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(回答先: NYタイムズがイラク大量破壊兵器記事などで異例の釈明 (Asahi.Com)ーさて、日本のマスコミはどうします(笑) 投稿者 ああ、やっぱり 日時 2004 年 5 月 27 日 02:52:48)
PR会社の演技指導で行われたクウェート大使の娘による伝説のIncubator Lieもあった。油塗れの水鳥の話もある。
President Bush, Sr. claimed the pictures proved that harsh measures were needed against the Bosnian Serbs.
But these men were *not* imprisoned behind barbed wire. The ITN film crew were filming from inside a fenced-in area used to store building materials. By filming through the fence (composed of chicken wire with a few strands of barbed wire on top) ITN created the impression of a concentration camp.
Engineering consent: The New York Times' role in promoting war on Iraq March 23, 2004 "Sydney Morning Herald" Judith Miller is one of the NYT's most senior journalists. A Pulitzer Prize winning writer and regarded expert on Middle East issues and WMD, Miller has written extensively on Osama Bin Laden and the al-Qaeda network. In the run-up to the Iraq War, Miller became a key reporter on that country’s supposedly documented WMDs. She wrote many articles relayed around the globe on the Bush administration’s doomsday reading of Saddam’s regime. She painted a terrifying picture of his arsenal with apparently sound intelligence sources to back her claims. However, it emerged that the vast majority of her WMD claims came through Ahmed Chalabi, an indicted fraudster and one of the leading figures in the Iraqi National Congress (INC), the group keen to militarily overthrow Saddam. Miller relied on untested defectors’ testimonies (usually provided by Chalabi) to write several front-page stories on this information. Michael Massing from Columbia Journalism Review suggests her stories were “far too reliant on sources sympathetic to the (Bush) administration". "Those with dissenting views - and there were more than a few - were shut out.” For example, the NYT reported in 2003 on Iraq’s supposed mobile weapons labs, after an announcement by Secretary of State Colin Powell on February 5, 2003 to the UN Security Council. Sourced by Chalabi, this information was given by a defector. It soon emerged that US investigators had not interrogated this person, yet it published in TNY as fact. (Some months later, experts agreed the labs were for civilian use). It is therefore unsurprising that an increasing number of American citizens came to see the war on Iraq as a necessary step on the US’s so-called “War on Terror”. チャラビ・ソースの情報を実際に調査を行わずに移動化学工場などとパウエルが国連で言ったことをNYTは「事実」として報じたのだが、日本の外務省は未だ恥ずかしげもなくネットで公開し、小泉はこの期にに及んで「まだないとはいえない」「だまされたとは思わない」と言い切っている。 「イラクの大量破壊兵器?疑惑は解明されたのか?」パンフレット(PDFファイル) ちなみに昨年4月に上手い具合にトラックが発見されているが、これを発見したのはクルド軍である。 Ritter Dismisses Powell Report もっとも日本は、ここでシドニー・モーニング・ヘラルドなどが報じているような重要な捕捉情報については、まるで報じていないので、世界では通用しない、そのような馬鹿げた弁明もそこそこ通用してしまうというわけだ。 ジュディス・ミラーはアルカイダ・コメンテーターでPBSにもよく登場する。次はアルカイダの毒ガス実験ビデオテープでミラーがコメントしているPBS報道だ。 RECORD OF TERROR アフガニスタンで妙にこざっぱりした犬がいたものだ、と笑ったのを思い出す。ともあれ、アメリカが何をしたかったかということを考えると実に興味深い。 ジュディス・ミラーのいかがわしさは既にあちこちで報じられている。 Judy Miller's War New York Times reporter Judith Miller accused of “hijacking” military unit in Iraq Chasing Judith Miller off the Stage 事実を暴くことではなく、情報操作で金を儲ける似非ジャーナリストは日本にもいくらでもいるのだろうが、ジュディス・ミラー、そしてニューヨークタイムズの影響力を考えると、呆れてばかりもいられないのではないだろうか。 関連
By Antony Loewenstein
This is the first 'Engineering consent' column by Antony Loewenstein, to focus on the inside workings of big media.
"They had nothing to do with biological laboratories. That's what (U.N. chief inspector) Hans Blix says. He says, 'There's no mobile lab."' "You know who came up with the idea of mobile trucks? The inspectors...We sat back one day and said, 'If we were the Iraqis, how would we hide biological production? We'd put them on trucks,"' Ritter said.
August 19, 2002
More on the “newspaper of record” and WMD lies