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2004,06,03, Thursday
【記事】 ネパールで妻が夫を殺害した後、その一部を調理し食べたとして逮捕された。4人の子供が部屋に篭もった母親に会えず、また隣家から「異臭がする」との通報を受けて警察が突入。動機は不明ながらも女性は容疑を認めており、精神鑑定を受けたとのこと。もう少し時間があれば完食して完全犯罪だったかもしれん。見つかるのがちょっと早かったな。惜しい。
Nepalese woman cooked and ate husband
From AFP
June 02, 2004
A MOTHER of four cooked and ate parts of her husband's body after killing him and locking herself up for five days in her room in southeastern Nepal, police said Tuesday.
Police said they found the skull of Gopi Krishna Ghimere – a low-level employee of Nepal's state-run food corporation – simmering in a pressure cooker when they broke the padlock of his wife's room Sunday.
The woman, Indira Ghimere, pleaded guilty and is undergoing medical and psychiatric checks, police official Pratap Singh told the Nepali-language daily Space Time.
"The woman from Mrigauliya village in Morang district admitted she killed her 48-year-old husband, cooked his flesh and ate it," Singh said.
He said the woman killed her husband on May 25 while he was sleeping and hid with his remains inside her room, where police also found a jug of blood.
Police broke in after her three sons and daughter complained they had not seen their parents and neighbours reported foul smells from the house.
Police later searched a gas tank and found the partial remains of Ghimere, with some organs removed from his body.