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(回答先: キャンディー鉛害続出(朝日新聞5/11朝刊より 投稿者 フランツ・フェルディナンド 日時 2004 年 5 月 11 日 11:07:34)
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Candy maker wants industry to eliminate lead
Grupo Lorena's plan aims for companies to tighten rules for Mexican candy.
The Orange County Register
A major Mexican candy company Monday released an unprecedented proposal to create an industry association that would work to eliminate lead from children's treats.
The Jalisco-based company, Grupo Lorena, wants to set a standard that is far more strict than what is allowed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Grupo Lorena is aggressively pushing the proposal to state and federal regulators in hopes of improving the industry's image. Regulators like the idea, but it's unclear who would pay for it, when it would take effect and whether rival candy makers would buy in.
"This is to help the industry and improve the health of children in Mexico and the United States," said Javier Arroyo, a spokesman for the company that makes popular Pelon Pelo Rico candies, widely available at many California stores.
The proposal comes two weeks after The Orange County Register ran a six-part series highlighting the dangers of Mexican candies and inadequate regulatory efforts on both sides of the border. Tainted candy is a suspected source for thousands of lead-poisoned children in California.
Since the Register series, government regulators have pledged to increase surveillance of candies, inform the public about problems, and work with Mexican officials and candy makers to lower lead levels in candy.
Cities and counties from Los Angeles to Texas have begun testing candies. Some stores have pulled candies off shelves, and health workers and schools are warning families of risks.
But the FDA says lowering lead levels could take years.
"They are not going to drop everything that may be before them to tackle this," said FDA spokesman Michael Herndon, adding that meetings with Mexican officials are still a ways off. "We just don't call up the guy from the department of health and say we want to meet. You have to go through diplomatic channels."
Arroyo, who is based in the company's Brazil office, said he can't wait for government solutions. Small companies may shut down immediately and children are at risk.
"There really is a tremendous stress in the industry," said Octavio Flores, managing director of Lorena USA. "There is a lot of confusion right now. Confusion doesn't work well for consumers."
In its 14-page plan, Lorena proposes:
• Reducing lead in candy to no more than 0.1 parts per million – lower than the 0.5 ppm allowed by the FDA and a 0.2 ppm guideline set by California.
• Creating a mechanism for lead-free certification by establishing a laboratory in Mexico, with technical help from U.S. regulators. The lab would test candy, sugar, artificial colors, chili, packaging and inks.
• Providing training for candy makers and their suppliers.
Grupo Lorena's most popular candy, Pelon Pelo Rico, tested above state guidelines 11 times over the last 10 years. The company has adopted stricter controls and says its products already meet lower standards of 0.1 ppm.
Health officials from Mexico and California commended Lorena's efforts.
"The proposal is positive," said Lea Brooks, a spokeswoman for the California Department of Health Services. "The most appropriate way to protect children in California, in other states and in Mexico itself from lead-contaminated candy is for federal and state health authorities to work with officials in Mexico to eliminate lead at the source – in Mexico."
"If they are organizing for the good of the public, that is welcome," said Bricio Morales, a spokesman for the Mexican Ministry of Health.
Lorena officials have yet to contact other candy companies – saying they need to get an official OK before looking for support in the highly competitive candy market.
One competitor, Luis Antonio de la Torre of Dulces Vero in Texas, said the proposal seems like a very rough draft. "We'll wait to comment on it," he said.