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先日(2月4日)「アスナールが『イラクに大量破壊兵器がある』などと明言したことは一度も無い」という大嘘をついたスペイン政府報道官エドゥアルド・サプラナは、その舌の根の乾かないうちに2月6日の閣議後の共同の記者会見で「イラクが大量破壊兵器を持っていたと述べたのは間違いだったかもしれない」と、あっさりと認めました。と思ったら、その数時間後に「間違いだったかもしれないが、イラク戦争に参加したことは誤りではなかった」! なるほど、確かになかなか含蓄のある表現です。
エル・パイス――マドリッド 2月6日
さて、次は例の「オプス・デイ新聞」エル・ムンド紙(日本でいえば読売新聞のような存在)ですが、上のエル・パイス紙の記事と同じ記者会見のはずなのですが、かなり違った内容です。「間違っていたかもしれない」という発言は全く出てきません。しかもその発信がマドリッドではなく何とバグダッドになっている! 単なるエラーなのか、それとも内容についてバグダッドのイラク暫定統治機構にお伺いを立てているのか?(まあ、これもスペインらしくて良いのですが。)
バグダッド(イラク)―― 政府報道官エドゥアルド・サプラナはフセインが大量破壊兵器を持っていたとの「国際的な確信」で参加したし、その存在は現在まで国連の査察団によって否定はされていない、と弁解した。
The Government admits that?pudo to be mistaken? when saying that Iraq had arms of massive destruction
ELPAIS.es/AGENCIES? Madrid? ?ELPAIS.es | Spain - 06-02-2004 - 16:44
The Government, by mouth of his spokesman, Eduardo Zaplana, has accepted today who perhaps Sadam Husein did not have arms massive destruction, his weighty argument until now justifying the war. ?Nos we can have mistaken, as anyone can be mistaken, but it has acted itself with great coherence in defense of the interests of our country.
Government of the United States, that shared the same preoccupation by the Iraqian arsenal and based its reasons to invade that country mainly in the threat for the international security that supposed Sadam Husein, has accepted days ago to create an independent commission that it investigates because now it seems that does not have?Casi all we were mistaken, he indicated the head of the inspectors sent by Washington to Iraq to find tests of that arsenal, after more than half unfruitful year search.
?Casi all we were mistaken?
The American Congress, that investigated the question by its account, indicated that the intelligence services provided trustworthy or old?información little? to the president, George W. Bush, that until now is shielded after this curtain to elude its responsibility in this I tangle. Nevertheless, yesterday the director of the company, George Tenet, assured that?nunca said that [ in Iraq ] was an imminent threat, but only?un dangerous dictator? that he dealed with develops (and not that had) a program of arms of massive destruction.
In the United Kingdom, prime minister, Tony Blair, also have announced the creation of a commission to investigate if an error when assuring that were committed Sadam Husein had arms of massive destruction. But in Spain doubt does not fit some: the president of the Government, Jose Maria Aznar, thinks that the threat of the arms of real massive destruction?es? and firmness must be fought?con. In addition?sería one burdens irresponsibility? to argue on the arms that Sadam Husein had, according to affirmed Wednesday before the Congress of the United States.
?Se based on the UN?
Ever since the controversy has been intensified, the Spanish Government is had unmarked alleging that the Spanish intelligence services did not provide information to him on the Iraqian arsenal (something that is contradicted with the truth), and placing in shoulders of the UN the responsibility to make believe the international community that Sadam Husein had arms of massive destruction.
Zaplana has insisted today on avoiding the question: to?Querer to open a debate on these questions is no place in Spain, because we never based our political decision on no type of existence of no report on watch of intelligence. Some want it to bring to collation so that it is let speak of other questions. The minister has been clear: ?Lo said the president of forceful and reiterated form in the Spanish Parliament. One was based on the resolutions of the Security Council of the UN, on the information of the inspectors and the national interest.
And it is that, according to Zaplana, inspecting?los never have said that there were no arms, have never said it and they do not say it now, of which it is not possible to be deduced that, in this kingdom of ambiguity, they said were them. Thus, the Executive admits now for the first time that?pudo to be mistaken.
The Government says that mundial' participated in the war by the ' conviction of which arms existed
BAGDAD (IRAQ). - Minister Portavoz, Eduardo Zaplana, has defended that the Spanish Government participated in the "international conviction" of which Sadam Husein had in its power arms of massive destruction, whose existence did not deny then nor either now the inspectors of the UN. In addition, he remembered that the previous debate to the war did not turn around the existence of arms, but to the terms in which Sadam had to certify its disarmament.
As Sadam did not respond to the terms marked by the UN, the minister spokesman defended that the decision of the Government had "a foundation and a very logical reasoning" when understanding that the risk for the world-wide security "real" era.
In the conference subsequent to the Cabinet, the spokesman of the Executive was asked in numerous occasions for the refusal of the Government to open in Spain an investigation on the use of the information of the secret services, since he has happened in the United Kingdom and the United States.
Zaplana reiterated that the Spanish Government never based his decision to endorse the war against Iraq in information of secret services, but in the conviction, that was common to all the European leaders, of the risk that supposed the existence of arms of massive destruction in Iraq, which advised to act in defense "of the national interest" and "the security of the world".
For that reason, and in "coherence" with the traditional position of the opposite Government to declassify secret information, the Executive does not consider precise on the matter to make public documents of the National Center of Intelligence, according to Zaplana, that as much recommended the complete reading of the declarations of the head of the reconnaissance group for the location of the arsenals prohibited in Iraq, David Kay, like of the director of the company, George W. Tennet.
Zaplana admits possible mistakes and soon it clarifies that the Government was not mistaken
R. AIZPEOLEA? Madrid?? EL COUNTRY | Spain - 07-02-2004
"we can have been mistaken, as anyone can be mistaken, but it has been acted with great coherence and of course defending the interests of our country and the world-wide security over everything". Thus spokesman responded yesterday to the minister, Eduardo Zaplana, in the press conference subsequent to the Cabinet, to the question if the Government she acted correctly in his support in the war of Iraq, knowing that the head of the company, George Tenet, admitted Thursday that never spoke of which in Iraq a "imminent threat" existed.
Five hours after his appearance before mass media after the Cabinet, Zaplana he clarified to this newspaper through a spokesman of his ministry that what it had meant is that anyone can be mistaken when taking a decision, but that in the case of Iraq, the Government did not understand that he had committed an error. "the minister meant that in the same situation, in the same circumstances, the same decision would have been taken", a spokesman of Zaplana explained.
The explanation of the spokesman arrived in the evening. Before, sources of the Presidency of the Government had indicated to this newspaper that was no rectification of the Executive in its position with respect to Iraq and that the words of the spokesman could not be interpreted like the admission of an error.
Zaplana, in the press conference in Moncloa, reiterated the refusal of the Government to appear before the Parliament or to open an investigation commission, like announced in the United States and the United Kingdom, to explain the reasons for which it took part in the war of Iraq, before the ten of questions that was done to him on this question.
Faithful to the argumentario that distributed to Moncloa Monday on this matter, Zaplana assured that the decision of the Government to participate in the war in Iraq was not in favor conditional of any report of the secret services, as the United Kingdom happened in the United States and, which has carried the creation of investigation commissions, according to the minister. Spain, alleged, participated in the international conviction of which Sadam Hussein had in its power arms of massive destruction, cradle in the resolutions of the UN and the information of the inspectors.
This conviction, together with the risk of which these arms could fall into the hands of terrorist groups like A the Qaeda, advised to act "in defense of the security in the world and the national defense", indicated Zaplana. It insisted on which the previous debate to the intervention of the "trio of Azores" in Iraq was not centered on if there were or nonarms of massive destruction, but in "if there were to give more time or not to the inspectors so that they discovered them".