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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/10/25
Monday, 25 October 2004.
Al-Fallujah - ar-Ramadi Province.
Resistance fighter knocks out US tank, killing six aggressor troops then dies a martyr.
An Iraqi Resistance fighter was martyred as he destroyed a US Abrams tank and killed six American aggressor troops Monday afternoon north of al-Fallujah.
The incident began when US forces began to concentrate near the al-Jawlan neighborhood in the northwestern part of al-Fallujah. Seeing this, a Resistance fighter picked up his SPG9 rocket launcher and set off to attack the Americans. When he saw the Abrams tank advancing, he fired a rocket and scored a direct hit on the vehicle, setting off a series of secondary explosions from within the tank as munitions blew up inside, killing the six-man tank crew.
The US aggressors responded to the Resistance attack, however, firing their heavy machineguns from their Humvees at the Resistance fighter, shredding his body.
Resistance brings out new, 7-meter long rocket in latest bombardments of Saddam International Airport.
For the first time since the US invasion, Iraqi Resistance forces used the 7-8meter long al-‘Aadid (“Advocate”) rocket in a bombardment of Saddam International Airport, one of the chief US bases in the country. The al-‘Aadid is the longest rocket so far fired by the Iraqi Resistance since the start of their liberation war. Previously the largest rocket employed by the Resistance was the ar-Ra‘d (“Thunder”) which was shorter.
The Resistance hit Saddam International airport with the al-‘Aadid on Sunday, but no information on casualties or damage is available. It did appear, however, that the rocket scored a direct hit on the airport runway, inhibiting use of the airport by the occupation forces as a means for re-supplying the occupation, much of which is done via C130 transport planes.
Resistance hits Saddam International Airport with two Ababil rockets Monday night.
Iraqi Resistance forces pounded Saddam International Airport in Baghdad with two powerful Ababil rockets at about 7pm Monday night. Apparently the Ababil rockets struck their targets because thick smoke rose from the scene after the barrage, in such an amount that it was visible despite the dark of night over the airport. The Ababil rocket was one of three types of rocket possessed by the Army of the Republic of Iraq before the US invasion, the other two being the al-‘Abid and the ar-Ra‘d.
Australian ambassador target of car bomb assassination attempt Monday morning.
The Australian ambassador in Baghdad was the target of an apparent assassination attempt on Monday morning in Baghdad. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the attack took place in the al-Jihadiriyah area between the two-story bridge and the road leading to the suspension bridge. A car bomb exploded, disabling an American vehicle and killing four US troops who were providing security. The correspondent confirmed that American troops rushed to the scene of the attack and cordoned it off, transporting the casualties out after that.
Ten American troops blown up in car bombing in al-Khalidiyah.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb - an American Oldsmobile, according to some eyewitnesses - blew up Monday morning near the puppet police station in al-Khalidiyah as three Humvees were gathered there. Two Humvees were totally destroyed in the blast and 10 American troops including four aboard the Humvees, were killed. Body parts were blown all around the scene of the attacks.
Resistance assassinates chief of puppet municipal council of al-Mahmudiyah.
The chairman of the puppet municipal council of al-Mahmudiyah south of Baghdad was assassinated on Monday when masked Resistance fighters opened fire with automatic weapons on his 1994 Daewoo Prince car at about 10am. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that one of the chairman’s bodyguards was also killed in the attack.
Badr Brigade death squad leader assassinated Monday night in ad-Durah.
At 10:30pm Monday night Iraqi Resistance fighter assassinated ‘Ali al-Kubbi, one of the most prominent and best-known leaders of the Badr Brigade death squads. Al-Kubbi was killed in a shop opposite the al-Iskan Mosque in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah, according to the local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam.
The Badr Brigades are the armed wing of the Shi‘i chauvinist so-called “Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq” (SCIRI) that invaded Iraq together with US troops in spring 2003. The Badr Brigade formed its death squads after the US invasion with the aim of assassinating all important Iraqi social and political leaders opposed to the American occupation.
Three US troops killed in bombing in ad-Durah Monday afternoon.
At 2pm Monday afternoon, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Humvee on a road in the ‘Arab Jabbur area of the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah. The Humvee was destroyed and two American soldiers killed and three others wounded in the blast.
One US soldier killed in Monday afternoon bombing near ad-Durah.
At about 2pm Monday afternoon an Iraqi Resistance bomb blew up under a small US armored transport on the road between as-Sayyidiyah and ad-Durah, damaging the armored vehicle. One American soldier was killed and two others wounded in the attack according to the local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam.
Six Americans die as Resistance repels US attempt to storm Hayfa Street. Four Resistance fighters fall as martyrs.
Four Iraqi Resistance fighters were martyred on Monday afternoon as they stood up to a new attempt by American aggressor forces to storm into Hayfa Street in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district. At about 3:30pm Monday afternoon American troops attempted to storm the street, but Resistance forces fought back using SPG9 rocket launchers, hand grenades, and BKC automatic weapons. One US Bradley armored vehicle was destroyed and six Americans aboard it killed.
Three American troops killed in ambush on Hayfa Street.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing BKC automatic weapons and throwing grenades attacked an American foot patrol on Hayfa Street in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district at 10am Monday morning. Three US troops were killed.
Three US troops killed in Resistance bombing in at-Taji Monday afternoon.
Three US troops were killed and two others wounded in an Iraqi Resistance attack in the city of at-Taji, 40km north of Baghdad. An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Humvee in the Hur al-Basha area of at-Taji, destroying the vehicle at 1pm Monday afternoon.
Two American soldiers killed in New Baghdad area Monday afternoon.
Two US troops were killed when an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under an American military truck loaded with provisions as it traveled along the highway in the New Baghdad area of the occupied Iraqi capital at about 2pm Monday afternoon. The Resistance fighters attacked the US truck with RPG7 rockets after the bomb exploded, destroying the truck.
Four American troops killed when their Abrams tank is bombed in al-Mushahadah.
At least four American soldiers were killed when the Iraqi Resistance ambushed and destroyed an American Abrams tank at 2:30pm Monday afternoon in the al-Mushahada area north of Baghdad.
Six Americans killed in the Duwaylibiyah area early Monday.
Six US troops were killed when a heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded at about 8am Monday in the Duwaylibiyah area southwest of Baghdad. A Bradley armored vehicle was destroyed in the attack and a Humvee disabled.
Three American intelligence officers killed in Resistance bomb attack in Abu Ghurayb.
Three US intelligence officers were killed at about 2pm Monday afternoon when an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the Abu Munaysir area of Abu Ghurayb, destroying their command style Land Cruiser. The vehicle, of the type used by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Iraq was believed to be driven by an American officer.
Five US soldiers killed in Abu Ghurayb bombing Monday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Bradley armored vehicle in the Abu Ghurayb area at about 1:30pm Monday afternoon, destroying the vehicle and killing five US troops aboard.
Four US troops killed in afternoon bombing in Abu Ghurayb.
At about 2:30pm Monday afternoon, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the area across from ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood in Abu Ghurayb, destroying an American personnel carrier. Four US soldiers were killed in the blast and four others wounded.
Twelve US troops killed in Resistance attack in Abu Ghurayb area.
Iraqi Resistance forces clashed with a US patrol in the adh-Dhahab al-Abyad area of Abu Ghurayb at 9am Monday morning. The Resistance fired rocket-propelled grenadesa and BKC automatic weapons, killing 12 American troops and destroying two Humvees, a military supply truck loaded with provisions and a fuel tank truck.
Two American soldiers killed in afternoon bombing in al-Ghazaliyah.
Two US troops were killed and four others wounded seriously when an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US armored personnel carrier (APC) at the end of Mudir al-Amn Street in al-Ghazaliyah, southwest of Baghdad. The APC was destroyed in the blast, which took place at 4pm Monday afternoon.
Two American troops killed in ambush in al-Ghazaliyah area.
Two US troops were killed when the Iraqi Resistance attacked a US supply truck in the al-Ghazaliyah area at about 10am Monday morning. Resistance fighters fired RPG7 rockets, destroying the truck.
Five Americans killed in Resistance car bombing on Airport Road Monday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance BMW car bomb exploded at about 2:30pm Monday afternoon on Airport road near the Equestrian Club as a US column was passing. The blast destroyed an American GMC command car, killing four Americans aboard it, one of them an officer. The explosion also damaged a Humvee, killing one soldier aboard that vehicle.
Three US troops killed, two others wounded in ar-Ridwaniyah Monday afternoon.
Three US soldiers were killed and two others wounded when an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the Suwayb area of ar-Ridwaniyah at about 3pm Monday afternoon, destroying the Humvee in which the troops were riding.
At least two US soldiers killed in early morning ambush in al-‘Amil neighborhood.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired two rocket-propelled grenades at a US patrol on the Airport Road in the al-‘Amil neighborhood at about 7:30am Monday morning. Two American soldiers were killed. Local witnesses reported that there might have been three Americans killed. One Humvee was destroyed.
Four US troops killed in ambush on Airport Road.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired an SPG9 rocket at US forces on the road to Saddam International Airport at 11:30am Monday morning, destroying one Humvee and killing the four American troops aboard it.
Four US troops killed in lighting attack in ‘Arafat al-Hindiyah.
Iraqi Resistance forces carried out a lightning attack at 8:15am Monday morning near the ‘Arafat al-Hindiyah area on a US armored vehicle, killing the four soldiers who were aboard it.
Resistance ambush leaves two US soldiers dead Monday morning.
Two US troops were killed and a third injured when Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a supply truck bringing provisions to the US military occupation forces at 11am Monday morning in the al-Hurriyah ad-Dawli‘i area of Baghdad. The attack destroyed the truck.
Resistance bomb targets US column, puppet regime admits.
A mouthpiece for the puppet so-called “Iraqi interior ministry” announced Monday morning that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on a road in the al-Karradah district of Baghdad as a US patrol was passing inflicting “numerous injuries.”
The American Associated Press (AP) reported Major General ‘Adnan ‘Abd ar-Rahman of the “interior ministry” as saying that the bomb injured “Iraqi civilians.” The US military refused to comment on the attack, as usual trying to conceal its losses. Eye witnesses reported seeing columns of smoke rising from the scene of the blast on the edge of the Tigris River, and US helicopters flying in over the area.
Resistance group claims attack on US facility that killed American diplomat security officer.
The al-Jazeera satellite TV station broadcast a video tape in which an organization called the Islamic Army in Iraq announced that they fired two rockets in a “precise” attack on a US military facility that they referred to as an “officers’ lounge” at the edge of the Saddam International Airport where the US State Department security official Ed Seitz was killed.
The video broadcast on al-Jazeera showed several rockets lined up on the ground and then showed scenes in which they were fired. The fighters proclaimed Allahu Akbar! (“God is greatest!”) with every shot they fired.
Al-Latifiyah - al-Yusufiyah.
Three US troops, including one female, killed in Resistance bombing at 2pm.
Three US troops, including one female soldier, were killed in an Iraqi Resistance bomb blast on the road to Karbala’ in the al-Latifiyah area, 25km south of Baghdad. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that at 2pm an Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded as a US military truck loaded with supplies was passing. The truck was destroyed and the three troops - including one woman - were killed.
Two American troops killed when Resistance bomb destroys US Humvee.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb destroyed a US Humvee between al-Latifiyah and al-Mahmudiyah at about 3pm Monday, killing two US troops and wounding two others..
Seven US troops, 12 puppet soldiers killed in morning ambush in al-Latifiyah.
Seven US troops and 12 puppet so-called “Iraqi national guardsmen” were killed in an Iraqi Resistance ambush on their joint patrol in the al-Latifiyah area, 25km south of Baghdad.
The attack began at about 8am with the detonation of three bombs under the patrol. Then Resistance fighters attacked the troops with RPG7, SBG9, and C5K rockets and BKC automatic weapons. A US armored vehicle, and two Nissan pickup trucks and a Land Cruiser belonging to the Iraqi puppet forces were destroyed. Four Iraqi Resistance fighters were killed in the combat.
Bombardments throughout Iraq on Monday.
At 5am Monday morning Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Katyusha rockets at the US “as-Suqur” base south of Baghdad.
At 12 noon Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two 120mm mortar rounds at the US “as-Suqur” base south of Baghdad.
At about 2:45pm Monday afternoon Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Grad rockets igniting a powerful fire in the camp.
Iraqi Resistance forces unleashed a fearsome bombardment on the US al-Bakr base in Balad, north of Baghdad at about 3pm Monday afternoon, pounding it with nine powerful Tariq missiles, sending plumes of smoke into the air.
At about 4pm Monday afternoon Iraqi Resistance forces fired two four 60mm mortar rounds into the US airbase at al-Muthanna in Baghdad.
At about 6pm Monday evening, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Katyusha rockets at the US “as-Suqur” base south of Baghdad.
At about 8pm Monday night, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two 82mm mortar rounds into the US occupation headquarters in the compound around the Republican Palace in Baghdad - known to the US invaders as the “green zone.”