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米原万里 発明マニア essay連載 28
『サンデー毎日』 2004/06/06 毎日新聞社 5/25 発売 \286+税 p.50-51
[概要] 『September 12』と名付けられたオンラインゲームの紹介. 街中の「テロリスト」に照準を合わせ, ひたすらミサイルを撃ち込み「テロリスト」を絶滅させることを目標とするゲーム - で, ひたすら「テロリスト」を増殖させる (との由, あたしはネット貧乏なので macromedia shockwave player 云々であきらめ, 確認できず), 遊び方の指示, などなど.
[余談] ネット回線に余裕のある方は,「ユダヤ国際資本主義のプロトコール」,「赤色国際共産主義運動の亡霊」,「垂れ流し自作自演投稿者」,「公安私服のS」,「K-K連合」,「左翼の掲示板の誹謗中傷」, …… お好みの「テロリスト」を相手に, 楽しんでみて下さい.
『September 12』
■ http://www.newsgaming.com/
> Simulation meets political cartoons.
> We are a team of independent game developers who believe video games are not simply an amusement.
> Games and simulations can also make us think about what is going on in this world.
> Periodically, we will use games and simulations to analyze, debate, comment and editorialize major international news.
> Come and join us.
> Play with fire.
> Play also "September 12th", a newsgame about the War on Terror
■ http://www.persuasivegames.com/
> We design, build, and distribute electronic games for persuasion, instruction, and activism.
> Our games influence players to take action through gameplay. Games communicate differently than other media; they not only deliver messages, but also simulate experiences. While often thought to be just a leisure activity, games can also become rhetorical tools.
> Think games are just for fun? Think again.