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何と、Grant Thornton, Vatican, Bank でググッて見つけたものです。
ワシントン D.C.の Free and Clear Policy Institute の機関誌
"Free and Clear Intelligence Review" の編集長とかいう
Gabor Sandor Acs という人が言っていることですが、
IBARC (International Bank Activities Reform Commission) がベルルスコーニと Bank of Italy の頭取アントニオ・ファツィオを辞職させろとまで言っていた、なんていう話は初耳ですけどねえ。
(って株の取り引き人のこと? 無知でごめんなさい)兼ジャーナリストの言葉っていうのが意味深長じゃないですか:
United States Securities and Exchange Commission は破綻の何年も以前から熟知していたはずである、と。
こちらは Baltimore, Maryland からの証言です。
好きなこと言ってりゃいいですよ。そういうこいつは、自分の子分の Enrico Bondi を債務処理係に仕立て、
で、破綻のきっかけになったケイマン諸島のパルマラート系列会社 Bonlat ボンラートの口座が架空だったという話に
ちゃんと当時までは Grant Thornton の系列だったイタリアの会計監査会社が絡んでたってことも出てますね。
とは言っても、この間からの投稿のなかであたくしが言っていた、Grant Thornton から切られた
法律事務所 Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach LLP の Melvyn Weiss というおじさんの
パルマラートと Grant Thornton に関係したアメリカの銀行を相手取った告訴に噛む可能性もあるとか。
読んでると、Grant Thornton もやはりなかなか阿漕な会社なようです。
みなさま、何か Grant Thornton 関連のイケナイ噂を聞かれたら、それはまた空耳の方へご投稿いただければ幸いです。
サン・ディエゴ大学の Frank Partnoy の
経済通のみなさまは、Gabor Sandor Acs の以下の言葉についてはどうお思いになるかな:
『Keeping the Yen pegged at 100 to the Dollar will make it easier to manage international payment transfers of funds and create a new stability in the currency markets which are being rocked by further and further revelations of global impropriety.』
All Press Releases for December 27, 2003
Ongoing revelations of corruption at the highest levels of Italy's Government. Vatican asked to throw money changers out of Italy, withdraw funds from Citigroup and other US Financial
Institutions, short the US Dollar and dump US Treasury Bonds.
Rome and Milan, Italy (PRWEB) December 30 2003--- Free and Clear Press Corps-Gabor Sandor Acs, Hungarian born financier and philanthropist, is telling volunteers of the Italian arm of the International Bank Activities Reform Commission (IBARC) in Milan and Rome to organize public demonstrations calling for the formal resignation of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Bank of Italy Governor Antonio Fazio following the $12.5 billion bankruptcy filing of Parmalat whose former CEO, Calisto Tanzi, has disappeared.
Other volunteers have been asked to pay frequent visits to the Vatican during the coming months as the widening investigations into Italian financial and government corruption is brought to the light of the world.
Gabor, whose name translates literally from Hungarian into Gabriel in English, is the Senior Editor of the "Free and Clear Intelligence Review" (FCIR) published by the Free and Clear Policy Institute in Washington D.C. and is advising the Vatican leadership to "throw the money changers out of Rome" in its most recent issue of the internationally distributed electronic newsletter.
The publication has recently issued financial advisories to the Bank of Japan to allow the Yen to rise in value to 100 Yen to the Dollar before intervening in the currency markets and to form a peg at that level in order to strengthen and stabilize the Japanese economy.
"Keeping the Yen pegged at 100 to the Dollar will make it easier to manage international payment transfers of funds and create a new stability in the currency markets which are being rocked by further and further revelations of global impropriety", advises Acs.
Through another network of volunteers working with bankers in China, Acs has advised government officials there against allowing the Chinese Yuan to float against the dollar despite U.S. Government Administration pressures to the contrary.
"The U.S. Dollar will continue to drop until ethics is put into the American financial system and all the corruption fully disclosed to the international investment community", states Acs.
"Removing the pegs currently in place by Chinese Central Bankers will only accelerate the demise of the U.S. Dollar which will be detrimental to dollar reserves held by the Central Banks in the Asian region. It would be more beneficial to peg Chinese currency to the Yen and Euro and other free trading currencies, advises Acs.
Hungarian Financier George Soros and Billionaire investor Warren Buffet have been both short the US Dollar since last June when mounting international trade deficits indicated that the Dollar had peaked against the Euro. The Dollar has sunk to new historical lows against the Euro in recent weeks.
Acs had previously advised the Saudi Government through FCIR to withdraw U.S. investments after the start of the Iraqi War led by President Bush, and is now advising the Vatican to withdraw funds from Citigroup and other US Financial Institutions, short the US Dollar and dump US Treasury Bonds.
The recent "milking of the global financial community by Parmalat through Italian and American interests closely tied to organized crime syndicates on both sides of the Atlantic will curdle into bad tasting cheese that those who are held accountable will learn to eat", says one Italian volunteer whistle blower and muckraking journalist who didn't wish to be publicly identified.
メParmalat shares have collapsed to less than twelve cents with no compensation so far to the investors who were milked of several billion in lost equity due to false and misleading financial statements which the United States Securities and Exchange Commission should have known about over a year agoモ, a volunteer in Baltimore, Maryland said.
Silvio Berlusconi recently sent a warning signal to the international banking community about the Parmalat crisis, as he told La Repubblica in an interview: "The problem is that a group of banks, all friends among themselves, which have permission to do that which has occurred is a system that obviously doesn't work."
The crisis at Parmalat, which has filed for bankruptcy protection, exploded when it said a document certifying that Bank of America held a 4 billion euros account for the food maker's Cayman Islands-based unit Bonlat, had been rejected as false by the bank. Grant Thornton SpA, the Italian unit of Grant Thornton, had signed off on Bonlat's 2002 books on the basis of that letter.
The revelation has left many scratching their heads as to how Grant Thornton could have been duped into thinking an account of that size existed on the apparent basis of just one forged document.
"It just blows my mind," Melvyn Weiss, co-founder of powerhouse class-action law firm Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach LLP told Reuters from Italy, where he is vacationing.
"How can you merely rely upon a letter confirmation on an account so suspect in the Cayman Islands with about $5 billon in cash? It just doesn't make any sense to me."
Weiss says he is currently not working on a lawsuit over the case, but could likely find a way to represent Parmalat investors by filing a lawsuit in the U.S. against American banks involved with Parmalat or Grant Thornton.
Grant Thornton member firms operate as separate legal entities worldwide, making it harder to sue the firm in the U.S. if only the Italian unit is involved. But Weiss says that defense has been pierced before since accounting firms portray themselves as global organizations, sometimes even carrying a common insurance policy.
A Citigroup Inc. entity incorporated in Delaware called Buconero ("Black Hole" when translated from the Italian) invested in a Parmalat unit that loaned money to other parts of the Italian firm.
"People are giving up on enforcement by the SEC and taking the law into their own hands," said Frank Partnoy, professor of law at the University of San Diego and author of the recently published "Infectious Greed: How Deceit and Risk Corrupted Financial Markets."
"This means that people like (New York state Attorney General) Eliot Spitzer and Bill Lerach are now the enforcers of securities law."
Partnoy predicted that revelations of more Wall Street scandals will be forthcoming.
Over the past two years, those scandals have included massive accounting fraud at Enron Corp., WorldCom Inc. and other large companies, as well as more recent revelations of illegal insider trading in the mutual-fund industry.
メThe Parmalat collapse is the most recent result of a growing international network of whistle blowers providing and exchanging information over the Internetモ, said a volunteer who didnユt want to call it treason.
"The financial markets are corrupt and have been out of control for years," Partnoy said. "The problems have been swept under the rug by a weak SEC, no enforcement, no punishment and very little in the way of lawsuits. This is the price we pay for looking the other way for a decade."
The American Bank Activities Reform Commission (ABARC) in Washington D.C. and the Bank Activities Reform Commission (BARC) in Portland, Oregon, both sponsored by IBARC, have taken on several major supportive projects in the United States with many more to follow.
In Portland, Oregon, BARC volunteers have prepared a joinder to the $80 million class action of Remenar vs. the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco for failing to exchange メFederal Reserve Notesモ for gold, lawful money of the Untied States, presented for redemption at the Portland Branch by a homeless person who has been granted メin forma pauperisモ status by Oregon District Court Judge Garr M. King.
As the case being supported by both the Free and Clear Foundations of America (FCFA) and the We the People Foundation evolves, FCFA recently announced it is pledging $200,000 to the cause from existing legal funding pledges. The entire case file can be downloaded from:
In Washington D.C. ABARC volunteers are coordinating the preparation of a $5 trillion class action against the United States Securities and Exchange Commission on behalf of 100 million American investors and are approaching CalPERS, one of Wall Street's largest customers with a $154 billion portfolio, for additional legal, technical, financial and evidentiary support.
Calpers recently filed suit against the New York Stock Exchange.
CalPERS President Sean Harrigan said at a news conference that the NYSE had "looked the other way" when trading rules were violated. The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in New York, comes three months after CalPERS' protests helped oust former NYSE Chairman Richard Grasso after the disclosure of his $188 million compensation package.
CalPERS said it would seek to expand its lawsuit into a class-action case involving potentially millions of investors who bought or sold shares in NYSE-listed companies during the past five years.
CalPERS is represented by Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach, the leading U.S. class-action law firm. The firm's most prominent class-action attorney, William Lerach, is based in its San Diego office, which also prepared the CalPERS complaint.
The ABARC suit will name the SEC, 47 State Attorney Generals, Attorney General John Ashcroft, individuals as past and present employees and agents of the agency charged with the fiduciary responsibility of protecting American investors as Defendants.
The suit will seek triple damages under RICO and ask for a full public disclosure of President Bushユs involvement with Harken Energy and Halliburton among other matters related to the securities industry.
Two senior Democratic lawmakers have stated that Vice President Dick Cheney's former company, Halliburton, is gouging U.S. taxpayers while importing gasoline into Iraq. The Houston-based company contends it is paying the best price possible.
The New York Times has reported that in a letter to the White House budget office, Reps. Henry Waxman of California and John Dingell of Michigan contended that, "Halliburton seems to be inflating gasoline prices at a great cost to American taxpayers."
ABARC has been supportive of the activities of thousands of internatioinal individual investors and literally hundreds of public corporations in seeking to bring an end to the practice of naked short selling of publicly traded stocks.
Almost a thousand individuals and at least a dozen publicly traded firms have signed a petition at a public web site www.investigatethesec.com in order to address the abuses while the Securities and Exchange Commission takes commentary on the proposed Regulation SHO, an action which Gabor S. Acs says is メtoo little, too lateモ.
"Wherever you see Bill Lerach involved as lead counsel, you're talking about real money," said Patrick McGurn, special counsel for Institutional Shareholder Services, which advises large institutional investors, including CalPERS, on corporate governance matters.
McGurn noted that many large investors, including mutual fund giant Fidelity Investments, are dissatisfied with efforts by the NYSE to reform itself.
The CalPERS complaint also noted that the price of a seat on the NYSE has plummeted by as much as 35 percent since revelations of apparent wrongdoing by specialist firms surfaced.
The pension fund said the decline was caused by the awareness that profits have been bloated by illegal conduct.
Ongoing investigations by IBARC in New York, Liechtenstein, the British Virgin Islands, Grand Cayman Islands, Isle of Man, United Kingdom, and Switzerland into the Laurus Master Fund Ltd., The Keshet Fund L.P., Keshet L.P., Nesher Ltd., Talbiya B. Investments Ltd. and Esquire Trade & Finance Inc., and dozens of others are turning up initial evidence related to about two hundred companies in the United States whose stockholders have lost over a billion dollars in value over the past three years through toxic financing schemes arranged by the apparent organized crime syndicate managed by the Grin brothers of New York City.
Regulators at NY Attorney General Spitzerユs office, as well as the IRS are being asked to study the money trails of the case for further evidence of money laundering and income tax evasion.
The first Bank Activities Reform Commission was started in 1993 in Portland, Oregon by a group of disgruntled homeless people who had lost their economic means due to inflation, abusive banking practices, and corruption in the global financial system.
After ten years of research and development, the group has grown international in scope and has gathered sufficient evidence on many different fronts that it believes will support the radical reform of the entire banking establishment in the United States making it far more transparent than as currently exists.
The long-range goal of the International Bank Activities Reform Commission is to put ethics in on the global financial system. The effects of its work are beginning to be felt around the world as more volunteers blow the whistle on corruption at the highest levels of various governments on the planet.