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Scott Helvenston, 38
Scott Helvenston, 38, a former U.S. Navy SEAL who was one of the principal stars of the USA Television reality series Combat Missions, has been identified as one of the four Americans who were killed and then abused after death in an ambush by Iraqi terrorists in Fallujah, Iraq on March 31.
The movie gave Scott a taste of the Hollywood life, and his next few years were spent in the peripheries of the movie business. He was a consultant for the Nicholas Cage-John Travolta film Face/Off. He made an exercise video entitled Navy Seal - Total Body Workout (which is still available). He subsequently made two more exercise videos, Ultimate Aerobic Workout and Ab Blast (the three-video set is available here).
Jerko "Jerry' Zovko, 32
英語、クロアチア語、スペイン語、ロシア語、アラビア語を流暢に話し、フォート・ブロッグ、特殊軍メンバー。 Jerry Zovko joined the Army in 1991 at age 19. He spoke five languages fluently English, Croatian, Spanish, Russian and Arabic. He was a member of the special forces in the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Tom Zovko said. こちらではロシア語ではなく日本語と書いてある。1991年大学を1年いてそれからフォート・ブロッグにずっといた兵士で、湾岸戦争のあとにはボスニア、バルカンに従軍している。 After a year at The Ohio State University, Jerry Zovko joined the Army in 1991. He served in the 82nd Airborne Division and, his brother said, spent his entire military career at Fort Bragg, home of the Army's special forces. He was in boot camp during the first Persian Gulf War and later served in the Balkans. Zovko was among the Army's elite. He set records for hikes with a heavy pack, his brother said, and spoke Croatian, Arabic, Spanish and Japanese. He left the Army about six years ago. クロアチア系のようだ。 After graduating from a suburban Cleveland High School and attending one year at Ohio State University, he accompanied his parents and younger brother on a vacation to visit friends and relatives in Croatia in the summer of 1991. While there, Croatia declared its independence from the former Yugoslavia. Zovko returned to the United States at the end of the summer and joined the Army. He suspected - correctly - that a war was coming to his family's homeland, and he planned to be there when it arrived. He became an elite Army Ranger and was deployed to Bosnia in 1996. フォートブロッグにはイスラエル特殊軍が暗殺トレーニングに送り込まれており、この基地の部隊はサダム捕獲にもリンクする。ジンバブエで捕獲された戦争の犬たちが出発した空軍基地はここに隣接する。 Michael Teague, 38 アフガニスタン、パナマ、グラナダに従軍経験のある男。6年前に陸軍を退職、ブラックウォーターには2ヶ月前に参加し、すぐにイラクに。空白の6年間の説明はない。 In a prepared statement, Teague said her husband was a 12-year Army veteran who served in Afghanistan, Panama and Grenada. She said he received a bronze star for his service in Afghanistan. ちなみにオクラホマ連邦ビル爆破事件リンクの白人至上主義者の男と同姓同名である。 Oklahoma Bombing. ... Skinheads Mike Teague ************
Donna Zovko holds a photo of her son Jerry Zovko, 32, of Ohio. He was one of four American contract workers killed in Fallujah, Iraq, on Wednesday.
WTVF said Michael Teague worked in the security business since he left the Army six years ago, but he joined Blackwater Security only two months ago.
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by Fake Terror Watcher