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(回答先: IEのシェア、ついに90%台を割り込む――米調査報告【IT_Media記事】◎祝、1%でも画期的なのに95%⇒90%以下 投稿者 クエスチョン 日時 2004 年 11 月 24 日 22:35:02)
投稿者 クエスチョン 日時 2004 年 7 月 16 日 06:51:50:WmYnAkBebEg4M
Firefox cutting into IE's lead
Published: November 22, 2004, 6:15 PM PST
By Paul Festa
Staff Writer, CNET News.com
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As Firefox marks its 5 millionth download and moves to retail stores, a survey showed Microsoft's heavyweight Internet Explorer slipping below 90 percent market share.
OneStat.com, an Amsterdam, Netherlands-based provider of Web traffic measurement services, said that according to numbers gleaned from 2 million Web surfers around the world, the Mozilla Foundation's new Firefox releases appear to be cutting into Microsoft's still commanding lead in the browser market.
"It seems that people are switching from Microsoft's Internet Explorer to Mozilla's new Firefox browser," Niels Brinkman, OneStat.com co-founder, said in a statement.
OneStat's statistics, based on the Web surfers' activity in 100 countries, showed that IE's market share slipped to 88.9 percent in the third week of November, down 5 percentage points from its share in May.
Firefoxのダウンロード件数が500万件に達し、また同ブラウザが小売チャネルにも販路を拡大していくなか、Internet Explorer(IE)のシェアが90%の大台を割ったことが明らかになった。
ウェブトラフィック調査サービス会社のOneStat.com(本社:蘭アムステルダム)が、世界各国のウェブユーザー200万人を対象に行った調査の結果、Mozilla FoundationのFirefoxがMicrosoftのIEの牙城に食い込み始めていることが明らかになった。
「MicrosoftのInternet ExplorerからMozillaの新しいFirefoxブラウザへの乗り換えが進んでいるようだ」とOneStat.comの共同創業者Niels Brinkmanは声明のなかで述べている。
Mozilla-based browsers, including Firefox, rose to 7.4 percent, up 5 percentage points from May.
The new figures come on the heels of another survey that showed IE on a downward trend. Earlier this month, WebSideStory reported that IE was continuing to slip, claiming 92.9 percent of Web surfers in October versus 95.5 percent in June.
Mozilla heralded its download numbers as a sign of progress for the open-source browser.
"We're seeing a much swifter uptake for 1.0 than for the preview release, which took more than a month to reach 5 million downloads," Asa Dotzler, Mozilla's release manager, said in a statement. "We're clearly reaching a new world of users and we're doing it at a faster pace than any time in Mozilla's history."
この件について、MozillaのリリースマネジャーAsa Dotzlerは声明のなかで、「Firefoxバージョン1.0のダウンロード数は、500万回達成に1カ月以上要したプレビューリリースの時よりも急速に伸びている」と述べ、「新しいユーザー層に受け入れられていることは明らかで、しかもその普及速度はMozilla史上最速だ」と付け加えた。
In addition to the increase in downloads, Firefox can look forward to retail sales in the form of a new offering by Linspire, the open-source software distributor, which said Monday it had unveiled a product called "OOoFf" that combines the open-source productivity software suite OpenOffice.org with Firefox.
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The software package, available now from the OOoFf Web site, is available for use with the Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh and Linux operating systems. It costs $29.95 when ordered online, with free shipping. It also will be sold at retail stores, according to Linspire.
OOoFfウェブサイトで現在発売中の同パッケージには、Microsoft Windows、Apple Macintosh、およびLinuxオペレーティングシステムの各バージョンが用意されている。オンライン販売価格は29ドル95セントで、送料は無料となっている。Linspireによると、同製品は小売店でも発売されるという。
Firefox advances aside, Microsoft threw cold water on the OneStat.com numbers, saying they failed to account for IE's stronghold in the corporate world.
"It doesn't jibe with what WebSideStory shows, and what neither of these count is corporate intranets where users aren't actually hitting the Web," said Gary Schare, Microsoft's director of product management for Windows.
Schare attributed Mozilla's spike in popularity to interest by "early adopters," and predicted that in the end IE would retain its majority status.
"I still believe in the end that most users will decide that IE is the best choice when they take into account all the factors that led them to choose IE in the first place," Schare said. "Meanwhile, we're happy that they're primarily (using Firefox) on Windows, and that Firefox is part of the large ecosystem of software products available on the Windows platform."