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Stop Human Rights Obstructer John Negroponte
July 17, 2001
Though we cannot prevent Abrams’ return to prominence, we can keep out former U.S. Ambassador to Honduras John Negroponte who played a significant role in the CIA-sponsored terrorism of Hondurans during the Nicaraguan Contra War. The Bush administration has officially nominated Negroponte to be U.S. Ambassador to the UN, and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is preparing to hold nomination hearings before the close of July.
Halliburton Iraq ties more than Cheney said
The deal was legal, the Post said, and they showed how U.S. firms use foreign subsidiaries and joint ventures to avoid doing business with Baghdad. The practice is not a violation of U.S. law and falls within the U.N.-run oil-for-food program.
The Post said U.N. records showed that the dealings were more extensive than originally reported and than Cheney had acknowledged, however.
According to the report, the Halliburton subsidiaries, Dresser- Rand and Ingersoll Dresser Pump Co., sold material to Baghdad through French affiliates. The sales lasted from the first half of 1997 to the summer of 2000. Cheney resigned from Halliburton in August.
イラクに100億ドル以上の不正資金 国連「石油食糧交換」
公聴会ではクリストフ会計検査院国際部長がまず報告書の要旨を発表。九七年から二〇〇二年までにイラクのフセイン政権が同プログラムを悪用する形で、(1) 石油の密輸で約五十七億ドルを不正に稼ぎ、武器の購入や外国の政府や企業の買収を図った(2)同プログラムを経由した取引で特殊な課徴金やわいろにより四十 四億ドルの不正収入を得た?ことを明らかにした。
ルーガー委員長はこうした証言を受ける形で、「この大規模な腐敗はフセイン政権 当局者だけでなく国連の関係職員や国連安全保障理事会で同プログラムの設置と運営に関与したロシア、フランス、中国などの不正直、不注意、我欲から生じた」と指摘するとともに、「とくに深刻なのはもしフセイン政権が打倒された場合に同プログラムの不正が暴露されるのを恐れたことが中国、フランス、ロシアの各国が米英両国のイラク攻撃に反対した理由の一部になったことだ」と強調した。
Bush Conceals Names of U.S. Firms That Paid Kickbacks to Saddam
McClatchy Newspapers
Apr 8, 2004, 06:41
Saddam Hussein siphoned off $10.1 billion from Iraq's oil-for- food program through illegal oil contracts and kickback deals with private suppliers of food and medicine, a congressional agency said Wednesday.
John Negroponte, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the Bush administration can identify the private business firms that cut kickback deals with Saddam Hussein, but intends to keep the names secret.
Sens. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., and Joseph Biden, D-Del., urged Negroponte to make the names public so that the United States can prevent shakedowns by the new Iraqi government scheduled to assume power on June 30.
"This corruption was not solely a product of Saddam Hussein's machinations," Lugar said. "He required members of the U.N. Security Council who were willing to be complicit in his actions, and he required U.N. officials and contractors who were dishonest, inattentive, or willing to make damaging compromises in pursuit of a compassionate mission."
Patrick Kennedy, a U.S. official working on United Nations management reform, said Saddam's regime "was very clever at adding tiny amounts to contracts to provide kickbacks and additional revenue. They added a little bit to a lot and made it up in volume."
Negroponte said efforts by the United States to halt the kickback schemes were blocked by Russia, France and China. He said it has been difficult to document the corruption because much of the paperwork was destroyed during the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq last year and its aftermath.
Biden warned that corrupt Iraqi politicians could steal large sums from the billions of dollars President Bush wants to spend on the reconstruction and establishment of democracy in Iraq.
Robin Raphel, coordinator of the U.S. office of Iraq reconstruction at the State Department, said the United States has reason to be concerned that the next Iraqi government will engage in the same corrupt practices as Saddam Hussein. She said U.S. officials will try to block the kickbacks while serving as technical advisers to the new Iraqi government agencies.
"There is no doubt that billions of dollars that should have been spent on humanitarian needs in Iraq were siphoned off by Saddam Hussein's regime through a system of surcharges, bribes, and kickbacks," Lugar said.
Lugar said a "portion of those illicit funds" might be supporting the Iraqis fighting the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq.
Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., said that 72 percent of the $63 billion revenue from legal sales of Iraqi oil was spent on food and medicine that "saved the Iraqi people from a human tragedy."
U.S. officials said that $7 billion was taken from the oil fund to pay for Iraq's postwar reconstruction.
In a new report, the congressional General Accounting Office estimated that Saddam's regime from 1997 through 2002 acquired $10.1 billion illegally through the sale of $5.7 billion in oil smuggled to Syria, Turkey and Jordan, and $4.4 billion through kickbacks paid by firms selling food, medicine and other goods to Iraq.
The GAO's estimate of $10.1 billion was $3.5 billion higher than its estimate in 2002 as the Bush administration accused Iraq of violating United Nations sanctions imposed in 1990 after Iraq invaded Kuwait.
Joseph Christoff, the GAO director for international affairs and trade, said the pattern of corruption "raises concerns about the Iraqi government's ability to manage the oil-for-food commodities and about $32 billion in expected donor reconstruction funds."
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by Fake Terror Watcher