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If they really hate to return to Japan
GeneW (Apr 17 2004 - 19:58)
Let's review who these people are; congradulate this government official and give him a raise.
First we have the original three fake kidnap victims whom I call the Le Sheik Disco - Three (LSD-3).
They hid in the unimproved basement of the Amman [Jordon] Le Sheik Camal Disco and posed with the Disco staff who dressed as terrorists.
The LSD-3 are:
1. Soichiro Koriyama (32); a member of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League (JRCL), Revolutionary Marxist Faction. He has occasionally sold photographs to the Asahi Shimbun but is primarily an anti-SDF and anti-U.S. activist and armchair revolutionary. He was living in Amman, Jordan prior to his faked kidnapping and was not in Iraq on any assignment.
2. Nahoko Takato (34) was living in Amman, Jordan just before her staged kidnapping. She had been involved in volunteer work with a Japanese NGO but was not associated or working with any NGO in Iraq when she was "captured".
3. Noriaki Imai (18), is one of JRCL's newest members and likely the comic side-kick of the group. He also stayed in Amman, Jordon prior to the fake kidnapping. This recent high school dropout stated he would travel to Iraq to study the effect of depleted uranium shells on "innocent Iraqi victims of U.S. imperialism".
Next we have the more recently released "Baghdad Two" or B-2.
1. Jumpei Yasuda (30) of Iruma, Saitama Prefecture is an anti-SDF and anti-U.S. propagandist for JRCL. He often sent stories to the Tokyo Shimbun but was seldom published. After Nahoko Takato (LSD-3) faked her kidnapping in Amman, Jordon, Jumepi fabricated a story about her helping the poor in Iraq. Calling Jumpei a freelance journalist is like me saying I'm a rock star because I can play a few notes on a guitar. Jumpei had been a frequent visitor to Iraq and was a human shield until he discovered 'human-sheilding might actually be dangerous.
2. Nobutaka Watanabe (36) a peace activist and member of JRCL, shared an apartment in Baghdad with Jumpei. He has been involved in past activities against the SDF and the U.S. military in Japan.
Victims or fakers...you decide.
3. 今井紀明(18)、JRCLの最新メンバーのうちの1人で、そして恐らくグループの喜劇脇役俳優のような存在だ。そして彼もまた、偽装誘拐以前にはヨルダンのアンマンにいたのだ。この最近高校中退したばかりの者は、「米国帝国主義による無実なイラク人犠牲者」に対して使用された劣化ウラン弾の影響を調査するために、イラクへ旅行するだろうと述べていた。
1. 埼玉県入間市の安田純平(30)は反自衛隊反米であり、JRCLの宣伝者だ。彼は、しばしば東京新聞に物語を送ったが、めったに記事になる事はなかった。高遠菜穂子(LSD-3)がヨルダン、アンマンで誘拐を偽装した後、純平はイラクで貧困層を支援する彼女の話を作り上げた。純平をフリーランス・ジャーナリストと呼ぶ事は、私がギターで何曲か弾けるからロック・スターであると言うようなものだ。純平はイラクの常連で、彼が「マジでヤバイかも」と気付くまで人間の盾だった。
2. 渡辺修孝(36)、平和運動活動家でJRCLのメンバー、バグダッドで純平とアパートで暮らしていた。彼は過去、日本で自衛隊と米軍に対する活動に関係していた。