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US envoy tells Damascus to back Iraq, keep out of Lebanon's affairs
Sat Sep11 ,3 : 30PM ET
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DAMASCUS (AFP) - US Middle East pointman William Burns told Syrian leaders to support Iraqi stability, stop meddling in Lebanon, pull their troops out of that country and crack down on violent groups operating in Syrian territory.
In blunt talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, which Burns termed "frank and detailed", the US envoy said the time had come for "genuine progress, not rhetoric" on Iraq (news - web sites) and on Washington's other "concerns"
"If Syria takes action on these concerns, our relationship can take a very different course, with positive results for all sides," Burns said.
In a statement following the meeting the Syrian foreign ministry said Damascus "looks positively on the American envoy's insistance on cooperating with regard to Iraq."
The ministry described the meeting as a convergence of positions, during which "Syrian and American parties gave extreme priority and importance to the Iraq question," which was "examined in detail and monopolised discussions."
The two countries agreed on "pratical and tangible measures so that experts from both countries can, in cooperation with Iraq, reach the objective of a stable and united Iraq," the ministry said.
Earlier this year, Washington imposed sanctions on Syria and just week before last was the prime mover of a UN Security Council resolution warning Damascus over its involvement in neighbouring Lebanon.
Saturday's talks were the highest-level here in more than a year.
Burns, assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs, said: "We emphasized in particular the political importance of supporting the Iraqi government in its efforts to ensure stability and security.
"Syria should not be used as a platform to undermine Iraqi stability," he said echoing long-standing accusations that Damascus has been turning a blind eye to militants infiltrating across the border.
"We discussed among other things practical ways in which our military experts might cooperate with Syrian and Iraqi counterparts on this problem."
On Lebanon, the US envoy said: "We underscored our deep concern over Syrian intervention in the Lebanese political process."
He was referring to Lebanon's parliament having adopted on September 3 a Syrian-inspired constitutional amendment keeping pro-Damascus President Emile Lahoud in office for another three years.
The day before that vote, the UN Security Council passed a resolution demanding an end to outside influence in Lebanon.
Burns said he "reiterated that in accordance with UN (Security Council Resolution) 1559 Syria must end its interference in Lebanese internal affairs, withdraw its forces from Lebanon and allow the Lebanese armed forces and government to establish their authority throughout Lebanon."
Under the terms of the resolution, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan (news - web sites) is required to report back to the council in 30 days on compliance with it, after which enforcement action can be considered.
Assad and Burns discussed "US determination to reach a just and comprehensive peace in the region and the necessity of ending the spiral of violence in the (Palestinian) occupied territories," according to foreign ministry's statement.
The two parties rapidly reviewed the situation in Lebanon, underlining "the necessity for all concerned to respect the independence, sovereignty and integrity of Lebanese territory," the statement continued.
Meetings between the two parties would intensify in coming days, it added.
Syria still maintains at least16 ,000 troops in its smaller neighbour, a hangover from a larger force deployed during Lebanon's1975 - 1990civil war.
Washington also accuses Damascus of backing Palestinian militant groups it regards as terrorist and seeking to develop weapons of mass destruction, charges that the Syrian authorities deny.