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(回答先: Total Information Awareness (TIA) System 投稿者 バルタン星人 日時 2004 年 9 月 18 日 21:47:08)
Alex Jones Presents
DARPA, the shadowy government agency attempted the public launch of what can only be described as a running-man style betting parlor where private individuals and companies profit by correctly predicting where terrorism will occur. DARPA is the same agency that announced the Total Information Awareness Network (TIA) in 2002, a big brother network using the Pentagon integrated with local police to spy on the activities of all Americans.
Both DARPA programs use the new world order pyramid symbol in their logos. The pyramid logo for the Total Information Awareness Network is even complete with the image of the all-seeing eye of Lucifer radiating the earth.
The Department of Defense announced that their futures market casino would be named the Policy Analysis Market (PAM). PAM removed the content of its website after a massive public backlash. The market allowed individuals to log into the government system with a secret code similar to a Swiss bank account number and place bets on what US city would be nuked by North Korea in the next year, what Middle Eastern leader would be assassinated or how many US troops would die in Iraq.
Senator Byron Dorgan D-ND called the plan useless, offensive, and "unbelievably stupid." He went on to say, "can you imagine if another country set up a betting parlor so that people could go in…and bet on the assassination of an American political figure, or the overthrow of this institution or that institution?"
Within 48 hours of the plan being announced, the scheme was canceled, the website was taken off-line and Admiral Poindexter, the five-time convicted felon, was forced to resign. For many there was a collective sigh of relief. The truth is that Admiral Poindexter is nothing more than a minion of a wicked system and his ouster only serves as a public relations ploy to make the population think, "Oh, it was Poindexter who had all of those Big Brother ideas, not the government. We can all go back to sleep now…"
Shortly after Congress funded the Total Information Awareness Network, they still needed to claim that they had voted it down. Two weeks after announcing that the program had been de-funded (which wasn't true), the Associated Press ran the headline, "US May Adopt Florida Anti-Terror Database." It just so happens that Florida's anti-terror/crime system was designed by DARPA and, in truth, is nothing more than an already operating subdirectorate of the Pentagon. It turns out that dozens of other States already have the same system in place. And the best part is the name of the program, which the Feds designed, which they are now claiming that they just stumbled upon and are now adopting. It's called the matrix.
In truth, the matrix was set up decades ago as the local data collection point for the NSA's Echelon system. They have been taking all of your personal data for years and uploading it to Fort Meade. Divorce records, credit card purchases, phone bills, gun records, where you work, you name it public and private they greedily grab it. You see, they built this control grid a long time ago. They're just announcing it to you now.
In 1998 the Austin-American Statesman reported that DARPA had paid to have the State and City put in hundreds on face-scanning cameras and microphones in Austin, Texas. Infowars.com has posted hundreds of articles over the last six years where DARPA and the Defense Department are involved in mandating that the States adopt uniform biometrics on state licenses and ID cards, RFID tracker chips to replace the bar-code, and cameras that recognize individuals by their faces, walk, vehicle type or license plate number.
Long before the September 11th attacks, DARPA was building the architecture of a cashless society control grid. After September 11th when citizens complained about the Total Information Awareness network plans to spy on them, the continuity government agency claimed that it de-funded the program. The truth is, DARPA simply changed the name to Terrorism Information Awareness and got increased funding from Congress through dozens of other sub-agency projects.
Let's take a closer look at what DARPA's Policy Analysis Market or gambling system really does:
1. It trains the American people that betting on death is okay, even patriotic. This is exactly what the Romans did over 1900 years ago as they bet on which gladiator would survive or how long a Christian would live when thrown into a pit of lions.
All of this is very similar to the movie, The Running Man, where the bloodthirsty masses are kept in line with a twisted and sadistic game show wherein enemies of the state fight for their lives.
2. Most importantly it legitimizes insider trading and sets the precedent that the government not only regulates but owns futures markets. Insider trading is where someone inside a system who has proprietary information uses that information to profit at others' loss. So what is it when the Pentagon runs a futures market that bets on the outcome of the hundred year war that has been announced by President Bush? By its very definition it is insider trading.
3. The establishment elites love to hide their crimes in plain view and that is exactly what this futures market is. You see, the globalists got caught doing the same thing on September 11th. Between September 5 and September 10th record put options, a highly risky form of speculation where you bet against a stock, were purchased against United and Delta airlines stock. The levels of put options were the highest ever recorded. In the first few days after September 11th the media said that they would be able to figure out who carried out the attacks by tracing who placed these puts in the futures market. When the bets led back to the former Deputy Director of the CIA, Buzzy Kronguard, the FBI, and Fortune 500 companies, the story was immediately shut down.
With an official Pentagon futures market where you can only bet on attacks, this legitimizes what has always been extremely illegal. Of course it also allows terrorists (i.e. the government) to know where the next terrorist attack will be, to place bets on it and to profit in the billions of dollars from tragedies and crimes they commit.
Surveys show that on US college campuses over 70% of all science funding comes directly from DARPA. DARPA is the successor to ARPA, a federal bureaucracy created in 1958 to push forward scientific research with potential military applications. I find it interesting that in 1960 outgoing President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned of the dangerous undue influence that the military-industrial complex was having in America's infrastructure, and especially on college campuses.
There are thousands of facets to this nightmare agency, but there are several more that we will look at today. One was reported on in the August 5, 2003 Boston Globe. The paper ran the headline, "Defense Department funding brain-machine work." The project is developing technology that "promises to directly read thoughts from a living brain - and even instill thoughts as well." It does not take much imagination to see in this the makings of a "matrix-like cyberpunk dystopia: chips that impose false memories, machines that scan for wayward thoughts, cognitively augmented government security forces that impose a ruthless order on a recalcitrant population."
The technology has already been installed in five airports in the US. CBS news reported on the high-powered MRI systems that scan travelers' brains as they walk through the airport checkpoint at Boston Logan. The technicians are trained to determine what aggressive thought patterns look like and to single out passengers for questioning. They are then put under another brain scanner that supposedly detects lies and are asked questions. This gives new meaning to the term "thought crime."
DARPA was also instrumental in developing machines that pierce your clothes and give crystal-clear images of your naked body. For eight years we have seen mainstream media reports cover this technology and the FCC's approval for police helicopters to have DARPA-funded ground penetrating radar mounted on them to surveil US cities.
While newer systems of ground penetrating radar remain classified, the older systems have been demonstrated on national television so we can all appreciate our new slave status. Viewers are treated to a black and white x-ray style view of people walking around in their homes. What ever happened to the Fourth Amendment barring search and seizure and the invasion of privacy without a warrant?
DARPA is also getting Congressional approval for a fleet of drones fitted with similar scanning systems to feed streaming data 24 hours a day back to the FEMA continuity of government bunkers.
And finally, on DARPA's own website, they promote the "Centibots." These tiny 5-pound robots have their own artificial intelligence and hunt fugitives or provide surveillance and security for government agencies in wolf packs of twenty. They are identical in many aspects to the police spiders in Minority Report.
Despite DARPA's incredible size and influence over our every day lives and its stated desire to micromanage and control every human on earth, the average American has no idea that it even exists. Spread the word: DARPA is the enemy of free people everywhere and must be exposed if were are to defeat this tyranny that is the new world order.
Alex Jones Refuses to Thumbscan at the Department of Public Safety
The State of Texas follows the Unconstitutional, illegal National ID Card model, requiring its citizens to thumbscan in order to get a driver's license. This is the famous anti-thumbscanning clip where Alex gets arrested at the DPS for refusing to thumbscan.