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Police brutality against peace movement in Japan is mounting
TOKYO, Japan – Three anti-war activists affiliated to World Peace Now (WPN) were brutally harrassed by Japanese police officers by detaining them for a week and later released, after the July 4th "VOTEforPEACE" parade rally that was held in Shibuya district.
According to reports, during the peaceful parade organised by WPN urging the japanese government to withdraw its SDF in Iraq, police officers started to violently provoke the protesters by pushing their back and forced them to walk faster. “Then the police force suddenly got a full nelson on two participants and arrested them, without warning,” Nanashi Solidarity Collective added.
After the incident, some of the WPN contingent immediately held an indignation rally infront the Shibuya Police Station to demand the release of their comrades. But the activists were only assaulted again by the police and grabbed one more innocent detainee.
日本:東京ー WORLD PEACE NOW(WPN)が 主催する集会とパレード「VOTE for PEACE 7.4」が渋谷て行われた際、参加していた3人の反戦活動家が警官隊によって残忍な妨害を受け、1週間勾留され、釈放された。 レポートによると、WPNが主催するイラクから自衛隊の撤退を求める平和パレードの最中、警視庁渋谷署の警官隊は、進行の遅い参加者を背中から押し、力ずくで歩かせるという危険かつ不当な規制をおこなった。 「この規制に抗議した参加者2名を羽交い締めにし、いっさいの警告をせずに突然「逮捕」した」と74(ななし) 支援団体 伝えている。 この思いがけない出来事のあと、WPN実行委員会はすぐに渋谷署の前で3人の逮捕者の釈放を求める抗議集会を行った。しかし、参加者は再び警官隊に暴行を受け、 さらに1人が不法逮捕され勾留された。
peco 17 Jul 2004 05:10 GMT (translated by peco)