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Bush Praises Rumsfeld on War on Terror
President Bush Praises Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Says He's 'Doing a Superb Job'
The Associated Press
WASHINGTON May 10, 2004 ? President Bush issued a strong endorsement of embattled Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld on Monday, telling him, "You are doing a superb job."
Then, after seeing more than a dozen additional photos depicting scenes of U.S. troops abusing Iraqi prisoners, the president reacted in disgust, White House press secretary Scott McClellan said.
"The president's reaction was one of deep disgust and disbelief that anyone who wears our uniform would engage in such shameful and appalling acts," McClellan said. "It does not represent our United States miliary, and it does not represent the United States of America."
The president was shown a "representative sample" of photos, including pictures not yet seen by the public, a senior defense official said, adding that some showed humiliation of prisoners and "improper behavior of a sexual nature," the official said.
Citing ongoing investigations and privacy concerns, McClellan refused to describe the still images, including some that were taken from videotape. And McClellan repeatedly sidestepped questions about whether the president thinks they should be publicly released.
On Capitol Hill, meanwhile, senators scheduled another hearing on the prisoner abuse issue that has prompted calls for Rumsfeld's resignation. Witnesses at the Tuesday hearing include Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba, author of the report that found numerous "sadistic, blatant and wanton criminal abuses" at the prison near Baghdad.
Bush's comments at the Pentagon appeared designed to head off rising speculation that Rumsfeld would resign as both men braced for the anticipated release of more pictures and video images.
The Pentagon agreed to send as-yet unreleased photos and at least one videotape to the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday. But senators had not determined when or under what circumstances they would be viewed by lawmakers.
Larry DiRita, spokesman for Rumsfeld, told reporters that the Pentagon was in discussion with the committee staff on arrangements for showing the additional photos and video "in a restricted environment."
The president acknowledged that images of Iraqi prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad had damaged America's image abroad.
"Those responsible for these abuses have caused harm that goes well beyond the walls of a prison. It has given some an excuse to question our cause and to cast doubt on our motives," Bush said.
The president emphasized that the controversy over Iraqi prisoners came while "our troops continue to face serious danger. And this government is giving them every means of protecting themselves and every means necessary to gain victory."
Bush urged Congress to approve a $25 billion contingency reserve fund that can be used for ongoing operations in Iraq.
He said his administration would stick to its vow to turn over sovereignty to an interim Iraqi government on June 30 despite the recent rise in violence against coalition forces and civilians. "Men and women across the Middle East are watching closely. And they will see America keep its word," the president said.
With Rumsfeld at his side, Bush said his Cabinet officer was "courageously leading our nation in our war against terror... . You are a strong secretary of defense and our nation owes you a debt of gratitude."
Facing indications of waning public confidence in his senior military ranks and declining credibility abroad, Bush went to the Defense Department for what officials said was a previously scheduled briefing.
But the session took on new significance because of the torture and sexual humiliation of prisoners.
Bush spoke to reporters in the executive dining room, just outside Rumsfeld's office, but declined to respond to a question of whether more images should be released.
Blinking into the cameras, Rumsfeld stood ramrod straight to Bush's left with his hands clasped behind his back. Vice President Dick Cheney, who had over the weekend called Rumsfeld the best secretary of defense ever, also was there.
Apart from those standing next to Bush and a handful of top White House aides, there was no other audience for Bush's remarks besides journalists.
Also attending the war council session were Secretary of State Colin Powell; CIA Director George Tenet; Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Gen. Peter Pace, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs; and Gen. John Abizaid, top commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East.
Bush pledged that those who abused prisoners would be brought to justice.
"We will honor rule of law," he said.
Bush said that "all prison operations in Iraq will be thoroughly reviewed to make certain that such offenses are not repeated."
Meanwhile, a Gannett Co. Inc. newspaper that reports on the U.S. military said in an editorial that responsibility for the scandal lies at the highest levels of the Pentagon, including Rumsfeld and Myers. Both men are guilty of "professional negligence," the Army Times editorial said.
"This was not just a failure of leadership at the local commander level," the editorial said. "This was a failure that ran straight to the top. Accountability here is essential even if that means relieving top leaders from duty in a time of war."
In his Pentagon remarks, Bush said there will be a full accounting for the "cruel and disgraceful abuse of Iraqi detainees," calling it "an insult to the Iraqi people and...an affront to the most basic standards of morality and decency."
Actions in the prison does not reflect the "character" of the more than 200,000 military personal who have served in Iraq, he said.
Bush said Marines are maintaining pressure on Saddam Hussein loyalists, foreign fighters and other militants in the volatile city of Fallujah near Baghdad.
In the southern city of Najaf, the U.S. coalition is trying to dismantle an illegal militia that has attempted to incite violence and seize control, he said.