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Rothschild Targets Putin and Bush-Cheney
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
A Map of Recent Events
Recent events reflect a battle that could derail the Rothschilds' plan for a Third World War by 2012, according to British-based Intelligence analyst Tim Rifat.
The Rothschilds temporarily have lost control of both Russia and the United States.
In the case of Russia, Rifat says recent Chechen terrorist attacks on two airliners and a school were designed to punish and undermine Vladimir Putin for his interference with Rothschild oil giant Yukos.
Putin has banished a number of "oligarchs" and seized their assets. According to Rifat, they are all Rothschild fronts.
Rifat says the British government and MI-6 are under Rothschild control and financing Chechen resistance. He predicts Putin will be assassinated within two years.
In the USA, Dick Cheney is behind US defiance of the Rothschild agenda. This is the explanation for the investigation of Ahmed Chalabi and Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin for passing secrets to Iran and Israel respectively. Both men are part of the Neo-Con Rothschild Zionist apparatus in Washington and their treatment sends a message to their superiors Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Eliot Abrams and Paul Wolfowitz.
See Also Jeffrey Steinberg "The Crimes of Iran Contra Have Never Ended"
Georgia Democratic Senator Zell Miller's unusual address to the Republican National Convention also should be seen in this context. He accused John Kerry of compromising American sovereignty by deferring to the [Rothschild-controlled] United Nations.
Rifat says that if the Bushies are re-elected, the NeoCons might be in trouble. Thus the Rothschilds' number one priority is to elect John Kerry in November and there is no telling what they may do.
If they were willing to sabotage planes and take children hostage to undermine Vladimir Putin, would they cause mayhem to undermine George Bush? Mossad agents have been arrested for a variety of suspicious activities in the US. Or might they crash the stock market using surging oil prices as an excuse? Remember how the economy went sour in 1992 after George H.W. Bush hesitated on Israeli loan guarantees?
The Zionist dominated US TV networks will pull out all stops to get Kerry elected while trying to appear unbiased. On Wednesday the NBC nightly news showed film clips which caught Dick Cheney lying about his claim of Sadaam Hussein's involvement with Al Queda. Such enterprise is rare and always has a political purpose.
Rifat believes that if Bush gets elected, the US will attack Iran as soon as next year. He says Kerry will give Iran time to prepare for a global nuclear war, designed to destroy the U.S., Iran and Israel. So while the immediate outcome of a Kerry victory will be a few more years of peace, the ultimate result will be disastrous for the US.
Rifat says Cheney-Bush represents US global hegemony while Kerry represents Rothschild hegemony. If we believe him, and that's a big IF, patriots might have to hold their nose and vote for George W. Bush.
Then we will have to convince him not to attack Iran and to recognize that Islam is not the threat
Rifat is a veteran Rothschild watcher. He is also a leading expert in "remote viewing."
I am not endorsing his views but offering them to you as a possible explanation for recent and future events. Make up your own mind.
See also my "Countdown to World War Three" and "World Government is a Banker Ruse"
Henry Makow Ph.D. got his Doctorate in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He is the inventor of the board game Scruples and the author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His past articles exposing feminism and the new world order are at his website www.savethemales.ca He welcomes feedback and may post some anonymously. Henryatsavethemales.ca
Last updated 05/09/2004