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2004,06,28, Monday
【記事】 インドのニューデリーで、父親を殺し身体の一部を食べて血を飲んだとして、22歳と25歳の娘が逮捕された。申し立てによると、2人は仕事から退き具合の悪かった父親が“悪魔に取り付かれた”と思い込んでいたようで、内部に宿る魂を葬り去って父親を救うために殺害に至ったとのこと。精神科医は「少女たちは心のバランスを崩しており、極端に精神を病んでいるように見える」とコメント。(以下略)
June 28 2004 at 09:33AM
New Delhi - Two Indian Muslim women were accused of chaining and slaughtering their father in what police suspect is a case of cannibalism, a news report said Monday. Yasmin, 22, and Taslima, 25, told police their father was possessed by Satan's spirit.
They allegedly chained and cut him to pieces and said they drank his blood and ate some of his organs, the Telegraph newspaper reported.
Police have ordered for the body, buried by the victim's sons, to be exhumed and will conduct a post-mortem.
The victim, Yunus Mian, lived in the central Indian city of Bhopal and had retired from his job as a civic employee. He stayed with his wife and seven children and had been unwell for some time.
"It appears to be an extreme case of insanity where the girls seem to have lost complete mental balance," said psychiatrist Ruma Bhattacharya.
Police claimed the girls convinced their mother and siblings that killing the spirit inside their father was the only way of saving him.
"They were a strange set of people who seldom mixed with us," their neighbour Sabir said.
"We would often hear strange sounds at night. The entire neighbourhood used to maintain a distance from them."
Muslim cleric Maulana Junaid said poverty, ignorance and illiteracy were the main causes of such horrific incidents. - Sapa-dpa