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ブッシュ就任演説について、「ブッシュは似非キリスト教徒であり、オカルト主義のメーソン、イリュミナティ、終生のスカルアンドボーン信者であり今回の就任演説にてブッシュが発した言葉New World of AgesとはNew World Orderのことに他ならない」という分析がNWOに対して警告を発するキリスト教系のサイトに載っている。
Subtitle: President Bush never publicly used the term, "New World Order", probably aware of the outcry caused by his Father's continuous use of that term. But, in his Inaugural Address, the President tied his Second Administration to the original goals of America -- to build a New World Order so the Masonic Christ could appear!
Bush's Address (演説原文 略)Thursday, January 20, 2005 (FOX NEWS CHANNEL)http://www.foxnews.com/printer_friendly_story/0,3566,144976,00.html
"We go forward with complete confidence in the eventual triumph of freedom ... When our Founders declared a new order of the ages ... they were acting on an ancient hope that is meant to be fulfilled. History has an ebb and flow of justice, but history also has a visible direction, set by liberty and the Author of Liberty."
President George Bush announced today that he is setting his second administration in the same direction as the Founding Fathers originally intended when they founded this nation on July 4, 1776 -- just 66 days after the beginning of the pagan festival known as Beltane, April 30.
What was this vision? The words "NOVUS ORDOR SECLORUM" on the bottom banner of the unfinished pyramid seal on the back of our One Dollar Bill tells us what the goal of our Founding Fathers was: to establish a "New Order of the Ages", also referred to most commonly in occult literature as "New World Order".
And, what is the goal of this New Order of the Ages, this New World Order? To reorganize the world into a One World Government, Economy, and Religion, so the Masonic (New Age) Christ could appear. The Bible calls this person "Antichrist".
The Masonic Christ is, and has always been, the end goal of Novus Ordo Seclorum (New Order of the Ages). However, this Masonic Christ is in no way, shape or form Jesus Christ returned the second time; rather, this Masonic Christ is Antichrist! Because this is the truth, prominent Freemason leaders of the past have referred very positively to Lucifer.
27回も繰り返された「自由」という言葉。 メーソンによる「自由」の定義:
Since President Bush uttered the word, "freedom" 27 times in his Second Inaugural Address, it is important to know exactly what kind of "freedom" he has in mind for the world. While most people think of "freedom" as the ability to decide for yourself what you are going to do, the Masonic definition of the word means "complete subjection to the All-Powerful State".
The skill of the occult propagandist lies in being able to communicate one message to the Adepts while deceiving the "vulgar masses" with a false message, a false definition.
第3次世界大戦とアンチキリスト :
The first two world wars began and ended just the way the plan of 1870 envisioned; that plan foresaw that the Third World War out of which Antichrist will come striding, will begin in the Middle East, with Israel going to war against her Arab neighbors. Unless you have been on Mars the last 30 years, you know that a war is imminent between Israel and her Palestinian nemesis, and with Syria and Egypt, and possibly Jordan.
Our invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan was primarily designed to so enrage the Muslim world against anything Western or Jewish that this all-out Middle East war will be inevitable
President Bush's Second Inaugural Address deserves closer attention, which we shall do; but, for now, we must concentrate on the most important portion of his address: his revelation that he is committed to moving history to the conclusion envisioned by our Masonic Founding Fathers -- into the New Order of the Ages, the New World Order.
The key wording is striking, and it relates to the coming planned events in Bush's second term. Listen:
1) "We go forward with complete confidence ..."2) "When our Founders declared a new order of the ages"3) "... history also has a visible direction ..."
An occultist will comprise a long paragraph with certain key phrases he expects the Adept to pick out. I believe these are the three key phrases in this key paragraph of his address. In the second term, President Bush is announcing:
"America will go forward with complete confidence to achieve the goal of our Founding Fathers - a New Order of the Ages (New World Order) -- to move history into a visible, planned direction."
What is that direction? New Age author Robert Hieronimus declared that the result of the New Order of the Ages was the appearance of the Christ -- the Masonic Christ -- Antichrist.
What lies directly before the world? Likely, the Third World War which will produce Antichrist lies directly ahead. The Bible calls this war the Final Birth Pangs (Matthew 24:6-8). We shall see, I believe, a very violent, bloody international and domestic period under a second term for George Bush.