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(回答先: 「北」の爆発、英国防相が核実験説を明確に否定 (読売新聞) 投稿者 彗星 日時 2004 年 9 月 21 日 21:44:49)
Later on, during the same year, now President of The Technical Remote Viewing Institute (http://www.trvinstitute.com), in his Coast to Coast radio show interview with Art Bell, has declared that the next use of nuclear bomb, that will involve human victims, shall occur when North Korea attacks South Korea during the peace talks. At that time it was not clear why this would happen, but by now it seems to be possible, and that it's purpose could be to create a second front for US and clean vicinity of China of the US troops.
と説明されている。また、http://www.deepspace4.com/pages/answers/historyofthefuture4.htmにおいても、Vance Davis氏により予言が為されている。
In coming 9 years will see more of the focus on Earth then space travel, although space travel will be occurring but we will not hear much about it, it will be more black projects going on. Because there are certain people that believe that we will have to go in outer space, so they will quietly do that while the rest of world is focused upon world issues. Both sides, good and bad, believe the world would have to be unified. One of them believes that it has to be a choice of the people, and other one believes that it is going to be a choice of few elected, that can lead the people. And that is a big difference.
So, you are going to see a struggle between leaders on one level, between business, in less then three years you are going to see eruptions of battles, near wars. You are going to see a struggle in North - South Korea escalate in next year and half.
このインタビューが07-18-2003であるからa year and halfとは2004年末〜2005年初頭までの事であろう。