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(回答先: フロリダで投票データ消失 選挙の混乱再現に危機感(共同通信) 投稿者 どん兵衛 日時 2004 年 7 月 29 日 21:00:41)
Lost Record '02 Florida Vote Raises '04 Concern
Almost all the electronic records from the first widespread use of touch-screen voting in Miami-Dade County have been lost, stoking concerns that the machines are unreliable as the presidential election draws near.
■ブッシュ、いんちき選挙活動開始 再びフロリダで選挙人、大量にパージ
Florida approves touch- screen vote systemBut Diebold's equipment has
raised flags in at least four states.
http://www.jacksonville.com/tu-online/stories/051804/met_15634426.shtmlLast modified Tue., May 18, 2004 - 05:49 PM
Originally created Tuesday, May 18, 2004
By J. TAYLOR RUSHINGCapital Bureau Chief
TALLAHASSEE -- Florida has certified the state's first touch-screen voting system by Diebold, a company whose machines have been banned or scrutinized in California, Maryland, Ohio and Washington.
The Diebold AccuVote TSR6 will be available for use in all of Florida's 67 counties, including Duval, where an official said they will be used as early as the Aug. 31 state primary election. Diebold had applied for certification on March 22 after past applications for earlier versions of the machines failed.
Ohio-based Diebold came under scrutiny during this year's primaries in Maryland, where its touch-screen machines delayed vote counts, and in Ohio, where state legislators and officials have questioned the machines' security. On April 30, California banned the machines in four counties after vote counts malfunctioned. A lawsuit also has been filed in Washington to ban the company's vote-counting software in several counties.
Florida Secretary of State spokeswoman Jenny Nash said the machines approved for use in Florida have been tested as part of the state's certification process.
"The system banned in California was different and was never presented to Florida for certification," Nash said. "Also, the version criticized in Maryland and Ohio was different, too. This is a newer version and includes improvements that eliminates those problems."
Dick Carlberg, assistant supervisor of elections for Duval County, said Diebold AccuVote optical scan machines are used in all 285 precincts. Carlberg said the new touch-screen machines will be used in the Aug. 31 election at the main elections office because they aid vision-impaired voters.
"We're completely satisfied and we have no reservations about the integrity of the system," Carlberg said.
Touch-screen machines have been disparaged by critics who note they do not allow paper records or recounts, and Diebold's models have been particularly questioned by computer experts who say they can be sabotaged. Political donations by company executives or relatives -- more than $325,000 since 2000, much of it going to President Bush -- also have been criticized.
Florida's certification means the machines are cleared for use in any county, although they are not required. Currently, all counties use either optical-scan or touch-screen machines, including other touch-screen models by Sequoia Voting Systems and Election Systems & Software.
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