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(回答先: この語尾ぼかし伝聞推量型文体記事はいったい何を意味するのだろうか? 投稿者 木田貴常 日時 2004 年 4 月 28 日 15:53:49)
Heavy US air, ground forces pound Falluja
Tuesday 27 April 2004, 22:05 Makka Time, 19:05 GMT
火曜27 4月の2004、22:05 Makka時間、19:05 GMT
The blasts have caused fires in the Golan district
Fierce fighting has erupted in the restive Iraqi city of Falluja as US occupation forces strike the town with warplanes, helicopter gunships, mortar bombs and tanks.
猛烈な戦いはFallujaの反抗的なイラクの都市で勃発しました。 米国として 占有力は町を打ちます。 軍用飛行機(武装ヘリコプター)で、爆弾とタンクにモルタルを塗ってください。
Live footage beamed on Aljazeera showed the night sky incessantly lit up as strike after strike hit mainly the Golan district of the city on Tuesday.
実際の映画フィルムはAljazeeraの上でビームを放ちました。 ストライキが火曜日に主として都市のGolan地区を襲った後ストライキとして絶えずつけられた夜空を示しました。
Aljazeera's correspondent reported a heavy exchange of gunfire was also heard and several homes were on fire.
Amid the explosions, Quranic a recital could be heard over a mosque's loudspeaker, as a reminder to people to remember God at this time, the correspondent said.
爆発の中に、詳述がそうでありうるQuranicは聞きました。 モスク上に、拡声器が、神をこの時期に思い出すために植民する注意としてあります、 特派員 言いました。
He added that US marines were not only attacking from the air with helicopter gunships and warplanes, but ground troops were using machine guns and tanks as well.
There are reports that an AC-130 gunship aircraft fired multiple cannon rounds over the city. One report said the gunship fired 20 to 25 rounds at a time with explosions on the ground sending showers of sparks and flames into the night sky.
"I can hear more than 10 explosions a minute. Fires are lighting the night sky," one witness told Reuters. "The earth is shaking under my feet."
The fighting came hours after a US deadline for fighters in the city of 300,000 to hand over their weapons. More than 600 people have been killed since US marines besieged the city on 5 April.
戦いは米国デッドラインの数時間の後に起こりました、のために 300,000の都市の戦士、それらの武器を渡すために米国船舶が4月5日に都市を包囲して以来、600人以上が死にました。
Aljazeera + Agencies