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(回答先: イラクを狙うヨルダン王室の背後に世界シオニスト機構の指針 投稿者 木村愛二 日時 2004 年 7 月 03 日 12:20:26)
(ジュネーブ発 05月19日)
<事件No. ISR-FE 190504.ESCR>
およびノンリグレシヴィティー(nonregressivity 訳注:国家は権利を漸進的に実現す
シャロン首相:Ariel Sharon Prime Minister of Israel 3 Kaplan St. P. O. Box 187,
Kiryat Ben-Gurion Jerusalem 91919 Tel: +972 (0)2 675-5555 Fax: +972 (0)2 651-
2631 Website: http://www.pmo.gov.il, E-mail: pm_eng@pmo.gov.il
イスラエル国防軍長:Lt. Gen. Moshe Ya'alon Chief of Staff Tel: +972 (0)3 568-
6601 Fax: +972 (0)3 569-6777
防相:Shaul Mofaz Minister of Defense Kaplan St., Hakirya Tel-Aviv 61909 Tel: +
972 (0)3 569-2010 Fax: +972 (0)3 691-6940 Website: http://www.mod.gov.il E-mail:
検察長・法相:Menahem Mazuz Attorney-General Ministry of Justice 9 Salah al-Din
Street Jerusalem 91010 Fax: +972 (0)2 628-5438 E-mail: sar@justice.gov.il
軍検察長:Menachem Fenklestein Office of the Military Prosecutor Tel: +972 (0)3
569-2911 Fax: +972 (0)3 568-4370
イスラエル国防軍大佐:Colonel Shmoi' Zakail IDF Commander in Southern Gaza Fax:
+972 (0)8 911-7466
世界シオニスト機構・ユダヤ機関代表:Sallai Meridor Chairman of the Executive
World Zionist Organization/Jewish Agency for [the Land of] Israel Fax: +972 (0)2
625-2352 E-mail: sallaim@jazo.org.il
ユダヤ機関事務局長:Josh Schwarcz, Secretary General The Jewish Agency for
Israel Fax: +972 (0)2 620-2303 E-mail: joshs@jazo.org.il
ユダヤ国家財団理事長:Itzhak Elyashive Director-General Jewish National Fund/
Keren Kayemeth Le Israel Fax: + 972 (0)2 625-6941 E-mail: info@kkl.org.il
イスラエル大使館あるいは各国のイスラエル代表部:The Israeli Embassy or other
official representation in your country; find a list at:
コフィ・アナン国連事務総長:H.E. Kofi Annan UN Secretary General UN Headquarters
UN Plaza New NY 10017 United States E-mail: ecu@un.org, coi@un.org
安全保障理事会代表:H.E. Munir Akram President of the Security Council Fax: +41
212 744-7348 E-mail: Pakistan@un.int
国連総会代表事務局:Office of the President of the General Assembly United
Nations Headquarters Conference Building New York, NY 10017 United States Tel:
(212) 963-2486, -5067 Fax: (212) 963-3301, -3133 E-mail:presidentga58@un.org
欧州委員会:European Commission E-mails: sg-registre@cec.eu.int;
sg-plaintes@cec.eu.int; Futurum@cec.eu.int
欧州議会:European Parliament: E-mails: pcox@europarl.eu.int;
欧州委員会外務部:Herr Elmar BROK European Parliament Committee on Foreign
Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy, Chairman Bat. Altiero
Spinelli, 10E130 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel Fax:
+32 (0)2 284-9323 E-mail: ebrok@t-online.de
欧州人権委員会欧州裁判所:European Court of Human Rights Council of Europe 67075
Strasbourg-Cedex Tel: +33 (0)3 88 41 20 18 Fax: +33 (0)3 88 41 27 30
国際刑事裁判所:ICC - International Criminal Court Maanweg, 1742516 AB The Hague
The Netherlands Tel: + 31 (0)70 515-8515 Fax: +31 (0)70 515-8555
キャタピラー最高経営責任者:James W. Owens, CEO Caterpillar, Inc.100 Northeast
Adams Street Peoria IL 61629 E-mail: owens_james_w@cat.com
キャタピラー社会的責任代表者:Benjamin S. Cordani Head Spokesman, Media
Representative for Social Responsibility Caterpillar, Inc.100 Northeast Adams
Street Peoria IL 61629 E-mail: cordani_benjamin_s@cat.com
Israel begins destruction of "hundreds of homes" in Rafah: 2,197 people already
left homeless in 15 days, at least 15 killed.
Case ISR-FE 190504.ESCR
The Housing and Land Rights Network of Habitat International Coalition (HIC-HLRN)
and the World Organisation against Torture (OMCT) request your URGENT
intervention in the following situation in Palestine.
Brief Description
In his statement on 17 May 2004, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan relayed reports
from UN agencies that 2,197 people have been rendered homeless because of
demolitions of 191 homes during the first 15 days of May, with Rafah being the
most affected area. Yet, despite the wide criticism of demolitions policy even
inside Israel, Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, a member of HIC-HLRN which has
been systematically documented all house demolitions in the Gaza Strip and monitoring the current situation, has informed HIC-HLRN that the Israeli
government has expressed its intention to destroy hundreds more houses in Rafah.
Israel's Defence Minister, Shaul Mofaz has publicly announced that "Operation
Rainbow," Israel's military action in Rafah, will continue as long as necessary.
According to Al Haq, a member of OMCT and HIC-HLRN networks, it is estimated
that the Israeli military have totally or partially demolished 100 Palestinian
homes in the Gaza strip from 10 to 14 May 2004, leaving 1,160 Palestinians
homeless. It is also reported that at least 30 Palestinians died in Israeli
attacks over this period. According to the information received from Al Haq, 15
Palestinians were killed in the morning of 18 May 2004, when Israeli forces
launched a new attack as part of the ongoing military operation. According to
the Palestinian Human Rights Monitor Group, only during the last week, the
Israeli Forces have killed 56 Palestinians, among them 14 children under the age
18. HIC-HLRN and OMCT are convinced that these actions constitute a form of
collective punishment strictly prohibited under international law.
On 14 May 2004, 13 people whose homes were destroyed appealed to the Israeli
Supreme Court to stop the demolitions in the refugee camps in the south of Rafah,
and on 18 May, 45 others petitioned the Court against the threat of destruction
of their homes. The Supreme Court rejected the cases and at the same time
lifted a temporary injunction to the military not to demolish houses. The Court
ruled that the army was entitled to carry out the demolitions for reasons of
self-defence, as the Israeli forces claimed that attacks come from these homes.
Dozens of Palestinians have fled their homes just after the Court's rejection of
these petitions, anticipating demolitions.
Though the army added that it has no future plans to continue demolitions,
except in cases of "military necessity," which the Court has permitted, the
widespread policy of demolitions can not be justified on the grounds of military
necessity. This is also contradicted by the announcement of the Israeli
government that it has plans to destroy hundreds more homes. The former head of
the Israeli army's southern command for Gaza, Colonel Yom Tov Samya, is also
reported to have stated that Israel's house demolitions policy was an end in
itself, not a by-product of a search for tunnels or resistance fighters. In
October 2003, he said "The IDF (Israeli Defence Force) has to knock down all the
houses along a strip of 300 to 400 metres [wide]. It doesn't matter what the
future settlement will be, this will be the border with Egypt."
The Israeli Government also has claimed several times that it only demolishes
abandoned houses, where resistance fighters take shelter and carry out hostile
actions against its forces. Al Mezan has documented on the contrary that, for
example, the Israeli forces demolished 58 inhabited houses in Rafah, in January
2002, when the minister of defense claimed that his forces only destroyed 20
uninhabited houses. Likewise, on 14 May 2004, Israel claimed that it destroyed
40 more uninhabited houses, while, according to Al Mezan's documentation of the
case, it completely demolished 76 houses and partially destroyed 24 that were
inhabited by 740 inhabitants; the Israeli forces destroyed one home with its
inhabitants inside. It is worth noting that the Israeli forces are currently
building a wall on the borders between Egypt and the occupied Palestinian
territory, which involves grabbing hundreds of square meters of land as "
security zones."
Background Information
From 29 September 2000 to 15 May 2004, according to Al Mezan, the Israeli forces
have destroyed 5,013 houses in Gaza, rendering 38,215 inhabitants homeless,
including 19,372 children. In Rafah alone, in the same period, the Israeli army
has demolished 2,200 houses with 15,622 inhabitants, of which 7,839 are children.
The destruction of other hundreds of houses will cause a further human
catastrophe, the number of people living in Rafah being very high, with families
' average reaching seven members, besides the households of extended families
living under the same roof and the poor living conditions due to the deep
economic consequences of the Israeli occupation, including the closures and
unemployment. According to UNRWA, more than half of the workforcesuffers from
unemployment, and two out of every three families live under the poverty line.
In this context, destruction of houses leads to the complete destitution of
thousands of families already harshly affected by the Israeli occupation.
Al Mezan and Al Haq have reported that the recent events in the Gaza strip are
not the first time that Israeli authorities have conducted mass demolitions of
Palestinian homes. Scores of homes were razed in Rafah in October 2003 and
hundreds of homes were also demolished in Jenin in April 2002. Al Haq has
reported further that, between the summer of 1992 and April 1993, demolitions
varied from the complete destruction of 38 houses, using heavy missiles, to the
partial destruction of 47 houses, while severely damaging the interior of 51
houses by gunfire. The reasons officially given are mainly security and
illegality of construction. In comparison though, the Israeli forces' trend to
house demolition thus has escalated sharply since the beginning of Al Aqsa
Intifada in September 2000, and the phenomenon has assumed an organized policy
with methods varying from heavy missiles, to air raids using F-16 aircraft and
bombing with 1,000 kg bombs.
The history of Arab house demolition dates back to Israel's occupation of
Palestinian lands, in 1948, when Israeli forces expelled hundreds of thousands
of Palestinian inhabitants from their villages. Some 900,000 now count among the
1948 refugee community in the Gaza Strip, which has dramatically increased the
population of the area that now counts one of the highest population density in
the world.
International and human rights organizations all have condemned these practices,
but none has taken action sufficient to end the demolitions and protect
civilians and their property. Peace activists from the United States and
European Union have tried to form human shields in the face of Israeli
bulldozers, but this only led to the 16 March 2003 death of American activist
Rachel Corrie, who was crushed under an Israeli bulldozer provided by the
Caterpillar company, and of shooting of Briton Thomas Hurndall, on 13 February
2004, and of Israeli army killing the British photographer James Miller, on 2
May 2003, while he was filming a documentary about children's suffering at the
Rafah Refugee Camp. (For information on Caterpillar, Inc. corporate
responsibility and the campaign against Caterpillar equipment sales to Israel,
see http://www.catdestroyshomes.org/.)
International Human Rights Law
These practices represent a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention relative
to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (1949), which prohibits
destruction of civilian properties, collective punishment and targeting
civilians (articles 33, 53, 49 and 47). The extensive destruction and
appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity is also
considered a grave breach under Art. 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.
The practices reported also violate the inhabitants' human right to adequate
housing; i.e., the right of all women, men and children to gain and sustain a
secure place to live in peace and dignity. House demolitions represent a gross
human rights violation and a violation of the international human rights land
humanitarian norms, especially provisions regulating adequacy, nondiscrimination
and military necessity. It is worth noting that the Israeli forces generally do
not inform the inhabitants in advance of demolition, and do not allow or give
them a chance to salvage possessions or furniture. Of course, the Israeli forces
do not provide alternative housing or compensation either. As such, the Israeli
forces especially violate the peoples' entitlements to security of tenure;
livelihood; freedom from dispossession; participation and self-expression;
physical security; and adequate compensation for violations and losses. All are
elements of the human right to adequate housing as recognized in international
law. It should be noticed here that Israel bears a treaty-bound obligation to
respect, defend, promote and fulfil these entitlements in an environment of self
-determination, nondiscrimination, gender equality, rule of law, international
cooperation, and nonregressivity.
Specifically, the Israeli authorities have breached their treaty obligations
under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)
, which Israel ratified on 3 January 1992. The State has been derelict in its
obligations as elaborated in the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights General Comments Nos. 4 and 7 on the human right to adequate housing,
including protection from forced eviction. Israel also has been specifically
condemned by the Committee reviewing the Convention against Torture at the end
of 2001, when recognising for the first time house demolition as a form of cruel,
inhuman and degrading treatment and/or punishment. Israel ratified CAT on 2
November 1991. The State flagrantly breaches its obligations, inter alia, under
the International Covenant for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD),
both in general and specifically Article 5(e)(iii), which treaty it ratified on
2 February 1979.
Finally, it is worth noting that the 1998 Rome Statute of the International
Criminal Court defines both "population transfer" (art. 7(1)(d) and 7(2)(d)) and
the "extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by
military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly" as war crime (art. 8,
2.a (iv)).
Action requested
Please write to the authorities in the Israeli government, parastatal
institutions implementing settler colonies in Palestine to demand an immediate
end to these international criminal actions. Please also address the UN Security
Council and urge all international authorities to both condemn AND act to end
this unbearable situation.
Officials in Israel:
Ariel Sharon Prime Minister of Israel 3 Kaplan St. P. O. Box 187, Kiryat Ben-
Gurion Jerusalem 91919 Tel: +972 (0)2 675-5555 Fax: +972 (0)2 651-2631 Website:
http://www.pmo.gov.il E-mail: pm_eng@pmo.gov.il
Lt. Gen. Moshe Ya'alon Chief of Staff Tel: +972 (0)3 568-6601 Fax: +972 (0)3 569
Shaul Mofaz Minister of Defense Kaplan St., Hakirya Tel-Aviv 61909 Tel: +972 (0)
3 569-2010 Fax: +972 (0)3 691-6940 Website: http://www.mod.gov.il E-mail:
Menahem Mazuz Attorney-General Ministry of Justice 9 Salah al-Din Street
Jerusalem 91010 Fax: +972 (0)2 628-5438 E-mail: sar@justice.gov.il
Menachem Fenklestein Office of the Military Prosecutor Tel: +972 (0)3 569-2911
Fax: +972 (0)3 568-4370
Colonel Shmoi' Zakail IDF Commander in Southern Gaza Fax: +972 (0)8 911-7466
Sallai Meridor Chairman of the Executive World Zionist Organization/Jewish
Agency for [the Land of] Israel Fax: +972 (0)2 625-2352 E-mail:
Josh Schwarcz, Secretary General The Jewish Agency for Israel Fax: +972 (0)2 620
-2303 E-mail: joshs@jazo.org.il
Itzhak Elyashive Director-General Jewish National Fund/Keren Kayemeth Le Israel
Fax: + 972 (0)2 625-6941 E-mail: info@kkl.org.il
The Israeli Embassy or other official representation in your country; find a
list at: http://www.israel-mfa.gov.il/mfa/go.asp?MFAH0czk0
International Officials
H.E. Kofi Annan UN Secretary General UN Headquarters UN Plaza New York NY 10017
United States E-mail: ecu@un.org, coi@un.org
H.E. Munir Akram President of the Security Council Fax: +41 212 744-7348 E-mail:
Office of the President of the General Assembly United Nations Headquarters
Conference Building New York, NY 10017 United States Tel: (212) 963-2486, -5067
Fax: (212) 963-3301, -3133 E-mail:presidentga58@un.org
European Commission E-mails: sg-registre@cec.eu.int; sg-plaintes@cec.eu.int;
European Parliament: E-mails: pcox@europarl.eu.int;
Herr Elmar BROK European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights,
Common Security and Defence Policy, Chairman Bat. Altiero Spinelli, 10E130 60,
rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel Fax: +32 (0)2 284-9323 E-
mail: ebrok@t-online.de
European Court of Human Rights Council of Europe 67075 Strasbourg-Cedex Tel: +33
(0)3 88 41 20 18 Fax: +33 (0)3 88 41 27 30
ICC - International Criminal Court Maanweg, 1742516 AB The Hague The Netherlands
Tel: + 31 (0)70 515-8515 Fax: +31 (0)70 515-8555
International Corporate Responsibles
James W. Owens, CEO Caterpillar, Inc.100 Northeast Adams Street Peoria IL 61629
E-mail: owens_james_w@cat.com
Benjamin S. Cordani Head Spokesman, Media Representative for Social
Responsibility Caterpillar, Inc.100 Northeast Adams Street Peoria IL 61629 E-
mail: cordani_benjamin_s@cat.com
Geneva - Cairo, 19 May 2004
Kindly inform OMCT and HIC of any action undertaken quoting the code of this
appeal in your reply to: omct@omct.org and urgentactions@hlrn.org.
The joint urgent appeals of OMCT and HIC-HLRN are dedicated to the protection of
the right to adequate housing.
(ジュネーブ発 05月27日)
<事件 No. PAK 110504.1.VAW.CC>事件No.PAK 110504.VAW.CCの続報
(1) アブドゥル・ラシード s/o※ ハッジ・グラム・ナビ(被害者殺害の決定を下した
(2) ユーニス s/o アラー・ディット
(3) ジャマルッディン s/o ハッジ・シャフィ・モハマド
(4) ハッジ・アブドゥル・カリム s/o アラー・ワラヨ
(5) グラム・サルワル s/o グラム・ラソール
(6) サナウラー s/o ムールヴィ・アブドゥル・レフマン
(7) スライマン s/o ハッジ・イスラム(逮捕)
(8) ハッジ・ナジール s/o アブドゥル・カリケ(逮捕)
(9) ハージ・シャフィ・モハマド s/o ハッジ・フルマル(逮捕)
(※訳注:「s/o」は「son of」の略で「○○の息子」を意味する氏名表記法)
撤廃に関する宣言」第4条(c) 項が、「国家によってなされるか私人によってなされるか
1. これらの殺害に関して徹底的かつ公正に調査し、関与した人物を特定して裁判に付し、
2. 犠牲者の家族に対して適切な補償を保障すること。
3. 家族、事件を訴えている人々と目撃者を保護しつづけること。
4. フィダ・フサイン・マストイ捜査課長が受けている嫌がらせおよび政治的な圧力をた
5. 国内法および国際人権基準に従い、同国全体において人権及び基本的自由の尊重を保
大統領:President, Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan,
Fax: + 92 51 9224768 / 9224836 , E-mail: CE@pak.gov.pk
外相:Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mian Khursheed Mahmud Kasuri, Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, Constitution Avenue, Islamabad, Pakistan, Fax: +92 51 920 2518/
922 4205/4206, E-mail: pak.fm@usa.net
内相:Minister for the Interior, Mr. Moinuddin Haider, Faisal Saleh Hayat,
Ministry of Interior, Block R, Federal Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan, Fax: +
92 51 9202624, E-mail: minister@interior.gov.pk, secretary@interior.gov
国家人権委員会苦情申立てセクション:Zaman Khan, Complaint Cell, National Human
Rights Commission of Pakistan, Aiwan-i-Jahmoor, 107-Tipu Block, New Garden Town,
Lahore-54600, PAKISTAN, Fax: +92 42 588-3582, E-mail: zaman@hrcp-web
法および人権事務総長:Syed Sultan Shah, Joint Secretary for Law, Justice and
Human Rights, Fax: + 92 51 9203119
シンド州知事:Hon. Mr. Ishrat-ul-Ibad Khan, Governor of Sindh Province,
Governor House, Karachi, PAKISTAN, Telephone: +92 21 9201201-3, E-mail:
地方警察官:Mr. Sayed Kamal Shah, Provincial Police Officer, Sindh Police,
Central Police Office, Karachi, PAKISTAN , Telephone: +92 21 9212626-7, Fax: +92
21 9212051
スカール地域警察官:Mr. Rahoo Khan Brohi, Regional Police Officer, Sukkur
Region, Airport Road, Sukkur, PAKISTAN, Telephone: +92 71 30547, 30248, Fax: +92
71 31824
シカルプール警察長:Mr. Khameeso Khan Memon, DPO District Shikarpur, Police
Headquarters, Shikarpur, PAKISTAN, Telephone: +92-761-515077, 512309, Fax: +92-
パキスタン国連大使:Ambassadeur Umer Shaukat, Rue de Moillebeau 56 (4eme) - CP
434, CH-1211, Geneve 19, Suisse, E-mail: mission.pakistan@ties.itu.int, Fax: +
41 22 734 80 85
Case PAK 110504.1.VAW.CC
Violence against women / Child Concern
Extrajudicial killing / Killing in the Name of Honour
The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the
following situation in Pakistan.
Brief description of the situation
The International Secretariat of OMCT has received updated information from the
Asian Human Rights Commission, a member of the OMCT network, on the case of two
teenage girls killed in the instance of "honour killings" (Case PAK 110504.VAW.
CC). Apparently, after an urgent appeal was issued and the local police station
notified, the police assigned two policemen to provide security to the
complainants and witnesses in the case. The police also took action in the case,
arresting three of the suspects, conducting an investigation that led to the
discovery of the bodies and providing protection for the family.
According to the information received, on 17 May 2004, the police obtained an
eight-day physical remand of three accused suspects of the murder of two girls,
Aabida Bhutto (18 year old) and Tehmina Bhutto (17 year old), killed in a
Shikarpur village on the pretext of honour killing. The police first produced
accused Hajji Nazeer, Hajji Shafi Mohammad and Sulaiman in the anti-terrorism
court, Sukkur, but judge Riaz Rajput refused to give the remand as the case did
not fall under the anti-terrorism law. He directed the police to obtain remand
from the judicial magistrate. Later, the police brought the accused to the
judicial magistrate at Shikarpur and obtained remand.
On 26 May 2004, the police again tried to challenge the case in the anti-
terrorism court by attaching more supporting documents and other evidence,
arguing that these murders were not simple murder cases but have also created
fear and insecurity to the family and the community. Now the police is trying to
punish the perpetrators of honour killing in an effort to make an example of
However, six other accused persons including Abdul Rasheed Bhutto, who made the
decision to kill the victims, are still at large in this double murder case.
Furthermore, according to the information received, the District Investigation
officer, Mr. Fida Hussain Mastoi, who is dealing with this case has been
pressured politically and there is apprehension that he maybe be transferred to
another place. A human rights group expressed its concern that he can be
transferred at any time as all the ministers and members of Parliament of this
area are feudal lords.
In the meantime, a number of people held a demonstration against the murder of
Tahmeena and Aabida on 18 May 2004, and demanded the immediate arrest of the
other six perpetrators and that severe steps be taken against the persons who
organized the Jirga even though it has been banned by the High Court of Sindh in
The identity of the perpetrators is as follows:
(1) Abdul Rasheed s/o Hajji Ghulam Nabi (landlord who made the decision to kill
the victims)
(2) Younis s/o Allah Ditto
(3) Jamaluddin s/o Hajji Shafi Mohammad
(4) Hajji Abdul Karim s/o Allah Warayo
(5) Ghulam Sarwar s/o Ghulam Rasool
(6) Sanaullah s/o Moulvi Abdul Rehman
(7) Sulaiman s/o Hajji Islam (Arrested)
(8) Hajji Nazeer s/o Abdul Khalique (Arrested)
(9) Haajji Shafi Mohammad s/o Hajji Hurmal (Arrested)
OMCT welcomes the arrest of three of the nine suspects who murdered the two
girls, Tahmeena and Aabida, in a Shikarpur village on the pretext of honor
killing and the investigation that led to the discovery of the bodies and the
protection for the victims' family.
Nevertheless six of the alleged perpetrators have not been arrested yet even
though their identity is known. OMCT firmly condemns these killings in the name
of honour and calls upon the government of Pakistan to investigate, prosecute
and punish all the perpetrators. OMCT recalls that the Declaration on the
Elimination of Violence against Women, in article 4(c), states that States
should "exercise due diligence to prevent, investigate and, in accordance with
national legislation, punish acts of violence against women, whether those acts
are perpetrated by the State or by private persons." OMCT also recalls that as a
State Party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Pakistan is bound by
article 19.1 "take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and
educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental
violence, injury or abuse, (.) while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s)
or any other person who has the care of the child." OMCT further reminds the
government that it is a State Party to the Convention on the Elimination of All
Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).
Reminder of the situation
According to the information received, on May 4, 2004 Ms Tahmeena (17) and Ms
Aabida (18), who are cousins, were shot to death after having been accused of
having "loose morals" for having visited their grandparents without permission.
The decision to kill the girls was taken in a tribal jirga, convened amongst the
perpetrators and led by Mr. Abdul Rasheed, the tribal chief and a powerful
landlord in the village.
The two girls left on May 1 and two search groups went to look for them the
following day. The second group included Abdul Rasheed, the chief of the tribe,
found the girls who were then brought in his residence at Lakhi gate in
Shikarpur. When Fazaluddin, Hidayatullah (brothers of Tashmeena) and Dad
Mohammad (father of Aabida) asked Abdul Rasheed where the girls were, the chief
told them to go through the village and that he would arrive with the girls. The
relatives arrived to the place only after midnight on May 4 and met the
perpetrators with the girls. The perpetrators told the relatives to kill the
girls because they had "loose morals", having visited their grandparents without
first getting family permission. Fazaluddin, Hidayatullah, and Dad Mohammad
reportedly begged them not to kill the girls. Nevertheless, the perpetrators
shot the girls and then took the bodies in order to cover up their crime.
Despite the perpetrators reportedly threatened the witnesses with death if they
were to complain to the police, the witnesses decided to report the killings to
the police at the police station in New Faojdari. It was reported that the
police had done nothing to investigate this case, and had taken no action to
protect the family members who lodged the complaint.
Crimes against women and girls committed in the name of honour are gender-
specific forms of violence that are either approved or supported by States in
many parts of the world. OMCT is gravely concerned by the many reports it has
received in the past months about women in Pakistan who are killed by their
family members as they are suspected of "dishonourable" behavior (see also OMCT'
s urgent appeals of this year: PAK 120204 VAW, 230304 VAW, 080404 VAW. CC and
220404.VAW). According to the information received, male relatives who commit
such murders in Pakistan are rarely prosecuted in traditional communities. It
appears that behaviour of women which is seen as compromising family or tribal "
honour" is considered a valid reason to commit murder.
The information also indicates that cases of crimes committed in the name of
honour are generally ruled by the landlords (Jirga-tribal court) in the Sindh
Province rather than by the courts of law. The victim's families are generally
not pursuing the cases at the courts of law due to the costly and lengthy
process of getting justice through the government's judicial system, while the
traditional justice system (Jirga-tribal court) arrives at a settlement within a
few days. This traditional system has been practiced for a long time and it is
commonly accepted. However, most of the cases under the tribal court are
disposed compoundable under the Ordinance of Qisas and Dayat, whereby the
offender can escape punishment by providing compensation to the victim's family.
In many cases of honour crimes, the victim's family often compromises with the
accused, after receiving pressure from society.
On April 23, 2004 the High Court of the Sindh Province declared all tribal
jirgas illegal, and strictly banned any efforts to organize or arrange any type
of jirga. Despite this decision, as indicated by the horrific case detailed
above, the organisation of jirgas continues.
Action requested
Please write to the authorities in Pakistan urging them to:
i. order a thorough and impartial investigation into the circumstances of these
killings, in order to identify all those responsible, bring them to trial and
apply the penal and/or administrative sanctions as provided by law;
ii. guarantee that adequate reparation is provided to the family of the victims;
iii. continue providing protection for the family, the complainants and the
iv. put an immediate end to the harassment and political pressure to which Mr.
Fida Hussain Mastoi, the District Investigation officer, is being subjected;
v. guarantee the respect of human rights and the fundamental freedoms throughout
the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights
President, Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan, Fax: +
92 51 9224768 / 9224836 , E-mail: CE@pak.gov.pk
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mian Khursheed Mahmud Kasuri, Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Constitution Avenue, Islamabad, Pakistan, Fax: +92 51 920 2518/922 4205
/4206, E-mail: pak.fm@usa.net
Minister for the Interior, Mr. Moinuddin Haider, Faisal Saleh Hayat, Ministry of
Interior, Block R, Federal Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan, Fax: +92 51
9202624, E-mail: minister@interior.gov.pk, secretary@interior.gov
Zaman Khan, Complaint Cell, National Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, Aiwan-
i-Jahmoor, 107-Tipu Block, New Garden Town, Lahore-54600, PAKISTAN, Fax: +92 42
588-3582, E-mail: zaman@hrcp-web
Syed Sultan Shah, Joint Secretary for Law, Justice and Human Rights, Fax: + 92
51 9203119
Hon. Mr. Ishrat-ul-Ibad Khan, Governor of Sindh Province, Governor House,
Karachi, PAKISTAN, Telephone: +92 21 9201201-3, E-mail:
Mr. Sayed Kamal Shah, Provincial Police Officer, Sindh Police, Central Police
Office, Karachi, PAKISTAN , Telephone: +92 21 9212626-7, Fax: +92 21 9212051
Mr. Rahoo Khan Brohi, Regional Police Officer, Sukkur Region, Airport Road,
Sukkur, PAKISTAN, Telephone: +92 71 30547, 30248, Fax: +92 71 31824
Mr. Khameeso Khan Memon, DPO District Shikarpur, Police Headquarters, Shikarpur,
PAKISTAN, Telephone: +92-761-515077, 512309, Fax: +92-761-512369
Ambassadeur Umer Shaukat, Rue de Moillebeau 56 (4eme) - CP 434, CH-1211, Geneve
19, Suisse, E-mail: mission.pakistan@ties.itu.int, Fax: +41 22 734 80 85
Please also write to the embassies of Pakistan in your respective country.
Geneva, May 27, 2004
Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal in
your reply.
発行者:S.O.S. TORTURE 翻訳委員会
URL http://blhrri.org/blhrri/sos/sos.htm
E-mail sos_t@blhrri.org
配信先変更や中止 http://www.mag2.com/m/0000045202.htm