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(回答先: 大統領を操る真のアメリカ支配層2千人は快適キャンプへ 投稿者 木村愛二 日時 2004 年 7 月 25 日 09:16:47)
超高級会員制クラブ Bohemian Club
■Bohemian Club
■Video exclusive: A visit to the Bohemian Club
"Libertythink recently visited the Bohemian Club headquarters in downtown San Francisco. This is where members of the club bide their time between the annual July trip to the Bohemian Grove in the countryside.
This RealVideo file [5.54 MB] is a brief survey of the occultic symbolism adorning the Club's outer walls, which feature owls, skulls, etc. There is also a brief conversation with an untalkative security guard and a look at the "The Owl Tree" bar/club which is kitty-corner to the Bohemain Club headquarters."