdad near ‘Ulwat ar-Rashid. The patrol consisted of three Humvees and two Nissan pickups. One Humvee was destroyed and one Nissan disabled.
Bombardments across Iraq on Sunday.
The puppet so-called “ministries” of petroleum, electricit,y and the environment in Baghdad were struck on Sunday by barrages of Katyusha and Grad rockets at 7:45am. Four Katyushas and one Grad were fired. Six puppet troops who were guarding the “ministry of petroleum” were killed and more than 10 were wounded.
At about 8am Resistance forces bombarded the puppet police academy in Baghdad with two Katyusha rockets.
At about 8am Sunday Resistance forces hit the Central Command in at-Tallah with four Congress missiles.
At about 9am the US base in the Balad area, 75km north of Baghdad, was hit by 10 Katyusha rockets.
The joint US-Iraqi puppet so-called “rapid deployment force” base in at-Taji, north of Baghdad was hit by two Katyusha rockets at about 9am Sunday morning.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired a CET rocket a joint US-Iraqi puppet force command post in the ad-Dulu‘iyah area near Samarra’ at 9:40am. The rocket set fire to a US humvee and two Nissan vehicles belonging to the puppet troops.
The US base in as-Suqur south of Baghdad was hit by a barrage of four Katyusha rockets at about 10am Sunday morning.
The headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace in Baghdad, which US invaders have called the “green zone,” was hit by a Grad rocket at 11am.
Resistance forces pounded an Iraqi puppet so-called “national guard” command post with twelve 82mm mortar rounds, destroying five cars and killing 12 puppet troops.
The US base in the village of al-‘Awzah near Tikrit was attacked by Resistance forces firing two Grad rockets at 11:45am Sunday.
At 12:55pm Resistance forces fired 10 Katyusha rockets into the as-Siniyah area, 10km from Bayji.
Resistance forces greeted US Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld with a volley of 24 heavy rockets fired at the al-Asad base near al-Hadithah. The rockets were probably launched by a Katyusha launcher, since they all impacted a in very close succession. Rumsfeld paid a surprise visit to Iraq on Sunday.
At 4:45pm Sunday Resistance forces fired a C5K rocket at a US C131 aircraft trying to land at Saddam International Airport. The aircraft maneuvered and managed to avoid being hit.
At 5:20pm Resistance forces fired Strela rockets at a large white aircraft of unknown type over Saddam International Airport, striking it in the right wing and setting it ablaze. The aircraft made a forced landing at Saddam International.
At 5:30pm, Resistance forces fired four Grad rockets at the US base in Kirkuk on the belief that US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was on the base.
At 5:50pm the Resistance struck the military academy in ar-Rustamiyah in Baghdad with seven 120mm mortar rounds.
At about 6pm Resistance fighters in Ba‘qubah fired five Katyushas at the US Diyala Airfield.
Saddam International Airport was hit at 6pm by three Tariq rockets.
At 6pm 12 large Katyusha rockets slammed into the headquarters of the US Central command at at-Tallah in the Saddam International Airport area. Large amounts of smoke could be seen over the area as sirens wailed. More than 20 armored vehicles - Abrams tanks and Bradleys deployed in strength around the area, strongly suggesting that there had been substantial casualties from the hit.
At 6:10pm Resistance forces shot down a US Cobra helicopter as it was trying to land at Saddam International Airport. Two C5K rockets were fired at the helicopter. The first rocket struck the Cobra directly and blew it up, the second flew into the wreckage while still in the air.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired six Grad-2 rockets at Saddam International Airport. The rockets were believed to have hit the guest reception hall from which smoke could be seen rising into the sky.
At 6:10pm Resistance forces shot down a US Cobra helicopter as it was trying to land at Saddam International Airport. Two C5K rockets were fired at the helicopter. The first rocket struck the Cobra directly and blew it up, the second flew into the wreckage while still in the air.
At 6:30pm two Grad rockets slammed into Saddam International Airport.
At 7:10pm the Resistance hit the “green zone” with five 82mm mortar rounds, probably fired from Hayfa Street.
At 7:30pm Resistance fighters hit al-Muthanna airfield with ten 82mm mortar rounds setting off warning sirens inside the compound.
Resistance forces hit the US-Iraqi puppet base in al-Ghazlani in Mosul with four Katyusha rockets at 8:30pm Sunday night.
At 9pm Resistance forces attacked a joint US-Iraqi puppet “national guard” command post at the southern entrance to the so-called “green zone” near the Peace Palace Qasr as-Salam with two Katyusha rockets. In the area at the time were four Bradley armored vehicles and five Nissan pickups as well as 20 US and Iraqi puppet troops.
Resistance forces shelled a US patrol that was guarding an oil pipeline in Bayji with 82mm mortar rounds at 9pm. The barrage set fire to one of their Humvees.
At 10:25pm Sunday night, Iraqi Resistance forces fired 14 mortar rounds into a US base behind the ad-Durah refinery. The US base occupies a farm owned by Khayrallah at-Tanfah, the father of Mrs Sajidah, the wife of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
Resistance forces shelled the home of collaborator and Shi‘i chauvinist ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Hakim, the president of the so-called Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) with two Katyusha rockets at about 10:30pm Sunday night. The rockets scored direct hits on the house.
Resistance forces attacked Saddam International Airport at 10:30pm with a Tariq rocket.