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「国難」ここに至ると、遠慮無しに「失敗じゃ」("We have gotten ourselves bogged down in what is clearly a quagmire," Mr. Buchanan said in an interview. In a column published on Wednesday, he wrote, "What Falluja and the Shiite attacks Sunday tell us is that failure is now an option.")と言ってのけることができるのは、パトリック・ブキャナンぐらいらしい。
好戦派の先頭を切ったフォックス・テレヴィのキャスター、オライリーも、共和党のブッシュ支持者たちでさえ口にし始めた「ヴェトナム化」を語っている。(Mr. O'Reilly compared the Iraqis to the South Vietnamese in their lack of support for the United States. )
April 8, 2004
Battles in Iraq Bring Troubles for Bush and Kerry as Well
WASHINGTON, April 7 -- The surge of violence in Iraq has created vast political complications for Democrats and Republicans, as President Bush struggled on Wednesday to address doubts about his foreign policy and Senator John Kerry sought to challenge the conduct of a war he voted for two years ago.
The difficulties facing both men were evident throughout the day. As scenes of violence in Iraq flashed across television screens, Mr. Bush was mostly out of sight, on his ranch in Crawford, Tex., even as some of his conservative supporters began expressing concern that Mr. Bush's Iraq policy could diminish his re-election prospects.
Mr. Kerry was in Washington, pressing ahead with a long-planned major speech on the issue that he expected to be the centerpiece of the campaign, the economy. But, faced with repeated questions about his own views of the war in a series of interviews he had scheduled to promote his economic plan, Mr. Kerry diverted from his script to offer some of his strongest criticism yet of Mr. Bush's Iraq policy.
That policy was also a concern of Americans around the country, with some saying their opinions had changed as a result of the recent violence.
In an interview on Wednesday with American Urban Radio Networks, Mr. Kerry described the president's Iraq policy as "one of the greatest failures of diplomacy and failures of judgment that I have seen in all the time that I've been in public life."
Still, even as he attacked Mr. Bush, Mr. Kerry was notably vague in saying how he would handle the matter as president. His advisers said he had no plans to offer a policy speech about a war that aides to Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry alike said they now expected to provide a bloody backdrop for the campaign for months.
"Right now, what I would do differently is, I mean, look, I'm not the president, and I didn't create this mess so I don't want to acknowledge a mistake that I haven't made," Mr. Kerry said on Wednesday on CNN.
Mr. Kerry ignored two questions shouted to him by reporters at a meeting he held with economic advisers, about whether he would "take out" Moktada al-Sadr, the radical Shiite clergyman, a pool report said.
On Capitol Hill, Republicans Congressional leaders invoked the violence in Iraq and urged the party to unite behind a White House struggling with a foreign crisis. Their comments underlined the difficulty Mr. Kerry and Congressional Democrats -- especially those who supported Mr. Bush in the first place -- had in taking on the president.
"It's incumbent upon all Americans to rally around the leadership of this country in times of great crisis in the world when we are the leader of the free world and not to incite the other side," said Senator Saxby Chambliss, Republican of Georgia, even as he acknowledged that the administration "underestimated just how difficult and complex the job in Iraq would be."
But in an unwelcome development for the White House, even some right-leaning commentators and political leaders appeared uncomfortable with Mr. Bush's Iraq policy. Bill O'Reilly, the Fox News commentator who had been one of the most vocal supporters of the war, warned that the situation in Iraq might cost Mr. Bush re-election if he did not deal with it promptly. Mr. O'Reilly compared the Iraqis to the South Vietnamese in their lack of support for the United States.
"If these people won't help us, we need to get out in an orderly matter," Mr. O'Reilly said on his show Monday evening, repeating the sentiment again on Tuesday.
Newt Gingrich, the Georgia Republican and former House speaker, also said he was concerned that Iraq could hurt the administration unless it made a forceful case to stay there. "The administration has to win the argument that this is an unavoidable fight," Mr. Gingrich said. "This is painful and this is difficult, but we have no choice."
Patrick J. Buchanan, the conservative columnist who ran a spirited challenge to Mr. Bush's father in the 1992 Republican primaries, renewed his criticism of Mr. Bush's war policy. Mr. Buchanan opposed the decision to go to war but toned down his criticism after the war began.
"We have gotten ourselves bogged down in what is clearly a quagmire," Mr. Buchanan said in an interview. In a column published on Wednesday, he wrote, "What Falluja and the Shiite attacks Sunday tell us is that failure is now an option."
The focus on Mr. Bush's Iraq policy came the day before his national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, is to testify on Capitol Hill before a panel investigating whether the White House ignored warnings of the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. With Mr. Bush facing such an intense challenge to what aides have described as the pillar of his re-election appeal -- foreign policy -- Democratic Congressional leaders said Republicans were trying to mute opposition by suggesting that attacks on his Iraq policy were unpatriotic.
"This is a democracy, and people have every right to express themselves and to do all that they believe is within their ability to affect the debate," said Senator Tom Daschle of South Dakota, the Democratic leader. Mr. Daschle said he was deeply troubled by the "character assassination that seems to come from this administration and its allies any time anybody takes an alternative point of view."
Mr. Kerry's remarks on the deterioration in Iraq reflect the extent to which he has yet to come up with any proposals to distinguish himself from Mr. Bush about what might be done there now. His national security adviser, Rand Beers, said Mr. Kerry would support an increase in troop strength along the lines that the Pentagon is now advocating.
Mr. Kerry urged Mr. Bush to abandon his vow to transfer power to a provisional government on July 1, charging that Mr. Bush was acting more out of concern with the domestic election calendar than in an orderly transition of power in Iraq.
"I think the June 30 deadline is a fiction and they never should have set an arbitrary deadline, which almost clearly has been affected by the election schedule in the United States of America," he said in a National Public Radio broadcast.
One of Mr. Kerry's former rivals for the Democratic nomination, Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, who was an unwavering supporter of the war, called on Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry to "reach common ground on the issue of sending more troops in Iraq."
Senator Robert C. Byrd, Democrat of West Virginia, a strong opponent of the war, said in a floor speech, "It is staggeringly clear that the administration has no effective plan to cope with the aftermath of the war and the functional collapse of Iraq."
David D. Kirkpatrick contributed reporting from New York for this article.